Dems...why should your health and care be my concern?

I said it's not allowed under the Constitution. I didn't say that the courts follow the Constitution. Quite the reverse.
No. If legislation is not deemed unconstitutional it is deemed constitutional.
Whether or not a given law follows the Constitution is a matter of subjective interpretation. The Court's interpretation carries the day legally, but it's not the only the interpretation. And it can change.
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
It's because you owe me cause my great great grand father could have been a slave some place in the South breaking his back, picking his nose.
Sorry. In terms of life insurance, sick people pay more. Why not when it comes to health insurance?

Because we don’t want to punish people for being sick

Kid gets cancer
You want to penalize him for the rest of his life?
No. Not kids. But if you're a drunk who smokes and eats poorly then it should not be on me to pay for you. Conversely I have two kids who play sports and garner sports injuries, I should pay more than someone with two kids on a debate team who rarely see a doctor.
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself

You need to pull out a copy of the Constitution.
We the People established this more perfect Union

A Union Abe Lincoln described as .......Of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE

You think single payer is allowed in the Constitution? Wow, you really know nothing about your own country at all.

And nowhere does the Constitution say that what is mine is yours
Medicare as it exists today is that.

Of course it is, there is no Constitutional basis for Medicare, it is flagrantly Unconstitutional
dude, where did these idiots come from? hly shit.
It came from Helvering v. Davis

see here

All three (Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid) are clearly Unconstitutional. They all violate the 10th Amendment

They are all Constitutional until they get declared Unconstitutional. What are you waiting for?
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself

You need to pull out a copy of the Constitution.
We the People established this more perfect Union

A Union Abe Lincoln described as .......Of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE

You think single payer is allowed in the Constitution? Wow, you really know nothing about your own country at all.

And nowhere does the Constitution say that what is mine is yours
Medicare as it exists today is that.

Of course it is, there is no Constitutional basis for Medicare, it is flagrantly Unconstitutional
dude, where did these idiots come from? hly shit.
It came from Helvering v. Davis

see here

All three (Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid) are clearly Unconstitutional. They all violate the 10th Amendment

They are all Constitutional until they get declared Unconstitutional. What are you waiting for?

Court Justices who respect the Constitution.
Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Obamacare gives subsidies to low income families so they can afford insurance. It also forces insurance companies to charge the same to those with pre-existing conditions the same as healthy patients and to accept new patients regardless of their health history.

Trump wants to take it away.......In the middle of a COVID Pandemic
But the rest of us have to pay more to subsidize this. Correct?

Not necessarily.
Those who want to risk not having insurance have to obtain it expanding the insurance pool.

Not everyone benefits equally from insurance. Some pay in and get nothing in return, some get much more than they pay in.
That is the nature of insurance
I get it. I think our healthcare should be like our auto insurance.
You want to punish those who are sick?
Your thinking isn't clear about Constitutional rights.
Afraid it is

The courts agree with me, not your distorted view

You lose
How so?

That’s a tough one

Maybe because government healthcare has been around for 75 years.

Other than the whimpering of internet posters
It is a done deal
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
It's because you owe me cause my great great grand father could have been a slave some place in the South breaking his back, picking his nose.

That's on your great great never picked cotton and I doubt BrokeLoser has ever owned a slave
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself

You need to pull out a copy of the Constitution.
We the People established this more perfect Union

A Union Abe Lincoln described as .......Of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE

You think single payer is allowed in the Constitution? Wow, you really know nothing about your own country at all.

And nowhere does the Constitution say that what is mine is yours
Medicare as it exists today is that.

Of course it is, there is no Constitutional basis for Medicare, it is flagrantly Unconstitutional
dude, where did these idiots come from? hly shit.
It came from Helvering v. Davis

see here

medicare and Medicaid are unconstitutional.
  • Thanks
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Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Obamacare gives subsidies to low income families so they can afford insurance. It also forces insurance companies to charge the same to those with pre-existing conditions the same as healthy patients and to accept new patients regardless of their health history.

Trump wants to take it away.......In the middle of a COVID Pandemic
But the rest of us have to pay more to subsidize this. Correct?

Not necessarily.
Those who want to risk not having insurance have to obtain it expanding the insurance pool.

Not everyone benefits equally from insurance. Some pay in and get nothing in return, some get much more than they pay in.
That is the nature of insurance
I get it. I think our healthcare should be like our auto insurance.
You want to punish those who are sick?
Your thinking isn't clear about Constitutional rights.
Afraid it is

The courts agree with me, not your distorted view

You lose
How so?

That’s a tough one

Maybe because government healthcare has been around for 75 years.

Other than the whimpering of internet posters
It is a done deal
What is a done deal?
Look if I go to the gym, eat healthy and don't need medical help as frequently as some drunk smoker then I should pay less. Sorry. In terms of life insurance, sick people pay more. Why not when it comes to health insurance?
not to be an asshole or anything, my grandmother smoked four packs a day, and as of today, with all my adult family passed, she lived the longest to 88 years young. Both my parents died at 85. All her sisters died much younger than her.
I don’t need a novel posted....something short and simple works just fine....So you want your neighbor to pay for your child’s education, subsidize your income, and your rent etc and you want your neighbor to help cover your healthcare....Why/how does that seem like a reasonable request while you’re telling your neighbor you want more desperate people here from Mexico as well? Please explain this to us self sufficient folks that can’t wrap our heads around it.
If you can make sense of this I and others may be inclined to vote Democrat.
Thanks in advance.
It's because you owe me cause my great great grand father could have been a slave some place in the South breaking his back, picking his nose.

That's on your great great never picked cotton and I doubt BrokeLoser has ever owned a slave
I think he was kidding.
I've worked hard in my life for the things I have. But, for whatever reason, there are those deadbeats in this country who believe they should be able to not work hard and still enjoy things similar to what I enjoy, be it housing, food, education, etc.

Sick people are not deadbeats. They have received a bad deal in life and suffer because of it.
Many have worked hard their whole life only to come down with a crippling disease.

To you, they are deadbeat losers

So why don't you help them then? Charity is not an act which can be performed with someone else's money

Wrong again Skippy

It is not someone else’s money. It is the money of We the People who want Obamacare

No, my money is not "we the people"'s money. It's my money.

Keep your greedy, filthy hands to yourself

You need to pull out a copy of the Constitution.
We the People established this more perfect Union

A Union Abe Lincoln described as .......Of the People, By the People and FOR THE PEOPLE

You think single payer is allowed in the Constitution? Wow, you really know nothing about your own country at all.

And nowhere does the Constitution say that what is mine is yours
Medicare as it exists today is that.

Of course it is, there is no Constitutional basis for Medicare, it is flagrantly Unconstitutional
dude, where did these idiots come from? hly shit.
It came from Helvering v. Davis

see here

All three (Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid) are clearly Unconstitutional. They all violate the 10th Amendment

Hey rightwinger Rigby5 how likely is it that those begging the loudest for free healthcare are unemployed, smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, smoking weed, drinking booze, doing meth, driving drunk, having the most children...etc etc
I’m sure they represent a very small fraction....right?

Our poor already qualify for Medicaid, they are taken care of.

It is the guy struggling on $20-$30,000 a year that can’t afford healthcare. Families with a child suffering from cancer who get denied because of Pre-existing conditions.

Those are the people Obamacare helped.
Those are the people Trump wants to kick off insurance
How much does that family have to pay?
Now or before Obamacare?

Obamacare gives subsidies to low income families so they can afford insurance. It also forces insurance companies to charge the same to those with pre-existing conditions the same as healthy patients and to accept new patients regardless of their health history.

Trump wants to take it away.......In the middle of a COVID Pandemic
But the rest of us have to pay more to subsidize this. Correct?

Not necessarily.
Those who want to risk not having insurance have to obtain it expanding the insurance pool.

Not everyone benefits equally from insurance. Some pay in and get nothing in return, some get much more than they pay in.
That is the nature of insurance
I get it. I think our healthcare should be like our auto insurance.
You want to punish those who are sick?
Your thinking isn't clear about Constitutional rights.
Afraid it is

The courts agree with me, not your distorted view

You lose
Many courts are corrupt. The Constitution has nothing regarding government healthcare, but it does regarding the right to be armed.
Look if I go to the gym, eat healthy and don't need medical help as frequently as some drunk smoker then I should pay less. Sorry. In terms of life insurance, sick people pay more. Why not when it comes to health insurance?
not to be an asshole or anything, my grandmother smoked four packs a day, and as of today, with all my adult family passed, she lived the longest to 88 years young. Both my parents died at 85. All her sisters died much younger than her.
She was an outlier
Greedy worthless assholes think that they are entitled simply because they are alive and demand that other people pay their bills.

I have a great suggestion for you greedy little Moon Bats.

How about I pay my bills and you pay your own and we leave the oppressive government out of the business of stealing my money and giving it to worthless shitasses like you?

Sound fair?

Because Great Countries care about the well being of everyone
Which great countries are those?

Most of the free world recognize healthcare as a basic human right
Those countries either have strict immigration control or a standard of living that is subpar to the United States. Fact
Most of Europe does not have strict immigration control and have a standard of living comparable to our own
I have a great suggestion for you greedy little Moon Bats.

How about I pay my bills and you pay your own and we leave the oppressive government out of the business of stealing my money and giving it to worthless shitasses like you?

Sound fair?

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a great society

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