Dershowitz Is Insane

Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.
Dershowitz is a fucking idiot.
You only wish...
Wish??? LOL I know. I heard his pathetic argument.
Democrats need to embrace Dershowitz’s claims and bring them out when they are President
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.

He will say anything to skirt the law and constitution to get his clients off. Same with all trampers.
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.

He’s completely unethical.
I used to respect Alan Dershowitz. Not any more.

He argued that a President can do pretty much ANYTHING to get himself re-elected, as long as he thinks it's for the good of the country. Please tell me: has ANY President or Presidential candidate ever believed that his (or her) election would be bad for the country? Of course not. Therefore, Dershowitz is arguing that any President can do anything to get re-elected (or, perhaps, elected to begin with). This is utter insanity, and inanity.
well when you're talking to an extreme mindset that feels they can do whatever they want to "get even" for losing an election, you tend to have to speak in extreme terms.

Damn. You really can rationalize anything. You are absolutely prepared to give Trump a pass for any act because he sees it as necessary.

Buckle up folks. We’ve got a lot of people ready to toss in the towel on the rule of law. It’s gonna be a rocky year.

They will be on the other side of the coin one day if doing just about anything to get elected is allowed. FBI does not agree with his doucherwitz statement. Many more elections to come in most of these posters lifetime. Remember what goes around comes around for both sides.
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.

He will say anything to skirt the law and constitution to get his clients off. Same with all trampers.
To skirt the law? Really? Had any cases overturned?
second, it is Trump’s legal position that he can do whatever he wants as president to get re-elected.
You're a liar, injecting your own Trump-hating bias into the equation.

The House's own witnesses, now Bolton, and the WH Counsel have all made it clear that eliminating Ukraine corruption was a FOREIGN POLICY from the very start. NO blackmail, NO extortion, NO 'doing whatever he wants to win'.

Congrats - you're the latest TDS-suffering sheep/troll accusing Trump of doing EXACTLY what the Democrats did and are doing now.

Protecting Hillary from Indictment / Prison.
FISA Court Abuses to Illegally spy on Trump and his team.
Illegally spying on Trump and his team
Admitted leaking of classified to hurt the President - Espionage
Falsifying / altering official documents / testimony
Withholding evidence
Manufacturing evidence
Manufactured 'Whistle Blower' Scam
Disregarding Executive Privilege, denying Due Process - skipping courts t go straight to Impeachment
Impeachment dependent on overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship - None of either
Democrats' House witnesses testified eliminating Ukraine corruption was Foreign Policy from the start
Democrats' House witnesses couldn't name 1 crime / Impeachable offense committed when they were asked to name any

As Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testifies - the ONLY ones to have abused their power and who continue to do so are the DEMOCRARTS, as they rushed the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment in US history.

Call it what you will - criminal ignorance incompetence, partisan treason, etc.... it's still been 4 YEARS of Democrat undermining, illegal investigations, and attempted political coups against the President of the United States, attempting to remove him from office while attempting to steal 2 elections....while attempting to destroy the Constitution and irreparably divide the nation for political partisan gain - power...

The worst part of this whole thing is that the originators, conspirators, criminals, and traitors will NOT be held accountable to the full extent of the law as they should be.
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.

He will say anything to skirt the law and constitution to get his clients off. Same with all trampers.

Yep, just look at what the slime bag did for OJ.
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.

He’s completely unethical.
Or maybe he is good at finding where other attorneys or judges have been unethical.
The worst part of this whole thing is that the originators, conspirators, criminals, and traitors will NOT be held accountable to the full extent of the law as they should be.

I guess that makes your preferred candidate completely incompetent.
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.

He’s completely unethical.
Or maybe he is good at finding where other attorneys or judges have been unethical.

He’s obviously pretty good at getting attorneys to be unethical. Just look at what he did for Trump’s good friend Epstein.
second, it is Trump’s legal position that he can do whatever he wants as president to get re-elected.
You're a liar, injecting your own Trump-hating bias into the equation.

The House's own witnesses, now Bolton, and the WH Counsel have all made it clear that eliminating Ukraine corruption was a FOREIGN POLICY from the very start. NO blackmail, NO extortion, NO 'doing whatever he wants to win'.

Congrats - you're the latest TDS-suffering sheep/troll accusing Trump of doing EXACTLY what the Democrats did and are doing now.

Protecting Hillary from Indictment / Prison.
FISA Court Abuses to Illegally spy on Trump and his team.
Illegally spying on Trump and his team
Admitted leaking of classified to hurt the President - Espionage
Falsifying / altering official documents / testimony
Withholding evidence
Manufacturing evidence
Manufactured 'Whistle Blower' Scam
Disregarding Executive Privilege, denying Due Process - skipping courts t go straight to Impeachment
Impeachment dependent on overwhelming evidence and bipartisanship - None of either
Democrats' House witnesses testified eliminating Ukraine corruption was Foreign Policy from the start
Democrats' House witnesses couldn't name 1 crime / Impeachable offense committed when they were asked to name any

As Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley testifies - the ONLY ones to have abused their power and who continue to do so are the DEMOCRARTS, as they rushed the fastest Impeachment in US history based on the weakest Impeachment in US history.

Call it what you will - criminal ignorance incompetence, partisan treason, etc.... it's still been 4 YEARS of Democrat undermining, illegal investigations, and attempted political coups against the President of the United States, attempting to remove him from office while attempting to steal 2 elections....while attempting to destroy the Constitution and irreparably divide the nation for political partisan gain - power...

The worst part of this whole thing is that the originators, conspirators, criminals, and traitors will NOT be held accountable to the full extent of the law as they should be.

You’re argument is pure Bullshit. However I find it telling that you ostensibly agree with Dershowitz that a president can commit crimes to get re-elected. A true cultist.
how are you selling yourself with constant BREAKING NEWS crap? you're making yourself look like an extremist idiot who think THIS NEXT PIECE OF NEWS will prove you've been correct all along.....the term "BREAKING NEWS" has been hammered to shithell and back and will never really hold the same meaning anymore cause EVERYONE (not just you) lives for the term. it seems screaming LOOK AT ME NOW has been the only way some ever get attention and even that is fading as people doing that become the joke. be something more.

I do not pay attention to the words 'Breaking news'.

The fact is Bolton did an interview in which he echoed the House testimony of Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yavonovich, who testified that eliminating Ukraine corruption from the start, that doing so was FOREIGN POLICY.

If the term 'Breaking News' bothers YOU, call it whatever you want - 'Old News', 'Existing News', etc... I don't care. If the fact that Fox News is reporting it bothers YOU, then look at some of the other news outlets that's reporting it.

Whatever it is about 'Breaking News' that has you hung up, get over it and look at the FACTS
so if i search on the posts you started you've never done BREAKING NEWS about some event that will FINALLY prove the other side is dirty?
Dershowitz is fucking idiot. Anyone who argues the president can do whatever he wants during an election years has to be.
yet here is the house saying they can do whatever they want with impeachment powers.

and you're cool with that.
First only a few rogue house members made a statement about the Hose impeachment powers; second, it is Trump’s legal position that he can do whatever he wants as president to get re-elected. If you agree that a president, well, that is your position.
only a few rogue house members...

who are they again and what position do they hold in said house?

don't blow off your sides bullshit as just a few while you expand on "just a few" from the other side. you can't be more dishonest if you tried.
You’re deflecting. Do you agree that a president can commit any crime if he runs for re-election? Yes or no

but then i don't agree he's committed a crime at this point so your fishing for something not there in my eyes.

i've asked more times than i can count - show me the physical evidence that proves beyond reasonable doubt trumps intent was to get dirt on biden.

less than nothing.
speculation only.

none of that would fly in a court of law so you start doing another dance where what people say can be used in court. great, then we've just reduced ourselves to what people say being taken as fact with no other form of proof.

you seem to see no danger in that and i can only think it's because you are doing it to get rid of trump. yet what will you do when that standard is then adopted by the right and comes back at you? i know already. you'll bitch and moan and demand they show proof, not simply name calling.

and for some strange reason you don't see the hypocrisy in these actions.

so to me, i'm not deflecting; i'm staying on the target. that being the standard used to judge others and applying that standard to all. at that point you squeal like a stuck pig and cry foul because it's not fair.

yet it is when YOU do it for YOUR emo-self.

now - do you agree that the house can do whatever they want with impeachment proceedings or are there rules to follow there also?

should i brace for your "deflections" now or wait a bit?
Alan Morton Dershowitz (/ˈdɜːrʃəwɪts/; born September 1, 1938) is an American lawyer and academic. He is a scholar of United States constitutional law and criminal law.[1][2] He has also been described as a noted civil libertarian.[1][3] He began his teaching career at Harvard Law School where, in 1967, at the age of 28, he became the youngest full professor of law in its history. He held the Felix Frankfurter professorship there from 1993[4] until his retirement in December 2013

After graduating from high school, he attended Brooklyn College and received his A.B. in 1959, majoring in Political Science. Next, he attended Yale Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Yale Law Journal,[12] and graduated first in his class with a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1962.

from wiki. Not insane.

He will say anything to skirt the law and constitution to get his clients off. Same with all trampers.
and you will spout the same hate-shit that you always do.

god damn you redefine useless.
FBI does not agree with his doucherwitz statement.

You mean the FBI who knowingly misused a known, lying, partisan, personal-agenda-driven foreign spy who delivered known Russian Intelligence propaganda they used in an attempt to prevent a political candidate from winning...and later attempted to use it to affect a treasonous political coup of the newly democratically elected President?

You mean the FBI who committed over 2 Dozen FISA Court Abuses over a decade under 2 Obama FBI Directors, Robert Mueller & his protégé James Comey?

You mean the FBI who withheld facts / information from the FISA Court?

You mean the FBI who illegally altered official documents / testimony submitted to the FISA Court?

You mean the FBI who committed PERJURY?

You mean the FBI who leaked classified to hurt the US President?

You mean the FBI who is guilty of Conspiracy (proven through Strzok's e-mail)?

You mean the FBI who colluded with several foreign Intel Agencies who attempted to trap / set-up Trump's team members.

You mean the FBI who believes only DEMOCRATS, the Deep State NSA, CIA, & FBI can do whatever it wants without fear of punishment?

You mean THAT FBI?

Democrats need to embrace Dershowitz’s claims and bring them out when they are President
great. at that point the right will do what the left has done and claim they can do whatever they want with impeachment proceedings and we can keep the stupid alive and well even longer.

fucking trolls.
so let me ask this question -

if trump is in trouble for trying to dig up dirt on a political opponent and this is a nono, how do 4 senators running for president get to vote on his impeachment, flinging their own suppositions and dirt in the process, thereby getting rid of their own political opponent?

what a quandrious dilemma.
Democrats need to embrace Dershowitz’s claims and bring them out when they are President
great. at that point the right will do what the left has done and claim they can do whatever they want with impeachment proceedings and we can keep the stupid alive and well even longer.

fucking trolls.

That's why the Leftist traitors who did this need to be F*ING HAMMERED - MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE PUNISHMENT - for their make sure this NEVER, EVER happens anyone.

I'm talking prison time for:


so let me ask this question -

if trump is in trouble for trying to dig up dirt on a political opponent and this is a nono, how do 4 senators running for president get to vote on his impeachment, flinging their own suppositions and dirt in the process, thereby getting rid of their own political opponent?

what a quandrious dilemma.

hmmmmm - if they should sit it out due to the PERCEIVED 'bias', then that would mean every (R) senator that said publicly they are biased should as well, including ms lindsey & turtleboy, right?

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