Dems, which of Trump’s policies have compromised quality of life for Americans?

Let’s go beyond Orange Man Bad and ‘he talks mean’ and discuss how Trump policy has negatively impacted your life.
Considering the level of hate Dems have conveyed toward Trump I’m certain this will be a very active thread...I’m certain ALL Dems have a laundry list to share.

You mean the 400,000 dead Americans from a virus he failed to contain, and called a hoax?

Or the recession of 20 million jobs lost, millions of which won't be coming back?

Or maybe the fact that he is a traitor that sold secrets to our enemies?

Or the fact he has used the office to enrich himself at tax payer expense?

Or is it the weakening of our position in the world by alienating our allies?

Or that he has embarrased the country in front of the whole world by being a laughing stock?

Maybe it was the 4000 Americans he let die his first year with his non response to the hurricane that destroyed Puerto Rico?

Or how about his stealing PPP from states to give to other states, costing lives for political revenge?

How about him disrespecting the parents of fallen soldiers multiple times, including the mother of a Green Beret in Africa that was covered up?

And what kind of deal did he make with China to get Ivanka an unheard of 13 patents, and real estate deals with Chinese Communist State party officials?

Here's a better question dipshit, what has he done that hasn't been bad for America?

Considering the fact he has no policies.
Remember when you and your people said he was racist and xenophobic for swiftly shutting down travel from China?
But he didn't shut down travel from China. He shut down Chinese travelling from China. He let in 40,000 odd from China.

4,000 landed in America from Wuhan in the first half of January. New data reveals that nearly 40,000 people have landed in the United States from China after President Trump imposed the coronavirus travel ban.
Let’s go beyond Orange Man Bad and ‘he talks mean’ and discuss how Trump policy has negatively impacted your life.
Considering the level of hate Dems have conveyed toward Trump I’m certain this will be a very active thread...I’m certain ALL Dems have a laundry list to share.

You mean the 400,000 dead Americans from a virus he failed to contain, and called a hoax?

Or the recession of 20 million jobs lost, millions of which won't be coming back?

Or maybe the fact that he is a traitor that sold secrets to our enemies?

Or the fact he has used the office to enrich himself at tax payer expense?

Or is it the weakening of our position in the world by alienating our allies?

Or that he has embarrased the country in front of the whole world by being a laughing stock?

Maybe it was the 4000 Americans he let die his first year with his non response to the hurricane that destroyed Puerto Rico?

Or how about his stealing PPP from states to give to other states, costing lives for political revenge?

How about him disrespecting the parents of fallen soldiers multiple times, including the mother of a Green Beret in Africa that was covered up?

And what kind of deal did he make with China to get Ivanka an unheard of 13 patents, and real estate deals with Chinese Communist State party officials?

Here's a better question dipshit, what has he done that hasn't been bad for America?

Considering the fact he has no policies.

"Here's a better question dipshit, what has he done that hasn't been bad for America?"
He told me he would build a wall, stop wetbacks from fucking Americans over, rip more negroes from the taxpayer tit than any prez before him, put more work boots on negroes than any prez before him, stomp on the necks of the Left daily, put the U.S. back in command of the world, bring troops home from overseas, demand peace in the middle east, give me a tax rebate, drive my investments off the charts, drive my income through the roof, ride the asses of biopharmaceutical companies to promptly formulate a covid vaccine.....He did all of that.
Wow, where do I begin.

1) The end of the Compliance Investigations of Police Departments. These investigations had been going on from time to time since Bush 41 was President. The reviews of the Police Departments to determine unconstitutional practices almost never resulted in anyone going to jail, but did result in retraining of police officers to meet the Constitutional Standard. Trump was still unpacking from moving into the White House when these were ended. The cops were fine people.

Sadly, many of the Riots that occurred from spring to present may not have occurred if these investigations had continued. But hey, why not blame the Left for refusing to support and worship the cops.

Which brings us to....

2) Refusal to enact seriously needed reform.

Trump found out first hand what the free to do anything their little heart desires FBI is capable of. Subsequent reviews by the IG has determined that every single reviewed FISA application had flaws and errors in it. Fatal flaws. Yet, Trump did not champion reform. He instead focused on punishing those who dared to abuse the system to come after him. The obvious conclusion. Trump wanted the power to abuse the system to get those the way he was targeted. Also he did not want to go out and admit that the people he champions, the rank and file average agents and cops were as corrupt as the Left had been saying for years.

There is two that have affected millions. Because the cops figured they had a slobbering supporter in the White House, they could do anything they wanted, we got the outrageous events that were sparks thrown into piles of gasoline soaked rags for the riots and insanity.

But Trump could not come out for serious reform, because you racist asswipes would blow a blood vessel if he did not provide full throated support to cops killing brown and black people.

Now, if you were a fan of Schadenfreude then you would cheer these events. The RW is going to be targeted, relentlessly, by the same Authoritarian Policies that you cheered when it was thrown at the Left. I opposed them for decades, and will continue. Yes, I will be here, typing about how wrong it is when you and your ilk are targeted by the same machinations that you cheered when Trump had his hand on the lever. I don’t decide what is right or wrong based upon the victim, but the action. Then again, that’s why I am not a racist asswipe.

Because Trump did not enact those reforms or order information released to expose the corruption and abuses, he now faces being targeted again, but this time that targeting is going to be with the full throated support of the new President. And With a divided Congress, providing that the Republicans win in Georgia in January, nothing will be done to save Trump, or stop the abuses, for at least another four years.

So enjoy it. Enjoy the spectacle of the entire Justice Department focused on bringing down Trump. Using powers they should not have, abusing authority they do not have, to get their enemy.
Out of control pandemic. Approaching 300,000 american lives lost. Situations worsening across the country.

How many lives would have been saved had the CCP not lied to everyone for over 4 months about the virus?

If the CCP had been forthcoming we could have definitely lost a lot less of the "300,000"(inflated total) lives.

Do you blame China at all for the loss of life from a highly contagious virus..?

A virus that originated in their country, that they knew was more dangerous than they were letting on, and that we know they lied about..? CNN Suddenly Discovers China Lied About Coronavirus Origin And Numbers - The Political Insider

Does the CCP not carry any blame in your mind?

Here's your chance to show some logical non partisan bias, and not just say "orange bad man".
China owns a lot of blame. Trump tried to deflect all responsibly into anger towards China. But the fact remains he fumbled his responsibilities and handled the situation very poorly. We can shame China for their lies and actions as long as we keep the spotlight on Trumps failures as well
yeah.....Trump was the only person trying to do anything.....and dickheads in the Democrat Party just spent all of their time impeaching him and criticizing everything he did.....then blamed Trump for the shit that China did to the rest of the world.
It was just a campaign tactic.....AND YOU SWALLOWED IT HOOK, LINE, AND SINKER!!!!
Don't be stupider you have to be.

The actual facts are almost diametrically opposed to your version.
I think we can agree that facts don't matter in America anymore.
There isn't any truth's just your version of the truth.
Nope. You may have any opinion you want, but there is only one set of facts.

Sorry for your luck.
Set of facts?
You mean manufactured truth?
Truth gets revealed when disputed claims get analyzed and scrutinized. So far almost everything that the Trumpsters have been claiming has completely fallen apart when pressed on it. That’s because Trump is self promoting and politicizing an excuse for losing. Everybody saw it coming for months before the election. Wake up
No....the media has made false claims that everything that they have caught can be excused or didn't happen.
Nobody has done an investigation on any of these claims and everything has been dismissed by hand picked corrupt judges and biased members of the mainstream media.
Many of these claims have been proven with video evidence and the guilty claimed that what they were seeing is normal.
Many more of the claims were not recorded on video but testified to by witnesses that have come forward, not some fucking anonymous source that the left always uses to claim that their lies are legit.

One thing that came up is the fact that whenever a GOP poll-watcher spotted an illegal ballot or a ballot that didn't have everything in order....which resulted in a challenge...their challenge was denied and dismissed.

Thuggery by Democrats was a constant during the counting. Anyone who disputed what Democrats were doing, which was obviously suspicious, resulted in nasty attacks by the guilty parties against the person that spotted them doing something wrong. They bullied the watchers and refused to cooperate with any inspections. Many were threatened with removal because they didn't have their mask on properly or because they wanted to reject ballots.

You can’t honestly believe that crap can you?! You’re certainly not making a convincing case for anybody else to believe you. Almost all of those claims can be easily debunked if you dive into the facts. And I know you aren’t capable of proving any of them. Grow up man. You aren’t fooling anybody
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