Dems Are Panicking Over Planned Forensic Audit of 2020 PA Election

Nothing says legitimate election like fighting against transparency, hiding behind piles of razor wire, and 30,000 troops you don’t trust.

LOL. Nah. No one is "panicking". If anything, we are amused. So, sure. knock yourself out. Because this scam will be exactly like the others.

At the end of it all, Rump will still be a loser and this will end in lawsuits similar to the "Build the Wall" scam. While millions of dollars will be raised from the ever credulous mouth-breathing trumpies!
Sending Biden puts the lie to your words. If this was 'nothing' then Biden and folks wouldn't waste the time and risk another gaff filled outing.
Yawn. And, if Biden didn't go, you numbnuts will claim that the Dems are too scared to show their face. Whatever feeds your fantasy, chump.
I'm not saying the election was stolen or not - I don't really know enough either way to commit an opinion to it but what I will say is that if they've nothing to hide, why don't they embrace the forensic audit with open arms in the interests of being vindicated and putting it to bed forever?
Why didn't trump show his taxes until he was forced to? IF he had nothing to hide? or let those under subpoena testify, or not pardon those who knew of his guilt?
I don't know the answer. Does it really matter? you'd have to ask him about his personal tax affairs.

Can you answer my question now please instead of irrelevant whataboutary.
Again scot this audit crap is just that,,,BS ,,All political to undermine our election process to make it easier for repub garbage to win 60+ court decisions Supremes , many republicans , What do you want now?? Blood?
It's not about what I want tbh.

Believe it or not I'm not a massive Trump supporter - I just hate Biden and your average Democrat/leftist so much that it means by sheer default I'm more pro the other side (for want of a better explanation).

I'm just confused as to why anyone on your side WOULDN'T want the chance to be vindicated and put this stuff to bed and just have the audit.
Scott AGAIN ,repubs have had 6 months looking for any fraud that'd make a hill of beans difference How much more time is needed ?? Up until the 2024 election?? Come on man ,,can't you see it's just repubs throwing more crap against the wall And to be honest with you ,,I hate everything about republicans from trump to cruz graham barr Greene and on and on
I'm not saying the election was stolen or not - I don't really know enough either way to commit an opinion to it but what I will say is that if they've nothing to hide, why don't they embrace the forensic audit with open arms in the interests of being vindicated and putting it to bed forever?
Why didn't trump show his taxes until he was forced to? IF he had nothing to hide? or let those under subpoena testify, or not pardon those who knew of his guilt?

Why did the biased media bury all the information on Biden's collusion with the Ukraine, Russia and China.....
Hunter Biden's laptop revalations show the criminal actions of the Biden family with Joey Xi taking 10% from the top of every traitorous deal generated by Hunter, Frank, James and Valerie....
Who is planning this so-called "forensic audit"? The election is over and done with. Why continue to beat a dead horse just because your criminal lost to Biden?
The PA Supreme Court knowingly allowed mailed-in-at-the-last-minute ballots with non-matching signatures to be acceptable.

I am sure that there is much more to it than that.

Now let's see the documents that the trumpsters filed in the various (61?) courts. The trump legal team must have them and they should have been published on the internet a long time ago. To date, no evidence has been presented to the public to back up the trumpsters' claim of widespread voter fraud. None, yet some yahoo above has made the claim that trump won PA by 400,000 votes. Remember that trump was saying before the election that there must be fraud if he didn't win.

The republicans have a pattern of not wanting to show anything to the American public. The trump administration continuously refused to turn over documents to Congress, its officials refused subpoenas to testify before Congress, even though an innocent person should not be afraid to testify, refused to allow witnesses at trump's last impeachment trial, refuse to support a 9/11 style committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on Congress even though they are members of Congress. Now, as I said, trump's court documents have not been presented.

These actions are dishonest and reflect an intention to hide what they have been doing. They are insupportable. I take them as a tacit admission of guilt.
The case came before the PA SC and they took less than a minute to dismiss it without looking at any evidence.
It happened that night while I was watching.
Apparently, the court had good reasons for its ruling, lack of due diligence in delaying in filing the complaint, and the fact that ruling otherwise would disenfranchise a huge amount of Pennsylvania voters. Only 60 courts to go, plus the other evidence, if any, that would establish widespread voter fraud. To make this claim, yo folks must have evidence. Where is it?
Nothing says legitimate election like fighting against transparency, hiding behind piles of razor wire, and 30,000 troops you don’t trust.

LOL. Nah. No one is "panicking". If anything, we are amused. So, sure. knock yourself out. Because this scam will be exactly like the others.

At the end of it all, Rump will still be a loser and this will end in lawsuits similar to the "Build the Wall" scam. While millions of dollars will be raised from the ever credulous mouth-breathing trumpies!
Sending Biden puts the lie to your words. If this was 'nothing' then Biden and folks wouldn't waste the time and risk another gaff filled outing.
Yawn. And, if Biden didn't go, you numbnuts will claim that the Dems are too scared to show their face. Whatever feeds your fantasy, chump.
Hardly, if Biden didn't go, nobody would have anything to say. Biden jumping on a plane the minute an audit is announced says something. You dumbass liberal shills can keep pretending it's nothing, even though this move is totally out of character of his crap administration.
Nothing says legitimate election like fighting against transparency, hiding behind piles of razor wire, and 30,000 troops you don’t trust.

LOL. Nah. No one is "panicking". If anything, we are amused. So, sure. knock yourself out. Because this scam will be exactly like the others.

At the end of it all, Rump will still be a loser and this will end in lawsuits similar to the "Build the Wall" scam. While millions of dollars will be raised from the ever credulous mouth-breathing trumpies!
Sending Biden puts the lie to your words. If this was 'nothing' then Biden and folks wouldn't waste the time and risk another gaff filled outing.
Yawn. And, if Biden didn't go, you numbnuts will claim that the Dems are too scared to show their face. Whatever feeds your fantasy, chump.
Hardly, if Biden didn't go, nobody would have anything to say. Biden jumping on a plane the minute an audit is announced says something. You dumbass liberal shills can keep pretending it's nothing, even though this move is totally out of character of his crap administration.
Like I said, whatever rocks your boat.

Here is my prediction: No matter what the audits by "Cypher Nutjobs" or whoever gets the contract, Nothing. Will. Change.

Biden will still be the president and Rump will still be a loser whining in Florida. And, you morons will still be angry and out of money.

So, go for it. If you morons can't see a scam after all these years of grift from the orange one, you deserve to be scammed.
Trump won PA by at least 400k votes, likely more.
The people of PA. did not vote away their energy jobs. That was the wrong state to steal.
10 illegal votes cast in Penn ALL 10 for Trump
Bullshit. What are you scared of if there was no fraud?
How long do you need to prove this is all BS , Republicans trying to diminish our election process?
Wrong, Democrats have already done it by blocking audits and refusing to cooperate. Making sure our elections are secure can only help this country. Democrats are destroying democracy by stopping audits and investigations.
Sounds like trump blocking subpoenas pardoning crooks Maybe Dems are learning from trump??
Pretty stupid answer. Democrats refuse to investigate an obviously stolen election.
We're learning Just like repubs refused to look into republican trash attacking our Capital
Who is planning this so-called "forensic audit"? The election is over and done with. Why continue to beat a dead horse just because your criminal lost to Biden?
The PA Supreme Court knowingly allowed mailed-in-at-the-last-minute ballots with non-matching signatures to be acceptable.

I am sure that there is much more to it than that.

Now let's see the documents that the trumpsters filed in the various (61?) courts. The trump legal team must have them and they should have been published on the internet a long time ago. To date, no evidence has been presented to the public to back up the trumpsters' claim of widespread voter fraud. None, yet some yahoo above has made the claim that trump won PA by 400,000 votes. Remember that trump was saying before the election that there must be fraud if he didn't win.

The republicans have a pattern of not wanting to show anything to the American public. The trump administration continuously refused to turn over documents to Congress, its officials refused subpoenas to testify before Congress, even though an innocent person should not be afraid to testify, refused to allow witnesses at trump's last impeachment trial, refuse to support a 9/11 style committee to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on Congress even though they are members of Congress. Now, as I said, trump's court documents have not been presented.

These actions are dishonest and reflect an intention to hide what they have been doing. They are insupportable. I take them as a tacit admission of guilt.
The case came before the PA SC and they took less than a minute to dismiss it without looking at any evidence.
It happened that night while I was watching.
Apparently, the court had good reasons for its ruling, lack of due diligence in delaying in filing the complaint, and the fact that ruling otherwise would disenfranchise a huge amount of Pennsylvania voters. Only 60 courts to go, plus the other evidence, if any, that would establish widespread voter fraud. To make this claim, yo folks must have evidence. Where is it?
A ruling that took less than 30 seconds on the day of the election when the ballots were dumped late at night.
Who is planning this so-called "forensic audit"? The election is over and done with. Why continue to beat a dead horse just because your criminal lost to Biden?
Why are you crying about an audit? If you really believe Biden won honestly then relax.
I'm not saying the election was stolen or not - I don't really know enough either way to commit an opinion to it but what I will say is that if they've nothing to hide, why don't they embrace the forensic audit with open arms in the interests of being vindicated and putting it to bed forever?
The can't embrace it....because they stole the election and they don't want anyone to think otherwise.
Smart money says President Trump won the popular vote by over 20 million votes. Nobody actually voted for that stuttering fuck.... other than Dominion..... and some wetbacks and knuckledraggers in warehouses filling in ballots for tamales and Skittles.

The entire planet waits to see what we do about it.
Who is planning this so-called "forensic audit"? The election is over and done with. Why continue to beat a dead horse just because your criminal lost to Biden?

Gotcha. Democrats safely stole the election and it's in the books. We just need to get over it.

No, we don't
Smart money says President Trump won the popular vote by over 20 million votes.
Trump won PA by at least 400k votes, likely more.
The people of PA. did not vote away their energy jobs. That was the wrong state to steal.
10 illegal votes cast in Penn ALL 10 for Trump
Bullshit. What are you scared of if there was no fraud?
How long do you need to prove this is all BS , Republicans trying to diminish our election process?
Wrong, Democrats have already done it by blocking audits and refusing to cooperate. Making sure our elections are secure can only help this country. Democrats are destroying democracy by stopping audits and investigations.
Sounds like trump blocking subpoenas pardoning crooks Maybe Dems are learning from trump??
Pretty stupid answer. Democrats refuse to investigate an obviously stolen election.
We're learning Just like repubs refused to look into republican trash attacking our Capital
Republicans aren't in charge of that, moron. We don't need a bunch of politicians pretending to "investigate" the riot on Jan 6. All they are really doing it ventilating like a bunch of gas bags.
Who is planning this so-called "forensic audit"? The election is over and done with. Why continue to beat a dead horse just because your criminal lost to Biden?

"Your criminal lost to Biden"


Biden = criminal who lost
Democrats have raised cheating to a fine art. They are destroying every pillar of our Republic including election integrity. It isn't just a sound byte. The Democratic Party is the enemy of America.

Those participating in the steal are the enemy of America


Cheney family
Fox News
Chris Wray
Nothing says legitimate election like fighting against transparency, hiding behind piles of razor wire, and 30,000 troops you don’t trust.

LOL. Nah. No one is "panicking". If anything, we are amused. So, sure. knock yourself out. Because this scam will be exactly like the others.

At the end of it all, Rump will still be a loser and this will end in lawsuits similar to the "Build the Wall" scam. While millions of dollars will be raised from the ever credulous mouth-breathing trumpies!
Sending Biden puts the lie to your words. If this was 'nothing' then Biden and folks wouldn't waste the time and risk another gaff filled outing.
Yawn. And, if Biden didn't go, you numbnuts will claim that the Dems are too scared to show their face. Whatever feeds your fantasy, chump.
Hardly, if Biden didn't go, nobody would have anything to say. Biden jumping on a plane the minute an audit is announced says something. You dumbass liberal shills can keep pretending it's nothing, even though this move is totally out of character of his crap administration.
Like I said, whatever rocks your boat.

Here is my prediction: No matter what the audits by "Cypher Nutjobs" or whoever gets the contract, Nothing. Will. Change.

Biden will still be the president and Rump will still be a loser whining in Florida. And, you morons will still be angry and out of money.

So, go for it. If you morons can't see a scam after all these years of grift from the orange one, you deserve to be scammed.
We'll see. You folks NEED it to be wrong. If there is anything, there will be changes. Liberals aren't circling the wagons, and revisiting old myths and red herrings for nothing. The last time Biden jumped on a plane without weeks of planning was for a disaster, so when he jumps on a plane for this, what are we supposed to think?
I'm not saying the election was stolen or not - I don't really know enough either way to commit an opinion to it but what I will say is that if they've nothing to hide, why don't they embrace the forensic audit with open arms in the interests of being vindicated and putting it to bed forever?
Why didn't trump show his taxes until he was forced to? IF he had nothing to hide? or let those under subpoena testify, or not pardon those who knew of his guilt?
^^^^ Same asshole that loses his shit if you say anything about Obie’s birth certificate.

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