Deregulate to Undermine Political Correctness


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Amen! If Trump manages to keep his promise to get government off the backs of Americans, it will go a very long way to solve a myriad of our problems. Deregulating higher education is just one of several areas where it is desperately needed.

Thus, President Trump’s Education Department should revoke controversial Dear Colleague letters and promise not to regulate by informal missives in the future. More generally, it should greatly streamline the regulations of higher education, freeing up universities to fire many of their bureaucrats and use the money to lower tuition and improve instruction.

See more at: Deregulate to Undermine Political Correctness - Online Library of Law & Liberty
How would deregulation make a difference, when it is the government that under signs every student loan blindly, even the most insane one? I would say that the American education system is already fully deregulated.
How would deregulation make a difference, when it is the government that under signs every student loan blindly, even the most insane one? I would say that the American education system is already fully deregulated.
It will take a long time, but the Nazis showed us the problem of trying to do things quickly.

The tide is rolling right out on political correctness now. Over the next few decades these feminist's agenda will wither away.

We have TOP men on the job.
Though I think reducing the staff at universities would be a good step, we will need to devise something further, to root out every last one. We need to progressively work against them.
Meanwhile, scores of craft related positions and apprentice positions are going unfilled because of getting hands dirty. Reminds me of the lawyer joke where the lawyer complains about the wages and cost of a plumber. The plumber responds with, yes I felt that way also, when I was a lawyer. Being a tradesman/craftsman is nothing to sneeze at and provides many rewards. My Grandson recently was hired by Florida Power and Light loving known as Florida Flicker and Flash. I am very proud of his education, work, and effort to be hired by them. No place to go but up in terms of a career with a well paying and long hard earned future. Ah but, think how dirty his hands will get! Nasty, nasty, nasty!

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