Dems need 218 House votes and 67 Senate votes to remove Trump from office. Will they have the votes?

Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?
No they won’t. It’s why I hope Trump resigns or has a stroke. Both are equally fine results.
/——/ As much as I dispise the Clintons and Obamas, I never wished death on them. That’s what separates me from liberals.
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?
No they won’t. It’s why I hope Trump resigns or has a stroke. Both are equally fine results.
/——/ As much as I dispise the Clintons and Obamas, I never wished death on them. That’s what separates me from liberals.

Because they don’t actually like their own country.
I don't think a President can be removed from office for reasons of serious butt-hurt and hurt feelings. If it did happen I'm sure the "reasonable" side of the Democratic party would see the absolute can of worms this opens. The next Democratic president voted into office would have impeachment hearings almost day one if the GOP had the numbers.

That's a tad bit optimistic considering the GOP cannot accomplish the things they promised their voters while they have control of the House, the Senate and the White House.
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

Again, this is where you are a bit confused.

There's going to be a point where Establishment Republicans will realize Trump is more of a liability than a benefit.

Kind of like they did with Nixon in 1974.
I am not confused at all. Dems will drive this and need to flip pubs if they don’t have the numbers.

You seem confused.

I said votes, not seats.

Let’s try again.

Will Dems have the votes to remove Trump from office? If they don’t have the seats, who will flip and VOTE WITH THE DEMS, MAKING THEM DEM VOTES?

Booming economy, jobs for everyone, other countries paying more of their share, better trade deals, consumer confidence at record highs.
Tell us again why y’all want to impeach Trump, oh he says mean words

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I am not confused at all.

yup... you are buddy. You are confused that you think the GOP is going to fall on their swords for Trump.

I didn’t opine at all, I stated facts and then asked a question.

Ok, so you are not capable of discussing what Republicans might flip if the Democrats don’t hold enough Congressional seats to impeach unilaterally. Thanks for your contribution to the thread.

If a republican flips on Trump it would be political suicide for them at next election, y’all keep forgetting about all the Trump deplorables .

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Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

Again, this is where you are a bit confused.

There's going to be a point where Establishment Republicans will realize Trump is more of a liability than a benefit.

Kind of like they did with Nixon in 1974.
I am not confused at all. Dems will drive this and need to flip pubs if they don’t have the numbers.

You seem confused.

I said votes, not seats.

Let’s try again.

Will Dems have the votes to remove Trump from office? If they don’t have the seats, who will flip and VOTE WITH THE DEMS, MAKING THEM DEM VOTES?

Booming economy, jobs for everyone, other countries paying more of their share, better trade deals, consumer confidence at record highs.
Tell us again why y’all want to impeach Trump, oh he says mean words

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Are you replying to the wrong person?

I don't want Trump impeached. I want the Dems who say he should be impeached to vote on it because they will lose and look they will look like the jackasses they are.

that make THEM the Kool-Aid drinkers?

'Dems need 218 House votes and 67 Senate votes to remove Trump from office.'

Silly me - I thought they actually had to have evidence of 'High Crimes And/OR Misdemeanors', which beating Hillary's ass in 2016 is neither....
'Dems need 218 House votes and 67 Senate votes to remove Trump from office.'

Silly me - I thought they actually had to have evidence of 'High Crimes And/OR Misdemeanors', which beating Hillary's ass in 2016 is neither....
/—-/ But Trump uses bad words....a high crime and misdemeanor
Will Dems Have The Votes To Remove Trump From Office In 2019 ??

The Answer Is:
Trump Will Never Be Impeached
Plus Dems Have No One To Run Against Trump In 2020

Even So, It Doesn't Matter
Dems Lost In 2016
Hillary Will NEVER Be President
And There Are No Democrats In Succession To Be President
Will Dems Have The Votes To Remove Trump From Office In 2019 ??

The Answer Is:
Trump Will Never Be Impeached
Dems Have No One To Run Against Trump In 2020

Even So, It Doesn't Matter
Dems Lost In 2016
Hillary Will NEVER Be President
And There Are No Democrats In Succession To Be President
I hope she does run again....the only thing better than 'Two-Time Loser' in the history books next to Hillary's name would be 'THREE(3)-Time Loser'. :p
easyt65 said:
I hope she does run again....the only thing better than 'Two-Time Loser' in the history books next to Hillary's name would be 'THREE(3)-Time Loser'. :p
She Can All She Want's
Anyone Can

She Will Be Ignored
Impeach 45!!!

Auntie Maxine 2020
Yes, let the DNC nominate Mad Max, the torch-bearer for the Russian Counter-Intelligence operation designed to divide America as she calls on more Leftist thugs to stalk and criminally accost / bother others...

easyt65 said:
Yes, let the DNC nominate Mad Max, the torch-bearer for the Russian Counter-Intelligence operation designed to divide America as she calls on more Leftist thugs to stalk and criminally accost / bother others...

Maxi Needs To Be Censured And Removed From Office
For Her Overt Calls To Actual Violence

Representatives Have Been Removed For Less
I hope they do.

I hope they impeach a Pres that lowered taxes, lowered ue, made moves to protect America and Americans from criminals and legal extortion from other countries.

they will put an incredibly religious con in the Presidents seat.

Impeachment does not mean removal. I hope if the American voters put Dems in control in the House, they will impeach Trump and fail to remove him. That will be two years of total hell for them until 2020 rolls the House back the other way.

I don't think the Dems stand a chance at the House at the rate they are going, voting for socialists, communists, and libtards in their primaries who will be eaten alive in the general election.

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