Denier Stalinism: Mandatory psych evals for scientists who say "global warming"


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
This is what happens when the denier Stalinist thugs get political power.

In Florida Officials Ban Term Climate Change Florida Center for Investigative Reporting
DEP officials have been ordered not to use the term “climate change” or “global warming” in any official communications, emails, or reports, according to former DEP employees, consultants, volunteers and records obtained by the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting.

And should an EnemyOfTheParty dare contradict DearLeader, they will be suspended and ordered to get a medical evaluation

Rick Scott climate change gag order claims first victim enviro group says - SaintPetersBlog
DEP superiors directed Bibler to remove any “hot button issues,” such as explicit references to climate change. The letter of reprimand, dated March 9, accused Bibler of misrepresenting the “official meeting agenda (so it) included climate change.”

Bibler was instructed to take two days off, which was charged against his personal leave time. He later received a “Medical Release Form” requiring his doctor to provide the agency an evaluation of unspecified “medical condition and behavior” before being allowed to return to work.

Deniers, you don't have to chime in. We already know you all support this. Scratch a denier, find a Stalinist. You're all basically working out of Stalin's playbook.
Sounds Orwellian but then they have a Repub governor


I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

I do believe something has changed. If what is going on in my neck of the woods seems to me to be related to the Sun more then GHGs.

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.
ahh.... hoss the earth tilts on it's axis 4 time a year we call that the seasons.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

The tilt of the Earth's spin axis with respect to the plane of its orbit about the sun (the ecliptic plane) is important for a habitable Earth. The Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to the ecliptic, giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on the planet.

This illustration, patterned after Ward and Brownlee, summarizes the effects of different tilt angles with respect to the ecliptic plane. The lines parallel to the equator are the polar circles where the sun never sets in midsummer and never rises in midwinter.


The tilt angles range from zero for Mercury to 90 degrees for Uranus. Both extremes produce drastic temperature differences across the planet. Mercury, close to the Sun and tidally locked to having the same face toward the Sun all the time, ranges from extreme heat at the equator to ice at the poles. But for angles above 54 degrees, the poles get more energy than the equator. "Although our viewpoint is certainly biased, our planet's tilt axis seems to be 'just right'". (Ward and Brownlee)
Not only is the Earth's angle of tilt close to the optimum value, it also seems to have been essentially constant. That is crucial for the development of advanced life. Since there are torques which could have caused the axis direction to change, it appears to have been the stabilizing effect of the Moon that has kept the spin axis in a stable direction to provide a stable climate for life.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

this site blames the shift on climate change:

Earth s Axis has changed Sun position abnormally north during summer

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

this site blames the shift on climate change:

Earth s Axis has changed Sun position abnormally north during summer
so it's an uncredited blog with no credibility and you are buying it ?
Japan Quake May Have Shortened Earth Days, Moved Axis

The March 11, 2011, great earthquake in Japan may have shortened the length of Earth days and shifted its axis. Image credit: NASA
The March 11, magnitude 9.0 earthquake in Japan may have shortened the length of each Earth day and shifted its axis. But don't worry—you won't notice the difference.

Using a United States Geological Survey estimate for how the fault responsible for the earthquake slipped, research scientist Richard Gross of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., applied a complex model to perform a preliminary theoretical calculation of how the Japan earthquake—the fifth largest since 1900—affected Earth's rotation. His calculations indicate that by changing the distribution of Earth's mass, the Japanese earthquake should have caused Earth to rotate a bit faster, shortening the length of the day by about 1.8 microseconds (a microsecond is one millionth of a second).

The calculations also show the Japan quake should have shifted the position of Earth's figure axis (the axis about which Earth's mass is balanced) by about 17 centimeters (6.5 inches), towards 133 degrees east longitude. Earth's figure axis should not be confused with its north-south axis; they are offset by about 10 meters (about 33 feet). This shift in Earth's figure axis will cause Earth to wobble a bit differently as it rotates, but it will not cause a shift of Earth's axis in space—only external forces such as the gravitational attraction of the sun, moon and planets can do that.

Both calculations will likely change as data on the quake are further refined
NASA - Japan Quake May Have Shortened Earth Days Moved Axis

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

this site blames the shift on climate change:

Earth s Axis has changed Sun position abnormally north during summer
so it's an uncredited blog with no credibility and you are buying it ?

Not really buying it, I just thought it was a great example of how the GW fearists are blaming everything on GW.

Last week Gore publically stated that climate change deniers need to be "punished".:spinner::spinner::spinner::blowup:

Clearly Hitlerian.
you just make that up?
what's funny is that they will be....when they can't find enough food or water

No, it was not just made up:

Climate Change Deniers Should Be Punished, Says Al Gore

"We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends," Gore told the Chicago Tribune. "And in order to do that, we need to put a price on denial in politics."

It's no secret that scientists and the public can't agree when it comes to climate change. Despite the fact that a multitude of studies have tied climate change to everything from disappearing Arctic ice and California's ongoingdrought to the world's dying honeybee population, there are still those who would deny its irreversible impacts.

"We have this denial industry cranked up constantly," Gore said. "In addition to 99 percent of the scientists and all the professional scientific organizations, now Mother Nature is weighing in."

Last week Gore publically stated that climate change deniers need to be "punished".:spinner::spinner::spinner::blowup:

Clearly Hitlerian.
you just make that up?
what's funny is that they will be....when they can't find enough food or water

No, it was not just made up:

Climate Change Deniers Should Be Punished, Says Al Gore

"We need to put a price on carbon to accelerate these market trends," Gore told the Chicago Tribune. "And in order to do that, we need to put a price on denial in politics."

It's no secret that scientists and the public can't agree when it comes to climate change. Despite the fact that a multitude of studies have tied climate change to everything from disappearing Arctic ice and California's ongoingdrought to the world's dying honeybee population, there are still those who would deny its irreversible impacts.

"We have this denial industry cranked up constantly," Gore said. "In addition to 99 percent of the scientists and all the professional scientific organizations, now Mother Nature is weighing in."
I knew that.. just poking the conspiracy "theorist" with a stick.

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

this site blames the shift on climate change:

Earth s Axis has changed Sun position abnormally north during summer
so it's an uncredited blog with no credibility and you are buying it ?

Not really buying it, I just thought it was a great example of how the GW fearists are blaming everything on GW.
they are 50%right.

I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.
ahh.... hoss the earth tilts on it's axis 4 time a year we call that the seasons.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

The tilt of the Earth's spin axis with respect to the plane of its orbit about the sun (the ecliptic plane) is important for a habitable Earth. The Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to the ecliptic, giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on the planet.

This illustration, patterned after Ward and Brownlee, summarizes the effects of different tilt angles with respect to the ecliptic plane. The lines parallel to the equator are the polar circles where the sun never sets in midsummer and never rises in midwinter.


The tilt angles range from zero for Mercury to 90 degrees for Uranus. Both extremes produce drastic temperature differences across the planet. Mercury, close to the Sun and tidally locked to having the same face toward the Sun all the time, ranges from extreme heat at the equator to ice at the poles. But for angles above 54 degrees, the poles get more energy than the equator. "Although our viewpoint is certainly biased, our planet's tilt axis seems to be 'just right'". (Ward and Brownlee)
Not only is the Earth's angle of tilt close to the optimum value, it also seems to have been essentially constant. That is crucial for the development of advanced life. Since there are torques which could have caused the axis direction to change, it appears to have been the stabilizing effect of the Moon that has kept the spin axis in a stable direction to provide a stable climate for life.

Axis Tilt is Critical for Life

well it's apparent that our liberal friends have no idea of that.
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I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing an animated clip of the sun not following the Equator because the Earth has tilted on it's axis, bringing the North Pole closer to the sun. The meteorologists weren't even talking about global warming or climate change but about the polar ice melting because the sun was nearer because of the tilt.
Now I am waiting for some washed up politician to become Al Gore-rich by convincing the Leftbrains that the earth is going to tilt until it's upside down.

this site blames the shift on climate change:

Earth s Axis has changed Sun position abnormally north during summer
so it's an uncredited blog with no credibility and you are buying it ?

Not really buying it, I just thought it was a great example of how the GW fearists are blaming everything on GW.
they are 50%right.

what is that? That 50% is due to the axis of the earth shift and they are human?

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