Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

Since Congress unanimously passed the Born Alive protection nationally in 2002, they saw it as a political stunt.
1. So they support killing born children to avoid a stunt? Really?

2. In 2002, Democrats pretended abortions should be "rare". Now Dems see having multiple abortions as a resume enhancement.

3. Let's be honest.. Democrats are not allowed to oppose any abortion any time for any reason. Their Blood Oath to abortionists is absolute.
Since Congress unanimously passed the Born Alive protection nationally in 2002, they saw it as a political stunt.
1. So they support killing born children to avoid a stunt? Really?

2. In 2002, Democrats pretended abortions should be "rare". Now Dems see having multiple abortions as a resume enhancement.

3. Let's be honest.. Democrats are not allowed to oppose any abortion any time for any reason. Their Blood Oath to abortionists is absolute.

1. Feel free to name any Congressman or Congresswoman who support repealing the 2002 Infant Born Alive Act of 2002 and you might have a point.
And most when asked say it’s a woman’s choice..

You all are sick fucks

Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

It is. Deal with it.

It's with it.

Nope. It is an internal event within another person’s body, that you have no more business making a decision about than I do with you prostate surgery.
It's born a live, not the woman's choice anymore. It's out of her body.
Coyote already ran from the thread.
nope, just busy elsewhere
States cannot override federal law.

In the hypothetical situation Gov. Blackface was discussing, the child had a severe malady, probably in need of sedation. He did say they would make the baby comfortable, but he never mentioned giving the poor parents the option to euthanize their newborn child. No, the discussion that would ensue would obviously be based on the type of malady the child suffered from and the prognosis of the condition.

But the poison pill is effecting the rabid right, making them frothy with anger.

If someone doesn't "froth with anger" at any baby being murdered there is something seriously wrong with them.

Right, we have the aforementioned National laws against infanticide so to get all frothy over a lie, and repeat that lie over and over and over in an attempt to get other cupcakes all frothy too, is a plan.

Missed "any" didn't ya? I knew you would or skirt

No, even severely deform babies, once they are born are protected. Hospitals are required by law to give them ordinary care to sustain their lives. Any of them.

This is going waaaay over your head.

Maybe it is over your head. Do you dispute the law he quotes?
If someone doesn't "froth with anger" at any baby being murdered there is something seriously wrong with them.

Right, we have the aforementioned National laws against infanticide so to get all frothy over a lie, and repeat that lie over and over and over in an attempt to get other cupcakes all frothy too, is a plan.

Missed "any" didn't ya? I knew you would or skirt

No, even severely deform babies, once they are born are protected. Hospitals are required by law to give them ordinary care to sustain their lives. Any of them.

This is going waaaay over your head.

Maybe it is over your head. Do you dispute the law he quotes?

It's obviously over your head also. Again the keyword was any. It's not that difficult
1. Feel free to name any Congressman or Congresswoman who support repealing the 2002 Infant Born Alive Act of 2002 and you might have a point.
Most of them are gone.

The rest are either Republicans or slaves to the abortion lobby and don't support the right of a born baby to live.

That's a point regardless of your ability to understand/admit it.
The rest are either Republicans or slaves to the abortion lobby and don't support the right of a born baby to live

Hmmm, that's seems like a large pool of Congresspeople to choose from. Which ones support legalizing infanticide. Just a name or two who are on the record supporting repealing the 2002 law or outright support for infanticide.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders proposes millions of abortions worldwide for population control as part of Green New Deal.

(How many 100 Million abortions would it take to affect the climate, anyway?)

Sanders under fire for remarks on population control

And the vast majority of Democrats that have a conscience can't express outrage because they are slaves to the abortion lobby.
The rest are either Republicans or slaves to the abortion lobby and don't support the right of a born baby to live

Hmmm, that's seems like a large pool of Congresspeople to choose from. Which ones support legalizing infanticide. Just a name or two who are on the record supporting repealing the 2002 law or outright support for infanticide.

Tell us why they voted to kill born children'.

The rest are either Republicans or slaves to the abortion lobby and don't support the right of a born baby to live

Hmmm, that's seems like a large pool of Congresspeople to choose from. Which ones support legalizing infanticide. Just a name or two who are on the record supporting repealing the 2002 law or outright support for infanticide.

Tell us why they voted to kill born children'.


First, how about you tell us when this vote to "Kill Children Born Alive" happened and who voted for it!
First, how about you tell us when this vote to "Kill Children Born Alive" happened and who voted for it!
Keep digging.

Your party are slaves to the abortion lobby, and you're a cheerleader.

Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

Here's an article that details 75 times Democrats supported killing living, born, innocent children

Born-Alive Bill & House Democrats: GOP Requests for Vote Are Denied | National Review
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First, how about you tell us when this vote to "Kill Children Born Alive" happened and who voted for it!
Keep digging.

Your party are slaves to the abortion lobby, and you're a cheerleader.

Dems block 'born alive' bill to provide medical care to infants who survive failed abortions

Here's an article that details 75 times Democrats supported killing living, born, innocent children

Born-Alive Bill & House Democrats: GOP Requests for Vote Are Denied | National Review

It's the same Bill. Not bringing it up for a debate/floor vote (75 times) does nothing to change the current national law against infanticide.
No one "kills" a baby born alive. This is an absurdity. If an infant is born alive, the woman who gave birth to it is free to leave. Then what are you going to do with it and who is going to foot the bill?
Only a matter of time before the first liberal presidential candidate proposes saving the planet by diverting slaughtered infants to the (once) human food chain. Only question is which of the crop will be first. Trust that the others will follow so quickly that most will have no idea who was first to pull that trigger.
Only a matter of time before the first liberal presidential candidate proposes saving the planet by diverting slaughtered infants to the (once) human food chain. Only question is which of the crop will be first. Trust that the others will follow so quickly that most will have no idea who was first to pull that trigger.

Next, it will be the old people. We'll go from Solvent Green to Logan's Run in no time.

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