Dems need 218 House votes and 67 Senate votes to remove Trump from office. Will they have the votes?

The wild card will be whether enough Republicans decide they've had enough of this.

There's no way to know what their all-important "internal polling" is telling them to do.

The real question is if they try to actually prove "high crimes and misdemeanors" or just throw something together as a lame excuse to remove him for political reasons.
Well, the two can be the same thing. This is obviously political, and we've been down this road with Clinton.

Sure beats working together to improve the country.

But the question is do they even bother trying to find something concrete to impeach him with, or do they just slap together what they currently have now?
Oh, well, my guess is that they think there's enough right now to do it, and they probably would, but they're hoping for/expecting more to work with as more comes out.

It's not like the spigot has been turned off, so there's probably more on the way.

The thing is so far all they have is "we don't like him", and "he's an ass"

At least with Clinton they had him lying under Oath.
Well, we'll see what the facts end up being.
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?
The wild card will be whether enough Republicans decide they've had enough of this.

There's no way to know what their all-important "internal polling" is telling them to do.

The real question is if they try to actually prove "high crimes and misdemeanors" or just throw something together as a lame excuse to remove him for political reasons.

Impeachment is a political process, not a judicial one.

It's supposed to be a judicial process. It's an abused process when it is used for Politics.
Sure beats working together to improve the country.

A lot of our Liberal Friends believe that ending President Trump's policies of Peace and Prosperity will improve the country and it will insure the continued supremacy of the Deep State.
Where do you get this non sense about “leading medical”? Seriously what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about Dr. Ronnie Jackson, the WH physician as well as leading Manhattan physician Dr. Harold Bornstein who have been caring for the Trumpster since the 1980's
Oh you mean the hack who wrote that ridiculous unprofessional letter?

Where did you go to Medical School? Bornstein went to Tufts and Jackson to University of Texas. I think they know a lot more about the President's health than you do
His credentials aren’t the point. He wrote a letter that was not only full of shit, but was completely unprofessional and biased. Doctors don’t talk like that. They use objective terminology in context and don’t make outlandish claims about his health in comparison to the general population. Maybe he is a decent doctor - I don’t know. His letter doesn’t at all indicate that though. It was obviously dictated by Trump himself.
Where do you get this non sense about “leading medical”? Seriously what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about Dr. Ronnie Jackson, the WH physician as well as leading Manhattan physician Dr. Harold Bornstein who have been caring for the Trumpster since the 1980's
Oh you mean the hack who wrote that ridiculous unprofessional letter?

Where did you go to Medical School? Bornstein went to Tufts and Jackson to University of Texas. I think they know a lot more about the President's health than you do
His credentials aren’t the point. He wrote a letter that was not only full of shit, but was completely unprofessional and biased. Doctors don’t talk like that. They use objective terminology in context and don’t make outlandish claims about his health in comparison to the general population. Maybe he is a decent doctor - I don’t know. His letter doesn’t at all indicate that though. It was obviously dictated by Trump himself.

Who are you to say that Trump isn't our healthiest President?

Dr. Bornstein is a licensed physician, a superb practitioner , and I don't see how you can say he's "full of shit". Bornstein actually examined the man.

And Dr. Jackson gave him a thorough exam in theWH as well- President Trump had the best score ever recorded on the Cognitive Portion of the exam. Donald Trump was determined to be a "very stable genius".Former Secretary of State Tillerson declined to compete in an IQ Test that Trump challenged him to, realizing his ass would be grass.
Where do you get this non sense about “leading medical”? Seriously what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm talking about Dr. Ronnie Jackson, the WH physician as well as leading Manhattan physician Dr. Harold Bornstein who have been caring for the Trumpster since the 1980's
Oh you mean the hack who wrote that ridiculous unprofessional letter?

Where did you go to Medical School? Bornstein went to Tufts and Jackson to University of Texas. I think they know a lot more about the President's health than you do
His credentials aren’t the point. He wrote a letter that was not only full of shit, but was completely unprofessional and biased. Doctors don’t talk like that. They use objective terminology in context and don’t make outlandish claims about his health in comparison to the general population. Maybe he is a decent doctor - I don’t know. His letter doesn’t at all indicate that though. It was obviously dictated by Trump himself.

Who are you to say that Trump isn't our healthiest President?

Dr. Bornstein is a licensed physician, a superb practitioner , and I don't see how you can say he's "full of shit". Bornstein actually examined the man.

And Dr. Jackson gave him a thorough exam in theWH as well- President Trump had the best score ever recorded on the Cognitive Portion of the exam. Donald Trump was determined to be a "very stable genius".Former Secretary of State Tillerson declined to compete in an IQ Test that Trump challenged him to, realizing his ass would be grass.

Bornstein didn't write the letter.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says

And Dr Ronny Feel good traded his integrity for the VA job he didn't end up getting. #sad
I hope they do.

I hope they impeach a Pres that lowered taxes, lowered ue, made moves to protect America and Americans from criminals and legal extortion from other countries.

they will put an incredibly religious con in the Presidents seat.

They did not think that one through
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

Again, this is where you are a bit confused.

There's going to be a point where Establishment Republicans will realize Trump is more of a liability than a benefit.

Kind of like they did with Nixon in 1974.
I am not confused at all. Dems will drive this and need to flip pubs if they don’t have the numbers.

You seem confused.

I said votes, not seats.

Let’s try again.

Will Dems have the votes to remove Trump from office? If they don’t have the seats, who will flip and VOTE WITH THE DEMS, MAKING THEM DEM VOTES?

Nope. Not even close.
Bornstein didn't write the letter.

Trump wrote own health letter, doctor says

And Dr Ronny Feel good traded his integrity for the VA job he didn't end up getting. #sad

Dr. Bornstein signed the letter, so he agreed with the sentiments.

But I thought it was interesting how all the allegations about Dr. Jackson were suddenly forgotten about after he withdrew his name from consideration.

The allegation that he distributed narcotics to members of the B Hussein O administration was interesting. We never heard exactly which Regime members got what drugs.
Majority of 435 House votes (218) to bring a trial in the senate.

67 votes needed in the Senate to remove Trump from office.

Will Dems have the votes come January, 2019?

They not only need votes, they need a reason too

Bill couldn't deny his crimes anymore after Ken found the famous blue dress, all Mueller has is the word of a corrupt lawyer

Mueller's October surprises will be the factor that decides on whether Trump will be impeached.

The Left tried the October Surprise in 2016, and Trump still schlonged them.

If you'll remember the Access Hollywood tapes, that NBC and the Bush Family held close to their vest until just a few weeks before the election and sprang them on him.

Trump emerged victorious, I don't think that whatever dirty trick Mueller has to try and depose our President, that he will be successful. And neither, BTW, does the market, which hasn't priced in the devastating effect of the end of Trump.
So untrue, but that is you!

Comey's outing of Clinton was the October surprise, and now it is Mueller's turn. :p
Mueller's October surprises will be the factor that decides on whether Trump will be impeached.
You do realize that by calling it an "October Surprise' you basically admit that the whole thing isn't about electoral integrity, and is all about politics, right?
You don't think that the Russian interfering was not about "politics," you hack? Of course it is about corrupt electioneering by Trump and his Russian minions. Yes, it needs to be corrected.
Mueller's October surprises will be the factor that decides on whether Trump will be impeached.

The Left tried the October Surprise in 2016, and Trump still schlonged them.

If you'll remember the Access Hollywood tapes, that NBC and the Bush Family held close to their vest until just a few weeks before the election and sprang them on him.

Trump emerged victorious, I don't think that whatever dirty trick Mueller has to try and depose our President, that he will be successful. And neither, BTW, does the market, which hasn't priced in the devastating effect of the end of Trump.
So untrue, but that is you!

Comey's outing of Clinton was the October surprise, and now it is Mueller's turn. :p

Corey's announcement regarding Mrs. Clinton in 2016 was designed to help her. Comey publicly said "nothing to see here" after launching an investigation just a few days before into Carlos Danger's emails.
ya know what

after seeing the display by these fascist socialist democrats

and their attempted overthrow of an election

this makes folks all the more determined to vote in only those like Trump

who wants to live in such a corrupt world as these leftists have exposed themselves to be
Watching the fascist Alt Right trumpers and their shenanigans, it just makes real Americans more determined to run Trump and those like him out of town.

No one who loves American and COTUS wants to live in a Trump world
Mueller's October surprises will be the factor that decides on whether Trump will be impeached.
You do realize that by calling it an "October Surprise' you basically admit that the whole thing isn't about electoral integrity, and is all about politics, right?
You don't think that the Russian interfering was not about "politics," you hack? Of course it is about corrupt electioneering by Trump and his Russian minions. Yes, it needs to be corrected.

The Russian thing is nothing more than a Reichstag fire, a created crisis that is being exploited to overturn an election your side fairly lost.

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