Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

You have to put suicides in because gun murder for 2019 was 10,235.....of those 70-80% of the victims are criminals murdered by other criminals....

Actualy, the annual gun murder rate for the last year the CDC has numbers for is 14,500 for 2017.

Then, you have to ignore the truth...that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%...which means gun ownership does not increase gun crime or gun murder....but you have to pretend that fact doesn't destroys your entire argument.

IT did nothing of the sort. The gun murder rate actually has INCREASED in recent years.

The FBI has it at 10,258 for 2019.....The CDC is an anti-gun extremist agency.....

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8




Bare hands....600


The gun murder rate has increased the last year because the democrat party got rid of cash bail and has been releasing violent gun offenders as fast as the police catch them.....and the democrat party has attacked the police and caused them to retire or leave the profession, and the ones who remain are staying in their cars until they get calls, and have stopped pro-active police techniques....

So you don't know what you are talking about.
That's nothing to be proud of "Slightly better than a third world country".

This says it all. You have NO idea what you are talking about. You are the epitome of a spoiled American if you think the US is only "slightly better than a third world country." You need to not only travel more, but live in some other countries. Your perspective of the US would change quite a bit.

But that's the problem. Stupid White People aren't doing well. My brothers are Trumpkins, and they are very angry they don't have the affluence that our Dad had working a union job and raising five kids. So Trump tells them to blame Mexicans or Gays or China, and they fall for it, because, you k now, they are kind of stupid. Who they don't blame are rich guys like Trump who would never let them into one of his Country Clubs, who spent the last 40 years undermining unions and the middle class.

Oh, wait. YOu won't have THAT discussion. Look over here, there's a dude in a dress trying to use the ladies room. Let's get upset about that.

I don't doubt that you have some "stupid" running in your family. You seem to think that because you vote for the Democrats that you missed that unfortunate genetic trait. There are stupid and ignorant people on both sides of the aisle. I would say without question the Democrats hold a lead with the ignorant folks. There are plenty of smart professors who are too smart for their own good when it comes to politics. They aren't wise or humble enough to entertain the thought that what they have been taught since grade school may be wrong. These self-proclaimed geniuses toe the party line and are just as quick to throw out the intellectually shallow "racist" defense as their less intellectually inclined Democratic counterparts. In other words, even the "smart" ones have been dumbed down when it comes to politics.

I am in a right-to-work state. I do well and maintain gainful employment because I am good at what I do. Because I don't have the entitlement mentality of many union workers, I know I must continue to do well and excel. Unions promote complacency because they over-pay and can't fire folks simply because a better person comes along. Unions stifle real competition. I know why Democrats like them...they are lazy and entitled. This is rather obvious with the policies their party supports. They want to get a job and keep it for life no matter their performance. Unions don't make companies stronger, they make them weaker. The best employees can't always be hired because there aren't any openings. The pension plans suck the companies dry or they drive up the cost of the company's products. Union workers want a safety blanket but don't want to weave it themselves...that is what every Democrat I know wants. Personal responsibility was evidently not taught in their households. They want it from their employer and their government, just like petulant, immature children.
You have to put suicides in because gun murder for 2019 was 10,235.....of those 70-80% of the victims are criminals murdered by other criminals....

Actualy, the annual gun murder rate for the last year the CDC has numbers for is 14,500 for 2017.

Then, you have to ignore the truth...that as more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%...which means gun ownership does not increase gun crime or gun murder....but you have to pretend that fact doesn't destroys your entire argument.

IT did nothing of the sort. The gun murder rate actually has INCREASED in recent years.

Dip shit......the stupid policies of the democrat party increased the crime rates in the cities they control.........

A recent report confirms, however inadvertently, that Cook County’s controversial limits on the use of cash bail caused more crime on the streets of Chicago and resulted in fewer defendants showing up in court. A close look at the analysis from Loyola University’s Don Stemen and David Olson—though it purports to show the opposite—makes clear that bail-reform skeptics were right to worry about how policies like Chicago’s would affect public safety and criminal justice.
It’s a mathematical fact: more offenders multiplied by a constant crime rate equals more crimes. Using precise figures from the paper, the 9,200 individuals released following reform committed roughly 1,573 crimes and 294 violent crimes. If only 8,700 offenders had been released, they’d have committed 1,488 new crimes and 278 violent crimes. In other words, the release of just 500 people led to roughly 85 additional crimes, including 16 additional violent crimes.
The new report offers another strike against Chicago’s reform: it caused more offenders to fail to appear for trial. Stemen and Olson estimate a statistically significant increase in the failure-to-appear rate, from 16.7 percent to 19.8 percent, an increase that gets bigger after they add statistical controls. This added burden will fall hardest on the already-overtaxed and understaffed Chicago police, who will have to execute warrants on those who fail to show up.

This says it all. You have NO idea what you are talking about. You are the epitome of a spoiled American if you think the US is only "slightly better than a third world country." You need to not only travel more, but live in some other countries. Your perspective of the US would change quite a bit.

Uh, guy, certain parts of this country ARE a third world county... LIke most of the Red States.

My perspective of the US is that the country has declined because people like you demolished the middle class to make the rich richer.

I don't doubt that you have some "stupid" running in your family. You seem to think that because you vote for the Democrats that you missed that unfortunate genetic trait.

Naw, man, Iike I said, I voted GOP for years... The difference is I was smart enough to realize that after the FOURTH GOP recession in my adult years, the GOP has no idea what it is doing. I probably should have figured this out after the SECOND one, but I was one of you Wingnuts who got all upset that Bill got a blow job instead of appreciating he made things a lot better for the working class.

Now let's slice and dice the rest of your silly argument.

There are stupid and ignorant people on both sides of the aisle. I would say without question the Democrats hold a lead with the ignorant folks.

Really? Frankly, having been on both sides of the aisle, I would say I've encountered a lot more dumb people among the Republicans... My mistake was thinking that I was more clever than I am.

There are plenty of smart professors who are too smart for their own good when it comes to politics. They aren't wise or humble enough to entertain the thought that what they have been taught since grade school may be wrong.

Or not. Frankly, I look at it from a historical point of view. Things get better for the working class when Democrats are in charge, they get worse when Republicans are in charge. Since the end of WWII, we've had 10 recessions, and 9 of them happened on Republican watches. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

These self-proclaimed geniuses toe the party line and are just as quick to throw out the intellectually shallow "racist" defense as their less intellectually inclined Democratic counterparts. In other words, even the "smart" ones have been dumbed down when it comes to politics.

Again, if you want to pretend that racism not only exists in this country, it's written into our DNA. This is just a fact.

I am in a right-to-work state. I do well and maintain gainful employment because I am good at what I do. Because I don't have the entitlement mentality of many union workers, I know I must continue to do well and excel.

Again, you won't tell us which state it is, because you know I'd dig up facts and figure showing it's really is a third world country.

Unions promote complacency because they over-pay and can't fire folks simply because a better person comes along. Unions stifle real competition. I know why Democrats like them...they are lazy and entitled. This is rather obvious with the policies their party supports.

Again, I'm not sure why you think engaging in the corporate rat race is the highlight of human existence. Personally, we were much better off when people got lifetime jobs through the union.

They want to get a job and keep it for life no matter their performance.

Poor employee performance usually reflects bad management. Frankly, I've been out there working 1992, I never encountered a company that did poorly because the employees were bad, and I've met a few who needed to be fired. Most of the places I've worked, it's the management that usually ends up being the problem. And those guys never get fired.

Unions don't make companies stronger, they make them weaker.

It's not their job to make the company stronger. It's their job to look out for workers.

The best employees can't always be hired because there aren't any openings.

The best employees aren't hired now. Hey, guy, tell you what, our system of hiring is truly broken. The best person is usually "the guy who hired the best resume writer" or "the guy who can scam his way through an interview".

The pension plans suck the companies dry or they drive up the cost of the company's products. Union workers want a safety blanket but don't want to weave it themselves...that is what every Democrat I know wants.

So if you have the majority working to make the rich richer while they get less and less benefits, you've kind of made an argument for socialism...

Personal responsibility was evidently not taught in their households. They want it from their employer and their government, just like petulant, immature children.

Naw, man, we expect those people to do their jobs, just like we have to do ours. The problem is, the only way to get rid of a bad manager is to slowly do a bad job. (Actually, the first company I worked for had exactly this kind of environment, management that was so awful, we couldn't build an effective team to get the job done an eventually, the company went under and deserved to.)
Again, if you want to pretend that racism not only exists in this country, it's written into our DNA. This is just a fact.

Just because you're a racist, Incel Joe, doesn't mean that everyone else is too.

Please quote the Constitutional text specifically guaranteeing the right to abortion.

The 14th Amendment.

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

Laws which deny women the right to decide whether to have a baby denies her constitutional right to life and liberty. And don't start with rights for the zygote. It doesn't have rights.

That's bullshit.

By exactly the same logic, any law telling me that I don't have a right to kill you is a violation of my right to life and liberty.

Really, any law that compels or prohibits any behavior is, strictly speaking a violation of liberty.

The point, of course, is that in some cases, one's liberty must be abridged in order to protect the rights of another, such as the right of any human being (whether you, an unborn child, or anyone else) not to be murdered in cold blood.

If the Fourteenth Amendment can legitimately be twisted, as you are trying to do, to protect the “right” to murder an innocent child, then really, what laws can rightfully exist to prohibit any behavior?
The crux of the disagreement between right to lifers and right to choosers, is if a fetus is a person at conception. The two sides are never going to agree because they disagree on the most basic fact in the equation. The government tried to compromise by defining that the fetus becomes a human at a certain stage of development, but then undermined it's own compromise by allowing the death of a unviable fetus to be considered as an additional count of murder if the pregnant mother is killed and the unviable fetus dies as well.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

If a woman wants an abortion, Republicans have insisted that she wait three days and think about it, view ultra sounds of the fetus, and undergo other unnecessary medical tests before the woman can have a legal abortion and you don't have any problem with any of these waiting periods, and additional restrictions. You're all for making it as difficult and expensive as possible to have an abortion.

If a Republican wants a gun, he or she should have to go through the same level of bullshit that a woman goes through to get an abortion. Fair is fair.

Please quote the Constitutional text specifically guaranteeing the right to abortion.

The 14th Amendment.

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. "

Laws which deny women the right to decide whether to have a baby denies her constitutional right to life and liberty. And don't start with rights for the zygote. It doesn't have rights.
If you are going to take that position, the state should have no power to force fathers who desire their mates to have an abortion, but are overruled by the mother's rights to pay child support. You are taking the father's property to support the mother's choice.
Poor employee performance usually reflects bad management. Frankly, I've been out there working 1992, I never encountered a company that did poorly because the employees were bad, and I've met a few who needed to be fired. Most of the places I've worked, it's the management that usually ends up being the problem. And those guys never get fired.

You never experienced a company that did poorly because of worthless employees that only had to be breathing to keep their job? Well were are all those union jobs today? If the company didn't pack up and move out of state or to another country, they closed up shop.

You don't have nearly my experience dealing with union and non-union companies. I could write a book on the subject. They don't close up or move because they are doing so well with unions. When they have to charge so much for their product because of costs, the American consumer buys cheaper made foreign products, and that's how we got to where we're at today.

Don't blame the management for the grave mistakes we made allowing unions to amass such power over the years. Our jobs didn't move overseas because of bad management.
You don't have nearly my experience dealing with union and non-union companies. I could write a book on the subject. They don't close up or move because they are doing so well with unions. When they have to charge so much for their product because of costs, the American consumer buys cheaper made foreign products, and that's how we got to where we're at today.

yeah, you could write a book. Here's a title suggestion.

"I am a White Trash Loser who couldn't get a good job and am jealous of Union Guys who did".

The funny thing is, instead of blaming the rich people who dismantled the middle class, you are upset with the guys who managed to maintain a middle class lifestyle.

It would be like if an arsonist burned down your house, and instead of arresting the arsonist, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.
For all your absurd efforts to paint me as a racist, based on lies and distortions about my religion, I think it is obvious from our respective bodies of work on this forum, which one of us is genuinely a racist, and which one is not.

You might want to do something about that huge beam in your own eye, rather than fuss about the tiny mote that you think you see in mine.

Again, your cult didn't allow black people to become members until 1978, and that was only because Jimmy Carter threatened your tax exemption.

Your cult's holy scriptures call dark skin a curse from God.

I've asked you to point out to me which of those statements are incorrect. You never did. You never will. You'll hem and haw around the topic, of some of the crazy stuff in your Church's history.
For all your absurd efforts to paint me as a racist, based on lies and distortions about my religion, I think it is obvious from our respective bodies of work on this forum, which one of us is genuinely a racist, and which one is not.

You might want to do something about that huge beam in your own eye, rather than fuss about the tiny mote that you think you see in mine.

Again, your cult didn't allow black people to become members until 1978, and that was only because Jimmy Carter threatened your tax exemption.

Your cult's holy scriptures call dark skin a curse from God.

I've asked you to point out to me which of those statements are incorrect. You never did. You never will. You'll hem and haw around the topic, of some of the crazy stuff in your Church's history.
Your Cult elected a KKK Leader to the Senate until 2010.
Again, your cult didn't allow black people to become members until 1978, and that was only because Jimmy Carter threatened your tax exemption.

Your cult's holy scriptures call dark skin a curse from God.

I've asked you to point out to me which of those statements are incorrect. You never did. You never will. You'll hem and haw around the topic, of some of the crazy stuff in your Church's history.

Why don't you just go spend some nice, romantic time with your wife, and stop obsessing on various lies, distortions, and irrelevancies about my religion?

Oh, yes, I keep forgetting, Incel Joe. You don't have a wife.

yeah, you could write a book. Here's a title suggestion.

"I am a White Trash Loser who couldn't get a good job and am jealous of Union Guys who did".

The funny thing is, instead of blaming the rich people who dismantled the middle class, you are upset with the guys who managed to maintain a middle class lifestyle.

It would be like if an arsonist burned down your house, and instead of arresting the arsonist, you want him to burn down your neighbor's house, too.

I don't support unions because I'm intelligent enough to look at the big picture and understand the long term effects. You think businesses open up to provide good paying jobs and benefits without an ounce of thought as to how they will be able to sell their higher priced goods to a frugal American public. You think business owners have a money tree in their office they can just pick from.

Show us how it's done you self-hating white anti-semite. Open up a company, with a union, pay good money, and see how well you can sell your products next to a business that pays their workers what they are worth, or worse yet, some Chinese made product. Your business wouldn't last five months.
Your Cult elected a KKK Leader to the Senate until 2010.

Except he wasn't with the KKK since the 1950's, but don't let that stop you.

Why don't you just go spend some nice, romantic time with your wife, and stop obsessing on various lies, distortions, and irrelevancies about my religion?

Uh, guy, your weird obsession with my family life is...well... weird...

But then again, you belong to a weird cult started by kiddie diddlers, so weirdness should be expected.


I don't support unions because I'm intelligent enough to look at the big picture and understand the long term effects. You think businesses open up to provide good paying jobs and benefits without an ounce of thought as to how they will be able to sell their higher priced goods to a frugal American public. You think business owners have a money tree in their office they can just pick from.

Hey, guy, when we cut pay to the Executives and Investors, who contribute VERY LITTLE to the making of the product, THEN you can get back to me about cutting the pay of people who ACTUALLY DO THE WORK.
Hey, guy, when we cut pay to the Executives and Investors, who contribute VERY LITTLE to the making of the product, THEN you can get back to me about cutting the pay of people who ACTUALLY DO THE WORK.

When you cut pay for executives, they leave and you get less competent executives. When you cut profit from investors, they take their money and invest it somewhere else, perhaps with your competitor. When you increase costs of a product or service, consumers find cheaper products or services.

That's the way it is in a non-communist society Joe.
Uh, guy, your weird obsession with my family life is...well... weird...

But then again, you belong to a weird cult started by kiddie diddlers, so weirdness should be expected.

Not nearly as bizarre as the weird sexual fetish that you seem to have about my religion, and with making up bizarre lies and distortions about it.

But then what is to be expected of a 58-year-olde incel loser who has never been married, and with whom no woman will have anything to do? Truly, there is something very, very, very wrong with you. And whatever it is, it's surely not what I am seeing; all I can see are the symptoms, not the underlying defects.
When you cut pay for executives, they leave and you get less competent executives. When you cut profit from investors, they take their money and invest it somewhere else, perhaps with your competitor. When you increase costs of a product or service, consumers find cheaper products or services.

That's the way it is in a non-communist society Joe.

Hey, funny thing, that's exactly what they do in Germany and Japan, and they've been kicking our asses since the 1970's...

Not nearly as bizarre as the weird sexual fetish that you seem to have about my religion, and with making up bizarre lies and distortions about it.

Except you have yet to point out one thing I've gotten wrong. Now, I'm sure you have been sorely misinformed about your cult's history. Nobody likes to talk about how Brigham Young was banging all those teen girls or how he had all those people murdered in the Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857.

But then what is to be expected of a 58-year-olde incel loser who has never been married, and with whom no woman will have anything to do? Truly, there is something very, very, very wrong with you. And whatever it is, it's surely not what I am seeing; all I can see are the symptoms, not the underlying defects.

you don't know a darned thing about my life, buddy. I think last year you were insisting I was gay. (I'm not.) or that I have a criminal record (I don't) or that I was lying about being in the military (Until I provided pictures of myself when I was in the service).

Now, if you were really confident about the "truth" of your faith, you'd be able to counter my arguments, not fantasize wildly about me.
Uh, guy, certain parts of this country ARE a third world county... LIke most of the Red States.

As you know, I live in a red state. This red state has plenty of you Northerners coming down, in fact, it is one of the fastest-growing places in the country. Hard to believe you folks would move from that lap of luxury in the NE and Midwest to come to a third world country. Somalia has good weather too but I don't see you moving there. I have told you before, my area of this red state has a higher average income than the ritziest suburbs of Chicago at more than twice the national average. Add that fact to the fact that we have a lower cost of living, it doesn't take much to figure out the standard of living is better. I am concerned that many of those coming down are pretty stupid and will try to turn our red state into a blue state, which will put our state in the same sinking ship as the current blue states. I guess these folks figure they can keep moving around to escape the misery they vote themselves. The stupidity of the left has no bounds.

Again, if you want to pretend that racism not only exists in this country, it's written into our DNA. This is just a fact.

No, it is not in our DNA any more than in other countries around the world. That is the left's narrative they use to control ignorant voters. It works...there are a LOT of them.

Again, you won't tell us which state it is, because you know I'd dig up facts and figure showing it's really is a third world country.

Just as in any state, there are some bad areas of the state and there are some good areas of the state. I find that living in a red state provides for many more areas where I would feel completely safe walking down the street any time of the day.

Again, I'm not sure why you think engaging in the corporate rat race is the highlight of human existence. Personally, we were much better off when people got lifetime jobs through the union.

I didn't say anything about the corporate rat race. Believe it or not, "workers" can make a good living in a non-union job in the South if they are valuable employees.

Poor employee performance usually reflects bad management. Frankly, I've been out there working 1992, I never encountered a company that did poorly because the employees were bad, and I've met a few who needed to be fired. Most of the places I've worked, it's the management that usually ends up being the problem. And those guys never get fired.

Right out of college, I briefly worked as a manager of an establishment that had minimum wage workers. I can assure you that it wasn't my management skills or lack thereof that had anything to do with getting those folks to be responsible and do their jobs. It was a constant struggle. If it was a Union outfit, those same workers would have made twice the salary and been harder to fire. Sorry, but a company is only as good as its workers. Paying one guy more than the other simply based on some Union rules based on tenure is not a recipe for success.

It's not their job to make the company stronger. It's their job to look out for workers.

Yeah, they bite the hand that feeds them.

The best employees aren't hired now. Hey, guy, tell you what, our system of hiring is truly broken. The best person is usually "the guy who hired the best resume writer" or "the guy who can scam his way through an interview".

How do you propose people to be hired if it isn't their resume, which includes their education and their work experiences along with an interview? Professional references are typically required for well-paying jobs as well. I am not really sure what your point here is unless you think we should just start appointing people to jobs.
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