Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

There ya go again, believing in bias confirming polling...In any case, while most in America may well favor curbing gun violence, they don't want that achieved by a heavy handed government coming after them and their own guns....Believe it or not liberals own guns too....

I'm sure a lot do. And a lot of them won't have a problem with psych evaluations for new gun owners.

the two things we always find out after a mass shooting. 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was crazy. and 2) He was still able to get a gun with relative ease.

The real problem is commitment. While overwhelming majorities support most common sense gun control, they don't make much progress because their concern doesn't last more than a few weeks after the last mass shooting. Meanwhile the gun fetishists are on this topic 24/7, like some of our resident gun nuts here who just can't talking about guns.

See, the thing is that it is more than just taking a piece of metal away, it is removing a right....And American's of all stripes are firmly against that...

Actually, I don't think a crazy person should have a right to a military grade weapon so he can shoot up a school.

I'm not sure why you think this is such an essential right.
And another of them won't have a problem with psych evaluations for new gun owners

But will they have a problem with the government charging them an $800 yearly fee to own those guns?
Actually, it's more like 14,000 gun homicides... along with 24,000 suicides and 1000 accidents. I don't need to separate them by category because if we didn't have guns, those people wouldn't have died.

You have no way of proving that. A few years ago, London had more murders than NYC. They don't have guns there now do they? The point is if somebody wants you dead, there are many ways to do it. They may stab you to death, they may poison you, they may rent a truck and run you over lon a crowded sidewalk. Suicide? Please, that's so easy to do without a gun.
We think Democrats are “crazy”. Democrats think Republicans are “crazy”. Democrats have already shown their hand by censoring people who have points of views that that don’t align with theirs. Anybody that wants a gun for leisure, hunting, protection, collection, etc. will ulitmately be deemed “crazy” by weak kneed, scared of their own shadow, city dwelling, completely anti-gun nut Democrats.

Actually, the best argument for gun control is letting the gun nuts talk about overthrowing the government or wanting to shoot some darkies.
Just like a liberal. Move to Europe if think it is so great.

Nope, we need to fix this country... the problem is, we are being held back by an angry minority of stupid white people.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'
SURE if they agree To go in for psych evaluation of their TDS and politicians would need clearance for office psychological evaluation cards like they require covid-19 vaccine cards and gun ownership. ;-)
Has anyone here seen anyone other than @Incel Joe writing about “wanting to shoot some darkies”?

Um, yeah, Ray all the time, buddy. Aren't you paying attention. Frankly, he's never met a black person whose gotten shot who didn't have it coming. 12 year old playing with BB Gun? Shoot him! Man sitting at home eating ice cream? Shoot him, too.

Do try to keep up, Mormon Bob. Probably work on more reading comprehension and less on worrying about other dude's sex lives....
Um, yeah, Ray all the time, buddy. Aren't you paying attention. Frankly, he's never met a black person whose gotten shot who didn't have it coming. 12 year old playing with BB Gun? Shoot him! Man sitting at home eating ice cream? Shoot him, too.

Do try to keep up, Mormon Bob. Probably work on more reading comprehension and less on worrying about other dude's sex lives....

I support our police when they have to use deadly force within the law. It's something all decent citizens should do.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'
It's just another projection by the Demmies. They take the very offensive they use and toilet paper the same on the bathroom walls of their deep state lies into their adversaries. These are horrid times for the poor little Demmie bedlambs. Just wait till the trial deposing the interlopers who stole the election and nationalized criminal politics.
You must not get out of the house very often. Many non-religious people are against abortion for moral or humane reasons. You don't need to be a part of any religion to be disgusted by something. Abortion does not fall on religious lines.

You might have a point... some people are against abortions because they are high-grade misogynists...

No, we didn't try that. What we did is allow liberal judges turn our prisons into playgrounds.

You spend a month in prison and then come back and tell me what a "playground" it was...

ou choose not to believe actual statistics because it greatly weakens your argument. However in spite of where you live, it happens infrequently there too.

Uh, guy, I don't believe the gun nuts "statistics" because when you have a number "Between 44,000 and 4,000,000", I just can't take you seriously. Those are wildly fluctuating numbers.

if it's the low end, that 44,000 crimes are prevented with guns, it doesn't make up for 39,000 gun deaths, 70,000 gun injuries and 400,000 gun crimes, not to mention 270 BILLION in economic losses due to guns.

You have to put suicides in because gun murder for 2019 was 10,235.....of those 70-80% of the victims are criminals murdered by other criminals....

Then, you have to ignore the truth...that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%...which means gun ownership does not increase gun crime or gun murder....but you have to pretend that fact doesn't destroys your entire argument.

Guns are used 1.1 million times a year to save lives from rape, robbery and murder...according to the Centers for Disease Control......and as to the cost savings?

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—less some attackers who lost their lives to defenders. This enormous benefit dwarfs, both in human and economic terms, the losses trumpeted by hoplophobes who only choose to see the risk side of the equation.

Annual Defensive Gun Use Savings Dwarf Study's "Gun Violence" Costs - The Truth About Guns

I was going to go on and calculate the costs of incarceration ($50K/year) saved by people killing 1527 criminals annually, and then look at the lifetime cost to society of an average criminal (something in excess of $1 million). But all of that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $1,000,000,000,000 ($1T) annual benefit of gun ownership.

It’s one of the antis’ favorite tricks: cost benefit analysis omitting the benefit side of the equation. So what are the financial benefits of firearm ownership to society? Read on . . .

In my post Dennis Henigan on Chardon: Clockwork Edition, I did an analysis of how many lives were saved annually in Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs). I used extremely conservative numbers. Now I am going to use some less conservative ones.

How can we get a dollar figure from 1.88 million defensive gun uses per year? Never fear, faithful reader, we can count on the .gov to calculate everything.

According to the AZ state government, in February of 2008 a human life was worth $6.5 million. Going to the Inflation Calculator and punching in the numbers gives us a present value of $6.93 million.

So figuring that the average DGU saves one half of a person’s life—as “gun violence” predominantly affects younger demographics—that gives us $3.465 million per half life.

Putting this all together, we find that the monetary benefit of guns (by way of DGUs) is roughly $1.02 trillion per year. That’s trillion. With a ‘T’.

I was going to go on and calculate the costs of incarceration ($50K/year) saved by people killing 1527 criminals annually, and then look at the lifetime cost to society of an average criminal (something in excess of $1 million). But all of that would be a drop in the bucket compared to the $1,000,000,000,000 ($1T) annual benefit of gun ownership.

When compared to the (inflation adjusted from 2002) $127.5 billion ‘cost’ of gun violence calculated by by our Ludwig-Cook buddies, guns save a little more than eight times what they “cost.”

Which, I might add, is completely irrelevant since “the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil, and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility.”

So even taking Motherboard’s own total and multiplying it by 100, the benefits to society of civilian gun ownership dwarf the associated costs.
Nope, we need to fix this country... the problem is, we are being held back by an angry minority of stupid white people.

We are, soon to be were, the most powerful nation in the world both economically and militarily. We are THE place people come to "make it". We don't need to "fix" our country by adopting the policies of weaker ones. This anti-American, we are inferior, unpatriotic attitude that is so pervasive among Democrats is the sentiment our enemies have endorsed for years. It has persuaded many of you poor, indoctrinated soles, just like they knew it would.

You see my little mental-midget, it is you who is part of the weak-minded crowd that is impressionable enough to fall for anything. It is you and your kind that will lead to the fall of our country from within. It is us "stupid white people", many of whom, just by chance, of course, have figured out how to do very well in this country and have also, just by chance, been more resistant to the left-wing mind-meld. The reality is that there are many ignorant and/or stupid people of all races in this country. The Democrats are extremely well represented among this crowd.
The reality, Criminals LOVE that people like you are gun nuts. They wait until you aren't home so they can break into your house and help themselves to free guns.
They also love the democrats who fight to release them from jail sooner rather than later.

Make gun theft a felony with real consequences. DUH.
Yeah, if the law lets a emotionally unstable cop shoot a kid playing with a toy, the law's kind of fucked up.

But you made excused for Amber Guyger, who was found guilty of violating the law...

No matter how many times I've proven you to be a liar, you continue to lie. No wonder you're a leftist.
You have to put suicides in because gun murder for 2019 was 10,235.....of those 70-80% of the victims are criminals murdered by other criminals....

Actualy, the annual gun murder rate for the last year the CDC has numbers for is 14,500 for 2017.

Then, you have to ignore the truth...that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%...which means gun ownership does not increase gun crime or gun murder....but you have to pretend that fact doesn't destroys your entire argument.

IT did nothing of the sort. The gun murder rate actually has INCREASED in recent years.
We are, soon to be were, the most powerful nation in the world both economically and militarily. We are THE place people come to "make it". We don't need to "fix" our country by adopting the policies of weaker ones. This anti-American, we are inferior, unpatriotic attitude that is so pervasive among Democrats is the sentiment our enemies have endorsed for years. It has persuaded many of you poor, indoctrinated soles, just like they knew it would.

I just have a different opinion of what makes a country "powerful". A country isn't powerful if it spends Trillions on the military and then can't subdue two third world countries. It isn't powerful if we have poor children dying of treatable diseases.

The thing is, nobody comes here from Europe or Japan. They come here from miserable third world countries. That's nothing to be proud of "Slightly better than a third world country".

You see my little mental-midget, it is you who is part of the weak-minded crowd that is impressionable enough to fall for anything. It is you and your kind that will lead to the fall of our country from within. It is us "stupid white people", many of whom, just by chance, of course, have figured out how to do very well in this country and have also, just by chance, been more resistant to the left-wing mind-meld. The reality is that there are many ignorant and/or stupid people of all races in this country. The Democrats are extremely well represented among this crowd.

But that's the problem. Stupid White People aren't doing well. My brothers are Trumpkins, and they are very angry they don't have the affluence that our Dad had working a union job and raising five kids. So Trump tells them to blame Mexicans or Gays or China, and they fall for it, because, you k now, they are kind of stupid. Who they don't blame are rich guys like Trump who would never let them into one of his Country Clubs, who spent the last 40 years undermining unions and the middle class.

Oh, wait. YOu won't have THAT discussion. Look over here, there's a dude in a dress trying to use the ladies room. Let's get upset about that.
Very few actually push for mandatory mental health exams for every person who buys a gun. The typical stance is requiring people who wish to purchase a gun to submit to a mental health background check, and barring anyone who has been diagnosed in the past with mental illness from purchasing weapons
Biden says he hasn't taken a cognitive test: "Why the hell would I take a test?"

"No, I haven't taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test? Come on, man," "That's like saying you, before you got in this program, you're taking a test whether you're taking cocaine or not. What do you think, huh? Are you a junkie?"
Very few actually push for mandatory mental health exams for every person who buys a gun. The typical stance is requiring people who wish to purchase a gun to submit to a mental health background check, and barring anyone who has been diagnosed in the past with mental illness from purchasing weapons

This has nothing to do with mental competency. It has to do with the Communists trying to do an end run around the Constitution.

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