Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

Yeah sure. Sorry CLOWN, this is a MEANINGLESS, very obscure internet message board that I found by Googling. I was looking for someplace where intelligent people could write.This isn't it.
You are ABSOLUTLY HILARIOS "Ray from buttfuckville". Some internet NUTCASE sitting around, no life, NOBODY cares but HEY! You are a Platinum Member here! That's REALLY FUNNY "Ray"!
Are you really so damn stupid as to imagine what YOU think or write here in your little hobby means one fucking thing? Ray you could die in five minutes and it wouldn't mean one damn thing! You don't influence anyone, NOBODY reads this silly board.You are in your bubble, your own separate reality.That's a definition of insanity.
Maybe you can hit 21,000 posts soon! GET A FUCKING LIFE MAN!
Now Ray, tell everyone I'm afraid of you, you beat your chest and howl. Yeah, riiiiiiight. Whatever.
Live your delusion guys! You don't mean a damn thing.Nothing. You imbeciles are failures.
If you had ANYTHING going, you wouldn't be obsessed with this clownish message board.Poor Ray.
Poor dumb hick Ray.

You sound deranged, son. You must be a Democrat. Lay off that Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain. You're becoming dangerously unhinged. Get some help, son. I really mean it. Take care.
Yeah sure. Sorry CLOWN, this is a MEANINGLESS, very obscure internet message board that I found by Googling. I was looking for someplace where intelligent people could write.This isn't it.
You are ABSOLUTLY HILARIOS "Ray from buttfuckville". Some internet NUTCASE sitting around, no life, NOBODY cares but HEY! You are a Platinum Member here! That's REALLY FUNNY "Ray"!
Are you really so damn stupid as to imagine what YOU think or write here in your little hobby means one fucking thing? Ray you could die in five minutes and it wouldn't mean one damn thing! You don't influence anyone, NOBODY reads this silly board.You are in your bubble, your own separate reality.That's a definition of insanity.
Maybe you can hit 21,000 posts soon! GET A FUCKING LIFE MAN!
Now Ray, tell everyone I'm afraid of you, you beat your chest and howl. Yeah, riiiiiiight. Whatever.
Live your delusion guys! You don't mean a damn thing.Nothing. You imbeciles are failures.
If you had ANYTHING going, you wouldn't be obsessed with this clownish message board.Poor Ray.
Poor dumb hick Ray.

Dumb hick. Is that supposed to be an insult of some kind? I bet this is the type of insults you use with your other friend in high school. You don't like the board or people? Then move on. Use your time more wisely than those of us here. You know, maybe educate yourself by figuring out Cleveland in not in the middle of the sticks somewhere. That would be a good place to start.

Yes, I have 21,000 posts in two years. You're almost up to 30 and you've only been here a few hours. Now move on little troll.......move on.
Let's be clear here, there are victims that become dependents, and the thing is that we all need to be honest about it. Now the ways in which the issues are being exploited can either increase the problems or decrease them if the issues are handled more correctly.

Yes, there will always be victims and dependents, but victimization and dependency by choice or no choice is the question.

When I see that 300 lbs woman in the grocery store with four kids using food stamps, that was her choice to have children she couldn't afford to feed. When I go through lower income neighborhoods and see people in their 20's and 30's walking around instead of being at a job, it was their choice to be poor.

The Democrat party manufactures victims: victims of the wealthy, victims of Big Oil, victims of Wall Street, victims of gender discrimination, victims of race discrimination, victims of Big Pharma, victims of gun legalization, victims of Big Corporations.........

The truth is there are very few true victims in our society, but as long as the Democrat party can convince people that they are victims, they need to vote Democrat to get even with all the people they perceive giving them woes in life.

It's a radicalization agenda the Democrats have embarked on. It started many years ago. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' They have to convince their followers that there's an evil 'Republican Boogeyman' hiding under their beds, ready to pounce. They need the 'Victims.' Without them, the Democratic Party couldn't win very many Elections.

And since Election Day, they've really gone insane inciting their followers. They're out of control. They've created a very dangerous environment. Now, they're not just convincing folks they're victims, they're inciting them to do harm to those deemed 'responsible.' Hence this recent horrific attack by a radicalized Democrat loon. They really are out of control with their incitement. I don't know how, but they do need to be reigned in.

I agree with most of what you said except they need to be reigned in. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times "When you see an adversary making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is get out of the way."

The Democrat party is in a confused mode right now because their tactics of the past are no longer working. The racists, sexists, homophobe thing is failing and more and more people are seeing through it.

Now is the time when Democrats become entertaining. Their hysteria is nothing but pure delight. The more excited they get, the more animated. It's kind of like that look your dog gives you when you make a funny noise with your mouth. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Yeah sure. Sorry CLOWN, this is a MEANINGLESS, very obscure internet message board that I found by Googling. I was looking for someplace where intelligent people could write.This isn't it.
You are ABSOLUTLY HILARIOS "Ray from buttfuckville". Some internet NUTCASE sitting around, no life, NOBODY cares but HEY! You are a Platinum Member here! That's REALLY FUNNY "Ray"!
Are you really so damn stupid as to imagine what YOU think or write here in your little hobby means one fucking thing? Ray you could die in five minutes and it wouldn't mean one damn thing! You don't influence anyone, NOBODY reads this silly board.You are in your bubble, your own separate reality.That's a definition of insanity.
Maybe you can hit 21,000 posts soon! GET A FUCKING LIFE MAN!
Now Ray, tell everyone I'm afraid of you, you beat your chest and howl. Yeah, riiiiiiight. Whatever.
Live your delusion guys! You don't mean a damn thing.Nothing. You imbeciles are failures.
If you had ANYTHING going, you wouldn't be obsessed with this clownish message board.Poor Ray.
Poor dumb hick Ray.
Let's be clear here, there are victims that become dependents, and the thing is that we all need to be honest about it. Now the ways in which the issues are being exploited can either increase the problems or decrease them if the issues are handled more correctly.

Yes, there will always be victims and dependents, but victimization and dependency by choice or no choice is the question.

When I see that 300 lbs woman in the grocery store with four kids using food stamps, that was her choice to have children she couldn't afford to feed. When I go through lower income neighborhoods and see people in their 20's and 30's walking around instead of being at a job, it was their choice to be poor.

The Democrat party manufactures victims: victims of the wealthy, victims of Big Oil, victims of Wall Street, victims of gender discrimination, victims of race discrimination, victims of Big Pharma, victims of gun legalization, victims of Big Corporations.........

The truth is there are very few true victims in our society, but as long as the Democrat party can convince people that they are victims, they need to vote Democrat to get even with all the people they perceive giving them woes in life.

It's a radicalization agenda the Democrats have embarked on. It started many years ago. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' They have to convince their followers that there's an evil 'Republican Boogeyman' hiding under their beds, ready to pounce. They need the 'Victims.' Without them, the Democratic Party couldn't win very many Elections.

And since Election Day, they've really gone insane inciting their followers. They're out of control. They've created a very dangerous environment. Now, they're not just convincing folks they're victims, they're inciting them to do harm to those deemed 'responsible.' Hence this recent horrific attack by a radicalized Democrat loon. They really are out of control with their incitement. I don't know how, but they do need to be reigned in.

I agree with most of what you said except they need to be reigned in. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times "When you see an adversary making a fool out of themselves, the best thing you can do is get out of the way."

The Democrat party is in a confused mode right now because their tactics of the past are no longer working. The racists, sexists, homophobe thing is failing and more and more people are seeing through it.

Now is the time when Democrats become entertaining. Their hysteria is nothing but pure delight. The more excited they get, the more animated. It's kind of like that look your dog gives you when you make a funny noise with your mouth. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Good points. But i've become very concerned with the degree of hate incitement coming from Democrats since Election Day. It really is unprecedented. I'd like to chill and laugh at em like you, but i just can't. They've created a very dangerous environment. They're creating Hundreds, maybe Thousands, of radicalized nutjobs. Those people will act on the incitement. They will seek to commit violence.

It's not like the old days, when Democrats merely convinced folks they were 'Victims.' These days they're going well beyond that. They're now convincing folks they need to harm those the Party deems 'responsible' for it. It's a much more hostile violent environment now. I'm very concerned about more violence. So i can't take them so lightly. But hey, that's just how i see it anyway.
Sure boys. You are REAL keyboard warriors! Battling the looney left all day with your posts!
Poor stupid fucks, at least your earnestness coupled with your psychosis and utter stupidity has great comedy value! You really are funny.
Yes, you jokers are so brilliant I can't take the heat, that's it.I'm a high school kid....riiiight You forgot the "paid poster" by Soros, in my "mothers basement" and the evergreen...."take your meds"...LOl
Yes guys, declare your victory......because only the BEST survive here on the famous US Message boards.....ranked a whopping 994,343rd on the US web! Har har.
Enjoy the circle jerk little ones! You really are master debaters!
I'm off to Malibu later, though it is kind of cloudy.Love to take my Mustang up the coast to Ventura, have dinner at the harbor with my wife, then take the scenic route back to LA
.But I'm sure Cleveland and the other shitholes you inhabit are much nicer!
Bye LOSERS! You KNOW who you are!
I think it was pretty undemocratic for the Republicans under Obama not to take action on his nominees to fill those court vacancies when they were supposed to. It was their strategy, in hopes of loading the courts when a Republican won the WH. You're PROUD of that?

Fuckin A right I am. At least they did SOMETHING to stop that meat puppet faggot's regressive agenda. There is a severe over abundance of moonbat loons in the court system.

Sure boys. You are REAL keyboard warriors! Battling the looney left all day with your posts!
Poor stupid fucks, at least your earnestness coupled with your psychosis and utter stupidity has great comedy value! You really are funny.
Yes, you jokers are so brilliant I can't take the heat, that's it.I'm a high school kid....riiiight You forgot the "paid poster" by Soros, in my "mothers basement" and the evergreen...."take your meds"...LOl
Yes guys, declare your victory......because only the BEST survive here on the famous US Message boards.....ranked a whopping 994,343rd on the US web! Har har.
Enjoy the circle jerk little ones! You really are master debaters!
I'm off to Malibu later, though it is kind of cloudy.Love to take my Mustang up the coast to Ventura, have dinner at the harbor with my wife, then take the scenic route back to LA
.But I'm sure Cleveland and the other shitholes you inhabit are much nicer!
Bye LOSERS! You KNOW who you are!

You are the perfect illustration of a useless giant douche.


Good points. But i've become very concerned with the degree of hate incitement coming from Democrats since Election Day. It really is unprecedented. I'd like to chill and laugh at em like you, but i just can't. They've created a very dangerous environment. They're creating Hundreds, maybe Thousands, of radicalized nutjobs. Those people will act on the incitement. They will seek to commit violence.

It's not like the old days, when Democrats merely convinced folks they were 'Victims.' These days they're going well beyond that. They're now convincing folks they need to harm those the Party deems 'responsible' for it. It's a much more hostile violent environment now. I'm very concerned about more violence. So i can't take them so lightly. But hey, that's just how i see it anyway.

With a well armed public, their violence will be returned. I have little concern at all with moonbat terrorism.
Should we "sell short, any stock in Congress or the Executive branch?"

The Courts are running the country now. Anyone who's paying attention, realizes that. Just take a look at how easily Trump's Immigration reform plans have been thwarted by Democrat Judges. It's absolutely vital Trump transforms the Courts, especially the Supreme Court.

It's the biggest reason i had for supporting him. I mean imagine the alternative? Hillary Clinton having the power to appoint numerous Left/Globalist Anti-American Judges? Scary thought, huh? Just on this issue alone, i thank the Lord every day that Trump won.
A right wing problem, not a left wing problem. Nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law, or economics.
Let's be clear here, there are victims that become dependents, and the thing is that we all need to be honest about it. Now the ways in which the issues are being exploited can either increase the problems or decrease them if the issues are handled more correctly.

Yes, there will always be victims and dependents, but victimization and dependency by choice or no choice is the question.

When I see that 300 lbs woman in the grocery store with four kids using food stamps, that was her choice to have children she couldn't afford to feed. When I go through lower income neighborhoods and see people in their 20's and 30's walking around instead of being at a job, it was their choice to be poor.

The Democrat party manufactures victims: victims of the wealthy, victims of Big Oil, victims of Wall Street, victims of gender discrimination, victims of race discrimination, victims of Big Pharma, victims of gun legalization, victims of Big Corporations.........

The truth is there are very few true victims in our society, but as long as the Democrat party can convince people that they are victims, they need to vote Democrat to get even with all the people they perceive giving them woes in life.
. Agree, but that is just one side of it, Now try and talk truthfully about the true victims that you acknowledge exist. Start with the victims of the Healthcare industry or the victims of a vicious classwarfare that goes on or the victims of greed, the victims of discrimination (yes it does exist)... These things are complicated for sure. I agree that the abuse of government programs or give away is rampant these days, but people do have legitimate claims in life.
My point was that both sides us education as a tool to "win", rather than using it as a method of improving society. The Republicans aren't better than the Democrats.

I follow politics pretty closely and I don't recall any Republican calling for more school spending. I've heard of reform, I've heard them talk about getting rid of the teachers union, but not just throwing money at the problem as a solution.

Okay, and what does this have to do with what I'm talking about?

As far as I can tell I've heard many prominent Republicans talk about school vouchers. And we've had this discussion, haven't we? Remember the one where you started harping on about choice? About how choice is the most important thing? How choice is so fucking good it could make you wet yourself? And then we spoke about electoral reform and you didn't want choice because choice isn't good, it's bad, it's so bad it'll make you wet yourself? Remember that one? I do.

The whole point of school vouchers isn't choice, it's funneling money out of education and back into the pockets of rich people who, apparently, need the money.

Now, the Republicans are talking about getting rid of school unions, not to improve education, but to make it cheaper, so they can give the money to rich people instead of teachers. Yeah. I know that one too.

Don't try and bullshit me pretending that the Republican Party in the main wants to "improve" education. yes, they want to "improve" education in their own vision, which is cheaper and doesn't provide a threat to their private school educated children.

Vouchers are given to poor people who cannot afford private school themselves. Yes, it is taking it out of the system, but putting it back into the system, just in a different location. Republicans are not "funneling" the money anywhere. The parent gets to choose which school their chid will attend, and that includes public schools.

And that's not throwing more money at the problem. Yes, getting rid of the unions would help education because tenured teachers would not have a guaranteed job as long as they show up for work in the morning. It's one of the reasons unions failed in the private sector; businesses were forced to keep bad workers employed because they had union protection. Without unions, schools would have the freedom to get rid of unproductive teachers and replace them with more productive teachers.

Except there are many cases of vouchers going mainly to private school kids.

But again, you've spoken about "choice" and I've basically said you're not interested in choice, the Republicans aren't interested in choice, and yet you're brought up the same parroting crap you brought up last time.

Yes, I agree that the unions right now are causing problems. But that doesn't mean you can just get rid of teaching unions. Teachers are real people who demand to be treated in a certain way. Get rid of the unions and they'd be on fucking minimum wage if the Republicans thought they could fucking get away with it, and you know it.

The problem isn't necessarily the unions, the problem is a system which doesn't give a fuck about education and the political parties aren't doing what they can to change that, so unions become combative and then you get the same problems in education as you get right the way through the rotten political system. But hey Ray, I'm talking to someone who likes the rotten political system.
Aren't vouchers suppose to go to private school kids or home school kids?

Er.... no.
My point was that both sides us education as a tool to "win", rather than using it as a method of improving society. The Republicans aren't better than the Democrats.

I follow politics pretty closely and I don't recall any Republican calling for more school spending. I've heard of reform, I've heard them talk about getting rid of the teachers union, but not just throwing money at the problem as a solution.

Okay, and what does this have to do with what I'm talking about?

As far as I can tell I've heard many prominent Republicans talk about school vouchers. And we've had this discussion, haven't we? Remember the one where you started harping on about choice? About how choice is the most important thing? How choice is so fucking good it could make you wet yourself? And then we spoke about electoral reform and you didn't want choice because choice isn't good, it's bad, it's so bad it'll make you wet yourself? Remember that one? I do.

The whole point of school vouchers isn't choice, it's funneling money out of education and back into the pockets of rich people who, apparently, need the money.

Now, the Republicans are talking about getting rid of school unions, not to improve education, but to make it cheaper, so they can give the money to rich people instead of teachers. Yeah. I know that one too.

Don't try and bullshit me pretending that the Republican Party in the main wants to "improve" education. yes, they want to "improve" education in their own vision, which is cheaper and doesn't provide a threat to their private school educated children.

Vouchers are given to poor people who cannot afford private school themselves. Yes, it is taking it out of the system, but putting it back into the system, just in a different location. Republicans are not "funneling" the money anywhere. The parent gets to choose which school their chid will attend, and that includes public schools.

And that's not throwing more money at the problem. Yes, getting rid of the unions would help education because tenured teachers would not have a guaranteed job as long as they show up for work in the morning. It's one of the reasons unions failed in the private sector; businesses were forced to keep bad workers employed because they had union protection. Without unions, schools would have the freedom to get rid of unproductive teachers and replace them with more productive teachers.

Except there are many cases of vouchers going mainly to private school kids.

But again, you've spoken about "choice" and I've basically said you're not interested in choice, the Republicans aren't interested in choice, and yet you're brought up the same parroting crap you brought up last time.

Yes, I agree that the unions right now are causing problems. But that doesn't mean you can just get rid of teaching unions. Teachers are real people who demand to be treated in a certain way. Get rid of the unions and they'd be on fucking minimum wage if the Republicans thought they could fucking get away with it, and you know it.

The problem isn't necessarily the unions, the problem is a system which doesn't give a fuck about education and the political parties aren't doing what they can to change that, so unions become combative and then you get the same problems in education as you get right the way through the rotten political system. But hey Ray, I'm talking to someone who likes the rotten political system.

Getting rid of unions would be the best thing they could do. If you are guaranteed a job no matter how good or bad you perform, why would you bust your ass? That's what happened with industry. I've seen it repeatedly with my own eyes.

Your claim is that much of the voucher money goes to private schools. Okay, if that's true, did you ever ask yourself why? After all, the parent makes the choice of where they spend their voucher. If they are choosing private over public, don't you think there is a reason for that?

In the UK they also have teaching unions. But the unions are different. I'm not sure why the unions are different, but I'm willing to bet it's because there are times when the government is pro-education and even at the worst of times is more pro-education than the some of the US govts, like Louisiana and Mississippi, are.

The biggest problem the US faces is a mindset that everything the govt does is bad. The mindset exists because a lot of what the govt does is bad. It does a lot of bad because it's playing partisan politics all the time, and a lot of the people don't want to see that change. So, changing the mindset about how representatives are elected is really the only thing that actually matters in the US, because, as I've said before, without it, everything is bullshit and many people have a negative mindset and are forced to vote negatively due to the system.

But you can tell me again why the fuck this shitty system should remain.
The "conservative" arguments here are just the same old cliche's.You think you are brilliant, jesus h johnson.A collection of internet cranks, as if I'd "debate" a guy called "Ray from Cleveland:>That's just laughable.

Then don't debate me newbie. It would be a wise choice on your part.

So you think you're the first phony to come on USMB acting like a know-it-all? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Trust me, there are many more here just like you, mostly on the left of course.

You need to speak to more people on the right to make such a statement. There are phoneys on both sides Ray, and to pretend it isn't so, is to be a phoney.
Uh huh.
Most Judges, unless they are totally partisan or incompetent, follow the law.Not including Roy Moore.
This is regardless of who appointed them The same STUPID remarks (DEMS PANIC) were seen under Reagan, and both Bush's.
It's just dumb my friend.
The US Constitution is what it is, says what it says.To imagine the Judiciary is going to adopt nutcase fundy christian or internet rightie "ideas" or "theories" is ridiculous, as is your post.
It REALLY makes me laugh when righties whine about an activist, liberal judge................that was appointed by Ronald Reagan.
Bullshit. Liberal judges follow the liberal agenda, that's why Obama appointed them.
The "conservative" arguments here are just the same old cliche's.You think you are brilliant, jesus h johnson.A collection of internet cranks, as if I'd "debate" a guy called "Ray from Cleveland:>That's just laughable.

Then don't debate me newbie. It would be a wise choice on your part.

So you think you're the first phony to come on USMB acting like a know-it-all? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Trust me, there are many more here just like you, mostly on the left of course.

You need to speak to more people on the right to make such a statement. There are phoneys on both sides Ray, and to pretend it isn't so, is to be a phoney.

So what part of the word "mostly" don't you understand.?
The "conservative" arguments here are just the same old cliche's.You think you are brilliant, jesus h johnson.A collection of internet cranks, as if I'd "debate" a guy called "Ray from Cleveland:>That's just laughable.

Then don't debate me newbie. It would be a wise choice on your part.

So you think you're the first phony to come on USMB acting like a know-it-all? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Trust me, there are many more here just like you, mostly on the left of course.

You need to speak to more people on the right to make such a statement. There are phoneys on both sides Ray, and to pretend it isn't so, is to be a phoney.

So what part of the word "mostly" don't you understand.?

Yes, I understood the "mostly" part fully, and I disagree with you on the "mostly" part. I see far more fuckheads on the right than the left. Why? Because I talk mostly with those on the right. You talk mostly with those on the left, so you're mostly going to see fuckheads on the left. That doesn't mean that there are more fuckheads on the left.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary
I think it was pretty undemocratic for the Republicans under Obama not to take action on his nominees to fill those court vacancies when they were supposed to. It was their strategy, in hopes of loading the courts when a Republican won the WH. You're PROUD of that?


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