DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida

Wherever the bus contract says they will be dumped out. ;)
Of course, but I would count on LSM to certainly track where they go, especially the leftist and progressive formats that would race to film anything anti-DeSantis.
That's an incredibly myopic view.

I agree with you, 100%, that we need to go after those who hire them. But we also need to impose harsh penalties on the illegal aliens, too. Throw them in prison for 18 months, and those who've yet to journey here will think twice, simply because they won't be able to support their families from a jail cell...

If we aggressively went after the employers, we would see results in a very short order. Problem is, at present time, we simply do not have the manpower to go after employers in a timely matter.
Can you provide a legitimate source that supports your claim? Legitimate sources excludes most domestic main stream media, but I assume you’ll have a better one anyway, right?

you want me to provide a source to something that is not going to happen?

That is a new one
If we aggressively went after the employers, we would see results in a very short order. Problem is, at present time, we simply do not have the manpower to go after employers in a timely matter.

It wouldn't happen all at once overnight, no. Then again, it wouldn't need to.

Every employee I have is legally able to work in this country. I'll tell you this, though: If I was an employer who knowingly hired illegals just to save a buck, I'd change my ways in a New York minute if the government started imposing draconian penalties on businesses which hired illegals...
you want me to provide a source to something that is not going to happen?

That is a new one

I think he's referring to your claim that Florida companies rely heavily on illegal workers from agricultural to working in the service industry. Can you provide a source for that?

Stop playing stupid...
Which cockroaches are you talking about? The U.S. isn't the only country taking over Central and South America.

And correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think the invaders of Central and South America are all that interested in amnesty. They just want the resources and control of the governments.
Why play stupid...human cockroaches have children they themselves can't afford...the disgusting subhuman pieces of worthless shit break into neighboring nations and steal from the people. Come on Humberto, you knew this...right?
Hahahaha...the filthy fucks aren't competent enough to "control" their own governments let alone ours.

You just admitted that the illegals are not illegal. They are refugees who came here, because you didn't care about right or wrong. Please continue. This exposes the U.S. as the one who can't afford the argument here. Tell us more.
hahaha...poor believe that one can simply break into a nation and declare "refugee" status to avoid being labeled the filthy fucking criminal he/she is? What's the point in ANY immigration law or border policy then?

Tough fucking shit. That's the cost for invading other countries dumbass. Who the fuck are you again? Exactly, the prick who believes he can upend the lives of millions by stealing what they have, and now poor Americans see folks speaking other languages. Cry me a fucking river prick.
Hold on a because the U.S. "invaded" other countries the people of said countries are required to run their fertility rates off the charts and outrun available resources?
Is that like because the U.S. once hanged a negro, negroes are required to act a fool and commit crime like nobody's business?
We didn't make them come here illegally. We didn't make them break our laws.

That's all on them, and there's not a single reason in the world why they shouldn't be punished for it...
Oh yes we did, 100%; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -, and we are the one's who should be punished. You don't own this argument, and you never will. What we did to Central and South America is no different than what Putin is doing as we speak. We aren't bombing children's hospitals, but we destroyed their lives. Not a lot of difference there. If there is a difference, I want one of these morally bankrupt Right-wingers to show me how?
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Why play stupid...human cockroaches have children they themselves can't afford...the disgusting subhuman pieces of worthless shit break into neighboring nations and steal from the people. Come on Humberto, you knew this...right?
Hahahaha...the filthy fucks aren't competent enough to "control" their own governments let alone ours.

hahaha...poor believe that one can simply break into a nation and declare "refugee" status to avoid being labeled the filthy fucking criminal he/she is? What's the point in ANY immigration law or border policy then?

Hold on a because the U.S. "invaded" other countries the people of said countries are required to run their fertility rates off the charts and outrun available resources?
Is that like because the U.S. once hanged a negro, negroes are required to act a fool and commit crime like nobody's business?
You are too much of a complete vegetable idiot for any sort debate. You need serious help buddy. You are too far gone;
Oh yes we did, 100%; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -, and we are the one's who should be punished. You don't own tis argument, and you never will. What we did to Central and South America is no different than what Putin is doing as we speak. We aren't bombing children's hospitals, but we destroyed their lives. Not a lot of difference there. If there is a difference, I want one of these morally bankrupt Right-wingers to show me how?


This is from the piece you linked to:

"But the Salvadoran fleeing village violence has to wait in Mexico for years before a judge decides whether she merits entry as a refugee."

If a Salvadoran is fleeing village violence, he's successfully done that if he's in Mexico.

We have laws which allow someone to come here legally. Those laws should be followed. If you feel that strongly about the issue, work to change the laws. Until such time, though, they should be locked up, right alongside the people who employed them...
Oh yes we did, 100%; Imperial Borders and Mythical Frontiers -, and we are the one's who should be punished. You don't own tis argument, and you never will. What we did to Central and South America is no different than what Putin is doing as we speak. We aren't bombing children's hospitals, but we destroyed their lives. Not a lot of difference there. If there is a difference, I want one of these morally bankrupt Right-wingers to show me how?
Why can't you articulate how we "destroyed their lives"?
Don't link us to some opinion piece authored by some leftist loon at the humanist for look real fucking stupid when you do that.
We didn't make them come here illegally. We didn't make them break our laws.

That's all on them, and there's not a single reason in the world why they shouldn't be punished for it...
Refer to post #328. You really are no different than Brokeloser.
You are too much of a complete vegetable idiot for any sort debate. You need serious help buddy. You are too far gone;

I proclaim similar shit when I know I have no logical refutation to offer.
Don't be scared....stay in there tough guy...lets debate this shit.
Why can't you articulate how we "destroyed their lives"?
Don't link us to some opinion piece authored by some leftist loon at the humanist for look real fucking stupid when you do that.
And you look even dumber, because it's obvious you do not understand what you read from the link. How do we know? You haven't offered a countering argument. And you won't. If you were marginally intelligent, you would have already known not to challenge this link or any of the others. It's abundantly clear, that your intelligence doesn't go beyond pouring piss out of a boot; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
I proclaim similar shit when I know I have no logical refutation to offer.
Don't be scared....stay in there tough guy...lets debate this shit.
You have no where to stay. You are with the electro lite crowd. You have nothing to offer.

This is from the piece you linked to:

"But the Salvadoran fleeing village violence has to wait in Mexico for years before a judge decides whether she merits entry as a refugee."

If a Salvadoran is fleeing village violence, he's successfully done that if he's in Mexico.

We have laws which allow someone to come here legally. Those laws should be followed. If you feel that strongly about the issue, work to change the laws. Until such time, though, they should be locked up, right alongside the people who employed them...
Where did the Salvadoran violence come from you idiot? It came from the U.S. enablers. How is that again? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor We fought against the dissidents. You know the folks who are opposed to authoritarian rule.

So here's how stupid your argument is. A Salvadorian flees the village because of the authoritarian rule we planted for the country, and you expect that same person to acknowledge laws we have in place, while we broke the sovereignty of the same person fleeing as a refugee, from that person's own country.

You have yourself one morally bankrupt argument there chief.

"If I feel strongly?" That's an understatement sonny. And you don't? Do I need to remind you who is responsible for him fleeing again, or are you going to continue clinging to the electro lite argument?
And you look even dumber, because it's obvious you do not understand what you read from the link. How do we know? You haven't offered a countering argument. And you won't. If you were marginally intelligent, you would have already known not to challenge this link or any of the others. It's abundantly clear, that your intelligence doesn't go beyond pouring piss out of a boot; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor
HAHAHA....I love to watch you Hate America pukes squirm while trying to sell your act as if you are privy to the same intelligence that are top officials pulling the strings are...hahaha, you don't know only know what a leftist rag tells you to know.
America Haters: "How dare America position itself among the world in such a way to benefit Americans."
Look Humberto, nobody legit and sane can take you filthy fucks serious on any level....and remember, this dirty leftist thinks he's got everybody outsmarted as well.
Where did the Salvadoran violence come from you idiot? It came from the U.S. enablers. How is that again? CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor We fought against the dissidents. You know the folks who are opposed to authoritarian rule.

So here's how stupid your argument is. A Salvadorian flees the village because of the authoritarian rule we planted for the country, and you expect that same person to acknowledge laws we have in place, while we broke the sovereignty of the same person fleeing as a refugee, from that person's own country.

You have yourself one morally bankrupt argument there chief.

"If I feel strongly?" That's an understatement sonny. And you don't? Do I need to remind you who is responsible for him fleeing again, or are you going to continue clinging to the electro lite argument?


What the fuck are you talking about?

Us fucking things up for them down there in no way means we need to let them pour across our borders. Only idiots believe that...

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