Dems of the board, was impeachment a good idea?

From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

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Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.

Malcolm X would have described you as a "Chump" (a Black person that votes Democrat), now on that he was smelling reality. .. just a hint there IM2 oblivious.

Go easy on him. He’s a shut in, with nothing to do. This is his hobby.

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I try to be patient and understanding but he just makes it .. toOoo difficult.. :eusa_doh:
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Correction: Trump has committed no crime.
It's more accurate to say he has not been convicted of any crime.

Anyone can be accused of a crime. To say "he was has no been convicted" implies wrongdoing. Your ex-wife could accuse you of robbing a bank, with no evidence but hearsay from her besties. A judge could refuse to hear the case due to lack of evidence. Her friends would henceforth refer to you as the guy who had not been convicted of any crime but was charged with bank robbery. Your friends would likely say it differently, in fact, would ignore the charge entirely since it was clearly bogus.
It's my hobby too.... :(

(In addition to crocheting)

Crocheting? Is it possible to make an order?

I could care less what you think. You have your interest, not the American interest in mind.

Good endorsement for Trump that all the foreigners lobbying for their - not American interest, hate him.
You really don't seem to grasp that your very staunchest allies, the Australians, who'll forgive you just about anything, are embarrassed by the events in the Senate. Oh well. Deplorables.

Myself, I'm enjoying the debacle, though it's hard on the Americans I like and admire.
Would you happen to have a copy of the referendum that stated that you speak for all Aussies?

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I could care less what you think. You have your interest, not the American interest in mind.

Good endorsement for Trump that all the foreigners lobbying for their - not American interest, hate him.
You really don't seem to grasp that your very staunchest allies, the Australians, who'll forgive you just about anything, are embarrassed by the events in the Senate. Oh well. Deplorables.

Myself, I'm enjoying the debacle, though it's hard on the Americans I like and admire.

Even our staunchness allies would prefer a weak kneed Democrat in office. It potentially benefits them when in negotiations with the US. Only brain dead liberals can't grasp the concept of putting one's country first, even above all allies.
From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.
You'll only be able to hang on to that until the Reps take back the house, and they expunge that bs.

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There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....

Correction: Trump has committed no crime. The democrat tactic of trying to get someone removed for not committing a crime is a other brilliant one.
Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.
Haha! Yeah, guilty people turn over transcripts all the time....

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Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.

Sure, because every lawyer would advise their client to lay everything on the table when charged with a crime. Get real. The Democrats were on yet another witch hunt. If they couldn't prove the Quid Pro Quo, they were hoping to find something/anything else, maybe even another process crime, which is how Mueller made his living for 2 years.
From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

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Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.
I don't think the famlies now making $5k more a year would say it was "failed"...

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Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.

Sure, because every lawyer would advise their client to lay everything on the table when charged with a crime. Get real. The Democrats were on yet another witch hunt. If they couldn't prove the Quid Pro Quo, they were hoping to find something/anything else, maybe even another process crime, which is how Mueller made his living for 2 years.
What crime was he charged with by law enforcement or congress?

And yes, if you were innocent and the documents would show you are innocent, you Damn right your lawyer would advise you to turn it ALL over, lickedy split!!!
From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

History will be written and thankfully you wont be doing it.. :114:
And history will repeat the same words I posted. Trump was impeached.
Until Jan

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There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....

Correction: Trump has committed no crime. The democrat tactic of trying to get someone removed for not committing a crime is a other brilliant one.
But it's the DOJ that nvestigates crimes.... statutory crimes.... And they chose not to.

And the Congress only investigates high crimes and misdemeanors on the President.

They are not one and the same thing.... at least 99% of the constitutional scholars believe they are not synonymous.

High crimes & Ms can be a statutory crime as well, but also crimes against the Constitution and Oath of office, or no crime at all....

Like if the President moved to Paris after being elected and never showed up for work ...... or drank 24/7, or wore silk pajamas 24/7..... as EXTREME examples..... No crimes at all are committed by doing those things.... but all are impeachable offenses.
Well then, keep doing it...I'm sure that'll go well for

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Even if the Australians are our allies, you Trump hating frothing at mouth lefties are not. Probably not liked in your own country either, perhaps not even a real Australian... explains why you hang out at USMB and not the AUSMB.
Ok. You're just dense. Fair enough, I get it.
Straight to name calling....typical

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....

Correction: Trump has committed no crime. The democrat tactic of trying to get someone removed for not committing a crime is a other brilliant one.
Correction. Trump is guilty as hell. That's why he blocked witnesses and documents.

Trump does not play nice with people who do not play nice.

Great quality...
Yeah, In a mob boss, Mafioso, la Cosa Nostra.... kind of way..... :rolleyes:

:D just the perfect, admirable trait to teach your kids....
Better than raising a stable of weak beta males.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk
From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?
Trump didn't win. He got impeached. Democrats have excellent candidates and when its time, you will understand how weak the republican candidate really is.

Excellent candidates? Oboe is backing blumberg. Ha. Good luck, sore losers. [emoji1787]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Obama has backed no one. trump is about to lose. He's a very weak candidate with a failed presidency.
I don't think the famlies now making $5k more a year would say it was "failed"...

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

He failed to make US Venezuela.
And yes, if you were innocent and the documents would show you are innocent, you Damn right your lawyer would advise you to turn it ALL over, lickedy split!!!

Wrong. If you can't be convicted without documents, no sane lawyer would ask you to turn them over. No matter how innocent a person is, most lawyers will tell you that their clients talk too much or reveal too much. If you are innocent, why give the other side anything? You guys don't seem to understand that the burden of proof is on the prosecution, NOT the defendant. They must prove your guilt. You do not have to prove your innocence.
The Sydney Morning Herald, the largest newspaper in Oz, the US' most staunch ally...

As was obvious to anyone with even a vague interest in American affairs, partisan politics trumped all else when the US Senate on Wednesday voted to acquit the President in his impeachment trial. The Republican majority in the Senate, with the sole exception of Mitt Romney, voted along party lines to find President Donald Trump not guilty of two charges involving alleged high crimes and misdemeanours.

In doing so, the Republicans have underscored just how weak the institutional checks and balances on power really are in the US when it comes to the President. When clear-headed examinations of facts and justice were required, Senate Republicans settled instead for political group-think.
The media has already proven they are left wing one cares what they say anymore...

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And yes, if you were innocent and the documents would show you are innocent, you Damn right your lawyer would advise you to turn it ALL over, lickedy split!!!

Wrong. If you can't be convicted without documents, no sane lawyer would ask you to turn them over. No matter how innocent a person is, most lawyers will tell you that their clients talk too much or reveal too much. If you are innocent, why give the other side anything? You guys don't seem to understand that the burden of proof is on the prosecution, NOT the defendant. They must prove your guilt. You do not have to prove your innocence.
If the documents or first hand witnesses would provide exculpatory evidence of their client, they would MOST CERTAINLY turn them over. There would be no reason for them to not want to clear their client asap, before being charged.
There was not much of a choice.... they were left with no choice when the DOJ refused to investigate the complaints of staffers who reported the CHEATING, and lawlessness.....

Trump was always going to get off, for his high crimes.... but History, facts, what was done by him, needed to be recorded..... And it was.....
When I see people of voting age express this type of certainty and indignation, in light of the extreme lack of evidence, I am left sad and disappointed at the direction our country must take. Many of our citizens who are eligible to vote show this extreme level of limited critical thinking. You have been completely snowed by a willful media.

We are so fucking doomed.


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