Dems Pay Park Service Employees To Baracade WWII Memorial

Oh, and one question for all those rightwingers here who like to rub everyone else's nose in their strict interpretation of the Constitution,

where in the Constitution does it say the Congress has the right to build and fund war memorials?
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Boehner is trying to set himself up as dictator,

refusing to let the clean funding bill be voted on, because he knows it will pass,

but choosing instead to item by item dictate which parts of the government will open and which will not.

and Reid is doing what in the senate? the exact same fucking thing.

the bastards need to get together and find a compromise, but Reid and obama refuse to talk. those two assholes have said "my way or no way". Fuck em, leave the 15% of the govt shut down, we don't need it anyway.
Our nation has changed a lot since 1995

Anyone who has walked around the mall in recent years can see that. Bike patrols, bomb sniffing dogs, increased surveilance. Just a couple of months ago, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced by green paint.

The Mall is either open or it is closed. Until such time as Congress ends its petty is closed

I can assure you that WWII veterans, all of them being over 80 years old, have no interest in defacing anything on the mall.

Is the WWII memorial open or not?

If it is open, then security must be provided. It is tough to disappoint 80 year old veterans, but there are a lot more urgent government services being closed than some monuments

When I was there as an escort 2 1/2 years ago, I never saw any security. Cameras would be sufficient. You sound like an ungrateful, unpatriotic POS! Surely not. :confused:
Oh, and one question for all those rightwingers here who like to rub everyone else's nose in their strict interpretation of the Constitution,

where in the Constitution does it say the Congress has the right to build and fund war memorials?

where is that prohibited? The constitution says what the govt cannot do, its not a list of what it can do.
Aww the repubs put on a show and you're impressed by photo ops. That's cute

I had no idea all WWII veterans were Republicans. Can you provide a link or did you just pull that our of your asshole?

You've never had an idea, so don't pretend you did this time. No one claimed all WW II vets are Republicans, that must have developed in the vast cavern between your ears.
I can assure you that WWII veterans, all of them being over 80 years old, have no interest in defacing anything on the mall.

Is the WWII memorial open or not?

If it is open, then security must be provided. It is tough to disappoint 80 year old veterans, but there are a lot more urgent government services being closed than some monuments

Is the DC police force shut down? Those monuments are granite structures on open ground, what security is needed besides the local police force?

What exactly do you think those 90 year old vets are going to do to the monuments?

Are they open or not?

If they are open, then they are open for everyone. There is intense security at the National Mall. People with backpacks can do nasty things. Opening the monuments means you have to ensure they are safe. Why would you want to open just the WWII memorial out of everything that is on the mall?
President Clinton did not close the National Mall when the Government was shut down in 1995.

Why is it now? Because of National Security.
It has just been announced on the news, that the Senate has just been notified that our National Security is at risk during this shut down and Harry Reid refuses to talk to the House to get things resolved.

Our nation has changed a lot since 1995

Anyone who has walked around the mall in recent years can see that. Bike patrols, bomb sniffing dogs, increased surveilance. Just a couple of months ago, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced by green paint.

The Mall is either open or it is closed. Until such time as Congress ends its petty is closed

I can assure you that WWII veterans, all of them being over 80 years old, have no interest in defacing anything on the mall.

Most are over 90 and no one claimed they would engage in vandalism, it is more likely one might be injured or suffer a serious illness; without immediate attention from trained staff - yep, we do train our government employees - the vets would be at further risk.
I can assure you that WWII veterans, all of them being over 80 years old, have no interest in defacing anything on the mall.

Is the WWII memorial open or not?

If it is open, then security must be provided. It is tough to disappoint 80 year old veterans, but there are a lot more urgent government services being closed than some monuments

When I was there as an escort 2 1/2 years ago, I never saw any security. Cameras would be sufficient. You sound like an ungrateful, unpatriotic POS! Surely not. :confused:

There is a lot of security that you don't see. When I was there, I saw a lot of guards chasing kids out of the fountains and pools. It is a large area with many nooks and crannies

But opening the WWII monument means opening them all.

Parks are nonessential services.

Closed until Congress gets its act together
National Security has become the catch-all for whatever they want to do.

National Security depends on the government watching two grandmas exchange cookie recipes.

When did it become the "catch-all for whatever they wanted to do"? Not under Obama, not even under Bush II, Clinton or even Reagan. The first time was during the Nixon Administration wherein that bastion of liberty and law and order - until he was convicted of felonies - Spiro Agnew sired the New Right and its attacks on the MSM and Hollywood.

Isn't it nice to learn your political 'genealogy'?

Then Agnew was tried an convicted of tax fraud in Maryland which is why Ford became vice-president.

He's STILL less of a criminal than the current crop of democrats. How do you think Harry Reid made his money? One of Reid's bagmen was recently sent to prison.
Boehner is trying to set himself up as dictator,

refusing to let the clean funding bill be voted on, because he knows it will pass,

but choosing instead to item by item dictate which parts of the government will open and which will not.

and Reid is doing what in the senate? the exact same fucking thing.

the bastards need to get together and find a compromise, but Reid and obama refuse to talk. those two assholes have said "my way or no way". Fuck em, leave the 15% of the govt shut down, we don't need it anyway.

There is nothing to compromise. The running of the government is not a bargaining chip.
Boehner is trying to set himself up as dictator,

refusing to let the clean funding bill be voted on, because he knows it will pass,

but choosing instead to item by item dictate which parts of the government will open and which will not.

and Reid is doing what in the senate? the exact same fucking thing.

the bastards need to get together and find a compromise, but Reid and obama refuse to talk. those two assholes have said "my way or no way". Fuck em, leave the 15% of the govt shut down, we don't need it anyway.

There is nothing to compromise. The running of the government is not a bargaining chip.

The Demos have been using it for that for 10 God Damned years.

Now it becomes a fucken issue.
Boehner is trying to set himself up as dictator,

refusing to let the clean funding bill be voted on, because he knows it will pass,

but choosing instead to item by item dictate which parts of the government will open and which will not.

and Reid is doing what in the senate? the exact same fucking thing.

the bastards need to get together and find a compromise, but Reid and obama refuse to talk. those two assholes have said "my way or no way". Fuck em, leave the 15% of the govt shut down, we don't need it anyway.

There is nothing to compromise. The running of the government is not a bargaining chip.

The GOP concept of compromise is..

You kill Obamacare and we will allow the government to operate
Obama Administration Decided to Block Access to Memorials


The Obama Administration has decided to block access to public memorials on the National Mall as a result of the government shutdown. Like its decision to end White House tours when the sequester cuts took effect, there is no rational reason for this. The Park Police, nominally in charge of monitoring these spaces, isn't even effected by the shutdown. Shutting off access to these sites is gratuitous and petulant.

On Monday, the first day of the government shutdown, a number of WWII veterans showed up at a memorial to their service to find that access had been blocked. The memorial is in a public space and is open 24/7, with almost no oversight from Park Police personnel. (Who, by the way, are exempt from the government shutdown.) The White House was, according to reports, informed of the veterans' visit and chose to block access.

Having lived in DC for 18 years, I can tell you, the WWII Memorial is simply an architectural structure in an open public space. There is no official "access" to it. There are no guards. It's a building in a park. Yet, the Obama Administration tried to block veterans from viewing the public memorial, even after hearing about the planned visit.

Fortunately, the "greatest generation" was having nothing of this and easily overcame the government barricades. (Do we yet again have to rely on this generation to show the promise of America?)

On Wednesday, the veterans' group is planning to visit the Lincoln Memorial, which the Obama Administration has also vowed to close to visitors. I have regularly visited this memorial at 1 or 2 in the morning. At those hours, it is a peaceful and reflective place. It is an open space. There is no access that needs to be blocked. It is only by a conscious decision, and a great deal of work, that access would be blocked.

This is nothing more than a petulant response by the Obama Administration to the government shutdown. Over the next week, more than 500 WWII veterans are expected in DC to visit the memorial dedicated to their sacrifice. If the Park Police again try to erect barricades to this public space, it will be another sign that the Obama Administration has made an affirmative decision to separate itself from the American public.

Obama chose this pass. He ought to be made to own it. Obama Administration Decided to Block Access to Memorials
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Shutdown overreach: More personnel sent to WWII memorial than Benghazi; Park Service closes park it doesn't run

The National Park Service is sending so many officials out to shut down federal parks from visiting Americans that at this rate it might have to suspend furloughs if the government closure continues.

Two examples:

-- At the World War II Memorial on The Mall in Washington, where veterans have been staging protests to keep it open, Washington Examiner's Charlie Spiering reports that at least seven officials were dispatched Wednesday morning to set up a ring of barricades to block tourists from the memorial. That is two more than the State Department had in Benghazi a year ago on the night of the terrorist attack that killed four, including the U.S. ambassador.

-- National Park Officials closed down the educational Claude Moore Colonial Farm near the CIA in McLean, Va., even though the federal government doesn't fund or staff the park popular with children and schools. Just because the privately-operated park is on Park Service land, making the federal government simply its landlord, the agency decided to close it.

A Claude Moore Colonial Farm official said that the privately-funded staff is on the job Wednesday, but barred from letting anybody visit the historically accurate buildings or animals. Anna Eberly, the managing director, sent out an email decrying the decision and rude National Park Service staff handling the closure.

Pointing to Park Service claims that parks have to be closed because the agency can’t afford staff during the government closure, Eberly wrote: “What utter crap. We have operated the Farm successfully for 32 years after the NPS cut the Farm from its budget in 1980 and are fully staffed and prepared to open today. But there are barricades at the Pavilions and entrance to the Farm. And if you were to park on the grass and visit on your own, you run the risk of being arrested. Of course, that will cost the NPS staff salaries to police the Farm against intruders while leaving it open will cost them nothing.”

She added: “In all the years I have worked with the National Park Service, first as a volunteer for six years in Richmond where I grew up, then as an NPS employee at the for eight very long years and now enjoyably as managing director for the last 32 years — I have never worked with a more arrogant, arbitrary and vindictive group representing the NPS. I deeply apologize that we have to disappoint you today by being closed but know that we are working while the National Park Service is not — as usual.”​
So you ignore the criticism and call it purely a concession.


Who used the word "purely" besides you?

What other word should I have used?

Entirely, only, exactly, exclusively, merely, plainly, solely, totally, or utterly.

Just so you know you are the only one using those words because I didn't. Also making it really hard to understand why you want me to explain something only you suggested.

and Reid is doing what in the senate? the exact same fucking thing.

the bastards need to get together and find a compromise, but Reid and obama refuse to talk. those two assholes have said "my way or no way". Fuck em, leave the 15% of the govt shut down, we don't need it anyway.

There is nothing to compromise. The running of the government is not a bargaining chip.

The GOP concept of compromise is..

You kill Obamacare and we will allow the government to operate

Conservatives claim they don't want the federal government where it doesn't belong;

running a war memorial would seem to be a perfect example of that.
There is nothing to compromise. The running of the government is not a bargaining chip.

The GOP concept of compromise is..

You kill Obamacare and we will allow the government to operate

Conservatives claim they don't want the federal government where it doesn't belong;

running a war memorial would seem to be a perfect example of that.

Yeah, screw those Vets.


Now that we have a Dem in the White House we don't need the military anymore. We can't cry over the bodies of flag draped coffins so fuck those gun packing bastards? Right????
Who used the word "purely" besides you?

What other word should I have used?

Entirely, only, exactly, exclusively, merely, plainly, solely, totally, or utterly.

Just so you know you are the only one using those words because I didn't. Also making it really hard to understand why you want me to explain something only you suggested.


You're trying to parse words.

But you and I both know what you did, no matter how you describe it.

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