Dems eye increasing the number of Supreme Court Justices

Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
Why shouldn't they after Republicans politicized the bench by admitting they would give Trump a third pick during an election year after denying Obama a third pick during an election year?
Obama murdered Scalia.....because there was a suspicion hanging over his death....Obama didn't deserve another pick.
I'll let you know when anyone cares about your crazed conspiracy hallucinations.....
What I think is more real than all of the hoaxes you fuckers have created.

None were as nutty as the birther crap.

Bush had planes fly into the World Trade Centers? What about the one about Diebold cheating in Ohio? That was pretty stupid. I do agree the birther crap was pretty stupid as well.
I'm actually not opposed to term limits on Supreme Court Justices but lets be honest they would never be putting this out there if you had five liberal judges on the court instead five conservative.

I agree with term limits for SCOTUS as well, but I do agree with you on why the Dems are doing it now
I don’t think we need more justices. But I will never forget how the Republicans prevented Obama from appointing a justice. That was so blatantly dirty.

So was when the Democrats used the "nuclear option". Did that bother you as well?

Did they prevent the president from appointing a scotus? Yes or no?
You don't appoint a Supreme Court Justice you nominate them and the Senate decides rather or not to confirm them. The Senate Majority leader also has the power to decide rather or not to give a nominee a hearing was what was done with Merrick Garland purely political no question McConnell rolled the dice and got the Presidential election result he wanted. Lets not forget the Democrats were willing to consider doing the same thing during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and George W Bush if they would have followed through we will never no as no seat opened up on the court during an election year during their Presidenicy. What we do know is sooner or later the Democrats will do the same thing and when they do most everyone will switch their views on how they feel about it.
"You don't appoint a Supreme Court Justice you nominate them and the Senate decides rather or not to confirm them."

Why do you dumbshits post about things you clearly know nothing about?? Of course the Constitution states a president appoints replacements....

Article II, Section 2

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Th president nominates potential candidates and if the Senate approves of them, the president appoints them.

"The Senate Majority leader also has the power to decide rather or not to give a nominee a hearing was what was done with Merrick Garland purely political no question"

No one is denying the Senate Majority Leader has that power. The argument is that he abused that power to prevent a Liberal justice from being added to the Supreme Court. Which that same Senate Majority Leader now says he won't do if trump is faced with the exact same circumstances Obama faced. In other words, the excuses he gave back in 2016.... a president shouldn't get to appoint replacements during an election year ... and ... the people should get to decide which president nominates replacements ... was all just a lie.

So why shouldn't Democrats return the favor now and abuse any power granted them by the people and the Constitution; to return the favor...?

"Lets not forget the Democrats were willing to consider doing the same thing during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and George W Bush if they would have followed through we will never no as no seat opened up on the court during an election year during their Presidenicy."

That's utter bullshit. What Republicans did was to deny a duly elected sitting president his Constitutional power to appoint a replacement for nearly an entire year of his presidency.

No Democrat ever suggested that with Bush. What Biden did suggest was to delay, not deny, confirmation hearings until after the election should a seat have opened within a few months, not a year, prior to the election.
So was when the Democrats used the "nuclear option". Did that bother you as well?

Did they prevent the president from appointing a scotus? Yes or no?
You don't appoint a Supreme Court Justice you nominate them and the Senate decides rather or not to confirm them. The Senate Majority leader also has the power to decide rather or not to give a nominee a hearing was what was done with Merrick Garland purely political no question McConnell rolled the dice and got the Presidential election result he wanted. Lets not forget the Democrats were willing to consider doing the same thing during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and George W Bush if they would have followed through we will never no as no seat opened up on the court during an election year during their Presidenicy. What we do know is sooner or later the Democrats will do the same thing and when they do most everyone will switch their views on how they feel about it.

You set a precedent. And it is not a good one.

If the Dems do it, my thought is - it serves you right. But that doesn't make it right and we both know it.

If they do it, I won't excuse it. It's a bad precedent.
Yes and Harry Reid and the Democrats also set a bad one in 2013 when they used the nuclear option to get lower court judges and cabinet nominees confirmed on a simple majority vote instead of the 60 vote.

Yup after the Republicans attempted to block all off Obama's court nominees. In fact, Obama holds the record for number of unfilled judicial vacancies blocked. A huge jump from Bush.

Is this the way things are going to continue? Is it good for our country?
That is where the word comprise comes in something Obama was no more willing to do than Republicans were and no I don’t see this ending anytime soon.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
Democrats are criminals.
They can't play by the rules so they try to change them when they lose.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
They need their own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
You are free to leave any time you want. I hear Russia is nice this time of year and has the sort of governance you admire.
I have a better idea.....instead of forcing changes in America....why don't you find a country that's more suited to your needs and get the fuck out.
How odd you don't feel that way when it's Republicans forcing those changes. :dunno:
I will never forget how the Republicans prevented Obama from appointing a justice.

At that time, it would have taken 60 nonexistent votes to confirm, so your crocodile tears. Personally, I will never forget how the Obama administration let our people die in Benghazi.
Were you that upset when Bush let our people die in many other consulates around the world?
Makes a lot of sense...

Republicans were willing to leave the court at eight why not have Dems increase it to 15?
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.

When Dimms loses they just change the rules because they are cvnts.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
Why shouldn't they after Republicans politicized the bench by admitting they would give Trump a third pick during an election year after denying Obama a third pick during an election year?
Obama wasn't even eligible to be the president, jackass.
I'll let you too know when anyone cares about your crazed conspiracy hallucinations.....
I didn't mention anything about a conspiracy, jackass. Obama's father was not a US citizen. Since a natural born citizen of the US is a person who was born in the US to parents who are US citizens, Obama is not a natural born US citizen.

Hell, in his book he claims that he was born a British subject. Has he ever claimed to be a natural born US citizen?

^^^ A crazed conspiracy nut trying to explain his crazed conspiracy hallucination is real.


... crazed conspiracy nut, there is no such legal definition codified in U.S. law which corroborates your crazed conspiracy hallucination. Even worse for you, the Constitution defines there are only 2 types of citizen.... one born a citizen or one naturalized as a citizen. There is no third type. A natural born citizen being the former.

Even worse still for your crazed conspiracy hallucinations is there is precedent set confirming Obama's eligibility in the name of Chester Arthur, whose own father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his victorious election.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
Why shouldn't they after Republicans politicized the bench by admitting they would give Trump a third pick during an election year after denying Obama a third pick during an election year?
Obama murdered Scalia.....because there was a suspicion hanging over his death....Obama didn't deserve another pick.
I'll let you know when anyone cares about your crazed conspiracy hallucinations.....
What I think is more real than all of the hoaxes you fuckers have created.
Sorry, I didn't let you know yet.

Why shouldn't they after Republicans politicized the bench by admitting they would give Trump a third pick during an election year after denying Obama a third pick during an election year?
Obama murdered Scalia.....because there was a suspicion hanging over his death....Obama didn't deserve another pick.
I'll let you know when anyone cares about your crazed conspiracy hallucinations.....
What I think is more real than all of the hoaxes you fuckers have created.

None were as nutty as the birther crap.

Bush had planes fly into the World Trade Centers? What about the one about Diebold cheating in Ohio? That was pretty stupid. I do agree the birther crap was pretty stupid as well.
"Bush had planes fly into the World Trade Centers?"

I see more folks on the right, than on the left, spouting those crazed conspiracy hallucinations.
I'm actually not opposed to term limits on Supreme Court Justices but lets be honest they would never be putting this out there if you had five liberal judges on the court instead five conservative.
Because Democrat Socialists do not see our country, its traditions, or the constitution like things to be preserved, protected, and maintained but rather just a springboard to perennial power and the success of their global socialist agenda ... the confiscation of other people's cash.

They hate this country:

Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.

The democrats see the courts as the a way to get what they want without having to face voters at the ballot box.
Isn’t that exactly what the Republicans has done with the courts? Why yes. They have.

No angels on either side. Now carry on.

Wrong.....actual judges, appointed by Republican Presidents seek to uphold the Constitution....which means trying to limit the power of the federal government and keep them in their own lanes.....the democrats will use the courts to rubber stamp whatever they want to do....regardless of what the Constitution limits....we already see this in the 4th, 9th, and 2nd circuit courts that ignore the Heller decision and all of the other decisions on the 2nd Amendment........and at the Supreme Court, the Kelo Decision that allowed local governments to confiscate private property to give to private companies as long as it might...might, increase the tax base.....that is not what Eminent Domain was put in the Constitution to do....
Obama murdered Scalia.....because there was a suspicion hanging over his death....Obama didn't deserve another pick.
I'll let you know when anyone cares about your crazed conspiracy hallucinations.....
What I think is more real than all of the hoaxes you fuckers have created.

None were as nutty as the birther crap.

Bush had planes fly into the World Trade Centers? What about the one about Diebold cheating in Ohio? That was pretty stupid. I do agree the birther crap was pretty stupid as well.
"Bush had planes fly into the World Trade Centers?"

I see more folks on the right, than on the left, spouting those crazed conspiracy hallucinations.

At one time close to 50% of Democrats believed it.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
Why shouldn't they after Republicans politicized the bench by admitting they would give Trump a third pick during an election year after denying Obama a third pick during an election year?
Obama wasn't even eligible to be the president, jackass.
I'll let you too know when anyone cares about your crazed conspiracy hallucinations.....
I didn't mention anything about a conspiracy, jackass. Obama's father was not a US citizen. Since a natural born citizen of the US is a person who was born in the US to parents who are US citizens, Obama is not a natural born US citizen.

Hell, in his book he claims that he was born a British subject. Has he ever claimed to be a natural born US citizen?

^^^ A crazed conspiracy nut trying to explain his crazed conspiracy hallucination is real.


... crazed conspiracy nut, there is no such legal definition codified in U.S. law which corroborates your crazed conspiracy hallucination. Even worse for you, the Constitution defines there are only 2 types of citizen.... one born a citizen or one naturalized as a citizen. There is no third type. A natural born citizen being the former.

Even worse still for your crazed conspiracy hallucinations is there is precedent set confirming Obama's eligibility in the name of Chester Arthur, whose own father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his victorious election.
Chester Arthur was the first to usurp the presidency, Obama was the second.

You are full of shit and ignorant of US history.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.

The democrats see the courts as the a way to get what they want without having to face voters at the ballot box.
This should end the entire discussion.

This is exactly what they want.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.

Trump and Republicans in the Senate have already done what FDR tried.

There's a failed attempt at projection.

And since the country is in a population shift that doesn't favor white elitist Republican assholes. That future majority that will rule over those white elitist Republican assholes, will have a court, as well as the rest of the government, that reflects the values of that new majority.

That's a fact not in any question.
It's hardly a fact, and anything you post is always in question.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
Democrats are criminals.
They can't play by the rules so they try to change them when they lose.
Democratic Candidates are now pushing the idea to their base that they will either increase the number of Justices in the Supreme Court or put in term limit requirements on the ones there now.

Imagine that.........They lose and want power so bad that they would try what FDR tried to get their way. LOL

Not gonna happen, but their base will eat it up.

2020 Democrats eye dramatic increase in Supreme Court justices: 'All options are on the table'

It's become the hot new topic on the 2020 presidential campaign trail: several Democratic contenders are talking up plans to overhaul the Supreme Court, with some offering proposals to add up to 10 more members.

Candidates including Sens.Cory Booker, D-N.J., Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., have all signaled an openness to overhauling the court if they become president. And progressive groups are putting their money behind the message, an effort to tap into lingering liberal anger over President Trump's two nominees confirmed to the high court.
They need their own country, one that does not share a border with the USA
You are free to leave any time you want. I hear Russia is nice this time of year and has the sort of governance you admire.
Your side wants to eliminate the Electoral College, pack SCOTUS and picks on a fucking 8 year old girl for mocking your party leader AOC
I agree with term limits for SCOTUS as well, but I do agree with you on why the Dems are doing it now
I don’t think we need more justices. But I will never forget how the Republicans prevented Obama from appointing a justice. That was so blatantly dirty.

So was when the Democrats used the "nuclear option". Did that bother you as well?

Did they prevent the president from appointing a scotus? Yes or no?
You don't appoint a Supreme Court Justice you nominate them and the Senate decides rather or not to confirm them. The Senate Majority leader also has the power to decide rather or not to give a nominee a hearing was what was done with Merrick Garland purely political no question McConnell rolled the dice and got the Presidential election result he wanted. Lets not forget the Democrats were willing to consider doing the same thing during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and George W Bush if they would have followed through we will never no as no seat opened up on the court during an election year during their Presidenicy. What we do know is sooner or later the Democrats will do the same thing and when they do most everyone will switch their views on how they feel about it.
"You don't appoint a Supreme Court Justice you nominate them and the Senate decides rather or not to confirm them."

Why do you dumbshits post about things you clearly know nothing about?? Of course the Constitution states a president appoints replacements....

Article II, Section 2

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Th president nominates potential candidates and if the Senate approves of them, the president appoints them.

"The Senate Majority leader also has the power to decide rather or not to give a nominee a hearing was what was done with Merrick Garland purely political no question"

No one is denying the Senate Majority Leader has that power. The argument is that he abused that power to prevent a Liberal justice from being added to the Supreme Court. Which that same Senate Majority Leader now says he won't do if trump is faced with the exact same circumstances Obama faced. In other words, the excuses he gave back in 2016.... a president shouldn't get to appoint replacements during an election year ... and ... the people should get to decide which president nominates replacements ... was all just a lie.

So why shouldn't Democrats return the favor now and abuse any power granted them by the people and the Constitution; to return the favor...?

"Lets not forget the Democrats were willing to consider doing the same thing during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and George W Bush if they would have followed through we will never no as no seat opened up on the court during an election year during their Presidenicy."

That's utter bullshit. What Republicans did was to deny a duly elected sitting president his Constitutional power to appoint a replacement for nearly an entire year of his presidency.

No Democrat ever suggested that with Bush. What Biden did suggest was to delay, not deny, confirmation hearings until after the election should a seat have opened within a few months, not a year, prior to the election.
Read your own link, he NOMINATES and then IF the Senate Agrees he appoints your own link says so.
Why shouldn't they after Republicans politicized the bench by admitting they would give Trump a third pick during an election year after denying Obama a third pick during an election year?
Obama wasn't even eligible to be the president, jackass.
I'll let you too know when anyone cares about your crazed conspiracy hallucinations.....
I didn't mention anything about a conspiracy, jackass. Obama's father was not a US citizen. Since a natural born citizen of the US is a person who was born in the US to parents who are US citizens, Obama is not a natural born US citizen.

Hell, in his book he claims that he was born a British subject. Has he ever claimed to be a natural born US citizen?

^^^ A crazed conspiracy nut trying to explain his crazed conspiracy hallucination is real.


... crazed conspiracy nut, there is no such legal definition codified in U.S. law which corroborates your crazed conspiracy hallucination. Even worse for you, the Constitution defines there are only 2 types of citizen.... one born a citizen or one naturalized as a citizen. There is no third type. A natural born citizen being the former.

Even worse still for your crazed conspiracy hallucinations is there is precedent set confirming Obama's eligibility in the name of Chester Arthur, whose own father was not a U.S. citizen at the time of his victorious election.
Chester Arthur was the first to usurp the presidency, Obama was the second.

You are full of shit and ignorant of US history.

Both were duly elected presidents. Your crazed conspiracy hallucinations are noted and laughed at as always.
I don’t think we need more justices. But I will never forget how the Republicans prevented Obama from appointing a justice. That was so blatantly dirty.

So was when the Democrats used the "nuclear option". Did that bother you as well?

Did they prevent the president from appointing a scotus? Yes or no?
You don't appoint a Supreme Court Justice you nominate them and the Senate decides rather or not to confirm them. The Senate Majority leader also has the power to decide rather or not to give a nominee a hearing was what was done with Merrick Garland purely political no question McConnell rolled the dice and got the Presidential election result he wanted. Lets not forget the Democrats were willing to consider doing the same thing during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and George W Bush if they would have followed through we will never no as no seat opened up on the court during an election year during their Presidenicy. What we do know is sooner or later the Democrats will do the same thing and when they do most everyone will switch their views on how they feel about it.
"You don't appoint a Supreme Court Justice you nominate them and the Senate decides rather or not to confirm them."

Why do you dumbshits post about things you clearly know nothing about?? Of course the Constitution states a president appoints replacements....

Article II, Section 2

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Th president nominates potential candidates and if the Senate approves of them, the president appoints them.

"The Senate Majority leader also has the power to decide rather or not to give a nominee a hearing was what was done with Merrick Garland purely political no question"

No one is denying the Senate Majority Leader has that power. The argument is that he abused that power to prevent a Liberal justice from being added to the Supreme Court. Which that same Senate Majority Leader now says he won't do if trump is faced with the exact same circumstances Obama faced. In other words, the excuses he gave back in 2016.... a president shouldn't get to appoint replacements during an election year ... and ... the people should get to decide which president nominates replacements ... was all just a lie.

So why shouldn't Democrats return the favor now and abuse any power granted them by the people and the Constitution; to return the favor...?

"Lets not forget the Democrats were willing to consider doing the same thing during the Presidency of both George H.W. Bush and George W Bush if they would have followed through we will never no as no seat opened up on the court during an election year during their Presidenicy."

That's utter bullshit. What Republicans did was to deny a duly elected sitting president his Constitutional power to appoint a replacement for nearly an entire year of his presidency.

No Democrat ever suggested that with Bush. What Biden did suggest was to delay, not deny, confirmation hearings until after the election should a seat have opened within a few months, not a year, prior to the election.
Read your own link, he NOMINATES and then IF the Senate Agrees he appoints your own link says so.
Dumbfuck, where did I ever say otherwise? :eusa_doh:

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