Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

The problem with dimbo’s is they are incapable of reading beyond the subtitle and first paragraph.
Dip shit....they asked criminals in the U.S. and they stated they go into empty homes to avoid getting shot by the owners, you doofus......that is why in Britain they have more home invasions while the people are home....who the criminals then beat and torture to find out where their cash and valuables are...

Doofus, Criminals lie. They tell the people interviewing them whatever they want to hear, and they certainly aren't giving up their modus opporendi.

The reality, Criminals LOVE that people like you are gun nuts. They wait until you aren't home so they can break into your house and help themselves to free guns.

Dumb shit.........they have done the research and they show you don't know what you are talking about.
Dip shit....they asked criminals in the U.S. and they stated they go into empty homes to avoid getting shot by the owners, you doofus......that is why in Britain they have more home invasions while the people are home....who the criminals then beat and torture to find out where their cash and valuables are...

Doofus, Criminals lie. They tell the people interviewing them whatever they want to hear, and they certainly aren't giving up their modus opporendi.

The reality, Criminals LOVE that people like you are gun nuts. They wait until you aren't home so they can break into your house and help themselves to free guns.

Dumb shit.........they have done the research and they show you don't know what you are talking about.

Incel Joe sure sounds like he thinks he understands how criminals think. Better than he seems to understand the minds of sane, honest human beings.

Now why might this be?
Incel Joe sure sounds like he thinks he understands how criminals think. Better than he seems to understand the minds of sane, honest human beings.

Now why might this be?

I wouldn't know, Mormon Bob. Probably because you gun nuts live in a world where you own something that is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy, and you scream like a banshee when anyone questions the wisdom.

And dude, you really need to stop fantasizing about my sex life. You'll get a nasty stain in your magic underwear and then they won't let you rule one of the nice planets when you get to the Celestial Heaven.
So then, if adopted, what do the dimbo’s do about the criminals that have guns, will the commission of a crime with a gun result in mandatory prison sentences without parole?

Don't you believe it. Democrats want the criminals to have the upper hand. By them having weapons and us unable to protect ourselves, they create a new group of victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats. After all, if most of us are able to take care of ourselves without them, then who needs Democrats around in the first place?
Actually, it's nowhere near a 50/50 split. Only about 20% of the population are religious fanatics who can't mind their own fucking business.

So where do you get this notion that only religious people are against abortions?

Nobody really does that, unless they are stupid. Burglary gets you a pretty light sentence. Home invasion and kidnapping get you very serious sentences. So if you have a lick of sense, you case the place, figure out when no one is home, and then look for the valuables at your leisure. And usually, that's how so many guns get into the hands of crooks. they are stolen from legitimate owners.

Yes, they do get guns from homes, but they get guns from a lot of places, the number one being straw buyers. But you never see the Democrats demanding that straw buyers, people who commit crimes with firearms, people who commit murders with firearms get severe prison sentences or death. Now gee, why do you suppose that is???? The reason is they can't get guns away from law abiding citizens that way, and that's their real goal. They don't care about disarming the criminal because that's impossible to do. They care about disarming us regular people, and you are falling for it.

Make armed robbery a minimum of 25 years in prison. Make killing somebody with a gun a death sentence. Make a law that being illegally in possession of a firearm on the street is a 15 year sentence, instead of letting them walk away like in your city. Make drive-by shootings a minimum a 20 year minimum sentence whether you hurt somebody or not. You'll see firearm crimes drop dramatically.

Criminals are afraid of you only for the reason you may legally kill them once they enter your home. It has nothing to do with the laws.

No, they don't. They have higher crime rates because they count crimes differently than we do.

It's like I've always said, only a liberal could look in the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I already posted a site when you made the false claim on how we count sexual assaults. Now you come back with the same claim in spite of being proven wrong the first time?

They have higher crime rates because their victims are helpless and they know it. Through the years, our violent crime and gun crime rate has dropped significantly as more and more states adopted CCW programs. While there is no study to the relationship of CCW's and violent crime decreases, what we do know is that CCW holders use their firearm for self-defense or to stop a crime anywhere from 44,000 times a year to 4 million, depending on who's statistic you value; 44,000 being the FBI statistic.

Now, with a disarmed society, all 44,000 to 4 million would have resulted in a successful crime. That's why Europe had much higher victimization rates than we do; because they already disarmed their society.

Oh, wait. The reason why drug laws don't work is most people don't care if their neighbors are doing drugs.

They really care if their neighbors have guns, especially if they are crazy gun nuts.

The day guns are banned, your HUD neighbors are dropping a dime on you, buddy.

Nobody cares if their neighbor has a gun because in most cases they don't know it. The reason people get drugs is the same reason moonshine was popular during prohibition. If the criminals want something, they're going to get it one way or another, and yes, criminals want guns.
I wouldn't know, Mormon Bob. Probably because you gun nuts live in a world where you own something that is 43 times more likely to kill a member of your household than a bad guy, and you scream like a banshee when anyone questions the wisdom.

And dude, you really need to stop fantasizing about my sex life. You'll get a nasty stain in your magic underwear and then they won't let you rule one of the nice planets when you get to the Celestial Heaven.

So where do you get this notion that only religious people are against abortions?

Because only people who think there's a magic fairy in the sky think they can control a woman's body.

I would love if we had less abortions. The way you get to less abortions is paid family leave, single payer health care and comprehensive sex education.

The way you don't get there is standing outside an abortion clinic screaming at women about Jesus and showing them blown up pictures of medical waste.

Yes, they do get guns from homes, but they get guns from a lot of places, the number one being straw buyers. But you never see the Democrats demanding that straw buyers, people who commit crimes with firearms, people who commit murders with firearms get severe prison sentences or death. Now gee, why do you suppose that is???? The reason is they can't get guns away from law abiding citizens that way, and that's their real goal. They don't care about disarming the criminal because that's impossible to do. They care about disarming us regular people, and you are falling for it.

Guy, we already throw 2 million people in prison. Throwing people into prison doesn't work. Meanwhile, the European countries and Japan have less than 100,000 people in prison. But they control who can get a gun. They also address poverty and treat drug addiction like a medical problem instead of a criminal one.

Make armed robbery a minimum of 25 years in prison. Make killing somebody with a gun a death sentence. Make a law that being illegally in possession of a firearm on the street is a 15 year sentence, instead of letting them walk away like in your city. Make drive-by shootings a minimum a 20 year minimum sentence whether you hurt somebody or not. You'll see firearm crimes drop dramatically.

Guy, we tried that. We brought back the Death Penalty, but the thing is, murder rates are higher in DP states than non-DP states. We spend 90 billion a year on the Prison Industrial Complex, more than we pay for college tuition. The prison industries are getting rich and fat, but the rest of us aren't seeing a benefit.

It's like I've always said, only a liberal could look in the eyes of Jesus and lie to him. I already posted a site when you made the false claim on how we count sexual assaults. Now you come back with the same claim in spite of being proven wrong the first time?

Whatever horseshit you posted from the NRA is exactly that. We don't count them the same way... that's why it looks like we have less. Probably of all crimes, that would be the hardest to get a good number on, as it is estimated that half of rape victims in the US don't report at all and only 3% of rapists ever go to jail.

On the other hand, MURDER is a really easy one to count. You have a dead body that didn't die of natural causes, it's a murder. We have 19,000 homicides a year, 15,000 of them with guns and 1000 of them committed by the police.

They have higher crime rates because their victims are helpless and they know it.

They have lower crime rates because their crooks can't get guns, and they don't accept poverty as being something you deserve.

what we do know is that CCW holders use their firearm for self-defense or to stop a crime anywhere from 44,000 times a year to 4 million, depending on who's statistic you value; 44,000 being the FBI statistic.

All those statistics are bullshit. As stated, if you had 44,000 DGUs, why do you only have 200 dead criminals shot by civilian gun owners. You have to believe that the gun wankers who masturbate all day at the thought of shooting a darkie, and that day comes, and they don't do it 99% of the time? Not credible.

Nobody cares if their neighbor has a gun because in most cases they don't know it.

Really? We have Karens calling in black folks who are in the wrong park on any given day... you think people won't drop a dime on their gun-toting neighbors when guns are outlawed?
Because only people who think there's a magic fairy in the sky think they can control a woman's body.

I would love if we had less abortions. The way you get to less abortions is paid family leave, single payer health care and comprehensive sex education.

The way you don't get there is standing outside an abortion clinic screaming at women about Jesus and showing them blown up pictures of medical waste.

You must not get out of the house very often. Many non-religious people are against abortion for moral or humane reasons. You don't need to be a part of any religion to be disgusted by something. Abortion does not fall on religious lines.

Guy, we tried that. We brought back the Death Penalty, but the thing is, murder rates are higher in DP states than non-DP states. We spend 90 billion a year on the Prison Industrial Complex, more than we pay for college tuition. The prison industries are getting rich and fat, but the rest of us aren't seeing a benefit.

No, we didn't try that. What we did is allow liberal judges turn our prisons into playgrounds. So it is less of a deterrent. However illegally carrying a firearm only gets you a year or so at best, and in most cases, they drop that down to no prison time at all. No deterrent. So people who are illegally carrying guns have no real concern getting caught. If some people are doing a drive-by shooting and don't hit anybody, all they get charged with is attempted assault, and perhaps discharging a firearm in city limits. A slap on the hand.

The Communist way is to penalize everybody for the actions of a few. It won't work because the few will continue being criminals unless you offer some kind of deterrent. But you and I both know that's not the goal of the Communist party. Their goal is to disarm society so we do end up with assaults, armed robberies, and rapes like they have in countries with strict gun laws.

Whatever horseshit you posted from the NRA is exactly that. We don't count them the same way... that's why it looks like we have less. Probably of all crimes, that would be the hardest to get a good number on, as it is estimated that half of rape victims in the US don't report at all and only 3% of rapists ever go to jail.

On the other hand, MURDER is a really easy one to count. You have a dead body that didn't die of natural causes, it's a murder. We have 19,000 homicides a year, 15,000 of them with guns and 1000 of them committed by the police.

I didn't post an NRA site, it was a site from a legal organization, and you didn't read it either. How can we have the most population behind bars and the weakest standard of what we consider actual crimes? Logically speaking, if we had such weaker standards of what is considered a crime, we would have a lower percentage of people in our prisons--not more.

They have lower crime rates because their crooks can't get guns, and they don't accept poverty as being something you deserve.

They have higher rates of violent and victim crimes. They can't defend themselves like we can here. Death is the strongest deterrent that can possibly be offered, and you chance getting killed here for trying to rob or rape somebody.

All those statistics are bullshit. As stated, if you had 44,000 DGUs, why do you only have 200 dead criminals shot by civilian gun owners. You have to believe that the gun wankers who masturbate all day at the thought of shooting a darkie, and that day comes, and they don't do it 99% of the time? Not credible.

It's evidence they don't want to shoot a darkie as your racist ass likes to call them. They only want to stop a crime about to, or in the process of happening, and it works. Police use their guns for the same reason. In most cases, they don't have to shoot anybody. Same with citizens. The mere brandishing of a firearm with the criminals knowledge you can shoot them with impunity is enough to stop them in their tracks. You are on equal or better footing than them which gives us the upper hand.

if you didn't live in a commie city and state, you'd be reading reports of armed citizens doing what statistics prove people are doing all over the country. They are locally reported stories at best, and that's only if it's a slow news day. You choose not to believe actual statistics because it greatly weakens your argument. However in spite of where you live, it happens infrequently there too.

Really? We have Karens calling in black folks who are in the wrong park on any given day... you think people won't drop a dime on their gun-toting neighbors when guns are outlawed?

For one, they can never be outlawed because that's against the Constitution. I guarantee you my HUD neighbors have no idea if I own a gun. I don't take it outside in the yard unless it's night time and I'm having a fire in my backyard fireplace.
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Dumb shit.........they have done the research and they show you don't know what you are talking about.

Who is "they"? You mean the NRA trying to push the lie that guns are safe?

let's not forget, the NRA got Congress to cut gun studies as the CDC after Kellerman proved they were all liars.

You just lie over and over again.........nothing you just posted is true or have been shown this over and over again...and you still post this crap...

Kellerman had to pull his research back and he did it all over .........and still didn't correct all the errors...

And no, the CDC was never stopped from studying guns.......I have posted studies they did after congress told the CDC they couldn't push gun control...

You lying asshole.
You must not get out of the house very often. Many non-religious people are against abortion for moral or humane reasons. You don't need to be a part of any religion to be disgusted by something. Abortion does not fall on religious lines.

You might have a point... some people are against abortions because they are high-grade misogynists...

No, we didn't try that. What we did is allow liberal judges turn our prisons into playgrounds.

You spend a month in prison and then come back and tell me what a "playground" it was...

ou choose not to believe actual statistics because it greatly weakens your argument. However in spite of where you live, it happens infrequently there too.

Uh, guy, I don't believe the gun nuts "statistics" because when you have a number "Between 44,000 and 4,000,000", I just can't take you seriously. Those are wildly fluctuating numbers.

if it's the low end, that 44,000 crimes are prevented with guns, it doesn't make up for 39,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries and 400,000 gun crimes, not to mention 270 BILLION in economic losses due to guns.
You spend a month in prison and then come back and tell me what a "playground" it was...

I don't have to. I know several people who have. They said if they had to go back, they wouldn't be too concerned about it.

Uh, guy, I don't believe the gun nuts "statistics" because when you have a number "Between 44,000 and 4,000,000", I just can't take you seriously. Those are wildly fluctuating numbers.

if it's the low end, that 44,000 crimes are prevented with guns, it doesn't make up for 39,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries and 400,000 gun crimes, not to mention 270 BILLION in economic losses due to guns.

My gun nut statistics are better than your lying statistics. There are between 8 to 9 thousand gun homicides a year out of a population of 325 million people, and that includes the bad guys that get killed by cops and citizens protecting their home or on the street. Murders are 4.6 per 100,000 people while suicide is 7 per 100,000 people. The statistics you use are utter garbage because they don't separate gun deaths or injuries by category. They just lump it all into one to try to make you anti-gun people feel better.

Firearm robberies are 82,000 per year compared to strong arm robberies at 100,000 per year. Other weapons used for robbery are 23,000.
My gun nut statistics are better than your lying statistics. There are between 8 to 9 thousand gun homicides a year out of a population of 325 million people, and that includes the bad guys that get killed by cops and citizens protecting their home or on the street. Murders are 4.6 per 100,000 people while suicide is 7 per 100,000 people. The statistics you use are utter garbage because they don't separate gun deaths or injuries by category. They just lump it all into one to try to make you anti-gun people feel better.

Actually, it's more like 14,000 gun homicides... along with 24,000 suicides and 1000 accidents. I don't need to separate them by category because if we didn't have guns, those people wouldn't have died.

Approximately half of the innocent victims of abortion are girls, who would have grown up to be women, if that had not been murdered in cold blood.

Fetuses aren't people. There are no 'victims" of abortion. 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes never attach to the Uterine wall. Just as many pregnancies end in miscarriage as abortion. We don't pretend those are people, either.

It truly takes an Incel-Joe level of madness and sociopathy to call wanting to protect the lives of these precious girls, “misogyny”.

Of course it is. If you guys were serious about wanting less abortions, you'd support liberal programs like paid family leave and comprehensive sex education. It's not about saving the babies. The fact you guys want to yank benefits to poor children to give tax breaks to Billionaires shows that.

Nope, it's because you are horrified that abortion and contraception liberates women from unplanned pregnancies. That they can be more than just a baby machine and they can have sex for pleasure. Pure unadulterated misogyny.

You know, the kind that would be practiced by a cult whose founders had harems of 14 year old girls.

The Difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?
Original and Extra-Crispy.
My gun nut statistics are better than your lying statistics. There are between 8 to 9 thousand gun homicides a year out of a population of 325 million people, and that includes the bad guys that get killed by cops and citizens protecting their home or on the street. Murders are 4.6 per 100,000 people while suicide is 7 per 100,000 people. The statistics you use are utter garbage because they don't separate gun deaths or injuries by category. They just lump it all into one to try to make you anti-gun people feel better.

Actually, it's more like 14,000 gun homicides... along with 24,000 suicides and 1000 accidents. I don't need to separate them by category because if we didn't have guns, those people wouldn't have died.

Approximately half of the innocent victims of abortion are girls, who would have grown up to be women, if that had not been murdered in cold blood.

Fetuses aren't people. There are no 'victims" of abortion. 2/3rds of fertilized zygotes never attach to the Uterine wall. Just as many pregnancies end in miscarriage as abortion. We don't pretend those are people, either.

It truly takes an Incel-Joe level of madness and sociopathy to call wanting to protect the lives of these precious girls, “misogyny”.

Of course it is. If you guys were serious about wanting less abortions, you'd support liberal programs like paid family leave and comprehensive sex education. It's not about saving the babies. The fact you guys want to yank benefits to poor children to give tax breaks to Billionaires shows that.

Nope, it's because you are horrified that abortion and contraception liberates women from unplanned pregnancies. That they can be more than just a baby machine and they can have sex for pleasure. Pure unadulterated misogyny.

You know, the kind that would be practiced by a cult whose founders had harems of 14 year old girls.

The Difference between Joseph Smith and David Koresh?
Original and Extra-Crispy.
Spoken like a true commie fuck, Slow Joe.......admit that you are a commie fuck and be done with it, Slow Joe, the perverted commie fuck.
Spoken like a true commie fuck, Slow Joe.......admit that you are a commie fuck and be done with it, Slow Joe, the perverted commie fuck.

Naw, man, "Perverted" is looking at a person whose child was just slaughtered by a mentally ill person with a gun and calling him a "Crisis Actor". That's truly perverse.

realizing women will get abortions.... no matter what the law is, just recognizes reality.

If you guys want less abortions, be more like France. Universal health care, paid family leave, comprehensive contraception education and availability. France has half the abortions per capita.

If you want to see an example of what would happen if anti-choice types got their way, look at the Philippines. Abortion is illegal in most cases, but there are 500K to 800K illegal abortions a year - more per capita than the US. The Philippines also has nearly a million children living on the streets because their parents couldn't take care of them.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Yes, the last thing we'd want is for crazy people to be denied access to guns.

Instead, we need to keep teaching our kids to do Active Shooter Drills and cower behind their desks.

We think Democrats are “crazy”. Democrats think Republicans are “crazy”. Democrats have already shown their hand by censoring people who have points of views that that don’t align with theirs. Anybody that wants a gun for leisure, hunting, protection, collection, etc. will ulitmately be deemed “crazy” by weak kneed, scared of their own shadow, city dwelling, completely anti-gun nut Democrats.
Spoken like a true commie fuck, Slow Joe.......admit that you are a commie fuck and be done with it, Slow Joe, the perverted commie fuck.

Naw, man, "Perverted" is looking at a person whose child was just slaughtered by a mentally ill person with a gun and calling him a "Crisis Actor". That's truly perverse.

realizing women will get abortions.... no matter what the law is, just recognizes reality.

If you guys want less abortions, be more like France. Universal health care, paid family leave, comprehensive contraception education and availability. France has half the abortions per capita.

If you want to see an example of what would happen if anti-choice types got their way, look at the Philippines. Abortion is illegal in most cases, but there are 500K to 800K illegal abortions a year - more per capita than the US. The Philippines also has nearly a million children living on the streets because their parents couldn't take care of them.

Just like a liberal. Move to Europe if think it is so great.
You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.

Not sure what MSM sites you read, but they had done a real number on you for sure.

The “special” forms of ID needed to vote include any state or federally issued ID. It isn’t very “special” at all. Democrats prefer the no validation method where anyone can vote and as often as they like by using different names and not providing ID.

Not sure why you don’t think black kids can attend Christian schools. My children go to a Christian school and there are black children there. Granted, they aren’t as many as in public schools but that has to do with economics. I know some Christian schools in the area that give scholarships to minority students.`

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