DeSantis is becoming a One Trick Pony

If that is the best you got on Biden, you will be easily defeated once again

If all you have is potato head, poopy pants, Lets go Brandon……it may go well with far right knuckleheads, but the rest of the voters will be turned off
OK…if that is the best you have

Inflation has dropped 5 percent
Biden Administration is corruption free… indictments
Green New Deal and Climate Change legislation are very popular
The border is not affecting most Americans lives. Other than constant fear mongering in the RW Echo Chamber, few care
Biden's performance has not been impressive for 3 years. He is getting his ass kicked by every tiny nation's leaders in the world.

That's not remotely true. Contrary to the lies and conspiracy stories the billionaire owned, right wing media continue to promulgate, Biden is respected the world over. NAT0 leaders don't laugh in his face, or make jokes at his expense, like they did Trump.

But then Biden is prepared, sane and reasonable, unlike Dumb Donald.
DeSantis’s other obstacle to becoming President is he can’t counter Trumps attacks

Trump is free to taunt and ridicule DeSantis with anything that crosses his mind whether it is true or not.

DeSantis is not allowed to bring up..

Trump lost in 2020 and will lose again
Trump losing Republican strongholds in Arizona and Georgia
Two impeachments and multiple indictments
Trump cannot beat Biden
Jan 6

Trump is playing Jedi mind tricks on DeSantis. He is egging DeSantis on and DeSantis is doing it. I didn't think that Trump was capable of playing a subtle game like this. It shows how dump DeSantis is. The first rule when you are in a hole is to stop digging. Apparently DeSantis is going to dig until he reaches China.
Trump did not lose in 2020. That lie will never be the truth. That cowards and traitors accept it as truth is the fact here. A post truth society cannot possibly succeed much longer. So you will get what you want and freedom will disappear if people continue live on lies.

He lost in 2020 and that is the truth whether you accept it or not. Republicans are assaulting our freedoms.

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