Dershowitz; Show Me The Statute Trump Violated

Of course Cohen being prosecuted is right. Whataboutism does not count, Avatar. The Clintons have been under investigation since before 1990 and there is nothing. The last time was by House GOP committees, for heaven's sake.

Nothing? You have to be partisan hack with your head in the sand to claim there is nothing.

But if that’s what you want to do, present the evidence to a grand jury? Why should Clinton not have her day in court because she hasn’t political connections that look the other way?
Avatar, get real. The GOP never had enough to convince a prosecutor to take Hillary to the grand jury.

Cohen was very smart to plead out. He may actually do 20 months or even less.
He is not respected by the left now that he supports the constitution as written.

He should change his opinion of the Constitution as the left wing lunatics change their social justice agenda to fit their whims.
Trump did not have to disclose his dalliances
The idea that it would have effected the election therefore he should have is just a feeling and unknown otherwise.
I’m sure if you ask 10 attorneys you’ll get 10 different opinions, but that is interesting coming from what I suspect is a liberal legal mind.
No you won’t. The only ones saying idiot things like Dershowitz and Giuliani are on Donald’s payroll

Well you’re wrong...again. You Can’t just watch MSNBC and be informed, despite what your boyfriend Rachel Maddow is telling you.
Trump can donate any amount of money he wants to his own campaign. So giving money from his own personal company doesn't even fall under campaign finance laws. He also stated there's no statute even if he wrote them a personal check.

From the way I read it, Cohn's problem is he used his own money to pay off the hooker and thus he pleaded guilty because he wasn't donating to his own campaign. I'm no lawyer but I think it is pretty clear that in our judicial system Cohn and Trump are legally responsible for their own actions. Cohn didn't plead guilty to anything Trump had done.
Did Trump re-imburse Cohen?

I would think so, but statements by those who are in position to know have expressed conflicting statements about this.
Straight from a confessed Hillary voter with more legal credentials than any of the idiots charging Cohen.

Dershowitz just stated there is no statute Trump violated and Cohen was an idiot to agree to plead guilty to a crime of campaign contribution violations.

Trump can donate any amount of money he wants to his own campaign. So giving money from his own personal company doesn't even fall under campaign finance laws. He also stated there's no statute even if he wrote them a personal check.

So, Cohen got roped in to go after Trump.


The only reason Cohen copped a plea was that they were threatening him with more severe crimes if he didn't give them something on Trump.

Mueller is going to try the "illegal campaign contribution" angle to trip up Trump but like you said, paying hush money is no big deal. John Edwards couldn't even be convicted of that.
All Trump has to do is REFUSE to cooperate or testify. He can not be forced to while sitting in the oval office
So you advising him to be above the law...good to know.
Trump can donate any amount of money he wants to his own campaign. So giving money from his own personal company doesn't even fall under campaign finance laws. He also stated there's no statute even if he wrote them a personal check.

From the way I read it, Cohn's problem is he used his own money to pay off the hooker and thus he pleaded guilty because he wasn't donating to his own campaign. I'm no lawyer but I think it is pretty clear that in our judicial system Cohn and Trump are legally responsible for their own actions. Cohn didn't plead guilty to anything Trump had done.
He pleaded guilty with the statement that he was directed to take those actions directly by Trump. That implicates him.

Of course, the celebrations by the left here are pretty weak. There is pretty much zero chance Trump will be impeached for paying off a porn star he had sex with. This is not something that is particularly shocking - it actually pretty damn standard in the political realm. They are going to need collusion with Russia to successfully bring an impeachment.
They are trying to overthrow our democracy based on made up legal bullshit.

No evidence of Russia Trump collusion will be found, because the story was bullshit to begin with. As such other crimes have to be made up.
Trump did not have to disclose his dalliances
The idea that it would have effected the election therefore he should have is just a feeling and unknown otherwise.
That at least $280,000 was paid to the women with the express purpose of shutting them up during the campaign demonstrates that Trump and Cohen were not sure of the effect they might have on the voters.

Mature reflection leads the thinking person to believe that impeachment is not likely at all, but one also realizes the investigations have a long road ahead and much dirt to uncover.
Because it is true. Cohen has pled, it's been accepted, the Judge won't overrule it, and Cohen will not appeal.
The Trump tweets are coming.....I cant wait!:113:. It's like when you were a kid and couldnt wait for the release of your favorite bands new album!!!!

If you are a progressive, plan ahead and put those razor blades under lock and key NOW!:flirtysmile4:
The Trump tweets are coming.....I cant wait!:113:. It's like when you were a kid and couldnt wait for the release of your favorite bands new album!!!!

Last night on FoxNews Trump claimed he tweeted about paying money to cover up two of his affairs, has anyone seen if those tweets have been found?
kooks is acting like the tapes of Cohen and Trump don't exist.

And he gets excited about Trump's tweets?

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