Dems' Inquiry Won't End Trump's Term, But May Get Him a Second


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Dems' Inquiry Won't End Trump's Term, But May Get Him a Second

Dems' Inquiry Won't End Trump's Term, But May Get Him a Second | RealClearPolitics
26 Sep 2019 ~ By Kimberly Guilfoyle
Donald Trump is the president of the United States, and the Democrats appear bound and determined to ensure that he remains in that position for another four years. There is no shortcut to overturning the 2016 election. This is just the latest in a long line of increasingly weak attempts by House Democrats to discredit the president, and the inevitable futility of this effort is crucial to understanding the Democrats’ true motivations.
Even if she (Pelosi) manages to walk the tightrope of holding an “impeachment inquiry” without launching actual impeachment proceedings, Pelosi is going to seriously damage her party’s presidential nominee next year. It’s almost as though she wants President Trump to remain in the White House through 2024. (Commentary)

Hmmm..., the more Ukraine details that come out, the more Biden is thrown under the bus by the Democrats that supposedly support him. That may be a big motivator here for Dems.
The 'Deep State' can't and has not beaten Trump at the ballot box, therefore they've attempted to remove him via a failed and supposed violation to impeach him.
Madame Pelosi was right to fight against impeachment. She's been steamrolled by the petulant children of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Left. The Left just can't stop shooting itself in the foot.
Their evidence is weak, but something is coming down the pike so damaging to the Democratic Party's brand that they have to do something, anything, to shift attention away from it. What could this be? Perhaps IG Michael Horowitz' report on FISA abuses, that goes to the crux of the validity of the discredited Russia-collusion conspiracy against President Trump? Perhaps US Attorney John Dunham's broader inquiry into the whole affair, which does, we have now had it confirmed, include Ukrainian involvement?
The democrats keep shooting themselves in the foot then turn around and wonder why it hurts.

They are so afraid of loosing power that they will do anything to try and keep it not understanding that all it does is make them look foolish. 2020 will see the Republicans with the presidency and control of both houses. That may or may not be good.

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