DeSantis Goes Full Fascist

Shit for brains with no damn idea what a fascist actually is, dumbing down the term by applying it to anybody who does something they don't like or agree with.
I'm not going to let the thread get derailed with arm-wrestling over definitions. Call it whatever the hell you want. He has no respect for the rights of private businesses, or citizens. He thinks the government should be allowed to punish people for promoting "woke" ideology. He's using the government to dictate social norms, to fight the culture war.
The disturbing thing is that the party supporting this shit is the one that, traditionally, nominally, we rely on to push back against intrusive statist government. But now they're all in on it. Both parties are now willing to trash the principles of liberty and limited government, as long it scores them points in the "culture war".
How sad that Dems cheer America being a county without morals.
Like pretty much everything you post, the question wasn't real. You're just making excuses for the culture war bullshit. No one buys the story that DeSantis is concerned about retirement accounts. He's playing to the anti-woke crowd.

It's funny, because I'm pretty sure you brag about him doing it in other threads, but here you're denying it.
Oh no, the question was real, it had a question mark and everything…

Problem is, you will avoid it because it exposes your bullshit narrative…
Oh no, the question was real, it had a question mark and everything…

Problem is, you will avoid it because it exposes your bullshit narrative…
I avoided it because it's irrelevant. DeSantis wants to sue Budweiser because they went woke. If they'd lost money from putting a pro-life message in their ads, and dems boycotted - DeSantis would not be trying to sue them. Are you really going to deny that? With a straight face?
Legally, there are no grounds for his anti-woke crap. Just excuses.
Back in the 80s there was a big pension scandal over here where a guy called Maxwell stole money from a pension fund.
Rules were changed and comtrol of the funds was taken away from the boss.
Pension funds were run by elected trustees.

The trustees delegated investment decisions to investment professionals and they made investment decisions within strict criteria..

I was a trustee for several years and it was pretty much above my pay grade,

In our case the advisers didnt invest directly but subbed out decision making to the big investment firms..

These guys are long term investors, 10 or 29 years at least. Buds wobble would be seen as a buying opportunity not a problem.

You would need to be a simpleton to see this as anything but electioneering. And it should be illegal.
I wonder what grounds he is basing his claim on ?
Om the last 5 years the stock has risen from 37 to 52. It’s not amazing but pension funds are not casino investors.
Why go only 5 years? Why not 10? Truth is, AB is a big company….Bud light is but one brand for them…If you want a head to head comparison, you’d look at Bud Light since the Mulveny roll out, but you won’t, because honesty to you is, as sunlight is to a vampire, avoid at all costs….
I avoided it because it's irrelevant. DeSantis wants to sue Budweiser because they went woke. If they'd lost money from putting a pro-life message in their ads, and dems boycotted - DeSantis would not be trying to sue them. Are you really going to deny that? With a straight face?
You sound scared he’d win….
You sound scared he’d win….
I'm scared the Court will let him get away with it. If they do, every populist governor looking to whip up support will go on these kinds of vendettas. The next one will be a Democrat going after companies who aren't promoting wokism. Is that what you want?
DeSantis is an actual authoritarian. Trump plays one within his mental illness for acceptance and protection, but DeSantis appears to be the real deal.

Imagine if DeSantis had Trump's illness. He WOULD be shooting people on Fifth Avenue.
Allowing people to keep their businesses open and assemble freely is not an indication of an authoritarian.

The actual authoritarians are the ones who do not allow such
Back in the 80s there was a big pension scandal over here where a guy called Maxwell stole money from a pension fund.
Rules were changed and comtrol of the funds was taken away from the boss.
Pension funds were run by elected trustees.

The trustees delegated investment decisions to investment professionals and they made investment decisions within strict criteria..

I was a trustee for several years and it was pretty much above my pay grade,

In our case the advisers didnt invest directly but subbed out decision making to the big investment firms..

These guys are long term investors, 10 or 29 years at least. Buds wobble would be seen as a buying opportunity not a problem.

You would need to be a simpleton to see this as anything but electioneering. And it should be illegal.
Clearly you don’t see Bud Light’s move as smart….So, my question stands Tommy, why would a company that wants EVERYONE to drink their beer, risk pissing off 99% of their customers? Doesn’t make sense….
Why go only 5 years? Why not 10? Truth is, AB is a big company….Bud light is but one brand for them…If you want a head to head comparison, you’d look at Bud Light since the Mulveny roll out, but you won’t, because honesty to you is, as sunlight is to a vampire, avoid at all costs….
Bud Light is a pin prick on an elephant. In bev share price crashed a lot more 5 years ago. Where was defascist then ?
You seem to be a simpleton. I think the absurdity of desantis actions is lost on you. You must be the base he is appealing to.
I'm scared the Court will let him get away with it. If they do, every populist governor looking to whip up support will go on these kinds of vendettas. The next one will be a Democrat going after companies who aren't promoting wokism. Is that what you want?
Oh yeah, I suggest y’all do that…I’m sure it’ll be a hit…
Bud Light is a pin prick on an elephant. In bev share price crashed a lot more 5 years ago. Where was defascist then ?
You seem to be a simpleton. I think the absurdity of desantis actions is lost on you. You must be the base he is appealing to.
So, ignore the question in favor of personal attack….typical when you know you’re wrong…
Oh yeah, I suggest y’all do that…I’m sure it’ll be a hit…
If it's a predominantly Democrat state, it probably will be a hit.

But can't we both agree that it would suck?
So, ignore the question in favor of personal attack….typical when you know you’re wrong…
Your question is stupid. Corporations make mistakes all the time. Thats why you should stay out of the market if you are risk averse, or fucking stupid.

Buds mistake was in misjudging the level of civilisation in their market.

If you want state control of corporations vote for ron.
Your question is stupid. Corporations make mistakes all the time. Thats why you should stay out of the market if you are risk averse, or fucking stupid.
Buds mistake was in misjudging the level of civilisation in their market.
Hopefully other companies now realize there is a price to be paid for giving in to minorities.

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