Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary
I think it was pretty undemocratic for the Republicans under Obama not to take action on his nominees to fill those court vacancies when they were supposed to. It was their strategy, in hopes of loading the courts when a Republican won the WH. You're PROUD of that?

They were just doing what biden himself advocated back in the 1990's. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" as they say.
Did Biden do it? Are we still on that old "Biden Rule" which if you want to call it that, was never "enforced?" The Republicans were purposely obstructionist, but we all knew that. They put party before the people. Those vacancies hurt the people waiting for verdicts. Slowed the courts to a crawl in some areas. Justice shouldn't be flushed down the toilet because a bunch of Republican bullies have the numbers to stop business as usual. Just like they did with Garland.
Those people suck. Wish I could vote against every stinkin one of them.
the point is we cajt keep changing the rules when they work against you. 60 votes backfires, that backfired…

id rather see them all folliw the same rules HOWEVER if they set a dumbass precident dont whine when used against them.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.
. Yep and the left started it, but the conservatives are going to finish it.
There is no separation of powers being violated when SCOTUS rules

Wait a minute: We have a law on our books that the President exercised. An activist judge says he can't exercise that law because he doesn't like what Trump said while campaigning. In other words, a judge stopped a President from using a law that's been on our books for decades, and you say that isn't the judicial branch making executive branch decisions????

Of course it is. It's almost as obvious as the nose on your face.
Several judges and at least two appellate courts, one in full review, "says". Keep your narrative straight, Ray. SCOTUS will decide, not Trump.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.

Correct, because the left never does that, do they?
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.
. Yep and the left started it, but the conservatives are going to finish it.

The sort of talk that isn't based on improving the country, but just a team sport where people want to win. They'll screw themselves over in order just to win.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.

Correct, because the left never does that, do they?

Yes, they do. I'm not talking about the right ripping the US apart here, I'm talking about partisan politics ripping the US apart, partisan left and partisan right doing everything they can to win, win, WIN. Who gives a fuck about anything else? Education? Nah, it's just a tool for winning.
Uh huh.
Most Judges, unless they are totally partisan or incompetent, follow the law.Not including Roy Moore.
This is regardless of who appointed them The same STUPID remarks (DEMS PANIC) were seen under Reagan, and both Bush's.
It's just dumb my friend.
The US Constitution is what it is, says what it says.To imagine the Judiciary is going to adopt nutcase fundy christian or internet rightie "ideas" or "theories" is ridiculous, as is your post.
It REALLY makes me laugh when righties whine about an activist, liberal judge................that was appointed by Ronald Reagan.

But trump does want some bigly changes to the US Constitution. There's little doubt that's what he's looking for.

And, as usual, the damned RWs bobble heads are in favor of it.

I hope I'm wrong but this actually could do a lot of damage.


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Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary
despite no direct wording to that effect

The debate between loose and strict constructivist jurisprudence is as old as the country itself. Is there a high school graduate in the land who doesn't recall the Bank of the United States debate?
  • Washington's Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton, proposed a Bank of the United States. This bank would be a powerful private institution, the government would be a major stockholder, the federal Treasury would deposit surplus monies in it, it would stimulate business, and print paper money (for a much needed strong national currency).
  • Jefferson argues against the bank. There was no authorization in the Constitution, and he was convinced that all powers not specifically granted to the central government were reserved to the states (supported by 10th amendment in Bill of Rights). Therefore, Jefferson believed that only the states had the power to charter banks. Jefferson believed that the Constitution should be interpreted literally -> theory of "strict construction." This theory was embraced by the faction antifederalists, and the political party that they would soon emerge into, the Democratic-Republicans.
  • Hamilton believed that what the Constitution did not forbid it permitted. His support was the "elastic clause" (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Constitution). Congress may pass any laws "necessary and proper" to carry out the powers vested in the various government agencies. This justified Congress in establishing a bank. The faction federalists, who would soon become the political party, Federalists, believed in loose construction/ the "elastic clause."
  • Hamilton's argument convinced Washington, who signed the bank into Law 1791.
  • Strict construction was for states' rights. Loose construction was for more power of the national government.
  • The big importance of Strict vs. Loose Construction is it is the basis for the forming of political parties under President Adams. Strict=Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson/Madison). Loose=Federalists (Hamilton/Adams). The Bank issue was just the big thing that separated the two parties.
The very same topic is debated today in exactly the same way and on the same bases as it was in the 18th century. Today we call the two approaches "judicial activism" and "judicial restraint," but the substance is the same no matter the rhetorical monikers one invokes.
The simple fact is that strict constructionists are such only as long as it suits their needs, and when that doctrine ceases to do so, they become judicial activists, to wit, conservatives' shifting jurisprudential philosophy when presenting their arguments re: the issues of gun control and abortion. There are myriad laws of which liberals and conservatives approve that are explicitly provided for in the Constitution and that are not. Thus it's just rank disingenuousness for members of either faction to propone what the Constitution expressly says or doesn't say as the basis for whatever position they hold.

What makes more sense is to consider any action or law in its own right and on its own merits and demerits, neither of which include what is explicitly stated in the Constitution. Some things the Constitution expressly says make sense to adhere to strictly. Other things it says do not now, but they might later. It all comes down to what's the best course of action -- given the body of considerations and the extant situation -- to pursue at a given temporal crossroads.
So are you saying calm down, it doesn't really matter?

No, I'm not saying it doesn't matter. The matter of strict and loose construction is important. I'm saying two things:
  • The topic has been so thoroughly discussed for over 200 years and there will surely be no new insights offered here that cast it in a new light.
  • It's disingenuous for any self-averred conservative or liberal to proffer arguments based on what the Constitution explicitly says or doesn't say because key and irrelevant "players" on either side -- both as individuals and as factions -- have shown no consistency of principle when it comes to applying and subscribing to strict or loose constructionist jurisprudence. Thus those individuals and groups have no "portfolio" by they can with probity argue for or against a policy/position based on either constructivist philosophy. They have disavailed themselves of doing so.

    That is the consequence of being avariciously and childishly callous about choosing one's principles; one becomes unprincipled. All principles have downsides. In choosing one, one must understand the negatives and resolve to accept them nonetheless, that or choose a different principle.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary
I think it was pretty undemocratic for the Republicans under Obama not to take action on his nominees to fill those court vacancies when they were supposed to. It was their strategy, in hopes of loading the courts when a Republican won the WH. You're PROUD of that?
. He should be proud, because appointing leftist judges to a bench is insane.
Well, I'm not entranced with a bunch of right leaning judges unfairly flooding a system that is supposed to take fair turn and turn about.
Frankly, I think anyone who's ever declared themselves a member of either major party should be summarily prohibited from appointment or election as a jurist.
We should put up mock senarios or cases, and then everybody vote on the case to be resided over, and then we should appoint mock judges here to reside over, and then rule on the cases as were then accepted by a vote... Would be an interesting excersize.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.

Correct, because the left never does that, do they?

Yes, they do. I'm not talking about the right ripping the US apart here, I'm talking about partisan politics ripping the US apart, partisan left and partisan right doing everything they can to win, win, WIN. Who gives a fuck about anything else? Education? Nah, it's just a tool for winning.

Education is just one of the many things Democrats wish to fund at the cost of the taxpayer.

But we do fund education. In fact, we spend more per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world. In spite of having mediocre results, the Democrat policy is to spend even more. The definition of insanity is...............
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.

Correct, because the left never does that, do they?

Yes, they do. I'm not talking about the right ripping the US apart here, I'm talking about partisan politics ripping the US apart, partisan left and partisan right doing everything they can to win, win, WIN. Who gives a fuck about anything else? Education? Nah, it's just a tool for winning.

Education is just one of the many things Democrats wish to fund at the cost of the taxpayer.

But we do fund education. In fact, we spend more per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world. In spite of having mediocre results, the Democrat policy is to spend even more. The definition of insanity is...............

My point was that both sides us education as a tool to "win", rather than using it as a method of improving society. The Republicans aren't better than the Democrats.
Trump is unbelievably well-positioned to fill up federal courts with lifetime judges. He inherited a whopping 108 court vacancies when he became president – double the number of vacancies President Barack Obama inherited when he took office.

The left adores judges who believe that their job is to make society better by interpreting laws in new and creative ways. Once leftists discovered they could make up stuff like the "penumbra" of the Constitution and that judges could pretend their policy choices were required by law, despite no direct wording to that effect, the door was open to impose the Progressive Agenda without all the messiness of approving legislation in Congress, where the people have a voice.

That undemocratic – indeed, anti-democratic – approach to governing, wherein the elite discusses theories in academic journals, and then activist judges impose those theories as law, is popular among the cultural elite, because they believe themselves to be something like philosopher-kings, entitled to rule others by their superior wisdom. Their cultural preferences, such as same-sex marriage, gain the authority of law thereby.

Restoring a judiciary that believes its job is to interpret, not make up, the law is a reform that cannot happen fast enough.

Read more: Blog: Dems begin to panic as Trump set to transform federal judiciary

It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.

Correct, because the left never does that, do they?

Yes, they do. I'm not talking about the right ripping the US apart here, I'm talking about partisan politics ripping the US apart, partisan left and partisan right doing everything they can to win, win, WIN. Who gives a fuck about anything else? Education? Nah, it's just a tool for winning.

Education is just one of the many things Democrats wish to fund at the cost of the taxpayer.

But we do fund education. In fact, we spend more per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world. In spite of having mediocre results, the Democrat policy is to spend even more. The definition of insanity is...............

My point was that both sides us education as a tool to "win", rather than using it as a method of improving society. The Republicans aren't better than the Democrats.

I follow politics pretty closely and I don't recall any Republican calling for more school spending. I've heard of reform, I've heard them talk about getting rid of the teachers union, but not just throwing money at the problem as a solution.
It's become a massively ridiculous situation where judges aren't appointed based on their ability to judge, but on their ability to catch the eye of a President. It's pushing the country more and more partisan, and only those who can control partisan politics, ie, the rich, can ever hope to benefit. The US is ripping itself apart.

Correct, because the left never does that, do they?

Yes, they do. I'm not talking about the right ripping the US apart here, I'm talking about partisan politics ripping the US apart, partisan left and partisan right doing everything they can to win, win, WIN. Who gives a fuck about anything else? Education? Nah, it's just a tool for winning.

Education is just one of the many things Democrats wish to fund at the cost of the taxpayer.

But we do fund education. In fact, we spend more per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world. In spite of having mediocre results, the Democrat policy is to spend even more. The definition of insanity is...............

My point was that both sides us education as a tool to "win", rather than using it as a method of improving society. The Republicans aren't better than the Democrats.

I follow politics pretty closely and I don't recall any Republican calling for more school spending. I've heard of reform, I've heard them talk about getting rid of the teachers union, but not just throwing money at the problem as a solution.

Okay, and what does this have to do with what I'm talking about?

As far as I can tell I've heard many prominent Republicans talk about school vouchers. And we've had this discussion, haven't we? Remember the one where you started harping on about choice? About how choice is the most important thing? How choice is so fucking good it could make you wet yourself? And then we spoke about electoral reform and you didn't want choice because choice isn't good, it's bad, it's so bad it'll make you wet yourself? Remember that one? I do.

The whole point of school vouchers isn't choice, it's funneling money out of education and back into the pockets of rich people who, apparently, need the money.

Now, the Republicans are talking about getting rid of school unions, not to improve education, but to make it cheaper, so they can give the money to rich people instead of teachers. Yeah. I know that one too.

Don't try and bullshit me pretending that the Republican Party in the main wants to "improve" education. yes, they want to "improve" education in their own vision, which is cheaper and doesn't provide a threat to their private school educated children.
Correct, because the left never does that, do they?

Yes, they do. I'm not talking about the right ripping the US apart here, I'm talking about partisan politics ripping the US apart, partisan left and partisan right doing everything they can to win, win, WIN. Who gives a fuck about anything else? Education? Nah, it's just a tool for winning.

Education is just one of the many things Democrats wish to fund at the cost of the taxpayer.

But we do fund education. In fact, we spend more per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world. In spite of having mediocre results, the Democrat policy is to spend even more. The definition of insanity is...............

My point was that both sides us education as a tool to "win", rather than using it as a method of improving society. The Republicans aren't better than the Democrats.

I follow politics pretty closely and I don't recall any Republican calling for more school spending. I've heard of reform, I've heard them talk about getting rid of the teachers union, but not just throwing money at the problem as a solution.

Okay, and what does this have to do with what I'm talking about?

As far as I can tell I've heard many prominent Republicans talk about school vouchers. And we've had this discussion, haven't we? Remember the one where you started harping on about choice? About how choice is the most important thing? How choice is so fucking good it could make you wet yourself? And then we spoke about electoral reform and you didn't want choice because choice isn't good, it's bad, it's so bad it'll make you wet yourself? Remember that one? I do.

The whole point of school vouchers isn't choice, it's funneling money out of education and back into the pockets of rich people who, apparently, need the money.

Now, the Republicans are talking about getting rid of school unions, not to improve education, but to make it cheaper, so they can give the money to rich people instead of teachers. Yeah. I know that one too.

Don't try and bullshit me pretending that the Republican Party in the main wants to "improve" education. yes, they want to "improve" education in their own vision, which is cheaper and doesn't provide a threat to their private school educated children.

Vouchers are given to poor people who cannot afford private school themselves. Yes, it is taking it out of the system, but putting it back into the system, just in a different location. Republicans are not "funneling" the money anywhere. The parent gets to choose which school their chid will attend, and that includes public schools.

And that's not throwing more money at the problem. Yes, getting rid of the unions would help education because tenured teachers would not have a guaranteed job as long as they show up for work in the morning. It's one of the reasons unions failed in the private sector; businesses were forced to keep bad workers employed because they had union protection. Without unions, schools would have the freedom to get rid of unproductive teachers and replace them with more productive teachers.
The Dems are panicking. Shit is falling every which way for them. Pelosi is so old, she has wooden teeth, yet all of her replacements are pushing 80 as well. Yet she isn't going anywhere. She knows best for everyone. Elections are being lost every which way, donations are down around their ankles, and now justices are falling like cord-wood and no Hillary there to cherry pick the next lib replacements!

Oh! If only Hillary had not found those Deplorables and the DNC had some sort of message why anyone should vote for them! Come to think of it, I'm not even sure why we even need a Democratic Party?

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