Depraved leftists celebrate abortion...

ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.

You’re right.

I guess I’d rather be identified with mentally ill people who believe in freedom for all than with racist neo-Nazis.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
They try, but since they do it dishonestly, they fail.
Like everything else they do, when they squawk about right wing nazis (a tiny group of people, but they pretend all right wingers are nazis) it just draws attention to their own embrace of the most reviled aspects of nazism...

1. Negative genetic engineering and population control
2. State above all and a desire to force a new world order on the world..
3. Rejection of the Christian moral code (baby killers can't embrace Christianity)
5. The elevation of certain races over others (identity politics)
6. The demonization of a particular race.

And the left is currently losing their grip on the culture war because unlike the R's they embrace this kind of radical far-left shit instead of rejecting it. ~shrug~ I'm alright with it.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

It’s possible.

Stay in the Flame Zone is my advice. That’s where we rational people huddle and play the dozens.
I never read Saul Alinsky ---but the more I hear about his stuff-----the more he reminds me of Machiavelli plus Lucrezia Borgia

So what we have established in this thread is that you don't read much, and that you are programmed to ignore anything that exposes the insanity of the left and to ignore anything not actually generated by the leftist propaganda machine.

We already knew that.

well, "WE" is wrong------I have read quite a bit------likely a lot more than you

No, we isn't wrong, it's a consensus.
And I'm sure you've read the propaganda your masters tell you to read.
I know you haven't read more than me. It's evident in your posts.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

It’s possible.

Stay in the Flame Zone is my advice. That’s where we rational people huddle and play the dozens.

No, it's where the brain dead go when they fail at real debate and discussion. USMB created it because it's a dead, non-public zone where the retards can mill around and not embarass the owners or chase off reasonable potential members. It's a way of hiding the element that drag a site like this down.

It always has been. It's a place for those who don't, or (more commonly) can't, hold their own in the arena of ideas and intelligent discussion.

I was here when it was created, I have spent time in there, it's a fun little break from real thought.

But it gets boring because there are people like you who think that their nonsense is wit, when in fact, it's the exact opposite.
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ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
They try, but since they do it dishonestly, they fail.
Like everything else they do, when they squawk about right wing nazis (a tiny group of people, but they pretend all right wingers are nazis) it just draws attention to their own embrace of the most reviled aspects of nazism...

1. Negative genetic engineering and population control
2. State above all and a desire to force a new world order on the world..
3. Rejection of the Christian moral code (baby killers can't embrace Christianity)
5. The elevation of certain races over others (identity politics)
6. The demonization of a particular race.

And the left is currently losing their grip on the culture war because unlike the R's they embrace this kind of radical far-left shit instead of rejecting it. ~shrug~ I'm alright with it.

I'm all right with it inasmuch as it exposes them.

I'm not alright with endorsing it, or failing to call it out.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.
Join the Republican Party. It is basically what the classic liberal party was half a century ago.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

It’s possible.

Stay in the Flame Zone is my advice. That’s where we rational people huddle and play the dozens.

No, it's where the brain dead go when they fail at real debate and discussion.

It always has been. It's a place for those who don't, or (more commonly) can't, hold their own in the arena of ideas and intelligent discussion.

I’m sure we’ll keep disagreeing.

I think of the “intelligent discussion” up here as Galileo facing the Catholic Church. There’s no way his argument was going to win.

Despite the flaming nature (or maybe because of it), I can find common ground with conservatives down in the zone.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

It’s possible.

Stay in the Flame Zone is my advice. That’s where we rational people huddle and play the dozens.

No, it's where the brain dead go when they fail at real debate and discussion.

It always has been. It's a place for those who don't, or (more commonly) can't, hold their own in the arena of ideas and intelligent discussion.

I’m sure we’ll keep disagreeing.

I think of the “intelligent discussion” up here as Galileo facing the Catholic Church. There’s no way his argument was going to win.

Despite the flaming nature (or maybe because of it), I can find common ground with conservatives down in the zone.
There's no way YOUR arguments can win because you say things like "I refuse to look at that" and "I don't read that" and "I'm so smart in the fz, come there so I can kick your ass cuz I can't do it here"

My arguments do just fine. Because I'm good at making them, and I use actual substance to back them up. And that's the rub for people like you. You run from substance, because it proves you wrong and shows you for what you are.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.
I think you mixed me up with ricechickie. I wasn't talking about culture and beliefs. Just not being unfair in your blanket statements. I know a lot of liberals in real honest to God life who do not act like idiots. We can sometimes understand where they're coming from, though. Which the other side doesn't even want to try to fathom.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.
Join the Republican Party. It is basically what the classic liberal party was half a century ago.

If they get off their "religiously driven" agenda against gays and abortion and stay with true freedom of choice on those matters, I'll consider it. I'm bending, but one Trump classical liberal isn't enough to convince me they are there yet.
The cultural revolution spawned a broad sweeping movement decades ago that swept up many good causes with its momentum and over time hybridized them into the equivalent of modern day saturnalia and Carthaginian child sacrifice. Admittedly, the latter is an extreme comparison--yet not by much. As cooler heads in the thread have illustrated quite admirably, the center Left is waking up to the radicalized fringe; they want nothing more to do with the amoral madness. The cultural revolution is an elastic band stretched over decades to just shy of its snapping point. When it does give, I fear the backlash will be felt by all of us.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.

“No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”


And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

It’s possible.

Stay in the Flame Zone is my advice. That’s where we rational people huddle and play the dozens.

No, it's where the brain dead go when they fail at real debate and discussion.

It always has been. It's a place for those who don't, or (more commonly) can't, hold their own in the arena of ideas and intelligent discussion.

I’m sure we’ll keep disagreeing.

I think of the “intelligent discussion” up here as Galileo facing the Catholic Church. There’s no way his argument was going to win.

Despite the flaming nature (or maybe because of it), I can find common ground with conservatives down in the zone.
There's no way YOUR arguments can win because you say things like "I refuse to look at that" and "I don't read that" and "I'm so smart in the fz, come there so I can kick your ass cuz I can't do it here"

My arguments do just fine. Because I'm good at making them, and I use actual substance to back them up. And that's the rub for people like you. You run from substance, because it proves you wrong and shows you for what you are.

Catch me saying “I refuse to look at that.”

Go ahead. Find me typing that.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.
I think you mixed me up with ricechickie. I wasn't talking about culture and beliefs. Just not being unfair in your blanket statements. I know a lot of liberals in real honest to God life who do not act like idiots. We can sometimes understand where they're coming from, though. Which the other side doesn't even want to try to fathom.

I suspect you know actual liberals, "classical liberals" like I do - but as I've been saying for like three years now - the classical liberals, real liberals, lost their party to the radical leftists. It's a damned shame because now we're looking at the prospect of single party rule - and sadly the current D's in control of the party are letting it happen, endorsing it even. (Waters being the most egregious that comes to mind atm)
I never read Saul Alinsky ---but the more I hear about his stuff-----the more he reminds me of Machiavelli plus Lucrezia Borgia

So what we have established in this thread is that you don't read much, and that you are programmed to ignore anything that exposes the insanity of the left and to ignore anything not actually generated by the leftist propaganda machine.

We already knew that.

well, "WE" is wrong------I have read quite a bit------likely a lot more than you

No, we isn't wrong, it's a consensus.
And I'm sure you've read the propaganda your masters tell you to read.
I know you haven't read more than me. It's evident in your posts.

Your answer is vulgar and your grammar is pathetic.------very gutter

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