DemoRATS have now declared political civil war....

The Senate does the impeaching.
That is not going to happen.

Keep dreaming.
Which won't bode well for the 23 Republican seats up for grabs next year if the public largely believes he should have been convicted.

They already don't
I've seen polls ranging from high 40's to high 50's. And the public hearings are just getting started.

At this point in Nixon's impeachment proceedings, not a single Republican voted to proceed either and public support was lower.

I laugh
It's like a grand jury
Only the prosecution has leaked charges
The defense has done nothing yet
This is the highest point that you will achieve

Once the FISA abuse is in the actual public domain
Once Durham puts his report into the public domain
Once the foreign influence is in the public domain
You guys will be lucky to have 10%

Trump refuses to put a war room together to fight the impeachment.
Again, it goes back to his narcissism and sociopathy.
He thinks he "alone can do it".
What a fucking fool.

There is no need for one.
He has not done anything wrong.
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.

1) that was never said or even hinted.
2) Ukraine got the aid.
3) Trump has no dirt on Biden from the Ukraine.
4) Durham opened up a criminal investigation that will support Trump in the end.

1) . Where's Mick Mulvaney, then? Or did you miss that presser where he openly ADMITTED Trump's QPQ and told the reporters to "get over it".

Fox didn't broadcast that?

Then you're just another Trump mushroom thriving in the dark with daily manure thrown in to keep you alive.

What he said is that Presidents have done that all the time, and they did. Slow Joe was speaking on behalf of DumBama when he did his quid pro quo. He stated the President would not give any aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was on the case of his son's employer.

The transcript between Trump and Zelensky is out there for everybody to read. Democrats can't lie their way out of this one.

Yeah, the transcript is out there. Please read the fine print. Sorry, Sparky
So... where's the part where Trump said 'you don't get the money unless you do what I want'?

Oh WAIT... I forgot!

The fact it's NOT there PROVES he said it.
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.

1) that was never said or even hinted.
2) Ukraine got the aid.
3) Trump has no dirt on Biden from the Ukraine.
4) Durham opened up a criminal investigation that will support Trump in the end.
If I get pulled over for drunk driving and offer the cop $500 to let it go
I get charged with bribing a police officer. He does not have to take the money for me to be convicted

Trump made the offer

So when did Trump make the offer? Certainly not in the phone call. Show me where Trump stated our military aid would be based on if Zelensky conducted an investigation. Page number and paragraph please.

Yes he fucking did.
You're right outta' "1984" pal.

." We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United· States for defense purposes.

The President: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot..."

That's the part that was left in. The witnesses who have testified said there was a lot more.
The transcript has been heavily edited for morons like you.

Transcript of Trump call with Ukraine’s Zelensky: full text as released by White House
Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves."

You don't support that, Zippy?

Cherry picked facts.
No one should support.
Cherry picked facts? Republicans will get to call their own witnesses in the open hearings. So what's cherry picked?
Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves."

You don't support that, Zippy?

Cherry picked facts.
No one should support.
Cherry picked facts? Republicans will get to call their own witnesses in the open hearings. So what's cherry picked?

Any wittnesess brought up by R's can be refused by Schiff.
The whole bill gives more power to Schiff.
Read the bill at
Total political war has been joined. On the floor of the United Sates House of Representatives on Thursday, the battle lines were drawn — and they could not be more clear or decisive. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves. That is really what this vote is about. It is about the truth, and what is at stake in all of this is nothing less than our democracy.”

Stirring stuff, but not to be outdone, Republican Rep. Jim Jordan fired back, calling into question the origins of the Ukraine investigation that began with a whistleblower’s meeting with Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff’s staff.

Chiding the chairman, Jordan said, “One member of this body knows who this person is who started this whole darn, crazy process: Chairman Schiff. And what’s this resolution do? Gives him even more power to run this secret proceeding in a bunker in the basement of the Capitol.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Reading through the resolution sounds exactly like a manifest from Soviet Russia....Schitt for brains has been given the power to approve witnesses, limit their testimony, and may or may NOT allow the president to have legal council in attendance for ALL proceedings...if the Republicans did this the ABNORMALS of the left and their slavish co conspirators in the MSM would go nuts!!!!!
"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: “Every member should support allowing the American people to hear the facts for themselves."

You don't support that, Zippy?

Cherry picked facts.
No one should support.
Cherry picked facts? Republicans will get to call their own witnesses in the open hearings. So what's cherry picked?

Any wittnesess brought up by R's can be refused by Schiff.
The whole bill gives more power to Schiff.
Read the bill at
Trump is being given more protections than Clinton was
That's it, show Americans just how stupid the party of stupid can get. We will watch as Republicans blow up their careers in metaphorical suicide attacks on our constitution.

to analogize in a pix>>>


The real shame here is that in ten years we will not be able to find anyone who will admit ever supporting this disaster of a president.
The person in there doesn’t matter, we need people to destroy the status quo.
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.

1) that was never said or even hinted.

It was said very specifically. "I need a favor." Trump asked for dirt on Biden for his own personal gain, and he held up foreign aid to coerce Ukraine. That is the very definition of corruption.

2) Ukraine got the aid.
After Zelensky agreed to play Trump's stupid game.

3) Trump has no dirt on Biden from the Ukraine.

Because there isn't any.

4) Durham opened up a criminal investigation that will support Trump in the end.
Good luck with that.
for 150 years they opposed civil rights

but today they claim that they ALWAYS SUPPORTED civil rights and it was those RACIST DEMS who opposed it

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’

Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a Percentage Than Democrats Did’



I note that your FACT is VAGUE!

you give no actual numbers.

the percentage could have been very close but you have chosen to spin it in a manner to deceive people into believing something that isn't actually true.

How conservative of you.

I'll fix that....

I'll give the ACTUAL numbers!


DEMOCRATIC party; 152-96 (61-39%) and the 96 dems who voted against were (I see you forgot to mention this) SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS

REPUBLICAN party 138-34 (80-20%) and the 34 repubs who voted against civil rights were, once again, SOUTHERN CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS (why do you NEVER mention that fact? you CHOOSE to lie?)


DEM 44-23

REP 27-6

So your attempt to make it look like REPUBS (CONSERVATIVES) voted FOR civil rights while dems voted AGAINST it is just lies and bull shit.
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.

1) that was never said or even hinted.
2) Ukraine got the aid.
3) Trump has no dirt on Biden from the Ukraine.
4) Durham opened up a criminal investigation that will support Trump in the end.

1) . Where's Mick Mulvaney, then? Or did you miss that presser where he openly ADMITTED Trump's QPQ and told the reporters to "get over it".

Fox didn't broadcast that?

Then you're just another Trump mushroom thriving in the dark with daily manure thrown in to keep you alive.

What he said is that Presidents have done that all the time, and they did. Slow Joe was speaking on behalf of DumBama when he did his quid pro quo. He stated the President would not give any aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was on the case of his son's employer.

The transcript between Trump and Zelensky is out there for everybody to read. Democrats can't lie their way out of this one.
Complete word-for-word transcript?
Gimme dirt on Biden, or no aid.

The very definition of corruption.

1) that was never said or even hinted.
2) Ukraine got the aid.
3) Trump has no dirt on Biden from the Ukraine.
4) Durham opened up a criminal investigation that will support Trump in the end.
Of course trump got dirt on Biden.

To get dirt on Biden required Burisma Holdings was under investigation at the time Shokin was fired. Because had it been under investigation, then there's an appearance that Biden had him fired to stop the investigation. Whereas if it wasn't under investigation, then there's no argument to be made he had Shokin fired to end the investigation.

Every news article indicated there was no open investigation. No investigation, no dirt.

Then, Trump got an affidavit from Shokin that he was investigating Burisma when he was forced out. That is the only evidence there was an open investigation.

That affidavit was dated September 4th, 2019.

Trump released the funds on September 11th, 2019.
What he said is that Presidents have done that all the time, and they did. Slow Joe was speaking on behalf of DumBama when he did his quid pro quo. He stated the President would not give any aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor that was on the case of his son's employer.
You parrots probably think you are being clever by adding that totally made up "on the case of his son's employer" horseshit.

That's not why Biden held up the aid. You are projecting Trump's corruption for personal gain. Nice try, dipshit.

Now here're some facts for you to choke on:

Former Ukraine prosecutor says Hunter Biden ‘did not violate anything’
“Hunter Biden cannot be responsible for violations of the management of Burisma that took place two years before his arrival,” Lutsenko said.

Ukraine Prosecutor Says No Evidence of Wrongdoing by Bidens

It Doesn’t Take a Genius to Interfere in the U.S. Presidential Election

As the whistleblower’s report notes, even before Trump was repeating Lutsenko’s lines to Zelensky, the prosecutor was already walking them back. And since the release of the whistleblower report, Lutsenko has told multiple major U.S. newspapers that, regardless of what he said earlier, he doesn’t have dirt on Biden of any consequence whatsoever.

What To Know About The Ukrainian Company At The Heart Of Trump's Biden Allegations

On Friday, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, Ukraine's newly appointed chief prosecutor, told reporters his office will review all investigations shelved by his predecessors, including those involving Burisma and Zlochevsky. Those investigations were into activities that took place before Hunter Biden joined the board in 2014.

You're welcome!
Which won't bode well for the 23 Republican seats up for grabs next year if the public largely believes he should have been convicted.

They already don't
I've seen polls ranging from high 40's to high 50's. And the public hearings are just getting started.

At this point in Nixon's impeachment proceedings, not a single Republican voted to proceed either and public support was lower.

Do you have rebuttal other than a smiley face?

Laughing at your drivel wasn't enough?

If that's all you have

That's all I need.

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