DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

We have the transcript. You are confusing President Trump with Quid Pro Joe Biden.

This is why you Nazi Fags had to go to secret hearings and refusing to allow Due Process.

You stepped in it. Listen to people in your community. They are going to vote out as many Democrats as they can.

America is Sick of you and sick of you batshit hate filled racist Commie Party.

Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
Actually, the Republicans did exactly this during the Clinton impeachment. The House bill yesterday is a boilerplate of the Clinton impeachment bill.

Karma's a BITCH!

Over three days, February 1–3, House managers took videotaped closed-door depositions from Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

It's Okay When Republicans Do It!™
The Democrats gave Trump more rights and protections than Clinton was given
We have the transcript. You are confusing President Trump with Quid Pro Joe Biden.

This is why you Nazi Fags had to go to secret hearings and refusing to allow Due Process.

You stepped in it. Listen to people in your community. They are going to vote out as many Democrats as they can.

America is Sick of you and sick of you batshit hate filled racist Commie Party.

Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
Who is "we". I keep asking for a link to the actual transcript but all anyone seems to be able the provide is the White House edited "Memorandum" version.
Can you kindly provide your link to the actual transcript?
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
He didn't say that.
I'm paraphrasing, of course. But that's exactly the message Comrade Donald communicated. And not just in the phone call. He had his minions communicate the same message prior to the phone call. This is what has been coming out in the testimonies.

Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
Never happened. What do you call Obama’s Russian Dossier that he funded?

Comrade Birther wanted a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent. Right after being investigated for colluding with a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent! It just does not get more stupid than that.

His phone call had fuck-all to do with corruption in the Ukraine.

He just wanted dirt on his chief political opponent (which does not exist), and information on a DNC server in the Ukraine which also does not exist.

Oh? How much did Obama spend on the dossier?
He, Clinton, and The DNC paid Putin $12-$13 Million.

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It

Never happened. What do you call Obama’s Russian Dossier that he funded?

Comrade Birther wanted a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent. Right after being investigated for colluding with a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent! It just does not get more stupid than that.

His phone call had fuck-all to do with corruption in the Ukraine.

He just wanted dirt on his chief political opponent (which does not exist), and information on a DNC server in the Ukraine which also does not exist.

Oh? How much did Obama spend on the dossier?
Never was said. The transcript proves that.
Why are you a liar and an enemy of America?

Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
He didn't say that.
I'm paraphrasing, of course. But that's exactly the message Comrade Donald communicated. And not just in the phone call. He had his minions communicate the same message prior to the phone call. This is what has been coming out in the testimonies.

Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
Nazi - Commie witch hunts over absolutely nothing illegal or unethical is unacceptable, and so are the unbalanced and unfair process they are trying to con America with.

Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....

What's fair about it?
It gives Schiff full power so still no proper defense.
Welcome to the USSR.
There is no defense to mount anyway. This is indefensible.
We aren't talking about the Benghazi hearings or the Clinton impeachment here.
Obama People involved with the CIA, Brennan, and Biden or we’re part of promoting Fake Russian Collusion.

When you are done licking Ayatollah Assahola, come talk facts.
It is the central issue here. If any sort of investigation/impeachment of the president is illegitimate just because it is mostly partisan then we have lost the ability as a nation to hold the president accountable for his actions. Partisanship is not going away any time soon. We cannot allow this to become the new normal where the president feels safe to be as corrupt as they want.
Sounds nice, but it's total hogwash in this case. What you're saying is that it's okay to make anything a Republican president does become against the law just because you lost the election.
The problem with going down this slippery-slope is it will make anything any president does become grounds for impeachment...if it doesn't go along with the desires of the majority in the House. That's essentially a breach of the separation of powers and institutes mob rule.....which is not a Democracy.
We elected the democrats in the house specifically to hold the president accountable for his actions. It's not like Trump's own people didn't warn him he was on dangerous ground with the Ukraine affair but he did it anyway. Blame him for being stupid and lacking in foresight.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.
Lol, many of those witnesses are his people.
Son, you don't have any facts.

All you've got is stupid tRumpian conspiracy theories.
He, Clinton, and The DNC paid Putin $12-$13 Million.

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It

Never happened. What do you call Obama’s Russian Dossier that he funded?

Comrade Birther wanted a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent. Right after being investigated for colluding with a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent! It just does not get more stupid than that.

His phone call had fuck-all to do with corruption in the Ukraine.

He just wanted dirt on his chief political opponent (which does not exist), and information on a DNC server in the Ukraine which also does not exist.

Oh? How much did Obama spend on the dossier?
You said "Obama" paid for it. Why are you talking about Hillary and DNC now?

How much did Obama spend?
It’s time to Subpoena The Transxripts of Schiff’s Secret Kangaroo Court Hearings now that The GOP was given some rights.

Still is a scam the rules are Rigged against Due Process.

Nazi - Commie witch hunts over absolutely nothing illegal or unethical is unacceptable, and so are the unbalanced and unfair process they are trying to con America with.

Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....

What's fair about it?
It gives Schiff full power so still no proper defense.
Welcome to the USSR.
There is no defense to mount anyway. This is indefensible.
We aren't talking about the Benghazi hearings or the Clinton impeachment here.
$1 Million.

So he knew the entire Russian Collusion Narrative, and Investigation was a hoax because he was in on it and spying on The Trump Campaign too.

Obama's campaign paid nearly $1 million to the law firm that helped produce the Trump dossier

He, Clinton, and The DNC paid Putin $12-$13 Million.

Clinton Campaign and Democratic Party Helped Pay for Russia Trump Dossier

The Trump Dossier: What We Know and Who Paid for It

Never happened. What do you call Obama’s Russian Dossier that he funded?

Comrade Birther wanted a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent. Right after being investigated for colluding with a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent! It just does not get more stupid than that.

His phone call had fuck-all to do with corruption in the Ukraine.

He just wanted dirt on his chief political opponent (which does not exist), and information on a DNC server in the Ukraine which also does not exist.

Oh? How much did Obama spend on the dossier?
You said "Obama" paid for it. Why are you talking about Hillary and DNC now?

How much did Obama spend?
We have the transcript. You are confusing President Trump with Quid Pro Joe Biden.

This is why you Nazi Fags had to go to secret hearings and refusing to allow Due Process.

You stepped in it. Listen to people in your community. They are going to vote out as many Democrats as they can.

America is Sick of you and sick of you batshit hate filled racist Commie Party.

Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
If what Biden did was illegal....why isn’t Trump prosecuting?
It’s time to Subpoena The Transxripts of Schiff’s Secret Kangaroo Court Hearings now that The GOP was given some rights.

Still is a scam the rules are Rigged against Due Process.

Nazi - Commie witch hunts over absolutely nothing illegal or unethical is unacceptable, and so are the unbalanced and unfair process they are trying to con America with.

Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....

What's fair about it?
It gives Schiff full power so still no proper defense.
Welcome to the USSR.
There is no defense to mount anyway. This is indefensible.
We aren't talking about the Benghazi hearings or the Clinton impeachment here.
The rules are more generous to the other party than Clinton was allowed
That’s a lie.
It’s time to Subpoena The Transxripts of Schiff’s Secret Kangaroo Court Hearings now that The GOP was given some rights.

Still is a scam the rules are Rigged against Due Process.

Nazi - Commie witch hunts over absolutely nothing illegal or unethical is unacceptable, and so are the unbalanced and unfair process they are trying to con America with.

What's fair about it?
It gives Schiff full power so still no proper defense.
Welcome to the USSR.
There is no defense to mount anyway. This is indefensible.
We aren't talking about the Benghazi hearings or the Clinton impeachment here.
The rules are more generous to the other party than Clinton was allowed
Giuliani, Cohen, and Manafort have had business dealings in the Ukraine for a decade.

A decade.

They were profiting during the period a Russian stooge was president.

Then the stooge was kicked out and the Ukraine began aligning itself with the West. Putin was having none of it and invaded Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

Then Biden comes along and demands Ukraine clean up their corruption.

All this must have really bitten into the illegal gains the Trump cohort were making, and they must have been really sore at Biden.

Then, when Manafort was sent to prison for his corruption connected to the Russian stooge, Rudy the Hand Grenade became downright rabid, and he started putting together a drug deal to take down Biden for his master.

Then Ukraine elects a TV comedian who played a history teacher on a sitcom who become president of the Ukraine by accident.

The game show host president must have felt a sitcom president was his kind of people.

Find me dirt on Biden, or no aid. Thus becoming the very definition of corruption.

Playing right into Putin's hands.
That vote yesterday gave Trump a landslide victory in 2020. The Democrats, because they are afflicted with TDS, are simply to stupid to understand what they did wrong by going after impeachment on a strict partian vote.

Dumb mutherfuckers. Of course these are the same clowns that nominated Crooked Hillary in 2016 and are running Socialists in 2020 so you know they aren't exactly playing with a full deck.
Playing right into Putin's hands.

Is "playing into Putin's hands" like Crooked Hillary giving the Russians 20% of our uranium in exchange for massive contributions to her money laundering foundation and half a mil speaking fees for Slick Willy?

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