Dems' continuing witch hunt may put Trump back in the White House

Lol, retard story time. Hilarious Tell me some more stories retard. I know today's repug retards love fantasy but Biden is in office not Trump but hey retard you are entertaining!
Not legitimately, and how's that working out for you?
The Democrats' continuing witch hunt after Donald Trump is making it more likely that he will be elected President in 2024.
There is nothing likely about Trump getting elected in 2024.

A majority of voters already believe that the 2020 election was a sham
No, they don't. That is a lie.

, and the former President will eventually start gaining sympathy from the unrelenting persecutions he has endured. Ironically, the only way to end this corrupt conspiracy against him may be to reelect him.

Keep it up, Dems.
Strange how that hasn't happened in any way, shape, or form.

You're in a cult.
Not legitimately, and how's that working out for you?
Lol, working out just fine. I live a reality based life not my fault you and the rest of the Trumpsters don't. TV some how lost the art of comedy but the Trumpster seem to be able to hand out an unlimited amount of laughs. It is a veritable cornucopia of marks out there for the confidence man right now. Their marks are so easy to find all ya gotta do is look for a Trump hat or a Trump flag. While I would not do such a thing as to con people the sharks that would are doing just that fleesing those rubes ot their money as we speak. God's built in consequences of being an idiot. Carma out there working for me with out me having to lift a finger.
Lol, working out just fine. I live a reality based life not my fault you and the rest of the Trumpsters don't. TV some how lost the art of comedy but the earned Trumpster seem to be able to hand out an unlimited amount of laughs. It is a veritable cornucopia of marks out there for the confidence man right now. Their marks are so easy to find all ya gotta do is look for a Trump hat or a Trump flag. While I would not do such a thing as to con people the sharks that would are doing just that fleesing those rubes ot their money as we speak. God's built in consequences of being an idiot. Carma out there working for me with out me having to lift a finger.
Holy bot gibberish-a-moly! :aargh:
There is nothing likely about Trump getting elected in 2024.

No, they don't. That is a lie.

Strange how that hasn't happened in any way, shape, or form.

You're in a cult.
Thanks for exemplifying the Peter Principle.
Trump won TWICE

just because you crooks did something crooked---he was not able to take his rightful place in the WH. But that's on y'all

You are all going to Hell (see Faustina Diary 741 for what Hell is like).. I can virtually guarantee that (unless you repent). God is not mocked. Whatsoever you sow, so shall you reap (even if it is "only" in eternity)
Trump NEVER won the vote of the people. That should tell you his one-term in office was an undesirable fluke event in American politics.
But he won, and Trump will win again in 2024.
IF he is still alive ( very poor health ), if he is not in prison or otherwise compromised by his criminal activities, if he can rule out all the doubt people have about his sanity ( too many tantrums and meltdowns for an adult ) if he gets the nomination ( doubtful at best ). Closer to the election the Republican leadership will leak some of trump's criminal activities we don't even know about yet inorder to disqualify him from running. After all that if he does run. He would have to convince most of the American voters 1. He has their interests in mind not his ( got hung up on personal revenge during his last defeat ). 2. Is not a liar and a cheat who practices bad politics ( almost impossible to do, he would have to admit he was wrong ) and 3. Portray himself honestly as someone who could act sanely and govern rationally ( again almost impossible for him, given his history. ) Then he would have to win. Not likely at all. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. There's no mention of fool me three times because that usually is impossible. You are one of trump's last " fool " hardy 10%ers and that means a landslide victory for the other team. I wish you luck, you're going to need it.
Says the party that put a dementia patient In charge of nuclear launch codes and a bunch of mentally ill diversity hires in charge of everything else in his administration.
Actually trump shows more signs of dementia, as witnessed by his psychotic episodes, including tantrums and meltdowns. This is why he's so irrational and always emotional, even asking for pity from his supporters because " all these things were done to me. ". Yeah, right !

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