Dems need 218 House votes and 67 Senate votes to remove Trump from office. Will they have the votes?

Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

No, not unless something truly egregious is uncovered and so far nothing has come close to that.
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

No, not unless something truly egregious is uncovered and so far nothing has come close to that.

I am of the same opinion, and the liberals holding on to hope are not able to articulate how the votes will be garnered, because they will likely not be.

Not to mention, any Republicans who vote to Impeach Trump will be voted out of office the next time they run for re-election.
IF the Dems take the House this fall, I can see them having an impeachment vote on Trump, but would every democrat vote for it? It's easy to say "Hell yeah, impeach the bastard" when you're in a deep blue district, but not so cut and dried when you're out there in a purple or red district that could go against you in a heartbeat. I'd say if they did have that vote, then win or lose the house would wing back to the GOP in 2020. And there would be a good chance Trump would win re-election too, all other things being equal.

As far as the Senate goes, not a chance in hell. There's no way the dems are going to get 67 seats in the Senate, and no repub is going to vote against Trump. It may be that Trump will resign for health reasons first, which is possible I guess but at this point unknown and unlikely. Right now, it looks like Trump will still be our President in 2020, and the way things are going with the economy, he's going to win re-election for another 4 years.
IF the Dems take the House this fall, I can see them having an impeachment vote on Trump, but would every democrat vote for it?

I honestly doubt the Democratic leadership would allow a vote on it. Pelosi and Hoyer will rein in the crazies.
Trump won't run in 2020, because the antiTrump will run one or two candidates only in the primaries.
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

I don't think a President can be removed from office for reasons of serious butt-hurt and hurt feelings. If it did happen I'm sure the "reasonable" side of the Democratic party would see the absolute can of worms this opens. The next Democratic president voted into office would have impeachment hearings almost day one if the GOP had the numbers.
When did the rules change where the only criterion for impeachment is butt-pain, because the opponent can't handle a loss?
Impeachment is first and foremost political.

A charge can be "because TheDude is butt hurt at the mean things people say about the Orange Dildo."
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

I don't think a President can be removed from office for reasons of serious butt-hurt and hurt feelings. If it did happen I'm sure the "reasonable" side of the Democratic party would see the absolute can of worms this opens. The next Democratic president voted into office would have impeachment hearings almost day one if the GOP had the numbers.

Impeachment because of serious butt hurt. Lol
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

Many dems won’t vote for impeachment and I don’t expect it to come up. There would be a revolt never seen before
No revolt would occur because the Trump base are cowards.

Just because Republicans don't take to the streets to riot in black clothing and masks when they lose an election doesn't mean they are "cowards", Jake! Cowards hide their identify when they loot and pillage. Antifa anyone?
sure, Oldstyle: antifa and the Trump base


I am trying my best here, help me out a little bit.

How will the Dems get the votes needed to remove Trump from office, specifically?

If you don’t know, but you just wish it will happen, just fucking say that.

Guy, there is no help for you. You are a Trump cultist who is watching his Cult leader about to be taken away, and you are ready to drink the Koolaid.

Republicans are going to turn on Trump the MINUTE they think they can get away with it or that minute they think that too many of them will lose their jobs because of him.

This is what happened to Tricky Dick, and Trump isn't worthy to carry Tricky Dick's suitcase.

This is what happened to Blago in Illinois. The only person who voted against impeaching him was his sister-in-law in the State Legislature.
Yup, there will be no cowardly "revolt" by the Trump base.

The Trump base, probably not.

But the thing was, Trump's support has always been about half the koolaid drinkers, and half "Von Papen" Republicans who are going along for the ride hoping to get Judicial Appointments and Tax cuts for rich people.

Now that they've gotten those things, Trump is expendable.
The Trump base, probably not.

But the thing was, Trump's support has always been about half the koolaid drinkers, and half "Von Papen" Republicans who are going along for the ride hoping to get Judicial Appointments and Tax cuts for rich people.

Now that they've gotten those things, Trump is expendable.

Riiiight. You make about as much sense as a square bowling ball.
Trump supporters don't want OPEN BORDERS like you...that make THEM the Kool-Aid drinkers? :rolleyes:
Trump supporters see MS13 as the violent dangerous criminals they are instead of friendly VOTES for Dims....THAT makes Trump supporters Kool-Aid drinkers?...:rolleyes:
Trump supporters, unlike you, didn't want a career elitist criminal name Hillary in the White THAT makes Trump supporters Kool-Aid drinkers? :rolleyes:

I'd say it's YOU who's been drinking.....and more than Kool-Aid.
You've apparently hit the idiot well far too many times and it shows.
You don't think that the Russian interfering was not about "politics," you hack? Of course it is about corrupt electioneering by Trump and his Russian minions. Yes, it needs to be corrected.

You missed the memo.
The Dims (especially team Clinton) were the ones snuggled up to the Russians.
If she had been elected, the only alcohol served in America by now would be Russian Vodka, The Russians would have been sold the rights to the remainder of our Uranium and Hillary's next "personal secret server" would have been located in Moscow.

You're such a easy puppet for the elites.
It's a grave unfortunate miscalculation that the Constitution also provides for the protection of absolute imbeciles like you who are hell bent on it's demise.
The midterms are now a referendum on impeachment.
Don’t forget it.

I agree. The flipping of seats for the purpose of acheiving impeachment SEEMS to be the REAL purpose of the Mueller investigation. A Smear campaign is all it is.

Just wait until October, the Mueller team will have more leaks than a trailer park condom and it will be bullshit.They are desperate.

How many times have the left wing media sworn “We’ve got him now!!”

Fucking jackasses.

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