Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

People keep saying "prove it to me". Do your own research, it means more. Here is the thing though, once you learn the truth it cannot be unlearned.

Oh brother (insert rolling eyes smiley here).
Do you think you've discovered something that no one else hasn't ?
This has been gone over an endless # of times.
Once the dust has settled, no one has proven anything beyond Oswald being the sole shooter.

Nope, there are millions just like me. Go look at the film and explain how his head jerked backwards

There is information all over the internet on this. Some will make one claim, others will have a different opinion. It's been argued over and over. In the end, nothing proves that the head shot came from the grassy knoll, or anywhere in front.

what a fucking lying troll.:rofl:

this troll posts these lies of his cause he knows he cant prove oswald did it and knows he skipped junior high school science classes.:rofl:
People keep saying "prove it to me". Do your own research, it means more. Here is the thing though, once you learn the truth it cannot be unlearned.

Oh brother (insert rolling eyes smiley here).
Do you think you've discovered something that no one else hasn't ?
This has been gone over an endless # of times.
Once the dust has settled, no one has proven anything beyond Oswald being the sole shooter.

Nope, there are millions just like me. Go look at the film and explain how his head jerked backwards

There is information all over the internet on this. Some will make one claim, others will have a different opinion. It's been argued over and over. In the end, nothing proves that the head shot came from the grassy knoll, or anywhere in front.

I asked one very simple question my friend. Which way did his head go?

(sigh), I know you'll just counter with another video, but in this video, the chief autopsy surgeon claims without any doubt that the head shot entered from the rear. THAT'S THE CHIEF AUTOPSY SURGEON !!

Anyway, after that point in the video, the Zapruder film actually shows Kennedy's head moving slightly forward. Go to the 1:39 mark:

the zapruder film has been proven to be altered you moron,
Oswald killed JFK??????

You are joking right? :confused-84:

exactly,he is either on drugs,OR gets drunk everyday,OR the only research he has done is read the edited version of the textbook he history class our corrupt school system taught us.:rofl:

I took him to school handing his ass to him on a platter with shit all over his face in post# here of mine as you can see.:lmao:

I know.

Anybody who thinks that Oswald killed Kennedy is very, very naive. :(

To put it mildly.

Well Skye, give us more than making fun of someone. Let's see you deliver the truth then since you seem to have the answers here.

It's easy to make these claims, that it was a mob hit, or LBJ had him killed, or Castro had him killed, or Kruschev, or some right wing cabol, but no one has shown a better explanation than Oswald shooting him.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of anyone, DigitalDrifter.
I just think it's funny that after all that has been said and published over the years about the murder of Kennedy, people still believe Oswald acted alone.

Have you read Gerald Posner's book ?

Hey troll,that book has been throughly debunked. Long time researcher Harold Weisberg wrote a book shortly after that book was written debunking all his lies proving in spades that Posner is a fucking liar countering that propaganda with CASE OPEN..:rofl:

Oh and Posner does not mention in his book that his law firm is lobbying firm connected to the CIA of course.
As of yet nobody can explain why Kennedy's head jerked backwards.

Old news. You just refuse to believe it.

what he refuses to believe same as all logical,open minded objective people do,is that oswald was the lone lone nut theorists trolls like digital drifter all they can do is say oswald was the lone assassin,then when they are shown evidence their ramblings are wrong,they cowardly run off with their tail between their yeah you are correct,the lone nut theorists like him,refuse to believe they are wrong.:biggrin:
I do think. I wonder about you? If not LHO, who did (wait while I get the aluminum foil for my hat).

Cool, maybe you can tell me how Oswald's shot made JFK's head jerk backwards?

Morons like him obviously skipped junior high school science classes.:biggrin:

You take a golfball and put it on a tee and hit it,it flys FORWARD.not backwards.:haha: i guess he also thinks all the doctors at bethesda who said it was an ENTRANCE wound at the FRONT were all incompetent and did not know what they were talking about as well.:haha::rolleyes-41:

WRONG!!!! Unless I check my grip, my flys further to the right than forward

Given Oswald's position how did JFK's head jerk backwards?


a film where they can EDIT anything.:haha: the problem with that propaganda of yours is the witnesses there all said it went backwards as well and you obviously never have hunted a single thing in your life otherwise you would see that propaganda film for what it is.:lmao:

many experienced hunters have come on the net before and said they knew the warren commission was bs because of how animals head always go forward when shot from behind.:rolleyes: Not only that,dude I have interviewed vietnam veterans.I have never once come across one that defended the warren report,THEY will all tell you everytime if you ask them the same thing they did me,that as a siniper,they never once saw a mans head go backwards shooting from behind.

same as digitial drifter,you are just proving what a moron you really are
I predict that there will be no earth shattering new news, and we will return to having just as many conspiracy nuts as there's always been, and there will remain a substantial percentage of the population convinced that there was a cover-up.

we have conspiracy nuts like you who ignore the laws of physics that a persons head NEVER goes backwards when shot from the front and conspiracy nuts like you who ignore what all the doctors testified to saying the bullet hole in was an ENTRANCE wound in the front you deluded hick.

how many more times are you going to keep coming back asking to have egg all over you face?:itsok:

Let me know as soon as you prove Oswald either didn't kill Kennedy, or he was part of a "conspiracy". :biggrin:

Watch the fucking film kid, his head jerked BACKWARDS, how did Oswald do that?

That has been explained time and again over the years. The fact you don't know it is scary on its' own.

No but its hysterical that there are grade school students out there
Oswald acted alone.
Get over it.

the CIA killed him,YOU get over that.:itsok:

ah the old tiresome propaganda video that has been debunked too many times to remember.That bullshit video doesnt even scratch the surface of the evidence and facts,it leaves out MANY key facts,evidence and witness testimony.miserable fail.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

I would expect this out of troll like you though,one who ignored what cal ripken said,that chase utley did not do anything dirty in that playoff game when he slid in at second base and hurt that shortstop. EXPERTS like cal ripken who played the position mean nothing to bozos like you.:lmao:

so same as this,experts and what they say,mean nothing to you,only what the corrupt government tells you does.:rolleyes:
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As of yet nobody can explain why Kennedy's head jerked backwards.

Old news. You just refuse to believe it.

You're just too lazy to dig into it. You also refuse to look anywhere but the establishment "explanation". It was quite the coinikydink that Dulles ran the Commission. ;)

You nailed it.

the lone nut theorists all have proven on this entire thread,that if the facts dont go along with their warped views of the warren commission they worship,they cover their ears and close their eyes.:rolleyes:
Kennedy fired Dulles, head of the CIA.
Kennedy threatened to destroy the CIA.
Kennedy backed out on the Bay of Pigs.
Oil had been discovered in Cuba.
Bush 1 was part of the CIA.
The Bush's owned Zapata Oil.
Zapata was going to launder the money from the oil in Cuba.

The CIA killed JFK.
Dulles, you know...the guy JFK fired? Was appointed to head the Warren Commission. Quit being stupid.

Bush 1 (as you call him) did not become part of the CIA until 1976.

Dulles headed the Warren Commission? I could have sworn it was Chief Justice Earl Warren!

You might want to review your facts..


DirectorBureau of Intelligence and ResearchDepartment of State

[We have been] advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-

Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized

raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

might herald a change in U.S. policy… [Our] sources know of no [such] plans…

The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush

of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense "

and....another GW Bush?

"By 1988 this George Bush was working as a claims representative for the Social Security Administration. He explained to McBride that he had worked only briefly at the CIA, as a GS-5 probationary civil servant, analyzing documents and photos during the night shift. Moreover, he said, he had never received interagency briefings."

"With the election only two months away, and a growing sense of urgency in some quarters, George William Bush acknowledged under oath – as part of a deposition in a lawsuit brought by a nonprofit group seeking records on Bush’s past – that he was the junior officer on a three- to four-man watch shift at CIA headquarters between September 1963 and February 1964, which was on duty when Kennedy was shot. “I do not recognize the contents of the memorandum as information furnished to me orally or otherwise during the time I was at the CIA,” he said. “In fact, during my time at the CIA, I did not receive any oral communications from any government agency of any nature whatsoever. I did not receive any information relating to the Kennedy assassination during my time at the CIA from the FBI. Based on the above, it is my conclusion that I am not the Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency referred to in the memorandum.” . . .

George H.W. Bush of the CIA - LewRockwell

Educate yourself, oh yes and I never said that at the time he was "running" it.

yeah they always put words in your mouth.He is too stupid to understand Bush was an OPERATIVE for the CIA at the time,not running the thing.:rolleyes:
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.

/—-/ No matter what the President says or does, your pathetic knee jerk reaction is that he’s trying to change the narrative of your nothing burger scandal

even though the deadline was set decades ago

leftards want to blame trump

what a bunch of haters the left has become
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.

The real answer is...The Law.

It states that those files must be released no later than October 26, 2017.

If he wanted to change the conversation he doesn't need to release the JFK
files...just have Session convene a grand jury and let them indict,
HRC, Slick Willie, Zero, Zero's atty General and Mueller all on the
Uranium One deal. That'll changed the conversation in a big hurry when
the Grand Jury indicts every fucking one of them

Interesting, you wanna know why he doesn't, be cause not enough there to do diddley with.

actually there is plenty of evidence for an indictment. But DC is so corrupt it may never happen. Wait until his second term, it could happen then. No statute of limitations applies.

Wanna bet?

that hilly gets indicted? Nope, our government is so corrupt that politicians are above the law. That's very wrong and dangerous, but no one seems to care.

I guarantee all these long nut theorists morons that have come on here all think that there is no different law for politicians than there is for us and that this is a free country.:rofl::lmao::haha:
Secret Service told to stand down.....

View attachment 155860

they of course are too stupid to get it that the secret service committed treason that day by standing down as this video proves which they of course wont watch since it proves their treason they committed. same as in 9/11 the facts prove it was an inside job.same as with 9/11 there were stand down orders and yet,what proves it was carelessness in both cases is that NOBODY was fired for their alleged incompetence that day.

they will of course ignore the fact that if they screw up at THEIR JOB and are incompetent as the government was allegedly that day,that THEY would get fired and lose their job in a heartbeat,they know it,we know it.the more they try and dodge this fact as all the other facts we post,they just prove more and more with each post,what trolls they are who cant stand toe to toe in a discussion when they are wrong.
Conspiracy is a cop-out term for those timids afraid to address the objectivity of the material posted before them in their mother tongue. Oswald wasn't irrelevant, his uncle at the New Orleans Navy stint is an example that is more than conspiracy, it links to DNA. The timids always get screwed, because other readers are learning things behind their backs, and is why stupidity always gets precisely the reality it deserves..

He was very irrelevant, trying to become relevant. Just an absolute simpleton, that wanted to be somebody.
I don't think so, I thought cover up at the time and I think cover up today. Maybe we will finally know. I hope so. If its about distortion, who is distorting and why?
If the government was involved, do you really think they would expose themselves?

These documents will merely support what the warren commission concluded.

then why all the resistance from the dems and the establishment?

If all it will do is confirm the warren commission report, why distort? why seal it for 50 years? There has to be a reason that certain factions don't want it released
You just aren't getting it.

The government has demanded Americans believe the Warren Commission Report. Americans by a large percentage DO NOT. As such, the government needs to continue to promote the big lie in the hopes of getting more Americans to believe.

you my friend are making wayyyyyy to much sense for these lone nut theorists to comprehend.:up:

even on a special i saw 20 years ago or so where they promoted the warren report,at the end they THEMSELVES admitted that 80% of americans think there was a conspiracy. thats because 80% of americans have logic and common sense and look at BOTH sides.:up:
If the government was involved, do you really think they would expose themselves?

These documents will merely support what the warren commission concluded.

then why all the resistance from the dems and the establishment?

If all it will do is confirm the warren commission report, why distort? why seal it for 50 years? There has to be a reason that certain factions don't want it released
You just aren't getting it.

The government has demanded Americans believe the Warren Commission Report. Americans by a large percentage DO NOT. As such, the government needs to continue to promote the big lie in the hopes of getting more Americans to believe.

Damn straight. Warren was just the face used to produce "credilbility". Dulles was to powerful to let ANYONE else run the thing.

Logic and common sense like that never registers with the magic bullet theorist that Warren was just the face of the commission,that Dulles ran the whole show.:up:

these trolls are not even aware of the fact that HALF of the warren commission members even said themselves they did not believe oswald was the lone assassin.they are that stupid.:rofl::haha::lmao:
Bush 1 (as you call him) did not become part of the CIA until 1976.

Dulles headed the Warren Commission? I could have sworn it was Chief Justice Earl Warren!

You might want to review your facts..


DirectorBureau of Intelligence and ResearchDepartment of State

[We have been] advised that the Department of State feels some misguided anti-

Castro group might capitalize on the present situation and undertake an unauthorized

raid against Cuba, believing that the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

might herald a change in U.S. policy… [Our] sources know of no [such] plans…

The substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to Mr. George Bush

of the Central Intelligence Agency and Captain William Edwards of the Defense "

and....another GW Bush?

"By 1988 this George Bush was working as a claims representative for the Social Security Administration. He explained to McBride that he had worked only briefly at the CIA, as a GS-5 probationary civil servant, analyzing documents and photos during the night shift. Moreover, he said, he had never received interagency briefings."

"With the election only two months away, and a growing sense of urgency in some quarters, George William Bush acknowledged under oath – as part of a deposition in a lawsuit brought by a nonprofit group seeking records on Bush’s past – that he was the junior officer on a three- to four-man watch shift at CIA headquarters between September 1963 and February 1964, which was on duty when Kennedy was shot. “I do not recognize the contents of the memorandum as information furnished to me orally or otherwise during the time I was at the CIA,” he said. “In fact, during my time at the CIA, I did not receive any oral communications from any government agency of any nature whatsoever. I did not receive any information relating to the Kennedy assassination during my time at the CIA from the FBI. Based on the above, it is my conclusion that I am not the Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency referred to in the memorandum.” . . .

George H.W. Bush of the CIA - LewRockwell

Educate yourself, oh yes and I never said that at the time he was "running" it.

Who the fuck is George William Bush?

In 1963, George W Bush, future president of the United States, was 17 years old and still in high school.

Please stop with the looney tunes bullshit!

HW dumbass, I figured you were more intelligible than you really are. This is the kind of thing that happens when one is incapable of allowing anything in that upsets one's apple cart.
Secret Service told to stand down.....

View attachment 155860

What the fuck are you trying to say?

I think you need to go to the emergency room and see a doctor! Your brain is no longer functioning!

Apparently what you are saying is that you really have no interest in the truth. Why did the SS dismount? Why does the Agent shown have his hands in the air, and why did the car stop? Educate yourself, there is much more out there to know.

when they cant address the facts as they cant,then it is obvious in spades they have no interest in the truth.:rolleyes:
People keep saying "prove it to me". Do your own research, it means more. Here is the thing though, once you learn the truth it cannot be unlearned.

Oh brother (insert rolling eyes smiley here).
Do you think you've discovered something that no one else hasn't ?
This has been gone over an endless # of times.
Once the dust has settled, no one has proven anything beyond Oswald being the sole shooter.

Nope, there are millions just like me. Go look at the film and explain how his head jerked backwards

There is information all over the internet on this. Some will make one claim, others will have a different opinion. It's been argued over and over. In the end, nothing proves that the head shot came from the grassy knoll, or anywhere in front.

what a fucking lying troll.:rofl:

this troll posts these lies of his cause he knows he cant prove oswald did it and knows he skipped junior high school science classes.:rofl:

What a babbling idiot. I'm not lying about a fucking thing, the evidence points to Oswald being the killer, and no one else was involved. You don't want to believe it, I could fucking care less.
As for proof, you can't prove anything different.
That WAS the Zapruder film. And yes, I've seen it where it looks like the head moves backwards, and I'v seen it explained.

But tell me, how do you explain the chief autopsy surgeon saying there is no doubt that the head shot entered from the rear ?

Let me guess, you believe he was afraid he would be killed if he said anything different.

Look, I'm not opposed to any evidence that proves there was more than just Oswald involved, but I want proof, because everything out there has been dispelled.

You will never wake up until you want to. I can only point you in the right direction. Look at what you just said
I've seen it where it looks like the head moves backwards, and I'v seen it explained.

But tell me, how do you explain the chief autopsy surgeon saying there is no doubt that the head shot entered from the rear ?"
I've seen it where it looks like the head moves backwards, and I'v seen it explained.

But tell me, how do you explain the chief autopsy surgeon saying there is no doubt that the head shot entered from the rear"

You saw it with your own eyes and yet you've "seen" it explained. If you don't think it was planned down to the last detail I don't know what to tell you.

View attachment 155850

Is it normal to be standing beside the widow on Air Force 1 and have someone wink at you as you're taking over for a dead president?

How normal is it to be taking over from a dead president?

That's the point, why the wink?

conspiracy theories screw up your mind.

still waiting for someone to show me something that proves a) anyone besides Oswald killed JFK and anything, anything, anything that proves the CIA opposed release of the documents.

LOL ^^^ this coming from someone who believes that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from crooked Hillary. you are a never ending source of amusement jilly.

SHILLIAN is a shill that has no
How normal is it to be taking over from a dead president?

That's the point, why the wink?

conspiracy theories screw up your mind.

still waiting for someone to show me something that proves a) anyone besides Oswald killed JFK and anything, anything, anything that proves the CIA opposed release of the documents.

No, it's the abject partisanship The truth is out there and I've given a wide pathway of information in this thread that would help you find the truth f you wanted to. You don't, most don't and that's fine.
actually there is plenty of evidence for an indictment. But DC is so corrupt it may never happen. Wait until his second term, it could happen then. No statute of limitations applies.

Wanna bet?

that hilly gets indicted? Nope, our government is so corrupt that politicians are above the law. That's very wrong and dangerous, but no one seems to care.

if you're concerned about "partisan disagreement", perhaps you should stop calling the former Secretary of State "hilly". And there is no evidence that should ever have gotten her investigated for two years, much less indicted. If you acknowledge e those things, you're well on your way to avoiding partisan BS.

if not, then you're just spreading BS

you have given no CREDIBLE and substantiated information.

I've provided more than enough info to start you on the way to the truth. You won't follow it and that's fine.

you have provided TONS of evidence for the magic bullet theorists to get them started.Like you said though they wont follow it and you might as well be talking to a brick wall.:rolleyes:

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