Desperate Dems Faking Mailbox Bombs. "You Cannot Be Civil"

False flag

  • Total voters

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?


Hillary Rotten Clinton

Confront Republicans in their homes, in their bedrooms. They should not eat or sleep.

Think Progress Editor Tweets Republicans Should Be Confronted In Their Homes. Shapiro Issues One Hell Of A Warning.

And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.

Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?

NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.

I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.
Let's say they find the person(s) who actually sent these devices.

If it's a person known to be right wing, that STILL doesn't reflect on Trump or the Republican's just a sick INDIVIDUAL

If it's a person known to be Left wing, that STILL doesn't reflect on Democrats...again, it's possibly just a sick INDIVIDUAL.

UNLESS or UNTIL.......
That INDIVIDUAL is directly and undeniably tied to a larger backing sponsored by one of the groups.

Either way, if it turns out to be an INDIVIDUAL acting alone and on their own, it should not affect the elections at all, except for REALLY ignorant people
I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.
Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?


Hillary Rotten Clinton
Confront Republicans in their homes, in their bedrooms. They should not eat or sleep.

Think Progress Editor Tweets Republicans Should Be Confronted In Their Homes. Shapiro Issues One Hell Of A Warning.

And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?

NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.

I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.

Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.
I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.
Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?

NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.
I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.
Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.

You will have to point out to me as to where I am being quite contrary to myself on Kavanaugh?
Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?


Hillary Rotten Clinton
Confront Republicans in their homes, in their bedrooms. They should not eat or sleep.

Think Progress Editor Tweets Republicans Should Be Confronted In Their Homes. Shapiro Issues One Hell Of A Warning.

And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.
Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?

NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.
I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.
Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.

You will have to point out to me as to where I am being quite contrary to myself on Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault but he is to be treated as innocent until there is proof that he is guilty. A bunch of democrat leaders get pipe bombs in the mail and you ascribe blame to the democrats with no evidence. You don’t see the irony?

Hillary Rotten Clinton
Confront Republicans in their homes, in their bedrooms. They should not eat or sleep.

Think Progress Editor Tweets Republicans Should Be Confronted In Their Homes. Shapiro Issues One Hell Of A Warning.

And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.

So, you are now going to have to show me and others here the proof that you have in your possession as to what kind of corruption has Trump brought to Washington? This I need you to point out to me. If you cannot then it well be obvious that you are only here for one purpose only? To mock and attack Trump and on that leftist liberal Antifa bandwagon that is trying to get him impeached. So, go ahead, make your day, punk. :5_1_12024:
NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.
I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.
Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.

You will have to point out to me as to where I am being quite contrary to myself on Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault but he is to be treated as innocent until there is proof that he is guilty. A bunch of democrat leaders get pipe bombs in the mail and you ascribe blame to the democrats with no evidence. You don’t see the irony?

So is Keith Elison of Minnesota and Senator Booker are being accused of the same thing that Kavanaugh was suppose to have done. And they both are being treated innocent until proven guilty. So, what the hell is your point anyway? FYI, we do not hear very much from the leftist liberal fake media press about these charges nor from the likes of Schumer and Pelosi or Waters gang about these accusations? Why? Not important enough for the people to know or need to hear about?

Thanks to FOX News we would have not heard about these accusations and what appears to be truths. They appear to be quite guilty. Kavanaugh was found not guilty. Live with it, liberal.
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do
Bitch, please!

Dangerous enough to get the job done!

That's how you know its bullshit...

Are you kidding me...

Secondly, who honestly thinks,
they can send a bomb, that looks like,
a kid packaged it, send it to Obama and Clinton,


A bomb ended up in Soros' mailbox?

Confront Republicans in their homes, in their bedrooms. They should not eat or sleep.

Think Progress Editor Tweets Republicans Should Be Confronted In Their Homes. Shapiro Issues One Hell Of A Warning.

And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.

So, you are now going to have to show me and others here the proof that you have in your possession as to what kind of corruption has Trump brought to Washington? This I need you to point out to me. If you cannot then it well be obvious that you are only here for one purpose only? To mock and attack Trump and on that leftist liberal Antifa bandwagon that is trying to get him impeached. So, go ahead, make your day, punk. :5_1_12024:
I could point to the multitude of hyperbolic inaccuracies he spews from the whitehouse on a daily basis through his interviews and public statements but since we are talking about the swamp and corruption perhaps we can just look at the cast of characters he appointed to cabinet positions who have abused their power, misused government funds and have been forced to resign. Do I need to list them or do you know who I’m talking about?
I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.
Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.

You will have to point out to me as to where I am being quite contrary to myself on Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault but he is to be treated as innocent until there is proof that he is guilty. A bunch of democrat leaders get pipe bombs in the mail and you ascribe blame to the democrats with no evidence. You don’t see the irony?

So is Keith Elison of Minnesota and Senator Booker are being accused of the same thing that Kavanaugh was suppose to have done. And they both are being treated innocent until proven guilty. So, what the hell is your point anyway? FYI, we do not hear very much from the leftist liberal fake media press about these charges nor from the likes of Schumer and Pelosi or Waters gang about these accusations? Why? Not important enough for the people to know or need to hear about?

Thanks to FOX News we would have not heard about these accusations and what appears to be truths. They appear to be quite guilty. Kavanaugh was found not guilty. Live with it, liberal.
My point is simple, if you believe in “innocent until proven guilty” then be consistent about it. Saying the Dems are responsible for the pipe bombs without evidence is not following that principle so it makes you a hypocrite.
I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.
Well there you go again, speculating without facts. Didn’t you say exactly the opposite when Kavanaugh was being accused?

The mooch is on tv defending Trump all the time. He is far from a dem. But he also calls out trumps mistakes. I dont accept the fact that if you support trump you need to defend him at all costs. Trump does a lot of things that he should be checked on. His supporters are the most influential and effective in checking him.

You will have to point out to me as to where I am being quite contrary to myself on Kavanaugh?
Kavanaugh was accused of sexual assault but he is to be treated as innocent until there is proof that he is guilty. A bunch of democrat leaders get pipe bombs in the mail and you ascribe blame to the democrats with no evidence. You don’t see the irony?

So is Keith Elison of Minnesota and Senator Booker are being accused of the same thing that Kavanaugh was suppose to have done. And they both are being treated innocent until proven guilty. So, what the hell is your point anyway? FYI, we do not hear very much from the leftist liberal fake media press about these charges nor from the likes of Schumer and Pelosi or Waters gang about these accusations? Why? Not important enough for the people to know or need to hear about?

Thanks to FOX News we would have not heard about these accusations and what appears to be truths. They appear to be quite guilty. Kavanaugh was found not guilty. Live with it, liberal.

The Kavanaugh travesty is not at all similar to Ellison and Booker. For Ellison, there is strong corroborating evidence that he abused his former girlfriend. Booker's accuser provides a great deal of detail about the alleged assault, unlike the utter vagueness (except for the one beer) of Ford's fantasy.
Let's say they find the person(s) who actually sent these devices.

If it's a person known to be right wing, that STILL doesn't reflect on Trump or the Republican's just a sick INDIVIDUAL

If it's a person known to be Left wing, that STILL doesn't reflect on Democrats...again, it's possibly just a sick INDIVIDUAL.

UNLESS or UNTIL.......
That INDIVIDUAL is directly and undeniably tied to a larger backing sponsored by one of the groups.

Either way, if it turns out to be an INDIVIDUAL acting alone and on their own, it should not affect the elections at all, except for REALLY ignorant people
Depends how he was influenced
His targets look suspiciously like someone listening to RW hate radio
So far, Republican Terrorists have sent bombs to:

President Obama
HIllary Clinton
George Soros

How low can Republicans sink?
A lot lower. These are some very dangerous people. White nationalist have a history of violence in this country. And now that Trump has come out as a white nationalist we’re seeing what his hidden army is willing to do.
Trump said he was a Nationalist. Go ahead and make it about race dipshit

Who needs to make it racist? Hitler was a nationalist too.

And Stalin was a butcher communist. I would rather be a nationalist rather than be a communist which is what the demoncrats are starting to look like now. A bunch of communists fighting for their useless lives. Aw well.
So? Be like Hitler. Who cares?

I guess whatever it takes for Trump to antagonize the democrats will work for him and his million supporters. The democrats have been and are still doing to try to antagonize republican conservative supporters for decades. It's tit for tat now.

Yes and you can support the tit for tat like children do or you can act like a grown up and show a little integrity by being responsible for your own actions by acting respectable.

Now do you agree that the nationalism term probably isn’t the best to live and die by?

NOPE. There is nothing wrong with someone who believes in nationalism to call themselves a nationalist. Trump is for America and not the rest of the world. I consider myself to be a nationalist. So, why should people like you give a shit? Anyone who calls themselves a nationalist is someone who will not go along with the demoncrats communist globalist motives and agendas.

If you are that stunned to believe that this pipe bomb letter hoax is for real and not just another plan on the part of the Soros/demoncrat plan to try and give themselves a last chance at winning the midterms than you are truly a lost soul in the political world. How interesting how all of a sudden all of the people that have criticized Trump since his election to the presidency are the ones that have received this letter. Maybe they are trying to gain sympathy here and maybe get lucky and win the election.

If the demoncrats were going to win as many have predicted then why go thru all this trouble over nothing. Obviously, they are fighting for their life. Just my opinion, mate.

I find it funny how quickly you flip flopped from your Kavanaugh talking points of due process to subscribing guilt to the Dems for pipe bombs despite zero evidence.

I just showed you a Trump ally and spokesman who explained the nationalism deal and you still don’t get it?! Which of Scaramuccis points do you disagree with?

Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this? If they got caught they would be toast. Only the demoncrats are the capable ones at this time of committing this kind of terror. This is their final last false flag of trying to save their useless lives. Trump is on a roll and the globalists demoncrats know it and are scared shitless if Trump winning the midterms.

I disagree that using the word nationalism is going to do any harm to Trump. His supporters loved it when he said that he was a nationalist. Only fools like yourself and Scar feel that it was a bad word to use. Why Scar said anything about it is beyond me. Has he now become a demoncrat? It is certainly looking so. If he were a supporter of the president than your job is to make him look good, not bad, and defend him. But I must agree that some things Scar said did make some sense.

”Do you honestly believe that at this time with two weeks to go where the republicans want a chance at winning are going to do something stupid like this?”

Of course it’s believable. You obviously have no clue to just how retarded Republicans and conservatives can be.
Confront Republicans in their homes, in their bedrooms. They should not eat or sleep.

Think Progress Editor Tweets Republicans Should Be Confronted In Their Homes. Shapiro Issues One Hell Of A Warning.

And this is what the demoncrats stand for? Attack-attack-attack your opponents. Not a very civilized way of doing things. They attack innocent people who are just trying to have a quiet meal in a restaurant with their family just because they work for Trump? Communists do things like this. Demoncrats are starting to look like a bunch of communists. Just saying.
Oh the irony of hearing you attack innocent people for attacking innocent people. Thanks for the laugh!

The globalist democratic party cannot be seen as innocent. They have done nothing but attacked Trump from day one to attack him every day on anything he says or does. It's a constant attack by the fake leftist liberal media to try and run and bring Trump down. So far it has not worked for the stupid loser dummies. Those so called reporters in the leftist liberal press are nothing more than a bunch of actors and activists straight out of Hollywood.

I am starting to ROFL at some of the stunned silly things who keep bringing up here. Why would you want to attack a man like Trump who has said that he wanted to "drain the swamp"? What a noble person for wanting to drain corruption out of your life. That should be good enough for people like you to at least want to give Trump a shot at it? Did you ever here one demoncrat ever say that they were going to drain the swamp? NOPE.

On the contrary, they wanted to keep the swamp alive and well and you want to support such a party? Where is your head, fella? Up you butt? Get real for a change.
I don’t put much weight on what people say, especially Trump who is full of hot air. He has brought more corruption to washington than he has rooted out. Don’t be fooled by the tag lines.

So, you are now going to have to show me and others here the proof that you have in your possession as to what kind of corruption has Trump brought to Washington? This I need you to point out to me. If you cannot then it well be obvious that you are only here for one purpose only? To mock and attack Trump and on that leftist liberal Antifa bandwagon that is trying to get him impeached. So, go ahead, make your day, punk. :5_1_12024:

1) George Papadopoulos, former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser, was arrested in July 2017 and pleaded guilty last October to making false statements to the FBI. He got a 14-day sentence.

2) Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was indicted on a total of 25 different counts by Mueller’s team, related mainly to his past work for Ukrainian politicians and his finances. He had two trials scheduled, and the first ended in a conviction on eight counts of financial crimes. To avert the second trial, Manafort struck a plea deal with Mueller in September 2018.

3) Rick Gates, a former Trump campaign aide and Manafort’s longtime junior business partner, was indicted on similar charges to Manafort. But in February he agreed to a plea deal with Mueller’s team, pleading guilty to just one false statements charge and one conspiracy charge.

4) Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, pleaded guilty last December to making false statements to the FBI.

5) Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer pleaded guilty to 8 counts — tax and bank charges, related to his finances and taxi business, and campaign finance violations, related to hush money payments to women who alleged affairs with Donald Trump.

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