DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

If you support Trump's assertion that the president can do what he wants then you have lost the moral authority to criticize any president ever.
That's not what is at issue here.
This impeachment is a political hatchet job created in the House by Democrats using fake evidence and perjured testimony by Obama Administration spies.
It's simply a continuation of the Russian Collusion hoax. They simply changed the country involved.
It is the central issue here. If any sort of investigation/impeachment of the president is illegitimate just because it is mostly partisan then we have lost the ability as a nation to hold the president accountable for his actions. Partisanship is not going away any time soon. We cannot allow this to become the new normal where the president feels safe to be as corrupt as they want.
Sounds nice, but it's total hogwash in this case. What you're saying is that it's okay to make anything a Republican president does become against the law just because you lost the election.
The problem with going down this slippery-slope is it will make anything any president does become grounds for impeachment...if it doesn't go along with the desires of the majority in the House. That's essentially a breach of the separation of powers and institutes mob rule.....which is not a Democracy.
We elected the democrats in the house specifically to hold the president accountable for his actions. It's not like Trump's own people didn't warn him he was on dangerous ground with the Ukraine affair but he did it anyway. Blame him for being stupid and lacking in foresight.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.

So what did the Dems really do themselves with the last corrupt Ukraine Gov?
We need to hear the other side of this.
Dem's are trying to block it anyway they can from coming out.
The Horowitz FISA report is nearing completion for release.
Adam Schiff coached witnesses, including the original whistleblower, which is against the law
That's a lie, dipshit. Schiff never met the whistleblower.

You parroting fuckwits are pathetic.

You lie as badly as your satanic messiah.
How long have you been serving as allahs asshole bleacher?

It’s a rigged process and people are leaving The Democrat Party.

Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
Actually, the Republicans did exactly this during the Clinton impeachment. The House bill yesterday is a boilerplate of the Clinton impeachment bill.

Karma's a BITCH!

Over three days, February 1–3, House managers took videotaped closed-door depositions from Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

It's Okay When Republicans Do It!™
That's it, show Americans just how stupid the party of stupid can get. We will watch as Republicans blow up their careers in metaphorical suicide attacks on our constitution.

to analogize in a pix>>>


The real shame here is that in ten years we will not be able to find anyone who will admit ever supporting this disaster of a president.
10 years? I give it 6 months.
How long have you been serving as allahs asshole bleacher?

Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
Actually, the Republicans did exactly this during the Clinton impeachment. The House bill yesterday is a boilerplate of the Clinton impeachment bill.

Karma's a BITCH!

Over three days, February 1–3, House managers took videotaped closed-door depositions from Monica Lewinsky, Clinton's friend Vernon Jordan, and White House aide Sidney Blumenthal.

Impeachment of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

It's Okay When Republicans Do It!™
Interesting that you've been close enough to his asshole to know it's color.
Comrade Birther wanted a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent. Right after being investigated for colluding with a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent! It just does not get more stupid than that.

His phone call had fuck-all to do with corruption in the Ukraine.

He wanted dirt on his chief political opponent (which does not exist), and information on a DNC server in the Ukraine which also does not exist.

Bone Spur was asking for favors for his own personal political gain, in exchange for foreign aid. THAT is corruption!
Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....
Guess what's going to happen when you LOSE the house next year?

You assholes took our gloves off for us. Don't cry when your political whores start going to prison. The rules that we had in place were changed by you commies, now we can use them against you.

Nah... We already know you're going to riot.

Ooh the irony......
Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
I disagree they declared suicide and the date they will commit it will be the day they vote for impeachment.
That's it, show Americans just how stupid the party of stupid can get. We will watch as Republicans blow up their careers in metaphorical suicide attacks on our constitution.

to analogize in a pix>>>


The real shame here is that in ten years we will not be able to find anyone who will admit ever supporting this disaster of a president.

worse than that, every con in the country will accuse LIBERALS of supporting trump and blame THEM for the mess!

for 150 years they opposed civil rights

but today they claim that they ALWAYS SUPPORTED civil rights and it was those RACIST DEMS who opposed it

Conservative gays are already claiming that it is the DEMS who are homophobic

showing a clear pattern of lies and insanity
Never happened. What do you call Obama’s Russian Dossier that he funded?

Comrade Birther wanted a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent. Right after being investigated for colluding with a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent! It just does not get more stupid than that.

His phone call had fuck-all to do with corruption in the Ukraine.

He just wanted dirt on his chief political opponent (which does not exist), and information on a DNC server in the Ukraine which also does not exist.
Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....

What's fair about it?
It gives Schiff full power so still no proper defense.
Welcome to the USSR.
There is no defense to mount anyway. This is indefensible.
If you support Trump's assertion that the president can do what he wants then you have lost the moral authority to criticize any president ever.
That's not what is at issue here.
This impeachment is a political hatchet job created in the House by Democrats using fake evidence and perjured testimony by Obama Administration spies.
It's simply a continuation of the Russian Collusion hoax. They simply changed the country involved.
It is the central issue here. If any sort of investigation/impeachment of the president is illegitimate just because it is mostly partisan then we have lost the ability as a nation to hold the president accountable for his actions. Partisanship is not going away any time soon. We cannot allow this to become the new normal where the president feels safe to be as corrupt as they want.
Sounds nice, but it's total hogwash in this case. What you're saying is that it's okay to make anything a Republican president does become against the law just because you lost the election.
The problem with going down this slippery-slope is it will make anything any president does become grounds for impeachment...if it doesn't go along with the desires of the majority in the House. That's essentially a breach of the separation of powers and institutes mob rule.....which is not a Democracy.
We elected the democrats in the house specifically to hold the president accountable for his actions. It's not like Trump's own people didn't warn him he was on dangerous ground with the Ukraine affair but he did it anyway. Blame him for being stupid and lacking in foresight.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.
The Mueller Report generated no less than 10 possible charges of obstruction of justice. Approximately one thousand former prosecutors signed a document saying they would prosecute a person for obstruction of justice given the evidence in the Mueller Report.

Claims by Trump of "no obstruction" voiced over and over and over are talking point lies. These lies are repeated over and over and over by his lackeys.

The investigation into Mueller's suggestions of obstruction of justice by Trump has been stonewalled by Trump's refusal to allow witnesses to testify before Congress. It remains a question, a big one, whether courts will allow the stonewalling to continue now that Congress has formalized an impeachment inquiry. Testimony by individuals currently blocked or refusing to testify could change the entire impeachment landscape.
There is an Anti-Lynching Law Pelosi
If refusing to bring to a vote. They have opposed these laws for 200 years.

That's it, show Americans just how stupid the party of stupid can get. We will watch as Republicans blow up their careers in metaphorical suicide attacks on our constitution.

to analogize in a pix>>>


The real shame here is that in ten years we will not be able to find anyone who will admit ever supporting this disaster of a president.

worse than that, every con in the country will accuse LIBERALS of supporting trump and blame THEM for the mess!

for 150 years they opposed civil rights

but today they claim that they ALWAYS SUPPORTED civil rights and it was those RACIST DEMS who opposed it

Conservative gays are already claiming that it is the DEMS who are hmophobic

showing a clear pattern of lies and insanity
If you support Trump's assertion that the president can do what he wants then you have lost the moral authority to criticize any president ever.
That's not what is at issue here.
This impeachment is a political hatchet job created in the House by Democrats using fake evidence and perjured testimony by Obama Administration spies.
It's simply a continuation of the Russian Collusion hoax. They simply changed the country involved.
It is the central issue here. If any sort of investigation/impeachment of the president is illegitimate just because it is mostly partisan then we have lost the ability as a nation to hold the president accountable for his actions. Partisanship is not going away any time soon. We cannot allow this to become the new normal where the president feels safe to be as corrupt as they want.
Sounds nice, but it's total hogwash in this case. What you're saying is that it's okay to make anything a Republican president does become against the law just because you lost the election.
The problem with going down this slippery-slope is it will make anything any president does become grounds for impeachment...if it doesn't go along with the desires of the majority in the House. That's essentially a breach of the separation of powers and institutes mob rule.....which is not a Democracy.
We elected the democrats in the house specifically to hold the president accountable for his actions. It's not like Trump's own people didn't warn him he was on dangerous ground with the Ukraine affair but he did it anyway. Blame him for being stupid and lacking in foresight.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.
Lol, many of those witnesses are his people.
Never happened. What do you call Obama’s Russian Dossier that he funded?

Comrade Birther wanted a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent. Right after being investigated for colluding with a foreign power to give him dirt on a political opponent! It just does not get more stupid than that.

His phone call had fuck-all to do with corruption in the Ukraine.

He just wanted dirt on his chief political opponent (which does not exist), and information on a DNC server in the Ukraine which also does not exist.
It's all there in the transcript and the testimonies. Man, it is astounding how deep in the dark your propagandists have been keeping you!

No wonder Comrade Donald is so easily able to hoax you.
Nazi - Commie witch hunts over absolutely nothing illegal or unethical is unacceptable, and so are the unbalanced and unfair process they are trying to con America with.

Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....

What's fair about it?
It gives Schiff full power so still no proper defense.
Welcome to the USSR.
There is no defense to mount anyway. This is indefensible.
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.
Obama People involved with the CIA, Brennan, and Biden or we’re part of promoting Fake Russian Collusion.

When you are done licking Ayatollah Assahola, come talk facts.
That's not what is at issue here.
This impeachment is a political hatchet job created in the House by Democrats using fake evidence and perjured testimony by Obama Administration spies.
It's simply a continuation of the Russian Collusion hoax. They simply changed the country involved.
It is the central issue here. If any sort of investigation/impeachment of the president is illegitimate just because it is mostly partisan then we have lost the ability as a nation to hold the president accountable for his actions. Partisanship is not going away any time soon. We cannot allow this to become the new normal where the president feels safe to be as corrupt as they want.
Sounds nice, but it's total hogwash in this case. What you're saying is that it's okay to make anything a Republican president does become against the law just because you lost the election.
The problem with going down this slippery-slope is it will make anything any president does become grounds for impeachment...if it doesn't go along with the desires of the majority in the House. That's essentially a breach of the separation of powers and institutes mob rule.....which is not a Democracy.
We elected the democrats in the house specifically to hold the president accountable for his actions. It's not like Trump's own people didn't warn him he was on dangerous ground with the Ukraine affair but he did it anyway. Blame him for being stupid and lacking in foresight.
Trump wasn't warned by his own people.
None of these witnesses are his own people.
Everyone who supported the president can see this for what it is. The Democrats couldn't generate any crimes from the Mueller Investigation so they're trying to create something from normal operating situations. It is purely a political matter, not a legal matter. It's like saying the president isn't allowed to do what presidents before him did because it scares snowflakes.

Trump is trying to get to the bottom of claims of Russian interference in our elections yet Democrats are trying to prevent him from proving who was responsible.
Lol, many of those witnesses are his people.
Ahemmm, the Democrats do have the majority in the house, chosen by we the people... and not an electoral college, so OF COURSE they would be the ones to write the rules of this process for the House.

The process is very fair... stop whining about process and find a way to DEFEND Trump, for his alleged wrong doings, IF YOU CAN....
Why not let him
Govern and leave him alone? Try to beat home in 12 months .. if you can lol

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