Dems Pay Park Service Employees To Baracade WWII Memorial

Being that they run solely on emotion, it's easy to manipulate conservatives with stories like this. Stalin could only have dreamed about having such a reliable cadre of UsefulIdiots.

Now, the fine Congressmen Neugebauer was truly a brave man for going after a small female employee who had to be polite, but he then soiled his pants and ran when the people in the crowd started pointing out what an asshole he was being.

Naturally, certain posters on this thread adore the bullying and assholism. It's their nature. They also approve of the pants-shitting retreat, since it indicates how the congressman is a true conservative.

Yeah, like while at a Veterans memorial a man gets in his face and identifies himself as a 30 year VETERAN of the peace corp. Not a 30 year employee, a VETERAN.

Moonbat veteran was more like it!
These things are already paid for. They don't need to be closed off because nobody needs to watch everyone and keep them from destroying it......unlike Occupy WallStreet assholes.

I don't suppose you've ever held a position of responsibility but damage to the memorial is only one factor in closing a public building/memorial. Liability for injury, providing a clean and safe environment are others. You see Federal Employees do more than police, they in fact serve the public.

I've held more positions of responsibility than you'll ever realize as a member of the military, a senior 'A' Team member (Real World life & death responsibilities), and a business owner.

So blow me.

If I ever run across a republican on this forum who isn't a business exec or in charge of thousands of people or designs space shuttles etc. I'll be surprised. I'm also surprised at how such valuable people like you find time to waste posting right wing dribble and lies.
Aww the repubs put on a show and you're impressed by photo ops. That's cute

I saw a cartoon that showed government workers barricading the WWII memorial and the captian was:

"Obama sent more people to barricade the memorial than he did to rescue the Benghazi Ambassador."

It would be funny if it wasn't the truth.

You wanted the Government Shut Down. That means National Parks are CLOSED. The Park Police are NOT being paid.

The Monument is closed because YOU wanted the Shut Down.

Own Up To It.

Every one of those Park Police will get paid. The pay check may be a little late, but even overtime will be in the back pay. Since it has only been 3 days since the shutdown, it is very likely that NOBODY has missed a paycheck yet!
Aww the repubs put on a show and you're impressed by photo ops. That's cute

I had no idea all WWII veterans were Republicans. Can you provide a link or did you just pull that our of your asshole?

You've never had an idea, so don't pretend you did this time. No one claimed all WW II vets are Republicans, that must have developed in the vast cavern between your ears.

The claim was that the repubs put on a show, and it was vets that were at the memorial.
Our nation has changed a lot since 1995

Anyone who has walked around the mall in recent years can see that. Bike patrols, bomb sniffing dogs, increased surveilance. Just a couple of months ago, the Lincoln Memorial was defaced by green paint.

The Mall is either open or it is closed. Until such time as Congress ends its petty is closed

I can assure you that WWII veterans, all of them being over 80 years old, have no interest in defacing anything on the mall.

Most are over 90 and no one claimed they would engage in vandalism, it is more likely one might be injured or suffer a serious illness; without immediate attention from trained staff - yep, we do train our government employees - the vets would be at further risk.

Rightwinger, post #47
People with backpacks can do nasty things.
As usual, you are wrong.
and Reid is doing what in the senate? the exact same fucking thing.

the bastards need to get together and find a compromise, but Reid and obama refuse to talk. those two assholes have said "my way or no way". Fuck em, leave the 15% of the govt shut down, we don't need it anyway.

There is nothing to compromise. The running of the government is not a bargaining chip.

The GOP concept of compromise is..

You kill Obamacare and we will allow the government to operate

Actually , the GOP proposal is to delay implementation of some parts of Obamacare for a year.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shut down - YouTube

They actually paid the park service to close off a sidewalk to WWII veterans.

Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown

by Chris Delcamp

TOLEDO -- In and around the Glass City, effects of the government shutdown can be seen at our museums, monuments, and national parks. The gates are closed and locked, denying access completely to the Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge.

Transportation Safety Administration employees were still working at Toledo Express Airport on Monday, but when WNWO called the TSA to find out if they would be affected, there was a message that said the public relations representative did not have access to her voicemail or email due to the government shutdown.

A letter from Rep. Marcy Kaptur's (D-OH 9) office reads,"...only services deemed essential for the safety of human life and protection of property will be continued."

Yet, for a group of World War II veterans visiting the national memorial in Washington D.C., an all expense paid trip which is called an "Honor Flight," the shutdown was not stopping them from seeing the tribute that was inspired by them.

"It just goes to show you why we won World War II," says Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio President Lee Armstrong.

Many elderly veterans, some in wheelchairs, broke through the barriers set up around the memorial, as police, park service employees, and tourists looked on. "The Germans and the Japanese couldn't contain us. They weren't going to let barriers contain them today. They wanted to see their memorial," says Armstrong.

Honor Flight of Northwest Ohio has a trip scheduled to depart from Toledo next Wednesday, October 9.

"We will make the call this Friday to determine if the flight is still a go, or if we will have to re-schedule," Armstrong explains.

He says they are considering going ahead with the trip even if the government is still on shutdown, but when he called the parks service, he was told they would face arrest. "I said, are you kidding me? You're going to arrest a 90/91-year-old veteran from seeing his memorial? If it wasn't for them it wouldn't be there. She said, 'That's correct sir.'"

When Armstrong asked for her name, he says she did not give it to him and then promptly hung up the phone.

99% of veterans on Honor Flights have never had the opportunity to see the memorial that is devoted to their service.

Through October, the are over 35,000 veterans scheduled to visit the site, more than 900 in the next five days alone.

It may all be waiting in limbo if the government can't complete their job.
Honor Flight to World War II Memorial in jeopardy due to shutdown : News :

The Democrats and the Obama Administration are looking like real assholes in this. A couple of Republican Congressmen showed up and personally cut the yellow tape that was put up around the memorial and escorted the veterans into the area. Nobody tried to stop them.

Yup, those park service employees who closed it off are definitely some asshole Democrats. :cuckoo:

Republicans caused this shit, now they can live with it.

Harry Reid wouldn't even allow this bill to be debated or voted on in the Senate because the fucktard knew it would pass.

WASHINGTON -- Republicans say the GOP-controlled House intends to pass legislation to reopen portions of the government, including national parks and processing of claims at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
The House would also allow the government of Washington, D.C. to use its own taxpayer funds to provide services like garbage pickup, as well as keep D.C. employees on the job.
The closure of national parks is among the most visible effects of the partial government shutdown that hit the government after midnight on Monday. It would reopen gates and visitors centers at iconic parks like Yosemite and Yellowstone.
While VA hospitals remain open and veterans benefits continue to be paid, the legislation would allow claims processors to continue to work on the agency's lengthy backload of applications.
House To Pass Bills To Reopen National Parks, VA After Government Shutdown
and Reid is doing what in the senate? the exact same fucking thing.

the bastards need to get together and find a compromise, but Reid and obama refuse to talk. those two assholes have said "my way or no way". Fuck em, leave the 15% of the govt shut down, we don't need it anyway.

There is nothing to compromise. The running of the government is not a bargaining chip.

The GOP concept of compromise is..

You kill Obamacare and we will allow the government to operate

Sorry, but not funding it during a CR won't kill it. It simply delays it's implementation.
Provide any and all proof that this ONE U.S. Park Police Officer was paid for the express purpose put forward in your allegation.

Otherwise you are a liar.
Here's your dimocrap party for you, people.

Park Service Uses Steel Wire To Barricade WWII Memorial…



And here's the number 2 dimocrap scumbag telling one of his Gestapo how proud he is of her.....

Biden To Park Ranger: “I’m Proud of You” For Blocking Access To WWII Memorial…

Via Washington Examiner:

Vice President Joe Biden is proud of the National Park Service ranger who stood up to Rep. Randy Neugebauer at the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C.

On Thursday, video surfaced online of Neugebauer, a Texas Republican, angrily lecturing the ranger for setting up barricades to the memorial.

“I’m proud of you,” Biden said, according to his office’s Twitter account, revealing that the vice president had called the ranger to thank her for her service.

dimocraps really are the scum of the Earth.

All of them
Provide any and all proof that this ONE U.S. Park Police Officer was paid for the express purpose put forward in your allegation.

Otherwise you are a liar.

Congress has granted back-pay to furloughed federal workers after each of the past 16 shutdowns that have taken place since 1976.
Obama and Democrats are playing a 'Make it hurt more' game. It's very dirty. It's the Chicago Way. But the People will rebel. It's already happening all across the country. The People own the Parks. Big Brother has conveniently forgotten that. Their 'Make it hurt more' strategy is gonna backfire on em big time.
It's a trivial task to manipulate Republitarians, given how they operate solely on emotion. Just push their buttons by appealing to those emotions, and watch them flip out.

(And Stalin, from the grave, seethes with envy, wishing he had a cadre of UsefulIdiots as reliable as modern Republitarians.)
The reactionaries are playing the machine game of make it hurt so badly that the majority will give in.

Guess what? The majority will not give in, the TPM will be defeated on this and then crushed.
The National Mall is closed


Believe it or not, museums and monuments are considered to be non-essential government services

So are sidewalks I guess.

Nonessential Government services mean just that. 800,000 Government employees are sitting home because they were told their jobs were not immediately essential to running the country
Someone who works in the National Mall is not essential

Keeping the mall partially open means you will still draw tourists and have to provide basic services to the area.

Sorry folks...Mall is closed
Complain to your Congressman
It took NO ONE to watch this area prior to the shut down. Now they are PAYING someone to watch it during the shut down. Dont you see how stupid you look by saying that the whole thing is shut down . This is an OPEN AREA memorial. It is not alike a museum or a national park where they are paying personal .. But now we are paying someone to watch it be closed. The IRONY.
Obama's 'Make it hurt more' strategy is destined to fail. The People are rebelling. Him and the rest work for us the Taxpayers. It's not the other way around. They've obviously forgotten that. So now the People will just have to remind them.
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White House asking for sad shutdown stories |

How Has the Government Shutdown Affected You?

Congress has two jobs to do: pass a budget and pay its bills. But earlier this week, Congress failed to pass legislation to fund the government, and now many vital services are shut down. So, we want to hear: How has the government shutdown affected you?

How Has the Government Shutdown Affected You? | The White House

Wake me when his Entitlement Moochers take to the streets and start burning it all down. I'm tired and bored of all the hysterical fear mongering. His Moochers continue to live large during this 'Shutdown.' Probably all be out at Walmart this weekend shopping till they drop. The only ones fear mongering and whining, are some Government Workers and asshole Politicians. Everyone else is surviving just fine. So, now it's time to get back to my nap. Take care.

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