Dems Pay Park Service Employees To Baracade WWII Memorial

Ever since the threat of government-run health care became a reality and ObamaCare was signed into law in 2010, clear-thinking Americans have been worried about how the legislation would ultimately affect the elderly and infirm. Now we know.

Sarah Palin called them "death panels" and was mocked for suggesting that when the federal government ran out of money, health care would be rationed, and the elderly, the infirm, and the chronically ill would be the first to be denied.

America ignored it when Obama told Jane Q Publick, aka Jane Sturm, that he would deny her 105-year-old mother, a woman with a joy for life, a pacemaker. It wasn't Sarah Palin, but Barack Obama who said that at a certain point, based on their age, old people would be better off with a painkiller.

No American wants to believe that in order to cut down on costs, bureaucrats, never mind the president of the United States, would purposely allow some of us to die.

But for those who observe President Obama's actions and refuse to compartmentalize his comments, it's been abundantly clear that this is a man who lacks respect for the sanctity of life -- anyone's life.

After all, if a person approves of the unfettered slaughter of defenseless unborn babies and also enthusiastically funds the brutal procedure to end their lives, doesn't it make sense that such a person is capable of just about anything?

That's why it's no surprise that the president recently inflicted abuse on elderly WWII heroes who congregated in Washington, D.C. to visit a memorial erected in honor of their service.

Read more: Articles: Death Panels and the WWII Veterans
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You wanted the Government Shut Down. That means National Parks are CLOSED. The Park Police are NOT being paid.

The Monument is closed because YOU wanted the Shut Down.

Own Up To It.
The soldiers were part of Honor Flight, a program that gifts WWII veterans with an expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. to view the WWII Memorial.

Allegedly because of the shutdown, 80- and 90-year-old veterans were refused admittance to the site. Now we come to find out that much like what is suspected in the "Fast and Furious," Benghazi, and IRS scandals, the White House had direct involvement.

To keep the aged soldiers from entering the public space, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) rightly pointed out, "some idiot in government sent goons out there to set up barricades."

Could it be that Obama is that contemptuous of men to whom our nation owes enormous gratitude for buying our freedom with their blood?

That must be the case, because the same individual strongly suspected of issuing a "stand down" directive for Benghazi felt that it was a priority to send guards to the memorial to threaten to arrest old WWII soldiers, some of whom arrived in wheelchairs.

All this is important to note, reason being that if Barack Obama can treat the Greatest Generation in such a disrespectful manner, and dismiss their value to this nation by sending a goon squad to put up physical barriers to prevent entry into their memorial, it's probable that this incident is indicative of how older Americans will be treated when it comes to accessing government-controlled health care.

Seeing America's finest staring from afar at a monument built to honor their sacrifices and watching them be prohibited from enjoying what freedom promises every American citizen makes the prospect of Obama-controlled health care even more chilling.

What we witnessed on the day ObamaCare was rolled out, with senior citizens being held at arm's length by the bureaucratic arm of an overbearing government, a vindictive president, and a band of bootlicking public employees, should send shudders down the spine of every American able to comprehend reality.

For those who didn't think it was possible, Barack Obama disallowing WWII veterans' entry into a public park should be viewed as a moment of clarity for the entire nation.

Let's not forget: the Obama administration's antipathy toward patriots was already evidenced when it objected to adding FDR's D-Day prayer the WWII Memorial shrine.

For the rest of us, in a free country, elderly soldiers being forced to storm their own memorial could be a glimpse into a future where a man with no compassion or scruples will have zero compunction barring these and many other American citizens from entering doctors' offices, hospitals, operating rooms, and pharmacies.

In other words, consider what America has witnessed with the veterans an unofficial ObamaCare-denial test flight.

At the WWII Memorial, the inscription at the foot of every flagpole reads: "Americans came to liberate, not to conquer, to restore freedom and to end tyranny."

Little did the brave Americans who stormed the beaches at Normandy know that one day they'd be fighting for their lives thanks to a different kind of tyranny -- right here at home.

Read more: Articles: Death Panels and the WWII Veterans
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Democrats really don't like the whole idea of tourists coming to Washington. Harry Reid wanted to Capitol closed to tourists years ago.

Harry Reid Talks About Smelly Capitol Tourists

This was a way to get what they wanted all along. Except this time, it backfired on the democrats and they don't look so good anymore.
Democrats really don't like the whole idea of tourists coming to Washington. Harry Reid wanted to Capitol closed to tourists years ago.

Harry Reid Talks About Smelly Capitol Tourists

This was a way to get what they wanted all along. Except this time, it backfired on the democrats and they don't look so good anymore.

The Repugs aren't perfect but these Democrats are some serious low-lifes. They have to be in order to spend so much time lying their asses off. Their souls must be black as coal.
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Obama said he will veto any CRs for reopening the parks.

He needs them closed.

All of those vets and scumbag Americans can go pound sand according to the president.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shut down - YouTube

They actually paid the park service to close off a sidewalk to WWII veterans.

Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown

by Chris Delcamp

TOLEDO -- In and around the Glass City, effects of the government shutdown can be seen at our museums, monuments, and national parks. The gates are closed and locked, denying access completely to the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.

Transportation Safety Administration employees were still working at Toledo Express Airport on Monday, but when WNWO called the TSA to find out if they would be affected, there was a message that said the public relations representative did not have access to her voicemail or email due to the government shutdown.

A letter from Rep. Marcy Kaptur's (D-OH 9) office reads,"...only services deemed essential for the safety of human life and protection of property will be continued."

Yet, for a group of World War II veterans visiting the national memorial in Washington D.C., an all expense paid trip which is called an "Honor Flight," the shutdown was not stopping them from seeing the tribute that was inspired by them.

"It just goes to show you why we won World War II," says Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio President Lee Armstrong.

Many elderly veterans, some in wheelchairs, broke through the barriers set up around the memorial, as police, park service employees, and tourists looked on. "The Germans and the Japanese couldn't contain us. They weren't going to let barriers contain them today. They wanted to see their memorial," says Armstrong.

Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio has a trip scheduled to depart from Toledo next Wednesday, October 9.

"We will make the call this Friday to determine if the flight is still a go, or if we will have to re-schedule," Armstrong explains.

He says they are considering going ahead with the trip even if the government is still on shutdown, but when he called the parks service, he was told they would face arrest. "I said, are you kidding me? You're going to arrest a 90/91-year-old veteran from seeing his memorial? If it wasn't for them it wouldn't be there. She said, 'That's correct sir.'"

When Armstrong asked for her name, he says she did not give it to him and then promptly hung up the phone.

99% of veterans on Honor Flights have never had the opportunity to see the memorial that is devoted to their service.

Through October, the are over 35,000 veterans scheduled to visit the site, more than 900 in the next five days alone.

It may all be waiting in limbo if the government can't complete their job.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown : News :

The Democrats and the Obama Administration are looking like real assholes in this. A couple of Republican Congressmen showed up and personally cut the yellow tape that was put up around the memorial and escorted the veterans into the area. Nobody tried to stop them.

that wasnt the only people they paid to protest

[ame=]McDonald's Employee Admits Being Paid $15 to Protest WW2 Vets - YouTube[/ame]
yeah, and when one shameless bitch got deserved word treatment our leftards are whining the second our - poor girlie, she was "berated" :lol:
The evil democrats won't pay park workers to keep it open, but there is money to pay workers to keep it closed.

not everyone is playing obamas games


The state Department of Natural Resources on Wednesday refused a directive from the National Park Service to close a host of popular state properties because of the federal government shutdown.

The park service ordered state officials to close the northern unit of the Kettle Moraine, Devil’s Lake, and Interstate state parks and the state-owned portion of the Horicon Marsh, but state authorities rebuffed the request because the lion’s share of the funding came from state, not federal coffers.

. . . in a sign of defiance, the DNR removed the barricades at the landing, saying it had the legal authority to operate the launch under a 1961 agreement with the federal government.

State DNR refuses federal directive to close some popular parks
Our nation has changed a lot since 1995

Anyone who has walked around the mall in recent years can see that. Bike patrols, bomb sniffing dogs, increased surveilance. Just a couple of months ago, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced by green paint.

The Mall is either open or it is closed. Until such time as Congress ends its petty is closed

I can assure you that WWII veterans, all of them being over 80 years old, have no interest in defacing anything on the mall.

Is the WWII memorial open or not?

If it is open, then security must be provided. It is tough to disappoint 80 year old veterans, but there are a lot more urgent government services being closed than some monuments

Obviously you have never been to the WWII memorial. It is wide open and don't tell me all of the Park police have been furloughed. One cop is all the security needed there and several dozen showed up in time to shoot a berserk unarmed woman today.
I can assure you that WWII veterans, all of them being over 80 years old, have no interest in defacing anything on the mall.

Is the WWII memorial open or not?

If it is open, then security must be provided. It is tough to disappoint 80 year old veterans, but there are a lot more urgent government services being closed than some monuments

Obviously you have never been to the WWII memorial. It is wide open and don't tell me all of the Park police have been furloughed. One cop is all the security needed there and several dozen showed up in time to shoot a berserk unarmed woman today.

Well, they have to protect Obama and Congress from angry Americans!!!!
Without adequate staffing, the smart thing to do is to close it.

Our national monuments deserve to either be open and protected with our full force, or closed if we do not have the adequate means to keep them safe.

This stopped being a story after that Tea Party douchebag Neugebauer bullied a female Park Ranger and told her she should "be ashamed" of her service to this country and shutting things down. Which is pretty ironic coming from an idiot who agrees with the shutdown. But that's a typical Republican for ya these days, they want government to be done away with and then they expect to wake up the next morning and have only the parts of it open that they so desire.

Without adequate staffing, the smart thing to do is to close it.

Our national monuments deserve to either be open and protected with our full force, or closed if we do not have the adequate means to keep them safe.

This stopped being a story after that Tea Party douchebag Neugebauer bullied a female Park Ranger and told her she should "be ashamed" of her service to this country and shutting things down. Which is pretty ironic coming from an idiot who agrees with the shutdown. But that's a typical Republican for ya these days, they want government to be done away with and then they expect to wake up the next morning and have only the parts of it open that they so desire.


Typical lib.

Fascist assholes.
your whiny thread about little bitch was moved so you came here to complain?

Congressman Neugebauer did a great job schooling that little bitch and placing her where she belongs. And it was classy - kudos for him
your whiny thread about little bitch was moved so you came here to complain?

Congressman Neugebauer did a great job schooling that little bitch and placing her where she belongs. And it was classy - kudos for him

Muddy, it was about interpol's thread :lol:

you clearly did not read that one - it's in the badlaands now.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shut down - YouTube

They actually paid the park service to close off a sidewalk to WWII veterans.

Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown

by Chris Delcamp

TOLEDO -- In and around the Glass City, effects of the government shutdown can be seen at our museums, monuments, and national parks. The gates are closed and locked, denying access completely to the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.

Transportation Safety Administration employees were still working at Toledo Express Airport on Monday, but when WNWO called the TSA to find out if they would be affected, there was a message that said the public relations representative did not have access to her voicemail or email due to the government shutdown.

A letter from Rep. Marcy Kaptur's (D-OH 9) office reads,"...only services deemed essential for the safety of human life and protection of property will be continued."

Yet, for a group of World War II veterans visiting the national memorial in Washington D.C., an all expense paid trip which is called an "Honor Flight," the shutdown was not stopping them from seeing the tribute that was inspired by them.

"It just goes to show you why we won World War II," says Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio President Lee Armstrong.

Many elderly veterans, some in wheelchairs, broke through the barriers set up around the memorial, as police, park service employees, and tourists looked on. "The Germans and the Japanese couldn't contain us. They weren't going to let barriers contain them today. They wanted to see their memorial," says Armstrong.

Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio has a trip scheduled to depart from Toledo next Wednesday, October 9.

"We will make the call this Friday to determine if the flight is still a go, or if we will have to re-schedule," Armstrong explains.

He says they are considering going ahead with the trip even if the government is still on shutdown, but when he called the parks service, he was told they would face arrest. "I said, are you kidding me? You're going to arrest a 90/91-year-old veteran from seeing his memorial? If it wasn't for them it wouldn't be there. She said, 'That's correct sir.'"

When Armstrong asked for her name, he says she did not give it to him and then promptly hung up the phone.

99% of veterans on Honor Flights have never had the opportunity to see the memorial that is devoted to their service.

Through October, the are over 35,000 veterans scheduled to visit the site, more than 900 in the next five days alone.

It may all be waiting in limbo if the government can't complete their job.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown : News :

The Democrats and the Obama Administration are looking like real assholes in this. A couple of Republican Congressmen showed up and personally cut the yellow tape that was put up around the memorial and escorted the veterans into the area. Nobody tried to stop them.

Yup, those park service employees who closed it off are definitely some asshole Democrats. :cuckoo:

Republicans caused this shit, now they can live with it.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shut down - YouTube

They actually paid the park service to close off a sidewalk to WWII veterans.

Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown

by Chris Delcamp

TOLEDO -- In and around the Glass City, effects of the government shutdown can be seen at our museums, monuments, and national parks. The gates are closed and locked, denying access completely to the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.

Transportation Safety Administration employees were still working at Toledo Express Airport on Monday, but when WNWO called the TSA to find out if they would be affected, there was a message that said the public relations representative did not have access to her voicemail or email due to the government shutdown.

A letter from Rep. Marcy Kaptur's (D-OH 9) office reads,"...only services deemed essential for the safety of human life and protection of property will be continued."

Yet, for a group of World War II veterans visiting the national memorial in Washington D.C., an all expense paid trip which is called an "Honor Flight," the shutdown was not stopping them from seeing the tribute that was inspired by them.

"It just goes to show you why we won World War II," says Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio President Lee Armstrong.

Many elderly veterans, some in wheelchairs, broke through the barriers set up around the memorial, as police, park service employees, and tourists looked on. "The Germans and the Japanese couldn't contain us. They weren't going to let barriers contain them today. They wanted to see their memorial," says Armstrong.

Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio has a trip scheduled to depart from Toledo next Wednesday, October 9.

"We will make the call this Friday to determine if the flight is still a go, or if we will have to re-schedule," Armstrong explains.

He says they are considering going ahead with the trip even if the government is still on shutdown, but when he called the parks service, he was told they would face arrest. "I said, are you kidding me? You're going to arrest a 90/91-year-old veteran from seeing his memorial? If it wasn't for them it wouldn't be there. She said, 'That's correct sir.'"

When Armstrong asked for her name, he says she did not give it to him and then promptly hung up the phone.

99% of veterans on Honor Flights have never had the opportunity to see the memorial that is devoted to their service.

Through October, the are over 35,000 veterans scheduled to visit the site, more than 900 in the next five days alone.

It may all be waiting in limbo if the government can't complete their job.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown : News :

The Democrats and the Obama Administration are looking like real assholes in this. A couple of Republican Congressmen showed up and personally cut the yellow tape that was put up around the memorial and escorted the veterans into the area. Nobody tried to stop them.

Yup, those park service employees who closed it off are definitely some asshole Democrats. :cuckoo:

Republicans caused this shit, now they can live with it.

It's an open air monument Moonbat! The administration put barricades around it.

The republicans had no such authority dimwit!
Being that they run solely on emotion, it's easy to manipulate conservatives with stories like this. Stalin could only have dreamed about having such a reliable cadre of UsefulIdiots.

Now, the fine Congressmen Neugebauer was truly a brave man for going after a small female employee who had to be polite, but he then soiled his pants and ran when the people in the crowd started pointing out what an asshole he was being.

Naturally, certain posters on this thread adore the bullying and assholism. It's their nature. They also approve of the pants-shitting retreat, since it indicates how the congressman is a true conservative.

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