Depraved leftists celebrate abortion...

I believe they thinks it's normal behavior, lol.

You should suspend your beliefs and get out a little more.
We don't have that crap going on here. But liberals think that running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky is normal. And I think they reported there were millions of you doing it. Lol, liberalism is a mental disease.

LOL, I think paranoia is a legit mental disorder.
I'm not paranoid about anything. I just think mentally ill people shouldn't be in charge. Your side daily shows to be mentally incompetent. I mean your liberal president wanted grown men in girls locker rooms.

The fact that you glibly call a whole political party mentally ill is indicative of paranoia. As your assertion that “most” liberals are violent.

Either you’re paranoid and really believe this crap, or you are a calculated fear-mongerer.

No, you guys are insane. And a menace.
Who in that video was elected to anything?

I don’t want any of those specific people in power, but then again, they aren’t running for or currently in office.
Your side is full of these loonies, and you need to be voted out of power. Millions of you loons ran around in pussy hat, yelling at the sky. Because you lost an election. So my statement stands people like yourself shouldn't have any power in government.

Who are “people like me”?

Do you mean those that disagree with you?
Did you wear a pussy hat?

It was reported millions of liberals did. A good representation of your party. Never heard you condemn it.

Why would I condemn someone wearing a silly pink hat? It matters not to me!

Do you regularly condemn clothing items?
You should suspend your beliefs and get out a little more.
We don't have that crap going on here. But liberals think that running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky is normal. And I think they reported there were millions of you doing it. Lol, liberalism is a mental disease.

LOL, I think paranoia is a legit mental disorder.
I'm not paranoid about anything. I just think mentally ill people shouldn't be in charge. Your side daily shows to be mentally incompetent. I mean your liberal president wanted grown men in girls locker rooms.

The fact that you glibly call a whole political party mentally ill is indicative of paranoia. As your assertion that “most” liberals are violent.

Either you’re paranoid and really believe this crap, or you are a calculated fear-mongerer.

No, you guys are insane. And a menace.

And you are just so darn cute!!!!


Watching you debate is like watching a horse do math.
I believe they thinks it's normal behavior, lol.

You should suspend your beliefs and get out a little more.
We don't have that crap going on here. But liberals think that running around in pussy hats yelling at the sky is normal. And I think they reported there were millions of you doing it. Lol, liberalism is a mental disease.

LOL, I think paranoia is a legit mental disorder.
I'm not paranoid about anything. I just think mentally ill people shouldn't be in charge. Your side daily shows to be mentally incompetent. I mean your liberal president wanted grown men in girls locker rooms.

The fact that you glibly call a whole political party mentally ill is indicative of paranoia. As your assertion that “most” liberals are violent.

Either you’re paranoid and really believe this crap, or you are a calculated fear-mongerer.

Theres being INFORMED which Trump haters call " PARANOID" being informed makes you all look paranoid to face facts and truth .


People talking about how respected as a woman they feel when they get their uteruses scraped.
Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued."

"Rather than being “actual persons”, newborns were “potential persons”. They explained: “Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’."

Killing babies no different from abortion, experts say

gee k-girl------you remind me of an incident between my son and me----
While in high school he asked me if I support abortion. I answered---
"only post-partum abortion------available to the age of 21" ----HE
UNDERSTOOD MY ANSWER AS SATIRE------but he repeated it
in school............... his social studies teacher was a little startled.
I do not support killing babies-------first trimester abortion is not
"killing babies' ""EXPERTS"" say wat?
Yeah you're proudly shared that story before.

Like I said, leftists are mentally ill. You probably should have been institutionalized before you gave birth.
Your side is full of these loonies, and you need to be voted out of power. Millions of you loons ran around in pussy hat, yelling at the sky. Because you lost an election. So my statement stands people like yourself shouldn't have any power in government.

Who are “people like me”?

Do you mean those that disagree with you?
Did you wear a pussy hat?

It was reported millions of liberals did. A good representation of your party. Never heard you condemn it.

Why would I condemn someone wearing a silly pink hat? It matters not to me!

Do you regularly condemn clothing items?

Not just the apparel, that is real classy having a child hold a sign like that. This is not normal behavior. Just think they could've used that money and energy helping the poor, but we know. You really don't care.
I never read Saul Alinsky ---but the more I hear about his stuff-----the more he reminds me of Machiavelli plus Lucrezia Borgia
and it is a sight to see.

It is difficult even to know what, if anything, there is to say:

I love the ignorant fuck Trumpettes. They don't even know when they are being made fun.

I digress . . . not every one who apologizes for murder of the unborn is intellectualizing away the moral facts.

"moral facts" ??

Versus Moral nihilism.

ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
they are not unborn children. They are fetuses. You are no pro life, just pro birth, unless you are will for your tax dollars to feed, house and give medical care to infants that the mother can't give.

This is one of many pretentious arguments delivered with an absolutistic sense of self-righteousness and repeated on queue as if by silent command. Firstly, you are not God. Being not-God you cannot know or predict the chances of survival for a child born unwanted by his or her parents. If life is a maze, is it not better to have entry into the chaos of confined space rather than never having been given the chance to solve it?

In your platitudinal argument an unborn child should be slaughtered in his mother's womb rather than be given chance to exist at all if you say his chances of living a good life are low. Personal responsibility is really what your kind fear most. You blame the society for the conception, and ultimately, life of the developing child and you would rather let the unborn child suffer the consequence of his existence, rather than the mother. No. Abortion is a mother's ultimate betrayal of her unborn child. Selfishness. Cowardice. Murder.
Potential life is stopped in its tracks every day, all over the world. There is a drive to create/grow and a drive to destroy/die. A fetus is a sprouted seed, not a tomato plant and definitely not a tomato.

So your argument is that because it happens in other places, it's okay?

Or is it that humanity is determined by age and size?
No, just that not every spark of life in all its forms comes to fruition.

You just said it wasn't life.
Not that it matters. I know that leftists know that it's murder. The point is, they endorse murder..and the exploitation of women. Because they think it serves the state.
I don't think it's murder. Or exploitation of women. Hardly.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.

You hit closer to the mark when you talk about “culture.” However, that video isn’t, mathematically, a representative sample.

This is blatant demonization of a whole group of people based on the actions of a few.

Don’t kid yourself that the average liberal goes around acting like that.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
I never read Saul Alinsky ---but the more I hear about his stuff-----the more he reminds me of Machiavelli plus Lucrezia Borgia

So what we have established in this thread is that you don't read much, and that you are programmed to ignore anything that exposes the insanity of the left and to ignore anything not actually generated by the leftist propaganda machine.

We already knew that.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
They try, but since they do it dishonestly, they fail.
Like everything else they do, when they squawk about right wing nazis (a tiny group of people, but they pretend all right wingers are nazis) it just draws attention to their own embrace of the most reviled aspects of nazism...

1. Negative genetic engineering and population control
2. State above all and a desire to force a new world order on the world..
3. Rejection of the Christian moral code (baby killers can't embrace Christianity)
5. The elevation of certain races over others (identity politics)
6. The demonization of a particular race.
7. The use of well funded propaganda machine.
I never read Saul Alinsky ---but the more I hear about his stuff-----the more he reminds me of Machiavelli plus Lucrezia Borgia

So what we have established in this thread is that you don't read much, and that you are programmed to ignore anything that exposes the insanity of the left and to ignore anything not actually generated by the leftist propaganda machine.

We already knew that.

well, "WE" is wrong------I have read quite a bit------likely a lot more than you

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