Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

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You assholes have no idea who did this yet. The person doing this was so fucking dumb I wouldn't be surprised if they did it to help Democrats. Why don't we wait till we find out who did it first?
Democrats are going to send out working bombs to other Democrats nitwit. This was sent out by Republicans. No doubt about it.
Who says they were working bombs?

Apparently one of them were dumbshit the soros bomb exploded in the woods.
Nope. the FBI "blew it up." There's no evidence it could have exploded on its own.

If you know so much then you would know that a couple were intercepted by secret service and not make it to their destinations, soros was placed in his mailbox by either a mailman or someone else and the other's were sent through the mail. So the FBI blew it up but it wasn't an explosive since they are the ones who denotated it.
I haven't seen any proof that the one Soros received was "placed in his mailbox by either a mailman or someone else." I have seen no proof that any of them were sent through the mail.

You are claiming to know a lot of things that you can't possibly know.
Anything is possible right now.

The article asserts completely baselessly that Democrats are running a false flag operation by sending bombs to themselves to frame the poor ol' rightwing nutters.

That is ALL you have to say about this shameless bullshit spreading?

"meh anything is possible"? :rolleyes:
hey spaghetti avenatti this year was made for you s-l300.jpg
Democrats are going to send out working bombs to other Democrats nitwit. This was sent out by Republicans. No doubt about it.
Who says they were working bombs?

Apparently one of them were dumbshit the soros bomb exploded in the woods.
Nope. the FBI "blew it up." There's no evidence it could have exploded on its own.

If you know so much then you would know that a couple were intercepted by secret service and not make it to their destinations, soros was placed in his mailbox by either a mailman or someone else and the other's were sent through the mail. So the FBI blew it up but it wasn't an explosive since they are the ones who denotated it.
I haven't seen any proof that the one Soros received was "placed in his mailbox by either a mailman or someone else." I have seen no proof that any of them were sent through the mail.

You are claiming to know a lot of things that you can't possibly know.
You are also claiming to know things that you can’t possibly know... like when you said that the Dems did it.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.
It takes an entire network of intelligent and sane people to deliver that many bombs to that many different distant locations at one time.

People of such intelligence and sanity would not target these people before midterms to begin with, since:

1: Clintons, Obamas and CNN not running for office, nor will they ever run again.
2: It makes conservatives look really bad
3: It's guaranteed to generate many Democrat votes in the midterms to tip the balance in swing districts.

There is no clear motive or objective that such an attack could ensure for any group/network of sane and intelligent conservatives.

When people get captured for this, they better get a full public trial so we can hear what their goals were (although something tells me they'll never catch them, since the Dems themselves did it, notice how conveniently no one got hurt, even a though a supposed network of sane and intelligent people successfully coordinated to accomplish every task needed except the grand finale of the bombs going off).

Nice try Dems with an "October Surprise" you're obviously getting DESPERATE.

While I think its a possibility the Dems were behind it, if the packages were mailed, I would think it highly unlikely the order would have come don from the top to do this. It would be too much of a risk sending live explosives through the mail.

My thinking it could have been a Trump supporter, for the obvious reasons but, it also could just be a random bat shit crazy Antifa type as well. The idea is, anyone with a brain would have to realize none of these people open their own mail. They are too important, so these things would be screened first by SS or someone compatible to that.

If it was a leftist who mailed these bombs it would be with the understanding that there was a zero chance Hillary, Obama, or Soros would actually be injured. They would have to know that by sending those packages they would instead be creating a big news story about the RW, without even putting their beloved leaders in jeopardy. SO, yes it is possible it was a Left Winger, but I dont think Hillary or any of them would be in on it.

You mean that this was delivered by the USPS or was it simply placed in the mailboxes? Because the USPS has equipment to detect explosives unless these were extremely complicated IEDs which I doubt because this was a DNC operation.

The only thing I read, said the packages were addressed, so that leads me to believe they were mailed.... but its probably too early to make conclusions without more info. Even then, we may not know if all the information is being disclosed to the public.

They were addressed to give the false impression that they were mailed via a shipping agency. They said there was even a fake return address to feign authenticity.

Thus it seems like these intelligent sane conspirators did everything perfectly to deliver the bombs...except detonate them...LOL
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
Hidden Army?

Your GI-Joe dolls remain, untouched, and in their original boxes, in Mommies basement,.
When ricin was sent to the Pentagon and White House a couple weeks ago, was Maxine Waters and CNN to blame?

Get a grip, assholes.

This is awful. Period. It needs to stop and whoever did it should be found and brought to justice.

Period. PERIOD! (To quote Uncle Joe.)
Could be, Democrats are known for feigning attacks. They've been busted on numerous occasions.
Oh really Bubba?
Now you're questioning obvious facts? That isnt a very effective debate tool since all it takes is for someone to start posting links to the MANY democrat hoaxes over the past few years to crush your illconceived position.
Bring it on. I'll be looking forward to a good laugh at you expense.
Let's start with these, Chuckles.

Post-Election "Racism" Hoaxes
In the case of the Michigan woman, again, there is no indication that she is a democrat or working as part of a Democratic Plot. Granted, she may have been trying to pin it on a white guy, for whatever reason but we don't know what her motive was, and just because the police could not confirm it, that does not mean that he didn't happen. We do know that there is plenty of violence against Muslims. So shut the fuck up until you can come up with something better
There has been barely any violence against muslims at all. They have been much more of a problem for us, than we have been for them.
Now you're questioning obvious facts? That isnt a very effective debate tool since all it takes is for someone to start posting links to the MANY democrat hoaxes over the past few years to crush your illconceived position.
Bring it on. I'll be looking forward to a good laugh at you expense.
Let's start with these, Chuckles.

Post-Election "Racism" Hoaxes
Holy fucking shit!! Are you serious??! You said that there have been many Democratic hoaxes.

You present the case of one obviously disturbed college kid who believed that he was slighted by some Jewish people

First of all there is no indication that he is a Democrat -and certainly no information that he was part of any sort of plot or hoax.

The fact is, that there is no information at all that indicates that he was trying to pull off a hoax at all and may have acted out of beliefs that he actually holds as opposed to trying to pin it on anyone else.

And, it is stated that the KKK is practically non existent… that is bullshit ignorance

This is a pathetic example on your part!
Hey retard, there were a lot more examples after the first one. Try working on that reading comprehension.
Oh, you have to call me a retard? What a good and smart BOY you are. That really shows a lot of confidence, intelligence, and well honed debating skills LOL! There is nothing wrong with my reading comprehension, but there seems to be much wrong with your logic and thinking skills. You might want to quit while your behind.
Then why did you think there was one example in that link, retard? :lol:
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Again, note that these bombs are going to former Obama administration officials.

It is a strange target given the current approaching election.

The bomber is going after Democrats that Donald Trump has publically criticized on Twitter and in press conferences. Maxine Waters wasn't part of the Obama Administration.
I don’t think it was Pelosi, but the violent rhetoric from the left is the reason for it.

They should apologize and retract all of their violent statements.

It’s their fault.
Its shocking that there haven't been more nutty right wing guys doing stuff. The kind of shit Maxine has been talking has to be inviting for psychos. I still think this is likely a democrat hoax though. As usual, Republicans take the high road while Democrats take the low road. :lame2:
I don’t think it was Pelosi, but the violent rhetoric from the left is the reason for it.

They should apologize and retract all of their violent statements.

It’s their fault.
Its shocking that there haven't been more nutty right wing guys doing stuff. The kind of shit Maxine has been talking has to be inviting for psychos. I still think this is likely a democrat hoax though. As usual, Republicans take the high road while Democrats take the low road. :lame2:

It’s likely to be a left wing nut, but it could be a right wing nut.’s not Pelosi’s and Auntie Maxine’s fault and it’s not Trump’s fault.

Dimms are political opportunists to the core. They are vile.

If it was a right winger, it will be Trumps fault. If it was a left winger, it will be Trumps fault.
I guess some folks are taking Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Barak Obama seriously when they urge their Cult Members and any other loon listening to Use Violence to gain political power.

They are so desperate in fact, I believe they'd actually resort to placing Fake Bombs in their own mailboxes in the hopes of gaining some political and sympathetic leverage to stem the tide of the Red Wave that is about to Drown Their Marxist Hope And Dreams.

The Dems Faked The Russian Hoax. They Even Filed False Affidavits in The FISA Court. They stole Debate Questions, Rigged their Primaries, and are even funding a FAKE Carravan all neatly timed to make headlines just a couple weeks before The Mid Terms. They FAKED Sexual Assault Allegations against a SCOTUS Judge.

They Accused him of being a SEX, DRUGS AND RAPE & ROLL KING PING at Age 17. LMFAO. Their Champion, Spaghetti Avenatti, Cost Stormy Daniels, who has seen more Cocks than a Chicken Ranch, Public Humiliation, The Loss of Millions, and The Angst of having to pay Donald Trump's Legal Fees for her False Allegations, and now finds himself owing Millions in Taxes, Millions in Restitution to his former attorneys in his Law Firm, and just Got Evicted from His Office.

Maybe he can find a job as an Ambulance Driver since he wasn't very good at chasing them?

This is the way all Wicked Plots should end up....with The Dems Eating Crow, Paying for their Lies and suffering Financial and Political Damages.

False Flag? Bomb Detonated Outside Soros’ Home – Infowars Live Coverage

Avenatti's bad day: Evicted from office, ordered to pay $4.85M to former employee

The Secret Service Just Released a Photo of "The Device"

Nothing to worry about. It's just a clock.


Funny how everything that could be bad for the right turns out to be fake, according to you people.

But everything bad for the Democrats turns out to be true, according to you people.

It's like it's so convenient.
I'm fine with "calling for violence" if "calling for violence" is defending ourselves from our violent attackers.

I.e., the leftist mob and the fake press.
Still just flapping your lips....a coward all along. Knew that when you didn't join that loser group in Oregon.

Bannedecea, lib dyke......the Bundys walked because they were right.

You have proven that lib queers are not the intellectual types that they try and pass themselves off as to compensate for their perverse sexual proclivities.

BTW, I defended you here....someone here said that this was you and your (snicker) "wife" riding "bitch". I flatly denied it and said that you had lost weight!

View attachment 224575
Imagine the stench of the cigar and tuna breath.
I guess some folks are taking Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Barak Obama seriously when they urge their Cult Members and any other loon listening to Use Violence to gain political power.

They are so desperate in fact, I believe they'd actually resort to placing Fake Bombs in their own mailboxes in the hopes of gaining some political and sympathetic leverage to stem the tide of the Red Wave that is about to Drown Their Marxist Hope And Dreams.

The Dems Faked The Russian Hoax. They Even Filed False Affidavits in The FISA Court. They stole Debate Questions, Rigged their Primaries, and are even funding a FAKE Carravan all neatly timed to make headlines just a couple weeks before The Mid Terms. They FAKED Sexual Assault Allegations against a SCOTUS Judge.

They Accused him of being a SEX, DRUGS AND RAPE & ROLL KING PING at Age 17. LMFAO. Their Champion, Spaghetti Avenatti, Cost Stormy Daniels, who has seen more Cocks than a Chicken Ranch, Public Humiliation, The Loss of Millions, and The Angst of having to pay Donald Trump's Legal Fees for her False Allegations, and now finds himself owing Millions in Taxes, Millions in Restitution to his former attorneys in his Law Firm, and just Got Evicted from His Office.

Maybe he can find a job as an Ambulance Driver since he wasn't very good at chasing them?

This is the way all Wicked Plots should end up....with The Dems Eating Crow, Paying for their Lies and suffering Financial and Political Damages.

False Flag? Bomb Detonated Outside Soros’ Home – Infowars Live Coverage

Avenatti's bad day: Evicted from office, ordered to pay $4.85M to former employee

The Secret Service Just Released a Photo of "The Device"

Nothing to worry about. It's just a clock.

Alex Jones????

This Alex Jones.....?



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