Depraved Hollywood Finally Goes Insane - Beastiality; DeCaprio Raped By Bear

I think Chris is right.
This was probably leaked by the production company with the suggestion that in the movie Leo is sexually assaulted by a bear.
Instant publicity, and when confronted they just deny the rape part and say he's attacked by a bear and nothing more.

Nah. He was assfucked by an animal.
And loved it.

Chief is a prime example- you can lead some Conservatives to the truth- but no amount of the truth will stop their Conservative fantasizing about assfucking by animals.

I am merely reporting the facts, i.e. - the Liberal fudgepacker DiCaprio, did indeed get his fudge packed, this time by an animal. There is no fantasy about it. It occurs in this movie. I am horribly sorry that doesn't compute with your braindead agenda.
Fail! you are the op .

You really CAN'T comprehend English! I said 'my proceeding' post - as in PREVIOUS, not the original / 1st. I swear, it's like talking to an illiterate, but at least with them it is unintentional and can not be helped!
Hey- you had someone show you how to use the reply button!


Thanks for demonstrating ANOTHER reason why you can't be taken seriously - you childishly / ignorantly TRY to speak for other people and fail so miserably. Stick to speaking for yourself, because you suck trying to speak for others.
I think Chris is right.
This was probably leaked by the production company with the suggestion that in the movie Leo is sexually assaulted by a bear.
Instant publicity, and when confronted they just deny the rape part and say he's attacked by a bear and nothing more.

Nah. He was assfucked by an animal.
And loved it.

Chief is a prime example- you can lead some Conservatives to the truth- but no amount of the truth will stop their Conservative fantasizing about assfucking by animals.

I am merely reporting the facts, i.e. - the Liberal fudgepacker DiCaprio, did indeed get his fudge packed, this time by an animal. There is no fantasy about it. It occurs in this movie. I am horribly sorry that doesn't compute with your braindead agenda.

Since you have never seen this movie- and since I have posted several accounts by people who have seen the movie and have said this never happened- clearly at this point you are just getting off on posting about a bear fucking DiCaprio.

Does it remind you of when you used to be able to get erections?
Hey- you had someone show you how to use the reply button!


Thanks for demonstrating ANOTHER reason why you can't be taken seriously - you childishly / ignorantly TRY to speak for other people and fail so miserably. Stick to speaking for yourself, because you suck trying to speak for others.

LOL.....yes....because I am the poster that can't be taken seriously.......LOL....
Does it remind you of when you used to be able to get erections?

What is it with you sick Liberals so obsessed with homosexual acts, erections, other people's erections, etc....

Please keep your sick, twisted fantasies and talk about sex to yourselves....
Fail! you are the op .

You really CAN'T comprehend English! I said 'my proceeding' post - as in PREVIOUS, not the original / 1st. I swear, it's like talking to an illiterate, but at least with them it is unintentional and can not be helped!
Hey asshole you are the op , there is no post preceding your first 1
Citing any post after that as proof you were"in on it"from the start is a fail.
Btw it's preceding as in before not proceed.
As in to go forward .
Who's illiterate again?
Hey asshole you are the op , there is no post preceding your first 1
Citing any post after that as proof you were"in on it"from the start is a fail.
So I did not post anywhere else in this thread other than the OP and that last one to you? Really? Again, I swear, it's like talking to an illiterate, but at least with them it is unintentional and can not be helped!
Does it remind you of when you used to be able to get erections?

What is it with you sick Liberals so obsessed with homosexual acts, erections, other people's erections, etc....

Please keep your sick, twisted fantasies and talk about sex to yourselves....


I will return to pointing out the Conservative obsession with bear fucking.

I will return to pointing out the Conservative obsession with bear fucking.

Please, go back to talking about stories that were mis-reported and acknowledged as such long ago because, obviously, homosexuality, erections, and bestiality still interests you enough to go back to it. Go for it...
Hey asshole you are the op , there is no post preceding your first 1
Citing any post after that as proof you were"in on it"from the start is a fail.
So I did not post anywhere else in this thread other than the OP and that last one to you? Really? Again, I swear, it's like talking to an illiterate, but at least with them it is unintentional and can not be helped!
As I said citing from any other post after the first post as proof you were"in on it"from the start is a fail.
Again who's illiterate?
No where do you post anything like an admission of being duped.
To say nothing of you not knowing the difference between preced and proceed.
What an asshole.

I will return to pointing out the Conservative obsession with bear fucking.

Please, go back to talking about stories that were mis-reported and acknowledged as such long ago because, obviously, homosexuality, erections, and bestiality still interests you enough to go back to it. Go for it...
Only tiny dicked men are embarrassed by penis discussions.
Only tiny dicked men are embarrassed by penis discussions.
You just can't obsessively stop talking about other people's sexual private parts, can ya? I am starting to think this is Bill Clinton.... :p
Not raped. Molested sexually. Not dead, passed away or kicked the bucket. Let's not forget, we are talking about PC Hollywood.

Not raped, or molested sexually.

Let's not forget we are talking about Conservative lies.
Actually the link you yourself posted says otherwise, DUMBASS! Ha ha ha.

The Revenant: Leonardo DiCaprio Molestation By Grizzly Bear Depicted in Spectacular Detail from the Novel It’s Based On

"The Fox movie, based on Michael Punke’s “novel of revenge,” takes place near Yellowstone, Montana, in 1823. It begins with the same bloody incident that launches the book– the gruesome attack by a grizzly bear on trapper Hugh Glass. Innaritu has taken essentially the following sections of Punke’s book and enlarged them into a feasting by animal on man. The bear flips Glass over on his belly and molests him– dry humps him actually– as he nearly devours him. How Innaritu and DiCaprio did this is a movie mystery because it is as real feeling as Bruce the shark in “Jaws” 40 years ago. It’s as real looking as it could be, and maybe the most frightening moment I’ve seen in a film in eons."

Yeah- because that is what bears do- they dry hump as they eat their prey.

Remember- the OP claimed there was a rape- the OP lied.

You bought into the lie.

You buy into Freidman's depiction of the scene as molestation.

The question is why Conservatives so desperately want this movie to contain bear rape or molestation.

What is it about the idea that compels you to so desperately believe these stories?
Hey I don't care either way. "

You don't care so much that you keep posting in the thread.


Get over it dude, this thread is a joke, and so are you. Some stupid producer / director creating a scene with DiCaprio getting attacked and molested by a bear, purely as publicity stunt. They could have made that movie without that scene of course, or taken the molesting part out. Just shows what depths some people in Hollywood will go to, to get the public to watch a movie. Also shows that DiCaprio has no self respect.
Only tiny dicked men are embarrassed by penis discussions.
You just can't obsessively stop talking about other people's sexual private parts, can ya? I am starting to think this is Bill Clinton.... :p
The irony !
Obsession is the last thing you should accuse anybody of .
You are one of the most unintentionally funny posters on this board.

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