Depraved leftists celebrate abortion...

ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.

“No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”


You have a video of what 100 fringe twat KKK wanna-be's there, gratz. On the other hand, I could post a thousand videos of the left, in MASSIVE numbers, doing dumb shit - like for example rioting against the free speech of R's, calling them nazi's when they're Jewish, etc. Irrational, and more importantly illiberal, bullshit. Socialists touting that they're going to steal money from others, proudly, blatantly. Irresponsible folks declaring that everyone else needs to take care of them financially, like adult children. Endorsing nanny government, business crushing regulation, and forcing others to do things that are against their deeply held beliefs - for basically no reason but to say "HA HA we made you go against your religion" and/or "HA HA you went bankrupt because you didn't do what we demand/don't believe as we do." I see lefties all over the place attacking everyone, for anything and everything, destroying their lives, the lives of their families, etc. I see fascists on the left all the time and I won't support it. ~shrug~
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.

“No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”


You have a video of what 100 fringe twat KKK wanna-be's there, gratz. On the other hand, I could post a thousand videos of the left, in MASSIVE numbers, doing dumb shit - like for example rioting against the free speech of R's, calling them nazi's when they're Jewish, etc. Irrational, and more importantly illiberal, bullshit. Socialists touting that they're going to steal money from others, proudly, blatantly. Irresponsible folks declaring that everyone else needs to take care of them financially, like adult children. Endorsing nanny government, business crushing regulation, and forcing others to do things that are against their deeply held beliefs - for basically no reason but to say "HA HA we made you go against your religion" and/or "HA HA you went bankrupt because you didn't do what we demand." I see lefties all over the place attacking everyone, for anything and everything, destroying their lives, the lives of their families, etc. I see fascists on the left all the time and I won't support it. ~shrug~

So my examples are the anomaly, and yours are representative.


And to go back to your quote, you said, “No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”

Took me all of two minutes to find proof otherwise.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.
I think you mixed me up with ricechickie. I wasn't talking about culture and beliefs. Just not being unfair in your blanket statements. I know a lot of liberals in real honest to God life who do not act like idiots. We can sometimes understand where they're coming from, though. Which the other side doesn't even want to try to fathom.

I suspect you know actual liberals, "classical liberals" like I do - but as I've been saying for like three years now - the classical liberals, real liberals, lost their party to the radical leftists. It's a damned shame because now we're looking at the prospect of single party rule - and sadly the current D's in control of the party are letting it happen, endorsing it even. (Waters being the most egregious that comes to mind atm)
I'm not so sure all is lost. The news capitalizes on the most "exciting" statements ... for ratings. If you and I both know a lot of reasonable liberals, us on opposite ends of the country, I think that is a healthy sign that there are a lot left.
I've always been an Independent, so things don't change that much for me. If the Dems are being assholes, it wouldn't be the first time I thought so.
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

It’s possible.

Stay in the Flame Zone is my advice. That’s where we rational people huddle and play the dozens.
But there are so many breaks while we have to make the guys' sammiches....
ricechickie It doesn't matter so much that they're not elected officials because they represent the "culture" of modern liberals, their voters. Its not so much that they make fun of the other side as much as the flippant disregard for others, the abandonment of generally acceptable norms, etc. It is absolutely not mainstream to celebrate abortion, nor is it amusing.

If anything at all it is a wholly blatant disrespect of the long held religious beliefs of their opponents - while hypocritically bleating about Islamophobia almost daily. Most folks see the absolute disconnect in the "supposed" morality of the Ds cultural position with this kind of display.
A lot of people seem to choose the most extreme examples of a liberal and hold it up as being "everyone" on the left.
That's not just inaccurate, it's not worth arguing about, because it's just plain nonsense.

And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

It’s possible.

Stay in the Flame Zone is my advice. That’s where we rational people huddle and play the dozens.
But there are so many breaks while we have to make the guys' sammiches....

You mean the spit sammiches?
And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.

“No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”


You have a video of what 100 fringe twat KKK wanna-be's there, gratz. On the other hand, I could post a thousand videos of the left, in MASSIVE numbers, doing dumb shit - like for example rioting against the free speech of R's, calling them nazi's when they're Jewish, etc. Irrational, and more importantly illiberal, bullshit. Socialists touting that they're going to steal money from others, proudly, blatantly. Irresponsible folks declaring that everyone else needs to take care of them financially, like adult children. Endorsing nanny government, business crushing regulation, and forcing others to do things that are against their deeply held beliefs - for basically no reason but to say "HA HA we made you go against your religion" and/or "HA HA you went bankrupt because you didn't do what we demand." I see lefties all over the place attacking everyone, for anything and everything, destroying their lives, the lives of their families, etc. I see fascists on the left all the time and I won't support it. ~shrug~

So my examples are the anomaly, and yours are representative.


And to go back to your quote, you said, “No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”

Took me all of two minutes to find proof otherwise.

"Examples"? You posted a solitary fringe KKK rally. It's kind of like saying ISIS terorrists represent all Muslims, you do understand this yes??

I suppose you could argue the "racist" thing - IF you believe wanting national security, aka vetting, or border security, aka wall and ICE, is "racist" - but most folks don't see national security as "racist" - no matter how much the left pushes for any form or shape of "disagreement" with "non-white's" possible desires as racist. Plus I mean the vast majority of what the left is calling "racist" atm, has to do with border security and Hispanics - which I'll note they declared Zimmerman was "white" so they could play the race bait game... It comes off as ... dumb now doesn't it? So I mean, were "whites" racist then, or only "now" when they want border security? It's like know for damned sure that /I'm/ not racist, yet I get called racist because I want illegals to come in legally. The left plays the racist card so often that I don't think they even know what it is anymore; they just make shit up on the fly as to what's racist, sexist, Islamiphobic, etc. then expect everyone to agree with them that it is.

Still, though, I'm willing to discuss what you think is "racist" and we can debate that particular one - though it might be a bit OT here.
And the left doesn't hold up neo-nazi's, racists, bigots, etc. as representative of Rs? Oh please. You know how this game works.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.
I think you mixed me up with ricechickie. I wasn't talking about culture and beliefs. Just not being unfair in your blanket statements. I know a lot of liberals in real honest to God life who do not act like idiots. We can sometimes understand where they're coming from, though. Which the other side doesn't even want to try to fathom.

I suspect you know actual liberals, "classical liberals" like I do - but as I've been saying for like three years now - the classical liberals, real liberals, lost their party to the radical leftists. It's a damned shame because now we're looking at the prospect of single party rule - and sadly the current D's in control of the party are letting it happen, endorsing it even. (Waters being the most egregious that comes to mind atm)
I'm not so sure all is lost. The news capitalizes on the most "exciting" statements ... for ratings. If you and I both know a lot of reasonable liberals, us on opposite ends of the country, I think that is a healthy sign that there are a lot left.
I've always been an Independent, so things don't change that much for me. If the Dems are being assholes, it wouldn't be the first time I thought so.

Sure we can hope. But then I see Waters, Ocasio-Cortez, etc and go ... well shit.
If it's not fair in your direction, it's not fair in the other. Enough. It doesn't strengthen your argument.
I keep looking for R's that are just R's, not Trump hystericals. Around here, that's kinda hard to find though.

I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.

“No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”


You have a video of what 100 fringe twat KKK wanna-be's there, gratz. On the other hand, I could post a thousand videos of the left, in MASSIVE numbers, doing dumb shit - like for example rioting against the free speech of R's, calling them nazi's when they're Jewish, etc. Irrational, and more importantly illiberal, bullshit. Socialists touting that they're going to steal money from others, proudly, blatantly. Irresponsible folks declaring that everyone else needs to take care of them financially, like adult children. Endorsing nanny government, business crushing regulation, and forcing others to do things that are against their deeply held beliefs - for basically no reason but to say "HA HA we made you go against your religion" and/or "HA HA you went bankrupt because you didn't do what we demand." I see lefties all over the place attacking everyone, for anything and everything, destroying their lives, the lives of their families, etc. I see fascists on the left all the time and I won't support it. ~shrug~

So my examples are the anomaly, and yours are representative.


And to go back to your quote, you said, “No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”

Took me all of two minutes to find proof otherwise.

"Examples"? You posted a solitary fringe KKK rally. It's kind of like saying ISIS terorrists represent all Muslims, you do understand this yes??

I suppose you could argue the "racist" thing - IF you believe wanting national security, aka vetting, or border security, aka wall and ICE, is "racist" - but most folks don't see national security as "racist" - no matter how much the left pushes for any form or shape of "disagreement" with "non-white's" possible desires as racist. Plus I mean the vast majority of what the left is calling "racist" atm, has to do with border security and Hispanics - which I'll note they declared Zimmerman was "white" so they could play the race bait game... It comes off as ... dumb now doesn't it? So I mean, were "whites" racist then, or only "now" when they want border security? It's like know for damned sure that /I'm/ not racist, yet I get called racist because I want illegals to come in legally. The left plays the racist card so often that I don't think they even know what it is anymore; they just make shit up on the fly as to what's racist, sexist, Islamiphobic, etc. then expect everyone to agree with them that it is.

Still, though, I'm willing to discuss what you think is "racist" and we can debate that particular one - though it might be a bit OT here.

There are so many other examples. I found one easily.
I'm looking at how your people/those people are acting dear. No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't. The left on the other hand is acting a fucking fool right now. I'd like them to get their fucking shit together because I'm fucking embarrassed to say I'm a god damn liberal anymore - I have to clarify myself as a "classical" liberal because I don't want to be associated with their absolute, childish, bullshit...

If you want to ignore it and say these twats aren't representing the D's "culture and beliefs" that is of course your choice - it isn't the choice of most of us "classical liberals" and middle roader's though, we want nothing to do with it.

“No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”


You have a video of what 100 fringe twat KKK wanna-be's there, gratz. On the other hand, I could post a thousand videos of the left, in MASSIVE numbers, doing dumb shit - like for example rioting against the free speech of R's, calling them nazi's when they're Jewish, etc. Irrational, and more importantly illiberal, bullshit. Socialists touting that they're going to steal money from others, proudly, blatantly. Irresponsible folks declaring that everyone else needs to take care of them financially, like adult children. Endorsing nanny government, business crushing regulation, and forcing others to do things that are against their deeply held beliefs - for basically no reason but to say "HA HA we made you go against your religion" and/or "HA HA you went bankrupt because you didn't do what we demand." I see lefties all over the place attacking everyone, for anything and everything, destroying their lives, the lives of their families, etc. I see fascists on the left all the time and I won't support it. ~shrug~

So my examples are the anomaly, and yours are representative.


And to go back to your quote, you said, “No folks on the right are not acting like Nazi's, they are not acting like racists on prime time TV, they simply aren't.”

Took me all of two minutes to find proof otherwise.

"Examples"? You posted a solitary fringe KKK rally. It's kind of like saying ISIS terorrists represent all Muslims, you do understand this yes??

I suppose you could argue the "racist" thing - IF you believe wanting national security, aka vetting, or border security, aka wall and ICE, is "racist" - but most folks don't see national security as "racist" - no matter how much the left pushes for any form or shape of "disagreement" with "non-white's" possible desires as racist. Plus I mean the vast majority of what the left is calling "racist" atm, has to do with border security and Hispanics - which I'll note they declared Zimmerman was "white" so they could play the race bait game... It comes off as ... dumb now doesn't it? So I mean, were "whites" racist then, or only "now" when they want border security? It's like know for damned sure that /I'm/ not racist, yet I get called racist because I want illegals to come in legally. The left plays the racist card so often that I don't think they even know what it is anymore; they just make shit up on the fly as to what's racist, sexist, Islamiphobic, etc. then expect everyone to agree with them that it is.

Still, though, I'm willing to discuss what you think is "racist" and we can debate that particular one - though it might be a bit OT here.

There are so many other examples. I found one easily.

Posting it would have been nice, but yeah OT so I get it. Again though, it does depending on what you wish to consider as "racist" - entirely possible we do not share the same opinions on what is or is not.

That however, does not discount the blatantly illiberal actions curtailing freedom of speech, freedom from excessive/unjust taxation, and other issues I noted - which are also important to me when it comes to my voting. I'm a life-long independent, so I'm not going to play "all or nothing" as I'm used to having to give up here and there, to get the 'more important' issues atm voted on.
and it is a sight to see.

It is difficult even to know what, if anything, there is to say:

One almost has to question and reevaluate one's bearing in reality in the face of this level of departure from normal. So taking a new bearing while wading through such horror is difficult to say the least. Somewhere over the past sixty or so years moral facts accepted and venerated for millennia have been philosophized away to a point where some insist basic, indelible, fundamental human right and wrong do not exist. We've lost something vital to our primordial species birth--it's become a black hole in humanity's collective heart and is only growing.

And the way advocates of infanticide sneer and condemn or dismiss the moment opposition is expressed. They're like skeletal parrots who memorized a few lines of few arguments. I have to ask myself where these people learned that killing unborn children is not just okay (in their minds), but also normal and healthy. Some voices are louder than others and I am certain most of the loudest here are diehard idealists who have never personally come close to the issue. Still, the level of mockery from those who would weep for immigrant children or reference the Holocaust to smear their President and nation--it's funereal really.

they are not unborn children. They are fetuses. You are no pro life, just pro birth, unless you are will for your tax dollars to feed, house and give medical care to infants that the mother can't give.

This is one of many pretentious arguments delivered with an absolutistic sense of self-righteousness and repeated on queue as if by silent command. Firstly, you are not God. Being not-God you cannot know or predict the chances of survival for a child born unwanted by his or her parents. If life is a maze, is it not better to have entry into the chaos of confined space rather than never having been given the chance to solve it?

In your platitudinal argument an unborn child should be slaughtered in his mother's womb rather than be given chance to exist at all if you say his chances of living a good life are low. Personal responsibility is really what your kind fear most. You blame the society for the conception, and ultimately, life of the developing child and you would rather let the unborn child suffer the consequence of his existence, rather than the mother. No. Abortion is a mother's ultimate betrayal of her unborn child. Selfishness. Cowardice. Murder.

No it's terminating a pregnancy. Women don't usually terminate a pregnancy if she can see clearly how she is going to support it. I don't have to bear children at your command. You want abortion stopped why don't you do the right fucking thing and get into place how America will care for the children that you demand be born. You're just a bag of hot air, you don't actually care you just like being on that higher morals soap box of yours. I bet you had a good start on life, not everybody does and believe it or not facing what some of these children will face it is more humane to terminate the pregnancy as early as humanly possible. You care so much, right, you care to run your eloquent mouth, that's about it.
These are examples I easily found.

Any more and I’ll probably be considered spamming.

Yeah, there are Republicans going around acting like neo-nazis in public.

Are all, or even mosf, Republicans like that? No.

That’s the difference between you and I. You assumed I wore a pussy hat, screamed about Trump, and love abortion. I did not assume that you go around yelling racist shit at dark people.

So, first chick video there seems pretty racist.

Second one, the lawyer, so he's pissy about English not being the national language, and doesn't want illegals - I don't see that as racist per say.

(EDIT didn't see the other two because I was posting this response)

Look I think the part your missing here is that I'm also not seeing the wide spread mass support from the right for them (nor anyone in America for that matter) The lawyer's probably going to lose his business over this shit. Chick would probably lose her job too. No one on the right is really going to defend their behavior because it's /wrong/ and the right /knows/ it's wrong.

On the other hand, the left shuts down conservative speakers at college campuses and the left defends them, saying it's "hate speech" to voice alternative opinions. The left endorses harassment of folks for their political beliefs and their professions, their jobs, etc. and they've been doing so for ages (see Waters, see OWS, see "hate the rich", etc.)

This isn't just a flash in the pan thing for the left - it's ongoing, and it's /not/ "liberal" in any way shape or form. It's fascist and no more acceptable to myself (or most "classical liberals") than forcing ones religious beliefs on others (forcing prayer in school, not allowing gays to marry or have sex [sodomy laws], etc. etc.)

So, first chick video there seems pretty racist.

Second one, the lawyer, so he's pissy about English not being the national language, and doesn't want illegals - I don't see that as racist per say.

(EDIT didn't see the other two because I was posting this response)

Look I think the part your missing here is that I'm also not seeing the wide spread mass support from the right for them (nor anyone in America for that matter) The lawyer's probably going to lose his business over this shit. Chick would probably lose her job too. No one on the right is really going to defend their behavior because it's /wrong/ and the right /knows/ it's wrong.

On the other hand, the left shuts down conservative speakers at college campuses and the left defends them, saying it's "hate speech" to voice alternative opinions. The left endorses harassment of folks for their political beliefs and their professions, their jobs, etc. and they've been doing so for ages (see Waters, see OWS, see "hate the rich", etc.)

This isn't just a flash in the pan thing for the left - it's ongoing, and it's /not/ "liberal" in any way shape or form. It's fascist and no more acceptable to myself (or most "classical liberals") than forcing ones religious beliefs on others (forcing prayer in school, not allowing gays to marry or have sex [sodomy laws], etc. etc.)

You should watch the one of the old man. He approaches the woman and she asks the police officer for help, after she asks the man, civilly, to move away several times, and the officer turns his back on her.

In the second video, the lawyer assumed illegality based on speaking Spanish. That’s bigotry.

Listen, again, my point was that you said the right don’t go around acting like neonazis in public. “No way” you said.

But the video of the OP, according to you, is legit representative of the left?

It works both ways. It’s wrong on both sides. The difference is, I didn’t accuse you of shit based on these videos.

So, first chick video there seems pretty racist.

Second one, the lawyer, so he's pissy about English not being the national language, and doesn't want illegals - I don't see that as racist per say.

(EDIT didn't see the other two because I was posting this response)

Look I think the part your missing here is that I'm also not seeing the wide spread mass support from the right for them (nor anyone in America for that matter) The lawyer's probably going to lose his business over this shit. Chick would probably lose her job too. No one on the right is really going to defend their behavior because it's /wrong/ and the right /knows/ it's wrong.

On the other hand, the left shuts down conservative speakers at college campuses and the left defends them, saying it's "hate speech" to voice alternative opinions. The left endorses harassment of folks for their political beliefs and their professions, their jobs, etc. and they've been doing so for ages (see Waters, see OWS, see "hate the rich", etc.)

This isn't just a flash in the pan thing for the left - it's ongoing, and it's /not/ "liberal" in any way shape or form. It's fascist and no more acceptable to myself (or most "classical liberals") than forcing ones religious beliefs on others (forcing prayer in school, not allowing gays to marry or have sex [sodomy laws], etc. etc.)

You should watch the one of the old man. He approaches the woman and she asks the police officer for help, after she asks the man, civilly, to move away several times, and the officer turns his back on her.

Again, you have a few racists, so what? They are /not/ representative. To argue that they are, is to admit that calling all Muslims terrorists is fine, because a few "individuals" who claim they are Muslim were. The fact that you are having trouble with this concept/idea just makes me think that you are more likely a partisan, than a true liberal.

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