Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

from Bob Woodward's book about Trump, "Fear":

"first off, there's never been a guy win in a republican primary whose pro-choice. you're pro-choice, unfortunately," Bossie said to Trump

"What does that mean?" - Trump bellowed

"you have a record of giving money to the abortion guys, the pro-choice candidates. you've got to be pro-life, against abortion"

"i'm against abortion. i'm...what do you call it? pro-life! i'm pro-life. i'm telling you" - Trump bellowed again
If she wasn't raped she chose to risk pregnancy.
Risk isnt consent
If I lose a bet in Las Vegas can I claim I was forced to gamble? No.

Women and men that consent to sex consent to the consequences.

The woman consents to the risk of pregnancy.

The man consents to 18 years of child support.

But the man can't abort his responsibility.

Consenting to risk is not consenting to pregnancy. You take a risk every time you drive. Does that mean you consent to to an accident?
Yes, you do. Not to the accident but to take responsibility for the consequences of such as well as all the other exposures driving has with it. That is what insurance is for. Try and tell an officer that you are not going to take a sobriety test when you are pulled over. Simply getting in your car is consent to take one in almost every jurisdiction if not all of them by now. When you have sex, you are, indeed, consenting to the possibility that you may become pregnant. Stating anything less is simply trying to pretend that actions you take do not have real and KNOWN consequences.

That does not necessarily mean that abortion should not be a legal procedure but to claim that the person aborting the fetus did not consent to put it there is asinine in the extreme.

When you practice birth control and fails, that is not a consent to pregnancy.
You know what doesn't fail??? Keeping your legs closed and your penis in your pants! That is called being a responsible adult

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If I lose a bet in Las Vegas can I claim I was forced to gamble? No.

Women and men that consent to sex consent to the consequences.

The woman consents to the risk of pregnancy.

The man consents to 18 years of child support.

But the man can't abort his responsibility.

Consenting to risk is not consenting to pregnancy. You take a risk every time you drive. Does that mean you consent to to an accident?
Yes, you do. Not to the accident but to take responsibility for the consequences of such as well as all the other exposures driving has with it. That is what insurance is for. Try and tell an officer that you are not going to take a sobriety test when you are pulled over. Simply getting in your car is consent to take one in almost every jurisdiction if not all of them by now. When you have sex, you are, indeed, consenting to the possibility that you may become pregnant. Stating anything less is simply trying to pretend that actions you take do not have real and KNOWN consequences.

That does not necessarily mean that abortion should not be a legal procedure but to claim that the person aborting the fetus did not consent to put it there is asinine in the extreme.

When you practice birth control and fails, that is not a consent to pregnancy.

You gave consent when you spread your legs.

Sex makes babies. This is not a state secret.
So you give consent to an auto accident when you choose to drive.
That is saying you are playing chicken with a parked car... sex isn't a accident thus the human baby produced from it is not ether

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Nothing false about it so shutter your male hysteria. A woman who acts reaponsibly is not consenting to pregnancy any more than a driver who acts responsibly consents to an accident. Of course if you lot have your way you would make birth control illegal as well I suspect.

Any woman who murders her child should be sterilized and jailed, in a just world.

Abortion is the killing of a human being. Thats a scientific fact. All the justifications are nothing but political mumbo jumbo.
Nothing false about it so shutter your male hysteria. A woman who acts reaponsibly is not consenting to pregnancy any more than a driver who acts responsibly consents to an accident. Of course if you lot have your way you would make birth control illegal as well I suspect.

Any woman who murders her child should be sterilized and jailed, in a just world.

Abortion is the killing of a human being. Thats a scientific fact. All the justifications are nothing but political mumbo jumbo.
In a just world people like you would be supporting women and their babies after birth.

One can dream.
I'm not very sure that the sort of behavior that is intended to be outlawed by this bill actually occurs in the real world with any frequency at all. I would like to see the legislative history of this bill. Who has been keeping statistics? Where do they get their information? AMA? ACOG?Guttmacher Institute? Planned Parenthood?

Unfortunately, too much as been fabricated by the anti-choice movement for it be readily believed. They have lied about abortion being connected to breast cancer, states have published pamphlets that do not reflect current medical thinking and correct information about the gestational process, and have tried to force doctors to make ideologically-approved, non-medical assertions to their patients.

The Texans argued in front of the Supreme Court that, contrary to the piles of amicus briefs from medical professionals and others, that it's stricter standards for clinics that perform abortions were necessary for the safety of their patients, even though these standards did not apply to clinics in which colonoscopies (a riskier procedure) were performed, and the Texas solicitor general then answered a Justice's question about what Texans can do who cannot afford to travel hundreds of miles to a state-approved clinic by saying that these Texans can go to New Mexico, which does not have similar standards.

There was a guy here on USMB who raved on about stories he had heard of horrible conditions at women's clinics, but did not respond when I asked him in what states this was occurring and whether the horrible conditions were ever reported to state medical authorities, such that there would be records.

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