DeSantis budget plan contains $8 million to remove illegal immigrants from Florida

A year probation…not good enough for a person with no record?

No, it is not good enough. The first guy was fined 15 grand and a year probation. That is chump change and not enough to get anyone to quit hiring illegals. if someone employed 4 illegals vice legal workers they could save 5 times that in a year.

If we really want it to stop we need to make it too painful to be worthwhile
No, it is not good enough. The first guy was fined 15 grand and a year probation. That is chump change and not enough to get anyone to quit hiring illegals. if someone employed 4 illegals vice legal workers they could save 5 times that in a year.

If we really want it to stop we need to make it too painful to be worthwhile
So give me an example...How would you like to sentence a person that has no criminal record, for a first time offense?
So give me an example...How would you like to sentence a person that has no criminal record, for a first time offense?

I would like to see the fine so great the company goes out of business and the people that hired them spend 5 years in prison. Then maybe people would think twice about doing it. As we now have it the punishment is a joke and there is no good reason for a business not to take the chance.
I would like to see the fine so great the company goes out of business and the people that hired them spend 5 years in prison. Then maybe people would think twice about doing it. As we now have it the punishment is a joke and there is no good reason for a business not to take the chance.
Hey, you know who else wants to destroy business?
Hey, you know who else wants to destroy business?

Either you want to stop illegal immigration or you do not. Clearly you do not. A slap on the wrist of employers will never do it, and as long as they are willing to pay them to come, they will come.
Either you want to stop illegal immigration or you do not. Clearly you do not. A slap on the wrist of employers will never do it, and as long as they are willing to pay them to come, they will come.

Hey, I got an idea, how about we address the influx of illegal immigration first, then we can look at common sense things to deal with these companies...
Hey, I got an idea, how about we address the influx of illegal immigration first, then we can look at common sense things to deal with these companies...

First, I would say if we take away their reason to come, that will address the influx.

Second, I would also say we can deal with both at the same time. But we never address the problem of those willing to hire them as they are the ones the control the politicians we keep sending to office.
First, I would say if we take away their reason to come, that will address the influx.
What do you see as "their reason to come"?

Second, I would also say we can deal with both at the same time. But we never address the problem of those willing to hire them as they are the ones the control the politicians we keep sending to office.

While I am sympathetic to the idea of cracking down on business that are hiring illegals, I don't think that they are at fault by themselves. And charging through like bulls in a china shop, razing business in America is not the answer either...

Like I said, first we have to hold those in charge of allowing our illegal immigrant problem to swell to nearly 30 million in this country...So, the current administration seems to be allowing entry at will...let's start there.
What do you see as "their reason to come"?

The come here to work and get paid by these companies

While I am sympathetic to the idea of cracking down on business that are hiring illegals, I don't think that they are at fault by themselves. And charging through like bulls in a china shop, razing business in America is not the answer either...

We have never, in all the time we have been trying to stop/slow illegal immigration gone after businesses with any real force. What we have been doing has not worked, maybe it is time to try something new.

Like I said, first we have to hold those in charge of allowing our illegal immigrant problem to swell to nearly 30 million in this country...So, the current administration seems to be allowing entry at will...let's start there.

The current Admin did not let in 30 million people, they have been let in by both parties for 40 plus years. As long as you keep voting for either party of the duopoly you will never be able to hold them accountable.
The come here to work and get paid by these companies

We have never, in all the time we have been trying to stop/slow illegal immigration gone after businesses with any real force. What we have been doing has not worked, maybe it is time to try something new.

The current Admin did not let in 30 million people, they have been let in by both parties for 40 plus years. As long as you keep voting for either party of the duopoly you will never be able to hold them accountable.
try something new like secure the border??
The come here to work and get paid by these companies

That's it? Not because America is a generous country? While true they want to come here for the opprotunity, for the freedom, and for the relative safety of being an American, they are NOT American's...And, they are a drain on our systems...

We have never, in all the time we have been trying to stop/slow illegal immigration gone after businesses with any real force. What we have been doing has not worked, maybe it is time to try something new.
I agree, but that alone isn't the answer either..We have to make it hard for businesses that hire these people to sell their goods....Government is not the answer, but maybe publish a list of businesses that make their products with illegal labor, and the public refuse to buy from them.

The current Admin did not let in 30 million people, they have been let in by both parties for 40 plus years. As long as you keep voting for either party of the duopoly you will never be able to hold them accountable.

Oh, here we go...Look, I am not a fan of casting my vote for someone who has litterally NO CHANCE of winning. And, this administration may not have let all the illegalls in, but they have let in 2 million this year alone, and that is the highest amount in one year of ANY administration ever...So, why are they doing it?

A year probation…not good enough for a person with no record?

There was a ton of violations in that one charge..........

I don't believe Wesley Snipes had ever been charged before.
All talk, no action. Florida companies rely heavily on illegal workers from agricultural to working in the service industry. No way Desantis is biting the hand the feeds him
Well, considering they hand out hypocrisy trophies in the QOP.

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