Desperation Watch: Democrats propose extending Bush Tax Cuts


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010

Yow! :eek: Oh liberals, THAT'S GOTTA HURT!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I can feel your pain from here! :lol::lol:

enate Democrats will soon advance a plan to make permanent President George W. Bush's 2001 tax cuts for middle-class Americans earning less than $200,000, but let the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans expire, two Senate party aides said Tuesday. They will also propose to reinstate a 45% estate tax on individuals for the next two years.

The emerging tax plan is designed, as much as anything else, to clarify the differences between the two parties as they hurtle toward the fall elections. Following on their success with the financial-regulatory-reform bill, Democrats are betting that Republicans will once again take up a legislative battle on behalf of the wealthy. "Republicans are going to have a real choice ahead of them," says a Democratic aide. "Are you for extending these tax cuts for middle-class families or are you against them because you want to protect tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans?" (See how some Americans are facing the prospect of long-term unemployment.)

Now this is FUNNY STUFF. Democrats fought like hell against those Tax Cuts all through the Bush admin.

NOW it's Republicans in the way of extending those cuts? Oh please! :lol::lol: They have no power. They can't stop anything!

Come on Democrats! How stupid do you think we are?

YOU are now the vanguard of keeping these tax cuts, which you said for EIGHT YEARS WERE TAX CUTS FOR THE RICH? And you say that EVEN as you claim the GOP is the party of the rich.



Man they have to KNOW they are going to LOSE big time in November to flip flop like this on Bush Tax cuts!


Senate Democrats will soon advance a plan to make permanent President George W. Bush's 2001 tax cuts for middle-class Americans earning less than $200,000, but let the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans expire, two Senate party aides said Tuesday. They will also propose to reinstate a 45% estate tax on individuals for the next two years.

Read more: Democrats to Propose Extending Middle-Class Tax Cuts - TIME

Didn't read your own article, I see. Middle class tax cuts stay in place but the bogus tax cuts for the uber wealthy will expire. Dumbass.
You know this is killing them! They will probably just float this around until after the elections and then let them expire for everyone....
Families making over $200K in major metro areas are not uber wealthy - they are middle class.
Families making over $200K in major metro areas are not uber wealthy - they are middle class.

Quite correct - any family making a bit over $200k with a couple of kids in a metro area throughout the United States is hardly "wealthy".

The Democrats are, just as the OP indicates, engaged in a painful practice of trying to parse the Bush tax cuts. These Democrats were and are against ALL cuts in the tax rates but with Election 2010 quickly approaching, some within the party are scrambling to try and save some of those very tax cuts they were so opposed to.
Families making over $200K in major metro areas are not uber wealthy - they are middle class.

Bullshit. The Census Bureau shows the middle class as 20% of the country earning between $40,000 and $95,000 annually. People making $200K a year are considered to be part of the upper class.

NOW. Politics & Economy. Who is the Middle Class? Overview | PBS

Your link is a story from 2004 based upon information two or three years prior to that.

Not applicable to the current discussion.

Try again.
Families making over $200K in major metro areas are not uber wealthy - they are middle class.

Bullshit. The Census Bureau shows the middle class as 20% of the country earning between $40,000 and $95,000 annually. People making $200K a year are considered to be part of the upper class.

NOW. Politics & Economy. Who is the Middle Class? Overview | PBS

And that is quite convenient that a government bureaucracy spins such nonsense.

It's only in recent times that people who live in 3 bedroom 2 bath tract homes in the suburbs of major metros are considered upper class. And why is this? To provide a pretext to increase their taxes. They are wager earners who work for a living - and unable to shelter investment income the way the truly wealthy do. They are, for the most part, trapped. Many have houses with eroded or negative equity so selling and moving is problematic. Quitting their jobs to move to a low tax area is infeasible. Yep. They're trapped. And the politicians know it and are setting them up.
Families making over $200K in major metro areas are not uber wealthy - they are middle class.

Bullshit. The Census Bureau shows the middle class as 20% of the country earning between $40,000 and $95,000 annually. People making $200K a year are considered to be part of the upper class.

NOW. Politics & Economy. Who is the Middle Class? Overview | PBS

And that is quite convenient that a government bureaucracy spins such nonsense.

It's only in recent times that people who live in 3 bedroom 2 bath tract homes in the suburbs of major metros are considered upper class. And why is this? To provide a pretext to increase their taxes. They are wager earners who work for a living - and unable to shelter investment income the way the truly wealthy do. They are, for the most part, trapped. Many have houses with eroded or negative equity so selling and moving is problematic. Quitting their jobs to move to a low tax area is infeasible. Yep. They're trapped. And the politicians know it and are setting them up.

Quite correct.

Democrat Party Class Warfare 101...
Sorry, but 200K a year is above middle class, no matter how you spin it. The average income in the US is @40K. Probably lower now...
Families making over $200K in major metro areas are not uber wealthy - they are middle class.

Bullshit. The Census Bureau shows the middle class as 20% of the country earning between $40,000 and $95,000 annually. People making $200K a year are considered to be part of the upper class.

NOW. Politics & Economy. Who is the Middle Class? Overview | PBS

Maybe you should try living in New York with kids making $200,000 as a family before you make your judgment. Or at least talk to people like this and ask them if they feel upper class..... I'm pretty sure that won't happen though.
Maybe you should try living in New York with kids making $200,000 as a family before you make your judgment. Or at least talk to people like this and ask them if they feel upper class..... I'm pretty sure that won't happen though.

I DO live in New York, asshole, and I am squarely in the real middle class. As in @ 50K. I definitely don't feel upper class, but I am not struggling and can afford to live by myself and save a little. Many families here make much less and very, very few people here have a mortgage, as a 1 bedroom in Manhattan usually starts at over $1 million. Most people rent. You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.
Senate Democrats will soon advance a plan to make permanent President George W. Bush's 2001 tax cuts for middle-class Americans earning less than $200,000, but let the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans expire, two Senate party aides said Tuesday. They will also propose to reinstate a 45% estate tax on individuals for the next two years.

Read more: Democrats to Propose Extending Middle-Class Tax Cuts - TIME

Didn't read your own article, I see. Middle class tax cuts stay in place but the bogus tax cuts for the uber wealthy will expire. Dumbass.

I read it!

Who's the dumbass?????

The fact they want to keep ANY PART OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS SAYS A LOT!

They think we are stupid enough to buy that a "middle class tax cut" really is a tax cut.

Remember Clinton's????????? Oh yeah that's right, it never happened.

Liberals are trying to play the "tax cuts for the rich" bit.

But HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, who really pays the taxes????
Senate Democrats will soon advance a plan to make permanent President George W. Bush's 2001 tax cuts for middle-class Americans earning less than $200,000, but let the tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans expire, two Senate party aides said Tuesday. They will also propose to reinstate a 45% estate tax on individuals for the next two years.

Read more: Democrats to Propose Extending Middle-Class Tax Cuts - TIME

Didn't read your own article, I see. Middle class tax cuts stay in place but the bogus tax cuts for the uber wealthy will expire. Dumbass.

I read it!

Who's the dumbass?????

The fact they want to keep ANY PART OF THE BUSH TAX CUTS SAYS A LOT!

They think we are stupid enough to buy that a "middle class tax cut" really is a tax cut.

Remember Clinton's????????? Oh yeah that's right, it never happened.

Liberals are trying to play the "tax cuts for the rich" bit.

But HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, who really pays the taxes????


Families making over $200K in major metro areas are not uber wealthy - they are middle class.

Bullshit. The Census Bureau shows the middle class as 20% of the country earning between $40,000 and $95,000 annually. People making $200K a year are considered to be part of the upper class.

NOW. Politics & Economy. Who is the Middle Class? Overview | PBS

Probably more like upper middle class.

In the New York City area, 200K is nothing more than middle class.
15 miles out of the city a one bedroom apartment is $1500/month NOT including utilities.
A pack of cigarettes costs $11.00.
The cost of the Long Island Rail Road to commute from 15 miles out of the city is $265 a month.
To drive to the city will cost you $15 in tolls a day plus parking of $20 a day. Plus gas of 3.00/per gallon
There is a commuter tax even if you dont commute.
There are state income taxes AND city income taxes along with federal income taxes

200K in the NYC area is center middle class at best.
Maybe you should try living in New York with kids making $200,000 as a family before you make your judgment. Or at least talk to people like this and ask them if they feel upper class..... I'm pretty sure that won't happen though.

I DO live in New York, asshole, and I am squarely in the real middle class. As in @ 50K. I definitely don't feel upper class, but I am not struggling and can afford to live by myself and save a little. Many families here make much less and very, very few people here have a mortgage, as a 1 bedroom in Manhattan usually starts at over $1 million. Most people rent. You really shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.

Thank you for clarifying that. You have bought into the class warfare rhetoric which pits lower, middle and upper middle classes against one another to the advantage of the truly Upper and Ruling Classes.

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