Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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I guess some folks are taking Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Barak Obama seriously when they urge their Cult Members and any other loon listening to Use Violence to gain political power.

They are so desperate in fact, I believe they'd actually resort to placing Fake Bombs in their own mailboxes in the hopes of gaining some political and sympathetic leverage to stem the tide of the Red Wave that is about to Drown Their Marxist Hope And Dreams.

The Dems Faked The Russian Hoax. They Even Filed False Affidavits in The FISA Court. They stole Debate Questions, Rigged their Primaries, and are even funding a FAKE Carravan all neatly timed to make headlines just a couple weeks before The Mid Terms. They FAKED Sexual Assault Allegations against a SCOTUS Judge.

They Accused him of being a SEX, DRUGS AND RAPE & ROLL KING PING at Age 17. LMFAO. Their Champion, Spaghetti Avenatti, Cost Stormy Daniels, who has seen more Cocks than a Chicken Ranch, Public Humiliation, The Loss of Millions, and The Angst of having to pay Donald Trump's Legal Fees for her False Allegations, and now finds himself owing Millions in Taxes, Millions in Restitution to his former attorneys in his Law Firm, and just Got Evicted from His Office.

Maybe he can find a job as an Ambulance Driver since he wasn't very good at chasing them?

This is the way all Wicked Plots should end up....with The Dems Eating Crow, Paying for their Lies and suffering Financial and Political Damages.

False Flag? Bomb Detonated Outside Soros’ Home – Infowars Live Coverage

Avenatti's bad day: Evicted from office, ordered to pay $4.85M to former employee

The Secret Service Just Released a Photo of "The Device"

Nothing to worry about. It's just a clock.


The bomb maker or other person who knowingly dropped off these suspicious packages is not known, but it is clear to every unbiased American that President Trump is culpable*** for this act of terrorism.

Trump's hate speech for each of the victims of this terrorist act were abetted by his words.

***Culpable: "Encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense."

Hey, how has the weather been in Moscow this week? Are you and your comrades keeping warm?
Only an utter douchebag would blame Trump for this. The fact that all you forum snowflakes have leaped on it to blame Trump and Republicans shows that it is probably a false flag operation. Dims have learned well from the Nazis and the Reichstag fire.
Liberals have politicized this immediately.
I hope FBI gets to bottom of this immediately and I predict it will lead to a college campus and a liberal.
This is such a sloppy attemp, that if the FBI does not find the perpetrator within 48 hours, I will be highly suspicious.

If they do find a suspect you can almost be sure that it will be some poor Trump supporting smuck who goes to church every week and has been a good model citizen all his life.. Hey, you never know.
I agree. There is no way anyone with a brain would try to do something like this and fuck up the positive momentum the Republicans have going into the election. If it is a Trump supporter or right winger, the person is probably a complete dumb fuck.

Anyone who is dumb enough to vote for Trump, is dumb and gullible enough to do this.
ROFL! Sorry, but Hillary voters are the ones with the requisite brainpower. Your dumb enough to believe that it was an actual attempt to assassinate Dims.

The absolute hillarity of you calling anyone dumb is the best laugh I've had all day. You couldn't find a clue standing in a clue field, covered in clue musk. We've seen that with you time and time again.

Yes, I think that the FBI is investigating the FACT that SOMEONE sent viable, working bombs to the homes of two past Presidents, a former AG, a former Secretary of State, the former head of the CIA, an elderly Democrat supporter, and a current US Senator, all of whom have been targets of virulent attacks by Donald Trump.

These weren't fake bombs, or pretend bombs. These were real bombs which would have detonated on opening, had they reached their intended recipients. Nobody would do such a deadly or dangerous thing, as a campaign tactic, just because of the potential for something to go amiss and the bomb could explode prematurely killing someone other than the intended recipient.

Well, theres a few questions that need to be answered though. If this really was a RW'er trying to kill these people, he was not very sophisticated. There is no way in hell any of these people on the list open their own packages that come in the mail. They all have to be screened. Especially since recently there has been a Ricin scare in the mail that was sent to Trump and the Pentagon.

All these people probably have multiple homes, so it would also be interesting to see if the sender was aware of where all the targets were at the time, and if they were staying at those particular homes at the time.
I see a pretty strong scenario here where it could very well have been a Left wing zealot sending these packages, in that they would know very well that the bombs would be intercepted, but the real intent would be to get the headlines you are seeing right now. Something else to link to Trump right before the elections.
When it comes to election time, Democrats don't have any solid policy platforms to run on, so they rely on situations like this to rally support. Then again, it's still possible it was a Rwinger but I'm thinking it's about a toss up.
So essentially had 9/11 occurred a year earlier, it would have been viewed by you idiots as some sort of set-up by President Bill Clinton to garner support?

The belief in conspiracy theories has gotten to the comical levels.
I hope FBI gets to bottom of this immediately and I predict it will lead to a college campus and a liberal.

If no one is apprehended, indicted and convicted in open court by a jury, where the defendant has the right to speak his side of the story, it's 100% bs.
This is such a sloppy attemp, that if the FBI does not find the perpetrator within 48 hours, I will be highly suspicious.

If they do find a suspect you can almost be sure that it will be some poor Trump supporting smuck who goes to church every week and has been a good model citizen all his life.. Hey, you never know.
I agree. There is no way anyone with a brain would try to do something like this and fuck up the positive momentum the Republicans have going into the election. If it is a Trump supporter or right winger, the person is probably a complete dumb fuck.

Anyone who is dumb enough to vote for Trump, is dumb and gullible enough to do this.
ROFL! Sorry, but Hillary voters are the ones with the requisite brainpower. Your dumb enough to believe that it was an actual attempt to assassinate Dims.

The absolute hillarity of you calling anyone dumb is the best laugh I've had all day. You couldn't find a clue standing in a clue field, covered in clue musk. We've seen that with you time and time again.

Yes, I think that the FBI is investigating the FACT that SOMEONE sent viable, working bombs to the homes of two past Presidents, a former AG, a former Secretary of State, the former head of the CIA, an elderly Democrat supporter, and a current US Senator, all of whom have been targets of virulent attacks by Donald Trump.

These weren't fake bombs, or pretend bombs. These were real bombs which would have detonated on opening, had they reached their intended recipients. Nobody would do such a deadly or dangerous thing, as a campaign tactic, just because of the potential for something to go amiss and the bomb could explode prematurely killing someone other than the intended recipient.
Sorry, turd, but no one has said they are real bombs except morons like you. The fact that none of them went off is an indication that they weren't functional. The claim that some Dim wouldn't do something as stupid as this doesn't pass the laugh test. Democrats have demonstrated such stupidity over and over and over. Dim idiots telling us we are obligated to believe the amnesiac Christine Ford is proof of that.
I hope FBI gets to bottom of this immediately and I predict it will lead to a college campus and a liberal.

Guess what I just read? All the bombs outside of the NYC area were sent via mail and all the bombs inside the NYC area were hand-delivered.

How many staunch Trump conservatives do you know in NYC?

Getting nervous yet, Dems?
Anything is possible right now.
The article asserts completely baselessly that Democrats are running a false flag operation by sending bombs to themselves to frame the poor ol' rightwing nutters.That is ALL you have to say about this shameless bullshit spreading? "meh anything is possible"?
Anything is possible right now. The lunatics are running the asylum.

Only one of those those lunatics would deny that.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!

Facts shmacts.

When the same folks investigating the whole fiasco were in charge of orchestrating it?


What we ought to do is pay special attention when they say they can't conclusively tell us anything or investigate the background of the patsy.

I do hope you are right and this is just a crazy fanatic. My experience is that this is not how the world works. think the Secret Service and the FBI sent these bombs?

Not officially per se, no. Rather, it would be a cabal, or select individuals within said agencies which have the interests of the agencies in mind, rather than the good of the nation or integrity of the process by believing that if the opposing party can gain more power, their agency would benefit.

This is the very definition of how the Deep State works.
Shee-it! Why wait fer facts? Letz make sum shit up and call it good! Letz go on and on fer hours until we bleev our own bullshit!

And then iffen the mad bomber turns out ta be sump'n diffrint, we kin just call dat FAKE NEWS!

Dat's how this shit works, folks. Keep it reeeeeeeeeeel!

Facts shmacts.

When the same folks investigating the whole fiasco were in charge of orchestrating it?


What we ought to do is pay special attention when they say they can't conclusively tell us anything or investigate the background of the patsy.

I do hope you are right and this is just a crazy fanatic. My experience is that this is not how the world works. think the Secret Service and the FBI sent these bombs?

Not officially per se, no. Rather, it would be a cabal, or select individuals within said agencies which have the interests of the agencies in mind, rather than the good of the nation or integrity of the process by believing that if the opposing party can gain more power, their agency would benefit.

This is the very definition of how the Deep State works.
You might be a dupe if you think all those targeted for bombs, who just happen to be outspoken Trump haters, is just a coincidence.
Oh really Bubba?
Now you're questioning obvious facts? That isnt a very effective debate tool since all it takes is for someone to start posting links to the MANY democrat hoaxes over the past few years to crush your illconceived position.
Bring it on. I'll be looking forward to a good laugh at you expense.
Let's start with these, Chuckles.

Post-Election "Racism" Hoaxes
In the case of the Michigan woman, again, there is no indication that she is a democrat or working as part of a Democratic Plot. Granted, she may have been trying to pin it on a white guy, for whatever reason but we don't know what her motive was, and just because the police could not confirm it, that does not mean that he didn't happen. We do know that there is plenty of violence against Muslims. So shut the fuck up until you can come up with something better
There has been barely any violence against muslims at all. They have been much more of a problem for us, than we have been for them.
I have to wonder it it is even possible that you believe your own horseshit:

Hate Crimes Against American Muslims Most Since Post-9/11 Era
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.
Where's your evidence?
They only demand irrefutable evidence of sexual assault
The same nutters who think Obama was born in Kenya think the Dems were behind the mail box bombs.


So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
Trump said he was a Nationalist. Go ahead and make it about race dipshit


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