Depraved leftists celebrate abortion...


In the second video, the lawyer assumed illegality based on speaking Spanish. That’s bigotry.

Listen, again, my point was that you said the right don’t go around acting like neonazis in public. “No way” you said.

But the video of the OP, according to you, is legit representative of the left?

It works both ways. It’s wrong on both sides. The difference is, I didn’t accuse you of shit based on these videos.

It might be true that the guy assumed Spanish speaking folks were illegal - that is /not/ racism, it's not "bigotry" - assumption sure, racial profiling perhaps. But that's not "racist" - which is the irrational hate of folks based on their race. You can argue that he is "irrational" but you cannot assume he hates /all/ Mexican's, sounds to me like he just hates /illegal/ Mexicans, which is /not/ racist, it's nationalistic.

No the single video is not, the plurality of wide spread support for the beliefs espoused are representative.

Do feel free to post up where I accused /you/ of any kind of "shit" dear...

In the second video, the lawyer assumed illegality based on speaking Spanish. That’s bigotry.

Listen, again, my point was that you said the right don’t go around acting like neonazis in public. “No way” you said.

But the video of the OP, according to you, is legit representative of the left?

It works both ways. It’s wrong on both sides. The difference is, I didn’t accuse you of shit based on these videos.

It might be true that the guy assumed Spanish speaking folks were illegal - that is /not/ racism, it's not "bigotry" - assumption sure, racial profiling perhaps. But that's not "racist" - which is the irrational hate of folks based on their race. You can argue that he is "irrational" but you cannot assume he hates /all/ Mexican's, sounds to me like he just hates /illegal/ Mexicans, which is /not/ racist, it's nationalistic.

No the single video is not, the plurality of wide spread support for the beliefs espoused are representative.

Do feel free to post up where I accused /you/ of any kind of "shit" dear...

So sorry, you took the video to represent liberals.

It was jknowgood who was assuming shit about me.

No doubt you are horrified being confused with that poster. I deeply apologize.

In the second video, the lawyer assumed illegality based on speaking Spanish. That’s bigotry.

Listen, again, my point was that you said the right don’t go around acting like neonazis in public. “No way” you said.

But the video of the OP, according to you, is legit representative of the left?

It works both ways. It’s wrong on both sides. The difference is, I didn’t accuse you of shit based on these videos.

It might be true that the guy assumed Spanish speaking folks were illegal - that is /not/ racism, it's not "bigotry" - assumption sure, racial profiling perhaps. But that's not "racist" - which is the irrational hate of folks based on their race. You can argue that he is "irrational" but you cannot assume he hates /all/ Mexican's, sounds to me like he just hates /illegal/ Mexicans, which is /not/ racist, it's nationalistic.

No the single video is not, the plurality of wide spread support for the beliefs espoused are representative.

Do feel free to post up where I accused /you/ of any kind of "shit" dear...

So sorry, you took the video to represent liberals.

It was jknowgood who was assuming shit about me.

No doubt you are horrified being confused with that poster. I deeply apologize.

No I don't take the particular video to represent liberals at all. In fact, the exact opposite. The video, and it's view, are absolutely /not/ representative of "liberals" in the slightest...

In the second video, the lawyer assumed illegality based on speaking Spanish. That’s bigotry.

Listen, again, my point was that you said the right don’t go around acting like neonazis in public. “No way” you said.

But the video of the OP, according to you, is legit representative of the left?

It works both ways. It’s wrong on both sides. The difference is, I didn’t accuse you of shit based on these videos.

It might be true that the guy assumed Spanish speaking folks were illegal - that is /not/ racism, it's not "bigotry" - assumption sure, racial profiling perhaps. But that's not "racist" - which is the irrational hate of folks based on their race. You can argue that he is "irrational" but you cannot assume he hates /all/ Mexican's, sounds to me like he just hates /illegal/ Mexicans, which is /not/ racist, it's nationalistic.

No the single video is not, the plurality of wide spread support for the beliefs espoused are representative.

Do feel free to post up where I accused /you/ of any kind of "shit" dear...

So sorry, you took the video to represent liberals.

It was jknowgood who was assuming shit about me.

No doubt you are horrified being confused with that poster. I deeply apologize.

No I don't take the particular video to represent liberals at all. In fact, the exact opposite. The video, and it's view, are absolutely /not/ representative of "liberals" in the slightest...

Then why do you think it would do such damage to Dems?
and it is a sight to see.

It is difficult even to know what, if anything, there is to say:

One almost has to question and reevaluate one's bearing in reality in the face of this level of departure from normal. So taking a new bearing while wading through such horror is difficult to say the least. Somewhere over the past sixty or so years moral facts accepted and venerated for millennia have been philosophized away to a point where some insist basic, indelible, fundamental human right and wrong do not exist. We've lost something vital to our primordial species birth--it's become a black hole in humanity's collective heart and is only growing.

And the way advocates of infanticide sneer and condemn or dismiss the moment opposition is expressed. They're like skeletal parrots who memorized a few lines of few arguments. I have to ask myself where these people learned that killing unborn children is not just okay (in their minds), but also normal and healthy. Some voices are louder than others and I am certain most of the loudest here are diehard idealists who have never personally come close to the issue. Still, the level of mockery from those who would weep for immigrant children or reference the Holocaust to smear their President and nation--it's funereal really.

they are not unborn children. They are fetuses. You are no pro life, just pro birth, unless you are will for your tax dollars to feed, house and give medical care to infants that the mother can't give.

What utter nonsense. I am pro life. You are a baby killer. Pro death. Pro butchering. Pro female exploitation for $$.

That's what baby killers are. They think women and babies should be butchered and killed for the sake of money.

That's what the film depicts. The insanity of those who want to kill babies. BTW, the film is a simple collection of baby killers behaving like the crazed zombies they are, and that lunatic comedian doing her act. It's disgusting.

how do you feel about all those brown babies coming here with their mamas because they were born into a life of poverty & danger?

better yet.... after a pregnant female makes it over the border & drops her kid--- will you let them stay here as AMERICANS? or will you want them deported asap because the slut & her brat are sucking off your tax teat?

lol you christian hypocrite.
Who are “people like me”?

Do you mean those that disagree with you?
Did you wear a pussy hat?

It was reported millions of liberals did. A good representation of your party. Never heard you condemn it.

Why would I condemn someone wearing a silly pink hat? It matters not to me!

Do you regularly condemn clothing items?
View attachment 203938
Not just the apparel, that is real classy having a child hold a sign like that. This is not normal behavior. Just think they could've used that money and energy helping the poor, but we know. You really don't care.



so there you go.
Leftists think that people who behave that way are cool.
I believe they thinks it's normal behavior, lol.

You should suspend your beliefs and get out a little more.
We don't have that crap going on here. But liberals think that running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky is normal. And I think they reported there were millions of you doing it. Lol, liberalism is a mental disease.

LOL, I think paranoia is a legit mental disorder.
I'm not paranoid about anything. I just think mentally ill people shouldn't be in charge. Your side daily shows to be mentally incompetent. I mean your liberal president wanted grown men in girls locker rooms.

Only in your bigoted definition of men & women.

In the second video, the lawyer assumed illegality based on speaking Spanish. That’s bigotry.

Listen, again, my point was that you said the right don’t go around acting like neonazis in public. “No way” you said.

But the video of the OP, according to you, is legit representative of the left?

It works both ways. It’s wrong on both sides. The difference is, I didn’t accuse you of shit based on these videos.

It might be true that the guy assumed Spanish speaking folks were illegal - that is /not/ racism, it's not "bigotry" - assumption sure, racial profiling perhaps. But that's not "racist" - which is the irrational hate of folks based on their race. You can argue that he is "irrational" but you cannot assume he hates /all/ Mexican's, sounds to me like he just hates /illegal/ Mexicans, which is /not/ racist, it's nationalistic.

No the single video is not, the plurality of wide spread support for the beliefs espoused are representative.

Do feel free to post up where I accused /you/ of any kind of "shit" dear...

So sorry, you took the video to represent liberals.

It was jknowgood who was assuming shit about me.

No doubt you are horrified being confused with that poster. I deeply apologize.

No I don't take the particular video to represent liberals at all. In fact, the exact opposite. The video, and it's view, are absolutely /not/ representative of "liberals" in the slightest...

Then why do you think it would do such damage to Dems?

Ah games and feigned stupidity.... How convincing and predictable.

The answer is in my prior posts. A plurality of videos, open wide spread support of the concepts, ideas, and beliefs, espoused in said video, and many many others similar illiberal viewpoints is what is damaging to Dems. One cannot win a culture war, which is all the Dem's have ever really had, while constantly displaying and accepting intolerance of others opinions, religion, views, political beliefs, etc. One cannot win "the good fight" of rejecting things like racism, religious intolerance, and sexism, while constantly changing the meanings of those concepts. One cannot win a culture war of "acceptance" when constantly hating on everyone who disagrees with them.
I never read Saul Alinsky ---but the more I hear about his stuff-----the more he reminds me of Machiavelli plus Lucrezia Borgia

So what we have established in this thread is that you don't read much, and that you are programmed to ignore anything that exposes the insanity of the left and to ignore anything not actually generated by the leftist propaganda machine.

We already knew that.

well, "WE" is wrong------I have read quite a bit------likely a lot more than you

No, we isn't wrong, it's a consensus.
And I'm sure you've read the propaganda your masters tell you to read.
I know you haven't read more than me. It's evident in your posts.

it's apparent you didn't read the part in your english book that 'we isn't wrong' is grammatically inaccurate. :lmao:

Last edited:
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.

“No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”


& the POS coordinator & his torch bearers have a 2 day permit to march down in DC where their gropenfurer resides. maybe he'll have them all over for a good old fashion cross burning in the rose garden.
and it is a sight to see.

It is difficult even to know what, if anything, there is to say:

One almost has to question and reevaluate one's bearing in reality in the face of this level of departure from normal. So taking a new bearing while wading through such horror is difficult to say the least. Somewhere over the past sixty or so years moral facts accepted and venerated for millennia have been philosophized away to a point where some insist basic, indelible, fundamental human right and wrong do not exist. We've lost something vital to our primordial species birth--it's become a black hole in humanity's collective heart and is only growing.

And the way advocates of infanticide sneer and condemn or dismiss the moment opposition is expressed. They're like skeletal parrots who memorized a few lines of few arguments. I have to ask myself where these people learned that killing unborn children is not just okay (in their minds), but also normal and healthy. Some voices are louder than others and I am certain most of the loudest here are diehard idealists who have never personally come close to the issue. Still, the level of mockery from those who would weep for immigrant children or reference the Holocaust to smear their President and nation--it's funereal really.

they are not unborn children. They are fetuses. You are no pro life, just pro birth, unless you are will for your tax dollars to feed, house and give medical care to infants that the mother can't give.

No Penny. Your baby really did matter. They were beautiful and meaningful. Sad they are never going to bring you the joy that children bring.

Did you wear a pussy hat?

It was reported millions of liberals did. A good representation of your party. Never heard you condemn it.

Why would I condemn someone wearing a silly pink hat? It matters not to me!

Do you regularly condemn clothing items?
View attachment 203938
Not just the apparel, that is real classy having a child hold a sign like that. This is not normal behavior. Just think they could've used that money and energy helping the poor, but we know. You really don't care.



so there you go.
So what? The sign doesn't say fuck your fucking feelings, while wearing a pussy hat.
I believe they thinks it's normal behavior, lol.

You should suspend your beliefs and get out a little more.
We don't have that crap going on here. But liberals think that running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky is normal. And I think they reported there were millions of you doing it. Lol, liberalism is a mental disease.

LOL, I think paranoia is a legit mental disorder.
I'm not paranoid about anything. I just think mentally ill people shouldn't be in charge. Your side daily shows to be mentally incompetent. I mean your liberal president wanted grown men in girls locker rooms.

Only in your bigoted definition of men & women.

In your world, I guess you think this is normal?
It was reported millions of liberals did. A good representation of your party. Never heard you condemn it.

Why would I condemn someone wearing a silly pink hat? It matters not to me!

Do you regularly condemn clothing items?
View attachment 203938
Not just the apparel, that is real classy having a child hold a sign like that. This is not normal behavior. Just think they could've used that money and energy helping the poor, but we know. You really don't care.



so there you go.
So what? The sign doesn't say fuck your fucking feelings, while wearing a pussy hat.

well.....hmmmm.... you are offended that someone is wearing a pussy hat but not the fact that donny from queens thinks he can grab pussy 'cause he's 'famous'?


deplorables are a such a vile confused bunch.
It was reported millions of liberals did. A good representation of your party. Never heard you condemn it.

Why would I condemn someone wearing a silly pink hat? It matters not to me!

Do you regularly condemn clothing items?
View attachment 203938
Not just the apparel, that is real classy having a child hold a sign like that. This is not normal behavior. Just think they could've used that money and energy helping the poor, but we know. You really don't care.



so there you go.
So what? The sign doesn't say fuck your fucking feelings, while wearing a pussy hat.

well.....hmmmm.... you are offended that someone is wearing a pussy hat but not the fact that donny from queens thinks he can grab pussy 'cause he's 'famous'?


deplorables are a such a vile confused bunch.
No running around in a pussy hat, while screaming at the sky, isn't normal. But it takes a real low life to get a small child, that shouldn't even be there. To hold a sign that says fuck your fucking feelings.

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