Dems’ impeachment absurdities are making them look like the threat to democracy

Trump’s abuse of power are to manipulate the election. “Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales on what should be a free and fair election.

Adam Schiff – the Poster-Child for Congressional Abuse of ...

Time to Limit Congressional Abuse of Power. Schiff has just launched an investigation into President Trump’s financial affairs even though it is not clear how the House Intelligence Committee has the authority to look into the personal or business...
Abuse of Power and Congressional Tyranny – Choose Freedom ...

Abuse of Power and Congressional Tyranny Published by admin on May 29, 2019 May 29, 2019. Congressional Democrats cite their broad power of “congressional oversight of [the Trump] administration and the power to issue “subpoenas . . . to conduct...
Rep. Andy Biggs: Democrats are abusing their political ...

Democrats are not investigating a crime ... Now we are seeing the abuse of congressional power by these three committees for the purpose, as Chairman Nadler indicated, of laying the foundation for ...
Congressional Oversight, or Abuse of Power? - Granite Grok
Congressional Oversight, or Abuse of Power? - Granite Grok

Congressional Oversight, or Abuse of Power? Read More » ... And today when they’re pontificating about abuse of power, threats to our democracy, the rule of law, and congressional oversight responsibility, why it’s nothing less than inspirational
Aw, looks like someone doesn’t like transparency.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. These are quite dark times.
Our Constitution is too important

Nobody is above the law
Glad you think that...there are a whole bunch of FBI and DoJ people that walked all over our Constitutional rights!
Is that why Trump solicited a bribe?

I need a favor though
Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’
Using military aid to extort personal favors is bribery
Ukraine got military aid, remind me what Trump got?
Interesting timing
The aid was released AFTER reports of the Whistleblower letter came out

Trump knew that Ukraine would not find anything on the Biden’s. But he wanted Ukraine to come out and SAY they were investigating Biden
Charges of impeachment will be filed against Trump today
Another useless a TAX PAYER FUNDED Waste of time as the Senate would never convict on a purely political abuse of power!

Democracy in action

Nobody is above the law
Jojo Biden going down after Trump is elected for 2nd term
“Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales

So we can't leave it to voters?


I am watching Democrats lose their fucking minds in real time. What will they look like after Trump wins?

The founding fathers put impeachment in the constitution for a reason mate. What good are elections if the president can corrupt them?
Glad you think that...there are a whole bunch of FBI and DoJ people that walked all over our Constitutional rights!
Is that why Trump solicited a bribe?

I need a favor though
Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’
Using military aid to extort personal favors is bribery
Ukraine got military aid, remind me what Trump got?
Interesting timing
The aid was released AFTER reports of the Whistleblower letter came out

Trump knew that Ukraine would not find anything on the Biden’s. But he wanted Ukraine to come out and SAY they were investigating Biden
Well within the time allotted to release aid! A favor...somethingvdone with a reciprocal action!
Trump’s abuse of power are to manipulate the election. “Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales on what should be a free and fair election.

"Free and fair" DOES mean "Leaving it to the voters".
It won’t be free and fair if we let Trump corrupt it.
Or let the Democrats get away with it without consequences!

Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’
The Democrats believe that the 2020 election is too important to be left to the voters. It’s obvious that President Trump withheld defense aid to Ukraine to pressure its president to commit to the investigations that he wanted, an improper use of his power that should rightly be the focus of congressional investigation and hearings.

Where the Democrats have gotten tangled up is trying to find a justification that supports the enormous weight of impeaching and removing a president for the first time in our history.

They’ve cycled through different arguments. First, Trump’s offense was said to be a quid pro quo — a phrase cast aside for supposedly being too Latin for the public to understand. Then it was bribery, which has lost ground lately, presumably because of the inherent implausibility of the charge.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...



The world’s gone crazy because the majority should be overwhelming in shouting it from every roof top that the DemonRATS are engaging in such witchhunts because THEY CAN NOT WIN.....NO VIABLE POLICIES OR AGENDAS EXCEPT TO PUSH ABORTION, RAISING YOUR TAXES AND A NEW $54 TRILLION GREEN DEAL!!!!!
Our Constitution is too important

Nobody is above the law
Glad you think that...there are a whole bunch of FBI and DoJ people that walked all over our Constitutional rights!
Is that why Trump solicited a bribe?

I need a favor though

Now you are channeling Pencil Neck.
Is he your idol now?

Why do you need to lie?
Trump’s abuse of power are to manipulate the election. “Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales on what should be a free and fair election.

Adam Schiff – the Poster-Child for Congressional Abuse of ...

Time to Limit Congressional Abuse of Power. Schiff has just launched an investigation into President Trump’s financial affairs even though it is not clear how the House Intelligence Committee has the authority to look into the personal or business...
Abuse of Power and Congressional Tyranny – Choose Freedom ...

Abuse of Power and Congressional Tyranny Published by admin on May 29, 2019 May 29, 2019. Congressional Democrats cite their broad power of “congressional oversight of [the Trump] administration and the power to issue “subpoenas . . . to conduct...
Rep. Andy Biggs: Democrats are abusing their political ...

Democrats are not investigating a crime ... Now we are seeing the abuse of congressional power by these three committees for the purpose, as Chairman Nadler indicated, of laying the foundation for ...
Congressional Oversight, or Abuse of Power? - Granite Grok
Congressional Oversight, or Abuse of Power? - Granite Grok

Congressional Oversight, or Abuse of Power? Read More » ... And today when they’re pontificating about abuse of power, threats to our democracy, the rule of law, and congressional oversight responsibility, why it’s nothing less than inspirational
Aw, looks like someone doesn’t like transparency.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant. These are quite dark times.
Shall we talk FISA ABUSE!
“Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales

So we can't leave it to voters?


I am watching Democrats lose their fucking minds in real time. What will they look like after Trump wins?

The founding fathers put impeachment in the constitution for a reason mate. What good are elections if the president can corrupt them?

Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’....impeach this!
The Democrats believe that the 2020 election is too important to be left to the voters. It’s obvious that President Trump withheld defense aid to Ukraine to pressure its president to commit to the investigations that he wanted, an improper use of his power that should rightly be the focus of congressional investigation and hearings.

Where the Democrats have gotten tangled up is trying to find a justification that supports the enormous weight of impeaching and removing a president for the first time in our history.

They’ve cycled through different arguments. First, Trump’s offense was said to be a quid pro quo — a phrase cast aside for supposedly being too Latin for the public to understand. Then it was bribery, which has lost ground lately, presumably because of the inherent implausibility of the charge.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...



The world’s gone crazy because the majority should be overwhelming in shouting it from every roof top that the DemonRATS are engaging in such witchhunts because THEY CAN NOT WIN.....NO VIABLE POLICIES OR AGENDAS EXCEPT TO PUSH ABORTION, RAISING YOUR TAXES AND A NEW $54 TRILLION GREEN DEAL!!!!!
It's neat how as soon as something is said about republicans (trump was referred to as a threat to democracy in the hearings yesterday) .One of you conservitards finds a way to say that about Democrats.

Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.....
From the OP -

"It’s obvious that President Trump withheld defense aid to Ukraine to pressure its president to commit to the investigations that he wanted, an improper use of his power that should rightly be the focus of congressional investigation and hearings."

Not even close to true
That is just establishment never Trumper Rich Lowry trying to curry favor with the Left.
The Democrats believe that the 2020 election is too important to be left to the voters. It’s obvious that President Trump withheld defense aid to Ukraine to pressure its president to commit to the investigations that he wanted, an improper use of his power that should rightly be the focus of congressional investigation and hearings.

Where the Democrats have gotten tangled up is trying to find a justification that supports the enormous weight of impeaching and removing a president for the first time in our history.

They’ve cycled through different arguments. First, Trump’s offense was said to be a quid pro quo — a phrase cast aside for supposedly being too Latin for the public to understand. Then it was bribery, which has lost ground lately, presumably because of the inherent implausibility of the charge.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...



The world’s gone crazy because the majority should be overwhelming in shouting it from every roof top that the DemonRATS are engaging in such witchhunts because THEY CAN NOT WIN.....NO VIABLE POLICIES OR AGENDAS EXCEPT TO PUSH ABORTION, RAISING YOUR TAXES AND A NEW $54 TRILLION GREEN DEAL!!!!!
It's neat how as soon as something is said about republicans (trump was referred to as a threat to democracy in the hearings yesterday) .One of you conservitards finds a way to say that about Democrats.

Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.....

Don’t Be Duped by the Impeachment Show Trial

That’s a common question asked by people around the country who are only marginally following the Democrats’ impeachment circus in Washington.

They hear that President Trump has done terrible things, such as “endanger national security.” But when they look past the constant “bombshell” headlines, they find nothing there.

Mr. Trump held up some aid to Ukraine for a few weeks after a phone call with Ukraine’s president in which he asked him to look into corruption in his own country, including some that involves Joe Biden and his son Hunter. And that’s a threat to America’s national security and an impeachable offense?

When Democrats launched their kangaroo court, violating the most fundamental rules of fairness, some Trump officials refused to testify. So, “obstruction.”

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is on tape laughing in 2018 to a Council on Foreign Relations audience about threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if a prosecutor was not fired. Never mind that this prosecutor may have begun looking into Biden’s son Hunter’s cushy, $50,000 a month slot on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings while Biden was vice president.

An excerpt from Mr. Biden bears repeating every time the Democrats accuse President Trump of “strong-arming” a foreign country’s leadership for political gain:

“I said, you’re not getting the billion…I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired.”

On Oct. 9, Ukrainian Member of Parliament Andriy Derkach displayed documents showing that Hunter Biden’s lobbying firm was paid $900,000 from Burisma. Rudy Giuliani noted in the Nov. 13 Wall Street Journal that the invoice “said the money was for lobbying Joe Biden.”

This is the real scandal, along with the Democrats’ collusion with Russians in 2016 and the anti-Trump corruption of the FBI and other security agencies.

In a July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, Mr. Trump asked him to continue dealing with corruption in his country. He mentions impending aid to Ukraine. Near the end of the call, he references the Bidens this way:

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son. That Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it … It sounds horrible to me.”

The Democrats say that because Joe Biden is now running for president, he is above being investigated for conduct while he was Obama’s vice president, including his dealings with Ukraine. So, if you’re a crook, just run for president and no one will be allowed to investigate you. Sounds like the Clinton playbook.

Mr. Trump has every reason to want to get to the bottom of the scandal in which the FBI spied on his campaign in 2016, using a Russian-sourced dossier. FBI officials also covered up the Hillary e-mail server scandal and led what appears to be a coup attempt even after the election.

Since the two-year Mueller inquiry into possible Russian collusion collapsed, we keep hearing Democrats allege that Republicans deny that the Russians tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

This is nonsense. Of course, the Russians tried to mess things up. They’ve been doing it for years. They posted phony messages on social media critical of both candidates, but more so of Hillary Clinton. It’s doubtful this had any meaningful impact on the election.

Speaking of Hillary, the Russians’ most effective ploy was to tempt her and the Democratic National Committee into buying a dossier that was supposed to smear Trump. The now-debunked document was used to persuade a FISA court to authorize surveilling a Trump campaign official. Scandal, anyone ^ | December 10, 2019
The Democrats believe that the 2020 election is too important to be left to the voters. It’s obvious that President Trump withheld defense aid to Ukraine to pressure its president to commit to the investigations that he wanted, an improper use of his power that should rightly be the focus of congressional investigation and hearings.

Where the Democrats have gotten tangled up is trying to find a justification that supports the enormous weight of impeaching and removing a president for the first time in our history.

They’ve cycled through different arguments. First, Trump’s offense was said to be a quid pro quo — a phrase cast aside for supposedly being too Latin for the public to understand. Then it was bribery, which has lost ground lately, presumably because of the inherent implausibility of the charge.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...



The world’s gone crazy because the majority should be overwhelming in shouting it from every roof top that the DemonRATS are engaging in such witchhunts because THEY CAN NOT WIN.....NO VIABLE POLICIES OR AGENDAS EXCEPT TO PUSH ABORTION, RAISING YOUR TAXES AND A NEW $54 TRILLION GREEN DEAL!!!!!
It's neat how as soon as something is said about republicans (trump was referred to as a threat to democracy in the hearings yesterday) .One of you conservitards finds a way to say that about Democrats.

Well, they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.....

Don’t Be Duped by the Impeachment Show Trial

That’s a common question asked by people around the country who are only marginally following the Democrats’ impeachment circus in Washington.

They hear that President Trump has done terrible things, such as “endanger national security.” But when they look past the constant “bombshell” headlines, they find nothing there.

Mr. Trump held up some aid to Ukraine for a few weeks after a phone call with Ukraine’s president in which he asked him to look into corruption in his own country, including some that involves Joe Biden and his son Hunter. And that’s a threat to America’s national security and an impeachable offense?

When Democrats launched their kangaroo court, violating the most fundamental rules of fairness, some Trump officials refused to testify. So, “obstruction.”

Meanwhile, Joe Biden is on tape laughing in 2018 to a Council on Foreign Relations audience about threatening to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if a prosecutor was not fired. Never mind that this prosecutor may have begun looking into Biden’s son Hunter’s cushy, $50,000 a month slot on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings while Biden was vice president.

An excerpt from Mr. Biden bears repeating every time the Democrats accuse President Trump of “strong-arming” a foreign country’s leadership for political gain:

“I said, you’re not getting the billion…I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a b-tch. (Laughter.) He got fired.”

On Oct. 9, Ukrainian Member of Parliament Andriy Derkach displayed documents showing that Hunter Biden’s lobbying firm was paid $900,000 from Burisma. Rudy Giuliani noted in the Nov. 13 Wall Street Journal that the invoice “said the money was for lobbying Joe Biden.”

This is the real scandal, along with the Democrats’ collusion with Russians in 2016 and the anti-Trump corruption of the FBI and other security agencies.

In a July 25 phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, Mr. Trump asked him to continue dealing with corruption in his country. He mentions impending aid to Ukraine. Near the end of the call, he references the Bidens this way:

“There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son. That Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it … It sounds horrible to me.”

The Democrats say that because Joe Biden is now running for president, he is above being investigated for conduct while he was Obama’s vice president, including his dealings with Ukraine. So, if you’re a crook, just run for president and no one will be allowed to investigate you. Sounds like the Clinton playbook.

Mr. Trump has every reason to want to get to the bottom of the scandal in which the FBI spied on his campaign in 2016, using a Russian-sourced dossier. FBI officials also covered up the Hillary e-mail server scandal and led what appears to be a coup attempt even after the election.

Since the two-year Mueller inquiry into possible Russian collusion collapsed, we keep hearing Democrats allege that Republicans deny that the Russians tried to interfere in the 2016 election.

This is nonsense. Of course, the Russians tried to mess things up. They’ve been doing it for years. They posted phony messages on social media critical of both candidates, but more so of Hillary Clinton. It’s doubtful this had any meaningful impact on the election.

Speaking of Hillary, the Russians’ most effective ploy was to tempt her and the Democratic National Committee into buying a dossier that was supposed to smear Trump. The now-debunked document was used to persuade a FISA court to authorize surveilling a Trump campaign official. Scandal, anyone ^ | December 10, 2019
Copy-paste of a whole town hall article I'm not gonna bother to read anyway is not a response.

The only "show" being put on is the grand standing being done by republicans. Objecting to everything up to and including a 15 minute bathroom break? Roll call on every damn thing?

They did their to taint and disrupt the proceedings to the point where people would stop watching.
Please proof rea
“Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales

So we can't leave it to voters?


I am watching Democrats lose their fucking minds in real time. What will they look like after Trump wins?

The founding fathers put impeachment in the constitution for a reason mate. What good are elections if the president can corrupt them?

Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’....impeach this!

Here's hoping that the senate trial is as bad for the dems as it can be.
Hope the senators hire a competent team instead of trying to grandstand and miss the trashing of the democrats for their sham impeachment.
Last edited:
“Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales

So we can't leave it to voters?


I am watching Democrats lose their fucking minds in real time. What will they look like after Trump wins?

The founding fathers put impeachment in the constitution for a reason mate. What good are elections if the president can corrupt them?

Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’....impeach this!

Since when are you okay with the president ordering investigations into his political opponents?

That’s some real Soviet style bullshit there.
The Democrats believe that the 2020 election is too important to be left to the voters. It’s obvious that President Trump withheld defense aid to Ukraine to pressure its president to commit to the investigations that he wanted, an improper use of his power that should rightly be the focus of congressional investigation and hearings.

Where the Democrats have gotten tangled up is trying to find a justification that supports the enormous weight of impeaching and removing a president for the first time in our history.

They’ve cycled through different arguments. First, Trump’s offense was said to be a quid pro quo — a phrase cast aside for supposedly being too Latin for the public to understand. Then it was bribery, which has lost ground lately, presumably because of the inherent implausibility of the charge.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...



The world’s gone crazy because the majority should be overwhelming in shouting it from every roof top that the DemonRATS are engaging in such witchhunts because THEY CAN NOT WIN.....NO VIABLE POLICIES OR AGENDAS EXCEPT TO PUSH ABORTION, RAISING YOUR TAXES AND A NEW $54 TRILLION GREEN DEAL!!!!!
Our Constitution is too important

Nobody is above the law

Not even those who are trying to take down the president with focus group tested charges.
Impeachment is a Constitutional power to check the power of tyrants
And when the impeaching party fails to treat it as the serious matter it is, ala using focus groups to figure out what charges to bring, they need to be held accountable. As it stands now, the democrats are seriously weakening the true power of impeachment by not bringing concrete evidence of concrete crimes. Sure, they don't have to by the Constitution, but they will pay a price for appearing so petty. And, should they break the law when trying to unseat Trump, they also are not above investigation and prosecution. It would behoove them to tread carefully, because Trump is a very vindictive person. Should they fail to remove him from office, they'd better hope they dotted every 'I' and crossed every 'T'.
I'm looking forward to the senate trial, especially if Durham gets his report out before the trial.
I find it fun to watch trumpanzees put all their eggs in the Durham basket.......just like they once put all their eggs in the IG FISA report basket. How'd that work out?
“Leaving it to the voters” allows him to tip the scales

So we can't leave it to voters?


I am watching Democrats lose their fucking minds in real time. What will they look like after Trump wins?

The founding fathers put impeachment in the constitution for a reason mate. What good are elections if the president can corrupt them?

Democrats’ latest impeachment line: Investigating corruption is ‘election interference’....impeach this!

Since when are you okay with the president ordering investigations into his political opponents?

That’s some real Soviet style bullshit there.
If there is a credible reason to suspect a crime has been committed, he has the authority to so order an investigation, just as the legislative branch can order one done on him. Now, if the investigation is done in SEARCH of a crime, as the legislative branch has done, they could have some trouble.

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