Dershowitz; Show Me The Statute Trump Violated

The Democrats haven't figured it out yet, but they are playing a zero sum game. Even if they could miraculously get Trump out of the White House, what they'd have to look forward to would be much worse than any little old Donald Trump.

They would end up with Mike Pence sitting in the White House. He would no doubt go full wrath of God on the sorry asses of the American left, as he really has nothing to lose.

I would be more afraid of him than I would Trump, if I was a liberal. Maybe they should be careful what they ask for.

Exactly, guaranteeing a Democrat in the White House in 2020.

With a Democratic majority in the House, and quite possibly the Senate back after the 2020 elections.

Which means an end to everything by Trump in 6 months, and all Republican legislation on everything including taxes since 2010, and with Democrats in control of the budget means a national health care system, a minimum of a $2 trillion infrastructure plan, and renewable energy and climate change law shoved so far up the fossil fuel industries ass, that will be the only thing they taste and smell for years.

And it only gets uglier for conservatives after that.
In your marxist dreams.
The steady elimination of any Trump legacy during the next four years.

It will be as if he and his cult45 never existed.
Dershowitz's opinion, while interesting, does not matter.

You’re right, his opinion doesn’t matter anymore than anybody who has weighed in on the issue so far. Ultimately a judge and jury have the only opinions with consequence.
Actually, Cohen has already pled. There will be only sentencing.

And Cohen's decisions this week have completely eviscerated the whining and driveling of the cult45 cucks and incels.

It's Cohen's opinions that count.
Actually, Cohen's opinions don't mean jack.
Straight from a confessed Hillary voter with more legal credentials than any of the idiots charging Cohen.

Dershowitz just stated there is no statute Trump violated and Cohen was an idiot to agree to plead guilty to a crime of campaign contribution violations.

Trump can donate any amount of money he wants to his own campaign. So giving money from his own personal company doesn't even fall under campaign finance laws. He also stated there's no statute even if he wrote them a personal check.

So, Cohen got roped in to go after Trump.


The problem is he needs to bring charges against lanny davis for incompetent representation..... lanny davis is not working for the best interest of his client, he is working to help hilary clinton and obama.
Trump can donate any amount of money he wants to his own campaign. So giving money from his own personal company doesn't even fall under campaign finance laws. He also stated there's no statute even if he wrote them a personal check.

From the way I read it, Cohn's problem is he used his own money to pay off the hooker and thus he pleaded guilty because he wasn't donating to his own campaign. I'm no lawyer but I think it is pretty clear that in our judicial system Cohn and Trump are legally responsible for their own actions. Cohn didn't plead guilty to anything Trump had done.
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The Democrats haven't figured it out yet, but they are playing a zero sum game. Even if they could miraculously get Trump out of the White House, what they'd have to look forward to would be much worse than any little old Donald Trump.

They would end up with Mike Pence sitting in the White House. He would no doubt go full wrath of God on the sorry asses of the American left, as he really has nothing to lose.

I would be more afraid of him than I would Trump, if I was a liberal. Maybe they should be careful what they ask for.

Why is it the left can not understand this?

Also what the left forget is it is true if they win in November they can impeach Trump but lack the votes in the Senate for removal.

If Democrats were smart they would do a different way and just Censure him instead.
Dershowitz's opinion, while interesting, does not matter.
Unlike some on USMB, hes a real attorney

when one star isn't enough and love the new avie!

Sadly the left doesn't give a fuck about the law so if they win in November he will be impeached.
If they cared about the law then they wouldn't be coddling illegal aliens over US citizens.
If republicans would go after illegal employers problem would be solved
I’m sure if you ask 10 attorneys you’ll get 10 different opinions, but that is interesting coming from what I suspect is a liberal legal mind.
No you won’t. The only ones saying idiot things like Dershowitz and Giuliani are on Donald’s payroll

Former Clinton pollster nails it. Not on Trump's payroll.

. Paying for nondisclosure agreements for perfectly legal activities is not a crime, not a campaign contribution as commonly understood or ruled upon by the Federal Election Commission. Squeezing guilty pleas out of vulnerable witnesses does nothing to change those facts.

Mark Penn is a managing partner of the Stagwell Group, a private equity firm specializing in marketing services companies, as well as chairman of the Harris Poll and author of “Microtrends Squared.” He served as pollster and adviser to President Clinton from 1995 to 2000, including during Clinton’s impeachment. You can follow him on Twitter @Mark_Penn.

Cohen's plea deal is prosecutor's attempt to set up Trump
Trump can donate any amount of money he wants to his own campaign. So giving money from his own personal company doesn't even fall under campaign finance laws. He also stated there's no statute even if he wrote them a personal check.

From the way I read it, Cohn's problem is he used his own money to pay off the hooker and thus he pleaded guilty because he wasn't donating to his own campaign. I'm no lawyer but I think it is pretty clear that in our judicial system Cohn and Trump are legally responsible for their own actions. Cohn didn't plead guilty to anything Trump had done.
Did Trump re-imburse Cohen?
It's funny. We could name probably a dozen statutes that Clinton violated and somehow it's a conspiracy to suggest she needs to go to prison or doesn't deserve to be President.

They can't name a single statute Trump violated but his impeachment is almost here
It's funny. We could name probably a dozen statutes that Clinton violated and somehow it's a conspiracy to suggest she needs to go to prison or doesn't deserve to be President.

They can't name a single statute Trump violated but his impeachment is almost here

Any day now, any day.....:)
Anyone who thinks this election is not any different than two years ago is nearing idiocy.
Yell all you want: whataboutism is not recognized in the law.

But, if you are talking about intangibles, let's see what the RCP numbers are beginning next week.
Yell all you want: whataboutism is not recognized in the law.

But, if you are talking about intangibles, let's see what the RCP numbers are beginning next week.

Selective prosecution may not be recognized by the law but that doesn’t make it right or any less corrupt.

How about we prosecute the people we know committed crimes no matter who their political connections might be?

Radical concept I know
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Of course Cohen being prosecuted is right. Whataboutism does not count, Avatar. The Clintons have been under investigation since before 1990 and there is nothing. The last time was by House GOP committees, for heaven's sake.
Straight from a confessed Hillary voter with more legal credentials than any of the idiots charging Cohen.

Dershowitz just stated there is no statute Trump violated and Cohen was an idiot to agree to plead guilty to a crime of campaign contribution violations.

Trump can donate any amount of money he wants to his own campaign. So giving money from his own personal company doesn't even fall under campaign finance laws. He also stated there's no statute even if he wrote them a personal check.

So, Cohen got roped in to go after Trump.


Right. The whole rest of the world is wrong, and Dershowitz is right.

Maybe he'll take the case pro bono.

But it's a moot point according to this guy.

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Lawrence? Nuff said...

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