Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

Except countries that ban guns don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

Most criminals don't do home invasions because it's just easier to break into an empty house.

Bull. They would rather you be home because then they can hold you hostage until you tell them where you hide your valuables at. You don't have to worry about that now because of their uncertainty if you have a firearm or not. It's not worth getting killed over. If they hit your home, they'll wait until they are assured you're not there.

No, guy, they have higher crime rates because they actually have looser definitions of crime. For instance, the US defines sexual assault as sexual penetration of the victim. Most European countries define it as any unwanted touching. We define assault as anything with serious injury, they pretty much count any physical contact.

They have higher crime rates because people can't defend themselves.

Sexual Assault Overview

Created by FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors | Last updated June 25, 2019

Sexual assaults affect millions of Americans annually. The term encompasses various actions that involve behavior or contact toward another person without their consent. The actions are defined by state law and can therefore differ by jurisdiction. However, some common examples of sexual assault include:

*Fondling, kissing, or making unwanted bodily contact;
  • Forcing another person to perform or receive oral sex;
  • Forcing a tongue, mouth, finger, penis, or an object on another person's anus, penis, or vagina; and
  • Forced masturbation.

Guns aren't available to the general public, they aren't going to get guns.

Really? I didn't know that. HEY! If that's the way it works, perhaps we could try that for recreational narcotics.............oh.....wait! :eusa_shhh:

You're quoting the laws, not crime how crime statistics are reported.

Do the democrats call for an 'evaluation' to exercise any other parts of the Bill of Rights?

I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted an "evaluation" to allow conservatives/Republicans to exercise ANY of the Bill of Rights.

Well, women have to have all those unnecessary tests to have an abortion in a red state. You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.

Yes, again, medical procedures and the requirements to make them safe are TOTALLY the same thing as purchasing an inanimate object . . . if one is as piss-stupid as you are, LizardBitch.

Also, please show me where "blacks can't attend Christian schools". I'm sure that your racist ass, carefully ensconced in a lily-white world where you can "care" about minorities without having to sully yourself with their actual presence, thinks it's no big deal to just casually use black people as props to further your agenda with no concern about silly things like facts; but here in the country that ACTUALLY matters and ACTUALLY deals with minority issues, we call that "lying".

You can condescend about "special conservative rules" just as soon as you prove they exist, rather than bleating to me about what you're "sure" is happening thousands of miles away, according to the talking points that tell you it is.

Here's some reality that your masters haven't told you to know, LizardTwat: those Christians you presume superiority to on the basis of mouthing the right words? They were at the forefront of the abolition movement in the world. The party you keep advocating for in your foreign meddling? They were at the forefront of slavery and Jim Crow. So your assumption that you have moral standing? As wrong and idiotic as everything else about you.
Do the democrats call for an 'evaluation' to exercise any other parts of the Bill of Rights?

I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted an "evaluation" to allow conservatives/Republicans to exercise ANY of the Bill of Rights.

Well, women have to have all those unnecessary tests to have an abortion in a red state. You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.
Black children can't attend Christian schools?

Are you ever not a lying sack of dogshit?

Every time you post one of these little gems, I have to ask "Are you an American, living in the USA?", because your posts reveal an astounding lack of general knowledge about life in the USA in general.

I've have several American parents tell me they enrolled their kids in "Christian" schools so they wouldn't have to go to schools with blacks.

Christian schools tend to have large numbers of black students. They do not discriminate on the basis of race, and no one ever asks the students about their sexual orientation. If there is discrimination in your igloo schools up there, that's your problem. Stop being ignorant about my country.
You're quoting the laws, not crime how crime statistics are reported.

All your article states is how they collect data, probably no different than any other country, so I don't know what point you're trying to make.

She's a Canuck. She has no point and never has had on any of her posts. She should go inflict herself of Canadians.
Do the democrats call for an 'evaluation' to exercise any other parts of the Bill of Rights?

I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted an "evaluation" to allow conservatives/Republicans to exercise ANY of the Bill of Rights.

Well, women have to have all those unnecessary tests to have an abortion in a red state. You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.
Black children can't attend Christian schools?

Are you ever not a lying sack of dogshit?

Every time you post one of these little gems, I have to ask "Are you an American, living in the USA?", because your posts reveal an astounding lack of general knowledge about life in the USA in general.

I've have several American parents tell me they enrolled their kids in "Christian" schools so they wouldn't have to go to schools with blacks.

Your racist friends mean nothing, fuckstick.

You claimed black kids couldn’t get into Christian schools. That is clearly a lie.
Well, women have to have all those unnecessary tests to have an abortion in a red state. You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.

I don't know about the gays, but WTF did you get this stupid idea that blacks can't attend Christian schools?

She decided to "know" it based on what her talking points memos told her to "know" about people thousands of miles away, belonging to certain political groups she's had no interaction with beyond reading about them.

And no, Christian private schools do not typically accept students who are openly gay, because the point of attending a Christian private school is to be in an environment that's consistent with Christian beliefs as understood by the administrators and the parents sending their children there. That has nothing to do with black people, but for leftists like LizardBitch - who see all minority groups as interchangeable tools to be used, rather than distinct individuals with specific characteristics - this is incomprehensible.

The real question to me has always been, "Why would you want to send your child to a school whose principles you don't agree with?" It isn't like there aren't private and charter schools that cater to leftist viewpoints.
Do the democrats call for an 'evaluation' to exercise any other parts of the Bill of Rights?

I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted an "evaluation" to allow conservatives/Republicans to exercise ANY of the Bill of Rights.

Well, women have to have all those unnecessary tests to have an abortion in a red state. You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.
Black children can't attend Christian schools?

Are you ever not a lying sack of dogshit?

Every time you post one of these little gems, I have to ask "Are you an American, living in the USA?", because your posts reveal an astounding lack of general knowledge about life in the USA in general.

I've have several American parents tell me they enrolled their kids in "Christian" schools so they wouldn't have to go to schools with blacks.

"Well, your posts don't agree with what I've been told to know about your country I'm not in, so clearly it's YOU who's wrong, because I'm an expert on other people's countries!! My talking points and trash friends have told me MUCH MORE than you could know just by being there!!!"

All you've really told us is that you hang around with people who are as ignorant and racist as you, and you've confirmed that you wouldn't recognize an actual Christian if you fell over one, because you're too busy hanging around with lying garbage like yourself.

I'd suggest you try actually spending time talking to ACTUAL Christians, rather than "knowing" what they're like based on what leftist filth like yourself told you they were like. Christians are big on charity work, so you might find one compassionate enough to waste time with you.
She decided to "know" it based on what her talking points memos told her to "know" about people thousands of miles away, belonging to certain political groups she's had no interaction with beyond reading about them.

And no, Christian private schools do not typically accept students who are openly gay, because the point of attending a Christian private school is to be in an environment that's consistent with Christian beliefs as understood by the administrators and the parents sending their children there. That has nothing to do with black people, but for leftists like LizardBitch - who see all minority groups as interchangeable tools to be used, rather than distinct individuals with specific characteristics - this is incomprehensible.

The real question to me has always been, "Why would you want to send your child to a school whose principles you don't agree with?" It isn't like there aren't private and charter schools that cater to leftist viewpoints.

She didn't say openly gay kids, she said kids of gay parents, even though gay parents cannot have children. While it's been a long time since I interacted with the Catholic religion, I do know they promoted diversity when I went to school there way back in the 60's. How they feel about adopted kids of gay parents going there I have no idea, but I'm assuming they wouldn't hold that against the children as long as they are loyal to the Catholic teachings.

That's why I asked her WTF she got that idea from. My mother still attends the church we went to as kids, and she told me there are plenty of blacks there now. I've only been in Canada twice in my life: once when I was a kid, and another time in my 20's. So I don't know what they are exposed to in regards to US news.
She decided to "know" it based on what her talking points memos told her to "know" about people thousands of miles away, belonging to certain political groups she's had no interaction with beyond reading about them.

And no, Christian private schools do not typically accept students who are openly gay, because the point of attending a Christian private school is to be in an environment that's consistent with Christian beliefs as understood by the administrators and the parents sending their children there. That has nothing to do with black people, but for leftists like LizardBitch - who see all minority groups as interchangeable tools to be used, rather than distinct individuals with specific characteristics - this is incomprehensible.

The real question to me has always been, "Why would you want to send your child to a school whose principles you don't agree with?" It isn't like there aren't private and charter schools that cater to leftist viewpoints.

She didn't say openly gay kids, she said kids of gay parents, even though gay parents cannot have children. While it's been a long time since I interacted with the Catholic religion, I do know they promoted diversity when I went to school there way back in the 60's. How they feel about adopted kids of gay parents going there I have no idea, but I'm assuming they wouldn't hold that against the children as long as they are loyal to the Catholic teachings.

That's why I asked her WTF she got that idea from. My mother still attends the church we went to as kids, and she told me there are plenty of blacks there now. I've only been in Canada twice in my life: once when I was a kid, and another time in my 20's. So I don't know what they are exposed to in regards to US news.

Sorry, I was in a hurry. Christian schools don't typically accept students who are openly gay, or whose parents are openly gay in the sense that it's going to become a public issue at the school.
Except countries that ban guns don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

Most criminals don't do home invasions because it's just easier to break into an empty house.

Bull. They would rather you be home because then they can hold you hostage until you tell them where you hide your valuables at. You don't have to worry about that now because of their uncertainty if you have a firearm or not. It's not worth getting killed over. If they hit your home, they'll wait until they are assured you're not there.

No, guy, they have higher crime rates because they actually have looser definitions of crime. For instance, the US defines sexual assault as sexual penetration of the victim. Most European countries define it as any unwanted touching. We define assault as anything with serious injury, they pretty much count any physical contact.

They have higher crime rates because people can't defend themselves.

Sexual Assault Overview

Created by FindLaw's team of legal writers and editors | Last updated June 25, 2019

Sexual assaults affect millions of Americans annually. The term encompasses various actions that involve behavior or contact toward another person without their consent. The actions are defined by state law and can therefore differ by jurisdiction. However, some common examples of sexual assault include:

*Fondling, kissing, or making unwanted bodily contact;
  • Forcing another person to perform or receive oral sex;
  • Forcing a tongue, mouth, finger, penis, or an object on another person's anus, penis, or vagina; and
  • Forced masturbation.

Guns aren't available to the general public, they aren't going to get guns.

Really? I didn't know that. HEY! If that's the way it works, perhaps we could try that for recreational narcotics.............oh.....wait! :eusa_shhh:

You're quoting the laws, not crime how crime statistics are reported.

Here is Canada...gun crime is determined by criminals, not law abiding gun owners....and the criminals in Canada are using guns more and more.....

Canada's largest city expected to set record for total shootings, victims this year
He recalled a recent community meeting where concerned parents said they've been putting their children to sleep on mattresses in bathtubs out of fear of errant gunfire.
Over the past week, police have responded to numerous shootings, including a violent Simcoe Day long weekend that left 17 people with gunshot injuries from 14 separate shootings. There have also been three shootings in one neighbourhood in suburban Scarborough since Tuesday.

15 People Wounded in Shootings in... Toronto - Frontpagemag

More than 350 people have been shot in Toronto this year. By this time in 2018, 318 people had been shot in the city according to Toronto Police numbers.
If the trend continues, this will be the fourth year in a row that gun violence has increased in the city. In 2018, 613 people were shot in Toronto in 428 separate incidents.


Will a public health approach reduce gun violence? Yes | The Star

Gun violence in Toronto is reaching epidemic proportions. Over the past four years, the number of shootings has more than doubled from 177 in 2014 to 424 in 2018.

As Toronto's tragedies mount is gun crime in Canada spiralling out of control?

As gun murders go up, other kinds of murder can go down

Canada marked a dubious milestone in 2016. That year, shootings pulled past stabbings as the number one method of killing someone in Canada: 223 people were shot to death, 175 were stabbed and the remaining 213 were killed by other means, include beating and strangulation.

Criminals using guns is going way up, but most violent crime is still gun-free
Police keep track of every time a criminal pulls a gun, points a gun or shoots a gun that misses. It’s essentially a running tally of every time that a gun is used for a crime without anybody getting hurt. A
nd this number has been jumping precipitously ever since 2005. In 2017 there were 2,734 instances of someone “using, pointing or discharging” a firearm.
Incel Joe is very fond of falsely accusing others of racism, but if you look through each of our bodies of work, you'll find that only he ever expresses racist beliefs.

Mormon Bob belongs to a cult that didn't allow black people to become members until 1978, and only then because the Government threatened to pull their tax exemption. Their "Holy Scriptures" refer to God cursing blacks and Native Americans with dark skin.

What you have to remember is the reason you're safe in your home is because people like me have guns in ours. Criminals don't know if you have a gun or not, so they don't dare rob you while you're home. Take guns away from law abiding citizens, and they will know you are not armed and can't defend yourself.

Except countries that ban guns don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

Most criminals don't do home invasions because it's just easier to break into an empty house.

And I already posted charts of the problems they do have because they can't protect themselves. They have higher crime rates in other areas like rapes, assaults, and armed robberies. Instead of getting shot, they get sliced up like a side of beef. They have a knife ban. You can't have a knife on your person just like felons here can't have a gun. But like here, the bad guys don't obey the laws, the unsuspecting law abiding citizen does, and that's how they become victims.

No, guy, they have higher crime rates because they actually have looser definitions of crime. For instance, the US defines sexual assault as sexual penetration of the victim. Most European countries define it as any unwanted touching. We define assault as anything with serious injury, they pretty much count any physical contact.

Again, those people will always get guns if they want them. Every place would be a gun-free zone which attracts them to various places today. All crooks carry guns. Nobody is going to mug you unarmed.

Guns aren't available to the general public, they aren't going to get guns. The rest of the world has figured this out.

View attachment 454976

Dip shit....they asked criminals in the U.S. and they stated they go into empty homes to avoid getting shot by the owners, you doofus......that is why in Britain they have more home invasions while the people are home....who the criminals then beat and torture to find out where their cash and valuables are...

You have no idea what you are talking about...ever......

Hot Burglary rates......


Netherlands..... 48%


Britain.... 43%

U.S. ( 1983)....12%



U.S..... 20.5%

Lawyers Guns and Burglars

C. In Homes and on the Street

Rengert and Wasilchick's book about how burglars work reveals that fear of armed homeowners played a major role in determining burglary targets. Burglars reported that they avoided late-night burglaries because, "That's the way to get shot."

[FN63] Some burglars said that they shun burglaries in neighborhoods with people of mostly a different race because, "You'll get shot if you're caught there." [FN64]

The most thorough study of burglary patterns was a St. Louis survey of 105 currently active burglars. [FN65]

The authors observed, "One of the most serious risks faced by residential burglars is the possibility of being injured or killed by occupants of a target.

Many of the offenders we spoke to reported that this was far and away their greatest fear." [FN66] Said one burglar: "I don't think about gettin' caught, I think about gettin' gunned down, shot or somethin'...'cause you get into some people's houses...quick as I come in there, boom, they hit you right there. That's what I think about."
Another burglar explained:

Hey, wouldn't you blow somebody away if someone broke into your house and you don't know them? You hear this noise and they come breakin' in the window tryin' to get into your house, they gon' want to kill you anyway. See, with the police, they gon' say, "Come out with your hands up and don't do nothing foolish!" Okay, you still alive, but you goin' to jail. But you alive. You sneak into somebody's house and they wait til you get in the house and then they shoot you.. . .See what I'm sayin'? You can't explain nothin' to nobody; you layin' down in there dead! [FN67]
In contrast, Missouri is one of only nine states which has no provision for citizens to be issued permits to carry handguns for protection. Thus, a criminal in St. Louis faces a very high risk that the target of a home invasion may have a lawful gun for protection, but minimal risk that the target of a street robbery will have a lawful firearm for defense.

The same authors who studied active St. Louis burglars conducted another study of active St. Louis armed robbers. [FN68] They found that "ome of the offenders who favored armed robbery over other crimes *355 maintained that the offense was also safer than burglary. . .." [FN69] As one armed robber put it: "My style is, like, don't have to be up in nobody's house in case they come in; they might have a pistol in the house or something." [FN70]

On the streets, many of the St. Louis robbers "routinely targeted law-abiding citizens," [FN71] who, unlike their counterparts in most American states, were certain not to be carrying a gun for protection. Law-abiding citizens were chosen as robbery victims because, as one robber noted, "You don't want to pick somebody dangerous; they might have a gun themselves." [FN72]
In addition to the St. Louis study, the Wright-Rossi National Institute of Justice surveyed felony prisoners in eleven state prison systems on the impact of victim firearms on burglar behavior. [FN73] In that survey, seventy-four percent of the convicts who had committed a burglary or violent crime agreed, "One reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot." [FN74]
Incel Joe is very fond of falsely accusing others of racism, but if you look through each of our bodies of work, you'll find that only he ever expresses racist beliefs.

Mormon Bob belongs to a cult that didn't allow black people to become members until 1978, and only then because the Government threatened to pull their tax exemption. Their "Holy Scriptures" refer to God cursing blacks and Native Americans with dark skin.

What you have to remember is the reason you're safe in your home is because people like me have guns in ours. Criminals don't know if you have a gun or not, so they don't dare rob you while you're home. Take guns away from law abiding citizens, and they will know you are not armed and can't defend yourself.

Except countries that ban guns don't have anywhere near our crime rates.

Most criminals don't do home invasions because it's just easier to break into an empty house.

And I already posted charts of the problems they do have because they can't protect themselves. They have higher crime rates in other areas like rapes, assaults, and armed robberies. Instead of getting shot, they get sliced up like a side of beef. They have a knife ban. You can't have a knife on your person just like felons here can't have a gun. But like here, the bad guys don't obey the laws, the unsuspecting law abiding citizen does, and that's how they become victims.

No, guy, they have higher crime rates because they actually have looser definitions of crime. For instance, the US defines sexual assault as sexual penetration of the victim. Most European countries define it as any unwanted touching. We define assault as anything with serious injury, they pretty much count any physical contact.

Again, those people will always get guns if they want them. Every place would be a gun-free zone which attracts them to various places today. All crooks carry guns. Nobody is going to mug you unarmed.

Guns aren't available to the general public, they aren't going to get guns. The rest of the world has figured this out.

View attachment 454976 Britain, they don't have to worry about the homeowner shooting them, and they know how long it takes the police to they do things like this...

Wealthy retired couple tortured by burglars who forced wife to walk on broken glass in £20,000 raid

wealthy couple were tortured by "Swat team" burglars who forced the wife to walk on broken glass before breaking one of her toes with a sledgehammer while stealing £20,000 of gold and jewels.

Professional burglars John McCarthy, 35, and Richard Leslie, 37, were branded "every householder's worst nightmare" after playing leading roles in the gang that terrorised the vulnerable pensioners for four hours during a night-time raid.


During their ordeal, the couple, aged in their 70s, were bound with tape, beaten, threatened and locked in a utility room.

The burglars hit the 77-year-old man with a chair and forced his 75-year-old wife to walk barefoot on glass, having discarded her slippers.

One of the burglars threatened to cut off the wife's fingers and ear with a pair of shears if gold, cash and Rolex watches were not produced.

She also needed extensive dental treatment because of the beating to her face. Her husband was stuck with pins "many times" to extort more valuables, the court heard.

During the attack, one of the armed intruders boasted: "This is what we do for a living."

They made off with Chinese ornaments in 24 carat gold, jewellery, silver commemorative coins featuring Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher, gold bars, a custom-made Seiko watch as well as thousands of pounds and Hong Kong dollars in cash.


An Englishman's home is his dungeon

Various reassuring types, from police spokesmen to the Economist, described the stabbing of the Moncktons as a "burglary gone wrong". If only more burglaries could go right, they imply, this sort of thing wouldn't happen.

But the trouble is that this kind of burglary - the kind most likely to go "wrong" - is now the norm in Britain. In America, it's called a "hot" burglary - a burglary that takes place when the homeowners are present - or a "home invasion", which is a much more accurate term.

Just over 10 per cent of US burglaries are "hot" burglaries, and in my part of the world it's statistically insignificant: there is virtually zero chance of a New Hampshire home being broken into while the family are present. But in England and Wales it's more than 50 per cent and climbing.

Which is hardly surprising given the police's petty, well-publicised pursuit of those citizens who have the impertinence to resist criminals.
These days, even as he or she is being clobbered, the more thoughtful British subject is usually keeping an eye (the one that hasn't been poked out) on potential liability. Four years ago, Shirley Best, proprietor of the Rolander Fashion emporium, whose clients include Zara Phillips, was ironing some clothes when the proverbial two youths showed up. They pressed the hot iron into her flesh, burning her badly, and then stole her watch. "I was frightened to defend myself," said Miss Best. "I thought if I did anything I would be arrested." There speaks the modern British crime victim.

That led to a terrifying three-hour ordeal in which the attackers used waterboarding – a form of torture in which the victim is made to feel they are about to be drowned.
The men took underwear from Mrs Jansen’s bedroom and forced it into her mouth before dragging her into the en-suite bathroom. They pulled her head back over the bath and covered her face with a towel they kept flooded with water from the shower head.
‘They did this to me three times but I just couldn’t open the safe,’ she said. ‘I kept telling them it was empty but they didn’t believe me.’
Mrs Jansen, who lives on a private estate in Weybridge, Surrey, told the Mail: ‘I was absolutely terrified, I thought they were going to kill me.
‘They asked me if I had any grandchildren, I told them I had ten and they said “We are going to kill you, do you think your grandchildren will miss you?”
‘I was consumed by fear. It was sheer hell and all I can remember is praying.’

Her six-bedroomed house had been broken into several weeks before the attack last Friday and Surrey Police believe the raiders had located the two safes at that point.
Do the democrats call for an 'evaluation' to exercise any other parts of the Bill of Rights?

I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted an "evaluation" to allow conservatives/Republicans to exercise ANY of the Bill of Rights.

Well, women have to have all those unnecessary tests to have an abortion in a red state. You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.

Are you really this stupid?

I.D. to vote is the standard around the world...including South Africa where Nelson Mandela pushed it to protect the Right to vote...

And Catholic schools are the best schools in democrat party controlled cities and they have students of all colors you moron...including the kids of "gay" idiot.....

You guys post things and have no idea what you are talking about.
Do the democrats call for an 'evaluation' to exercise any other parts of the Bill of Rights?

I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted an "evaluation" to allow conservatives/Republicans to exercise ANY of the Bill of Rights.

Well, women have to have all those unnecessary tests to have an abortion in a red state. You have to have special forms of ID or you can't vote. The children of blacks and gays can't attend "Christian" schools. So many "special" conservative rules.
Black children can't attend Christian schools?

Are you ever not a lying sack of dogshit?

Every time you post one of these little gems, I have to ask "Are you an American, living in the USA?", because your posts reveal an astounding lack of general knowledge about life in the USA in general.

I've have several American parents tell me they enrolled their kids in "Christian" schools so they wouldn't have to go to schools with blacks.

The only ones pushing segregated schools now are the democrat party and its left wing doofus.

The democrat party is the party of racism.........every core group of the party is openly and proudly racist, and it's leaders embrace racists of all colors....including obama who is good friends and allies with the worst racists in our country.....louis farrakhan, al sharpton and jeremiah doofus.
Which is hardly surprising given the police's petty, well-publicised pursuit of those citizens who have the impertinence to resist criminals.
These days, even as he or she is being clobbered, the more thoughtful British subject is usually keeping an eye (the one that hasn't been poked out) on potential liability. Four years ago, Shirley Best, proprietor of the Rolander Fashion emporium, whose clients include Zara Phillips, was ironing some clothes when the proverbial two youths showed up. They pressed the hot iron into her flesh, burning her badly, and then stole her watch. "I was frightened to defend myself," said Miss Best. "I thought if I did anything I would be arrested." There speaks the modern British crime victim.

And this is what the left wants to make us over here. I remember as a teen things were so bad, that people did fear retaliation of defending themselves. One story I remember was a bar owner who lived upstairs from his business here in Cleveland. He thought he heard some noise in the bar, went to investigate, and took his gun with him just in case. He spotted an intruder, fired one shot and killed him. He was arrested for murder.

When people in my state started to wise up, they put in conservative Republicans to run our state. We got the Castle Doctrine, CCWs, and in April, our Stand Your Ground law goes into effect. I remember what it was like years ago, and I don't want to go back to that. It's one of the many reasons I'll never vote for a Democrat in my life again.
It has nothing to do with segregation. It's just a simple matter that abortions are not constitutionally protected. The founders never wrote the Constitution with abortion in mind. Abortions in this country are close to a 50/50 split, and that's why it's controversial.

Actually, it's nowhere near a 50/50 split. Only about 20% of the population are religious fanatics who can't mind their own fucking business.

Bull. They would rather you be home because then they can hold you hostage until you tell them where you hide your valuables at. You don't have to worry about that now because of their uncertainty if you have a firearm or not. It's not worth getting killed over. If they hit your home, they'll wait until they are assured you're not there.

Nobody really does that, unless they are stupid. Burglary gets you a pretty light sentence. Home invasion and kidnapping get you very serious sentences. So if you have a lick of sense, you case the place, figure out when no one is home, and then look for the valuables at your leisure. And usually, that's how so many guns get into the hands of crooks. they are stolen from legitimate owners.

They have higher crime rates because people can't defend themselves.

No, they don't. They have higher crime rates because they count crimes differently than we do.

Really? I didn't know that. HEY! If that's the way it works, perhaps we could try that for recreational narcotics.............oh.....wait!

Oh, wait. The reason why drug laws don't work is most people don't care if their neighbors are doing drugs.

They really care if their neighbors have guns, especially if they are crazy gun nuts.

The day guns are banned, your HUD neighbors are dropping a dime on you, buddy.
Dip shit....they asked criminals in the U.S. and they stated they go into empty homes to avoid getting shot by the owners, you doofus......that is why in Britain they have more home invasions while the people are home....who the criminals then beat and torture to find out where their cash and valuables are...

Doofus, Criminals lie. They tell the people interviewing them whatever they want to hear, and they certainly aren't giving up their modus opporendi.

The reality, Criminals LOVE that people like you are gun nuts. They wait until you aren't home so they can break into your house and help themselves to free guns.
So then, if adopted, what do the dimbo’s do about the criminals that have guns, will the commission of a crime with a gun result in mandatory prison sentences without parole?

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