DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida

We just had a thread about the problems England is having because illegal arriving by sea. How far do you suppose they have to travel?

And has been seen, it's hardly a huge undertaking to go over or under the walls.
not easy if law enforcement does the job theyre paid to do,,
That is a ridiculous argument, for if that was accurate, how would private employers know they were hiring illegals, lol.

It's why I argue for mandatory e-verify laws. Do you understand that?

Can't have it both ways. Either it is easy to discover them, or private enterprises can't be prosecuted because, after all; if state and/or local government can't find out if they're illegal, then how can they?

I mean seriously, ever hear of SS cards? How about State IRS records? Vaccination records? Unemployment compensation records? School records? Drivers license? Insurance records? And the list goes on forever without ever having to query the feds.

If I'm asked for any of that, I would tell you to screw off.
We just had a thread about the problems England is having because illegal arriving by sea. How far do you suppose they have to travel?

And has been seen, it's hardly a huge undertaking to go over or under the walls.
England welcomes invaders.
Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is proposing a program to contract with private companies to transport and remove illegal immigrants from the state.

"In yesterday’s budget, I put in $8 million for us to be able to transport people here illegally out of the state of Florida," DeSantis said in a Friday press conference.

DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida
You wouldn't think busing them to a swamp in Florida filled with hungry alligators would cost us that much to get rid of them...
A recent poll in England shows an overwhelming majority do not object to invaders, even when the invaders rape their women and burn down their neighborhoods.

Polls have no bearing on anything I've said. I'm speaking actions. People claim they want something done but not a one will hold a politician responsible when they do nothing.
Polls have no bearing on anything I've said. I'm speaking actions. People claim they want something done but not a one will hold a politician responsible when they do nothing.
That's why politicians have become a anachronism.
They have no clue how anything affects their town, state or nation.
"The owner of a Maryland seafood and ice processing company that employed at least 89 illegal immigrants was sentenced last week to a year of probation and a $15,000 fine, and had to promise to use E-Verify to screen new hires in the future.

Philip J. “Jamie” Harrington III worked out the deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to a single charge of unlawful employment of illegal immigrants. His company, Captain Phip‘s Seafood, was sentenced to three years of probation and a fine of $240,000 for felony visa fraud."

Maybe an internet search before you post?

So nobody went to jail. Got thanks.
trump isn't going to let DeSantis run.

All those illegal immigrants are employed by Republicans who like their cheap labor.
For the umpteenth time---you have already been informed that DeSantis himself has said that he isn't going to run (FOR PRESIDENT 2024). Nice albeit stupid attempt to try to pretend that there is some sort of rift between Trump and DeSantis.

DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida​

It doesn't get better than DeSantis! He is DA MAN!!!!!:clap::clap::clap:



Only go after white people, yeah not surprised coming from you.

They're the ones who are hiring the illegals. Obama went after the employers and handed Trump the lowest rates of illegal immigration in 50 years. Not only did it actually STOP illegal immigration, the fines and penalties paid by the employers helped cover the costs of enforcement.

Trump stopped prosecuting employers and illegal immigration jumped to its highest levels in 20 years - when W was elected and stopped prosecuting employers. Then Trump locked 40,000 people in for profit prison camps at a cost of $700 per day, per prisoner, and didn't even deport them.

If you want to end illegal immigration, go after the employers. If you want to blow billions of dollars chasing illegals around the desert, do what Trump did.

Or, do what Trump did and close the border, build a wall and get the Mexicans to enforce it on their side. That cut it down tremendously.

Of course when Potatohead stole the election he immediately opened the border, stopped the wall and cancelled the agreement with Mexico. That was like the dumbest thing an American President has ever done, wasn't it?

Anybody that voted for Potatohead and then ignored the fact he stole the election was a world class shithead. I think we can all agree on that, can't we?

That didn't work at all.

Potatohead???? Pence is the only one who fits that description.

Biden didn't open the border. That's a total lie. The wall was a waste of money, and the agreement with Mexico simply piled immigrants up at the border. This worked so well that hundreds of thousands of people made a dash for the border the moment Trump was gone. If Trump had actually solved the problem, these people would have been dealt with and not just piling up on the Mexican side.

No one stole the election, and insulting President Biden just makes you look stupid.
I know DeSantis said he won't but.....Make America Florida? Yes?:tongue: Sounds so good to me.



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