Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

  • Total voters
If they do find a suspect you can almost be sure that it will be some poor Trump supporting smuck who goes to church every week and has been a good model citizen all his life.. Hey, you never know.
I agree. There is no way anyone with a brain would try to do something like this and fuck up the positive momentum the Republicans have going into the election. If it is a Trump supporter or right winger, the person is probably a complete dumb fuck.

Anyone who is dumb enough to vote for Trump, is dumb and gullible enough to do this.
ROFL! Sorry, but Hillary voters are the ones with the requisite brainpower. Your dumb enough to believe that it was an actual attempt to assassinate Dims.

The absolute hillarity of you calling anyone dumb is the best laugh I've had all day. You couldn't find a clue standing in a clue field, covered in clue musk. We've seen that with you time and time again.

Yes, I think that the FBI is investigating the FACT that SOMEONE sent viable, working bombs to the homes of two past Presidents, a former AG, a former Secretary of State, the former head of the CIA, an elderly Democrat supporter, and a current US Senator, all of whom have been targets of virulent attacks by Donald Trump.

These weren't fake bombs, or pretend bombs. These were real bombs which would have detonated on opening, had they reached their intended recipients. Nobody would do such a deadly or dangerous thing, as a campaign tactic, just because of the potential for something to go amiss and the bomb could explode prematurely killing someone other than the intended recipient.
Sorry, turd, but no one has said they are real bombs except morons like you. The fact that none of them went off is an indication that they weren't functional. The claim that some Dim wouldn't do something as stupid as this doesn't pass the laugh test. Democrats have demonstrated such stupidity over and over and over. Dim idiots telling us we are obligated to believe the amnesiac Christine Ford is proof of that.
”Sorry, turd, but no one has said they are real bombs except morons like you.”

Fucking moron...

Explosive device found in Soros post box

Arriving at the scene, police discovered a device that was later confirmed by officials to have contained explosive powder and "had the components" of a bomb. It was then "proactively detonated", police said.
Yes I remember. One shooter who happened to be Muslim, acting for reasons that we will never know vs. may acts of hate against Muslims -as I have documented.
San Bernardino
Westminster Bridge
Sept. 11, Benghazi
Sept. 20 Beirut 1984
1988 Scotland airplane
1979 Tehran

Nov. 26, India

I hope FBI gets to bottom of this immediately and I predict it will lead to a college campus and a liberal.

Guess what I just read? All the bombs outside of the NYC area were sent via mail and all the bombs inside the NYC area were hand-delivered.

How many staunch Trump conservatives do you know in NYC?

Getting nervous yet, Dems?
His Katonah home is outside of NYC. :eusa_doh:
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
Trump said he was a Nationalist. Go ahead and make it about race dipshit

Who needs to make it racist? Hitler was a nationalist too.
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
Trump said he was a Nationalist. Go ahead and make it about race dipshit

Trump has embraced the white nationalists

“Some of them are good people”
good god the mispresentation on this one will live forever i suppose.

there were NOT just white nationalists there. there were also people against removing history in a mob-like fashion and many of those people are in fact GOOD PEOPLE.

i know the left hate it when they get pulled into the bullshit their extremes do, but it seems some on the left have zero issue doing to others when they hate done to them.
Jews will not replace us
where in the name of unholy fucknuggets did this come from?

nevermind. i'd rather not understand something as stupid as this.
I guess some folks are taking Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Barak Obama seriously when they urge their Cult Members and any other loon listening to Use Violence to gain political power.

They are so desperate in fact, I believe they'd actually resort to placing Fake Bombs in their own mailboxes in the hopes of gaining some political and sympathetic leverage to stem the tide of the Red Wave that is about to Drown Their Marxist Hope And Dreams.

The Dems Faked The Russian Hoax. They Even Filed False Affidavits in The FISA Court. They stole Debate Questions, Rigged their Primaries, and are even funding a FAKE Carravan all neatly timed to make headlines just a couple weeks before The Mid Terms. They FAKED Sexual Assault Allegations against a SCOTUS Judge.

They Accused him of being a SEX, DRUGS AND RAPE & ROLL KING PING at Age 17. LMFAO. Their Champion, Spaghetti Avenatti, Cost Stormy Daniels, who has seen more Cocks than a Chicken Ranch, Public Humiliation, The Loss of Millions, and The Angst of having to pay Donald Trump's Legal Fees for her False Allegations, and now finds himself owing Millions in Taxes, Millions in Restitution to his former attorneys in his Law Firm, and just Got Evicted from His Office.

Maybe he can find a job as an Ambulance Driver since he wasn't very good at chasing them?

This is the way all Wicked Plots should end up....with The Dems Eating Crow, Paying for their Lies and suffering Financial and Political Damages.

False Flag? Bomb Detonated Outside Soros’ Home – Infowars Live Coverage

Avenatti's bad day: Evicted from office, ordered to pay $4.85M to former employee

The Secret Service Just Released a Photo of "The Device"

Nothing to worry about. It's just a clock.


The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."

Hey, how has the weather been in Moscow this week? Are you and your comrades keeping warm?
Only an utter douchebag would blame Trump for this. The fact that all you forum snowflakes have leaped on it to blame Trump and Republicans shows that it is probably a false flag operation. Dims have learned well from the Nazis and the Reichstag fire.
Liberals have politicized this immediately.

Dumbfuck, this was political when bombs were delivered to politicians.


The Crazy Right Wing is in a tizzy, since it is obvious that bombgate is a product of Trumpism rhetoric.

Yesterday, "Trump Tries Bipartisanship, Then Blames the Media."
I guess some folks are taking Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Barak Obama seriously when they urge their Cult Members and any other loon listening to Use Violence to gain political power.

They are so desperate in fact, I believe they'd actually resort to placing Fake Bombs in their own mailboxes in the hopes of gaining some political and sympathetic leverage to stem the tide of the Red Wave that is about to Drown Their Marxist Hope And Dreams.

The Dems Faked The Russian Hoax. They Even Filed False Affidavits in The FISA Court. They stole Debate Questions, Rigged their Primaries, and are even funding a FAKE Carravan all neatly timed to make headlines just a couple weeks before The Mid Terms. They FAKED Sexual Assault Allegations against a SCOTUS Judge.

They Accused him of being a SEX, DRUGS AND RAPE & ROLL KING PING at Age 17. LMFAO. Their Champion, Spaghetti Avenatti, Cost Stormy Daniels, who has seen more Cocks than a Chicken Ranch, Public Humiliation, The Loss of Millions, and The Angst of having to pay Donald Trump's Legal Fees for her False Allegations, and now finds himself owing Millions in Taxes, Millions in Restitution to his former attorneys in his Law Firm, and just Got Evicted from His Office.

Maybe he can find a job as an Ambulance Driver since he wasn't very good at chasing them?

This is the way all Wicked Plots should end up....with The Dems Eating Crow, Paying for their Lies and suffering Financial and Political Damages.

False Flag? Bomb Detonated Outside Soros’ Home – Infowars Live Coverage

Avenatti's bad day: Evicted from office, ordered to pay $4.85M to former employee

The Secret Service Just Released a Photo of "The Device"

Nothing to worry about. It's just a clock.


Well Boris, what evidence do you have for your immediate attack on the Democrats. Did Val send you a memo to protect trump, who is clearly a Viceroy in the employ of Russia.
could be anyone at this point.

pointing to a single source like "trumpies" is just asinine and agenda driven.
I notice you did not chastise the OP for starting a topic to speculate it could be a "Bern Bot", you fucking retarded hypocrite.

Which is precisely what I was doing satirically, dumbass.

Who tried to kill Republicans during a softball game? Who attacked Ted Cruz at a restaurant? Mitch McConnell? Kirsten Nielsen? Sarah Sanders? Also Trumpies? Stupid gay clown.
"Attacked"? Lying Ted was attacked? Yurtle the Turtle was attacked? Is that your definition of a verbal confrontation? If so, where have you been in all those cases of people being "attacked" in restaurants and stores if they are speaking Spanish? Where were you when those black men were "attacked" for having a barbeque in a park in Oakland? Or that little girl was "attacked" for selling water bottles on her stoop?

Verbally attacked yes. Why do those attacks justify these ones doesn’t make any sense. All should be condemned. Why is your Nazi mind trying to justify this?
Bombs and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me

Verbal attacks are not the same as far right terrorist attacks

Unless they escalate. What far right terrorist attacks are you talking about. If someone got in my face the way they did with Cruz, I would KO them.
Trump called on his minions and this is what you get

All his enemies
Yes because with a comfortable lead right at the chute & bugle call for the ponies to race, it makes sense that Trump’s people would hamstring their own horse all of a sudden as a favor to a democrat lead.

Why weren’t the bombs sent just after the election? Usually bombs are sent with a motive. That’s what the experts are saying. :popcorn:
Hardly comfortable

Trump knows he will lose the House
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Mr. RW, you oughten to gloat just yet, because Trump did not contact his minions to send bombs, he is not desperate, and his is not the house to lose. He is in the Executive branch, not either House of Congress, and not the Supreme Court. Yesterday, after the bomb boxes with alarm clocks inside were sent not only to Democrats, but at least one mailed threat was thwarted before it got to the White House, and others to Republicans. It's just that the press refuses to report things against Republicans, because they live to pull another fast one for Hillary.since a lot of the alien voter malarkey has been dealt with. Your party has lost the good will of the American people, yet your leaders never stop sending you all little sound bites to tell the nation, plus you think up some boners all by yourself, don't you like the vapid accusation that somehow President Trump had ordered his 'minions' to do it. In fact, the only thing he had to do with the bombings was to condemn them from his bully pulpit yesterday, which the lying losers of the leftist press criticized him for it, thinking that once again they could marginalize this good businessman, President Donald Trump. Naughty, naughty, Mr. RW. You rascal, you. :lame2:
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
Trump said he was a Nationalist. Go ahead and make it about race dipshit

Trump has embraced the white nationalists

“Some of them are good people”
good god the mispresentation on this one will live forever i suppose.

there were NOT just white nationalists there. there were also people against removing history in a mob-like fashion and many of those people are in fact GOOD PEOPLE.

i know the left hate it when they get pulled into the bullshit their extremes do, but it seems some on the left have zero issue doing to others when they hate done to them.
Jews will not replace us
where in the name of unholy fucknuggets did this come from?

nevermind. i'd rather not understand something as stupid as this.
Obviously never followed the story
Trump called on his minions and this is what you get

All his enemies
Yes because with a comfortable lead right at the chute & bugle call for the ponies to race, it makes sense that Trump’s people would hamstring their own horse all of a sudden as a favor to a democrat lead.

Why weren’t the bombs sent just after the election? Usually bombs are sent with a motive. That’s what the experts are saying. :popcorn:
Hardly comfortable

Trump knows he will lose the House
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Mr. RW, you oughten to gloat just yet, because Trump did not contact his minions to send bombs, he is not desperate, and his is not the house to lose. He is in the Executive branch, not either House of Congress, and not the Supreme Court. Yesterday, after the bomb boxes with alarm clocks inside were sent not only to Democrats, but at least one mailed threat was thwarted before it got to the White House, and others to Republicans. It's just that the press refuses to report things against Republicans, because they live to pull another fast one for Hillary.since a lot of the alien voter malarkey has been dealt with. Your party has lost the good will of the American people, yet your leaders never stop sending you all little sound bites to tell the nation, plus you think up some boners all by yourself, don't you like the vapid accusation that somehow President Trump had ordered his 'minions' to do it. In fact, the only thing he had to do with the bombings was to condemn them from his bully pulpit yesterday, which the lying losers of the leftist press criticized him for it, thinking that once again they could marginalize this good businessman, President Donald Trump. Naughty, naughty, Mr. RW. You rascal, you. :lame2:
This has Trump written all over it

He has an app on his phone to send bombs

Let me see?
Hillary....... yes
Soros....... oh yes
Maxine Waters...... bomb that bitch
Deniro..........Yes, Yes,Yes

Only question...... why didn’t he send one to Rosie ODonnel?
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

Lots of words and no proof. Typical Lying RePuBliKlan. White Nationalist Trash.

Again, a whole lot of words and no real proof. You are using conjecture, contention and suposition....but you no evidence to support a damn thing.

Each of the people who received a bomb is political enemy of of the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Coward 45.

You are using a rather far fetched and heretofore unproven theory to support a claim you cannnot support.

Yet another White Trashnationalist raving on about something he does not know about....typical Facist Loving 45 following, Puting Loving Traitor.
The Crazy Right Wing is in a tizzy, since it is obvious that bombgate is a product of Trumpism rhetoric.
Do not worry your little heads over "bombgate" as other more important news stories will be on tonight's news and every day and night following since this unexploded bomb farce is boring and uninteresting to most people during a busy work week.
Look up the meaning of "nationalist". But the alt left liberal/dumbocrats want to associate that word with the KKK. The lefty liberal fake news is now going ballistic over the word "nationalist". They will say anything to get dummies to listen too them. Trump is not a globalist/communist. Trump is a nationalist and the word nationalist scares the shit out of the commie dumbocrats. :boo_hoo14: Just saying.
I did look it up, did you watch that interview?

Clarify. What interview?

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?

NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.
I did look it up, did you watch that interview?

Clarify. What interview?

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?

NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.

I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?
Typical of the apologists for the violent Russian/Trumpublican inspired White Nationalist movement. Get use to it, they will not concede power in the upcoming election with out violence.
The idiot who did this is not helping with the "Republican" cause.

He/she was either a Dem operative with connections or a motherfucking idiot, or both.

There are no Republicans left in American politics. They've been replace by Putin's Trumpybear and the Trumpublicans.

Hopefully whoever did this was stupid and left behind evidence.
Hopefully, the best people are on this right now.

I will speak honestly....if we find out that this was some moron on the Left.....I will be absolutely LIVID!!!!

It has all the makings of a leftist liberal/demoncrat hoax event. How convenient that this has happened with two weeks to go before the election? After the election it will disappear like magic. Investigation closed. If it were a demoncrat that did it it would be brushed under the carpet. Believe it or not.

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?


Hillary Rotten Clinton

Confront Republicans in their homes, in their bedrooms. They should not eat or sleep.

Think Progress Editor Tweets Republicans Should Be Confronted In Their Homes. Shapiro Issues One Hell Of A Warning.

And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
Trump said he was a Nationalist. Go ahead and make it about race dipshit

Who needs to make it racist? Hitler was a nationalist too.

And Stalin was a butcher communist. I would rather be a nationalist rather than be a communist which is what the demoncrats are starting to look like now. A bunch of communists fighting for their useless lives. Aw well.

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