Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

DD is incorrect. There is information in this thread that is not in Posner's nor Bugliosi's books.

read all the posts of the magic bullet theorists on this thread,you will find they cowardly run off from facts that shoot down the fairy tale that oswald was the lone assassin,that unlike us,they dont look at BOTH sides.Like you said so well.there are many facts that are not presented in those books by those two government disinformation trolls Posner and Bugliosi.:up::clap: they OMIT key facts since it does not support the warren commission yet these trolls worship those books as the god given truth and wont look at videos that shoot down the lies of people such as Posner and Bugliosi.:rolleyes:
No magic bullet. One bullet, straight shot. Look at the evidence.
You still haven't explained why the CIA went after Edwin Walker, too.
Yes, La Ram Fan, we have learned to question published material. That is why the Admiral doesn't have the stones to discuss Navy things in this thread.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".

You honestly believe you're going to find out some new earth shattering news about this?

I honestly believe there was no reason to get the blessings of Caroline Kennedy or her family to release the documents as prescribed by law.

Which is why you too are déclassé: "fallen or lowered in class, rank, or social position; of inferior status"..
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Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
Maybe so, but it's about fucking time this information was released.


On a personal note, I was to play in the league championship game that afternoon, and learned of the assassination only after the rally on my way to Physics Class. Obviously the game was cancelled and that night The City was like a ghost town.

I have not wondered who committed the murder or why. What I remember clearly was one phrase on TV from a Texas teacher, "he's not our President".
Doc1's reference to 1953 is timely, and see the 1953 & 1956 chron for MI6:

Military Intelligence (MI6)

The concept of the "penultimate" can be found in the book on JFK assassination, Ultimate Sacrifice. We note then, the penultimate president, Eisenhower's term (1953-1961) compared with the Mau Mau Uprising (1952-1960). At the MI6 webpage, we see who was sent to Kenya.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
Maybe so, but it's about fucking time this information was released.


On a personal note, I was to play in the league championship game that afternoon, and learned of the assassination only after the rally on my way to Physics Class. Obviously the game was cancelled and that night The City was like a ghost town.

I have not wondered who committed the murder or why. What I remember clearly was one phrase on TV from a Texas teacher, "he's not our President".

Gee, wonder where you hear that coming from today?
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".

You honestly believe you're going to find out some new earth shattering news about this?

I honestly believe there was no reason to get the blessings of Caroline Kennedy or her family to release the documents as prescribed by law.

Which is why you too are déclassé: "fallen or lowered in class, rank, or social position; of inferior status"..

Non sequitur elitist crap from a fool.
You will never wake up until you want to. I can only point you in the right direction. Look at what you just said
I've seen it where it looks like the head moves backwards, and I'v seen it explained.

But tell me, how do you explain the chief autopsy surgeon saying there is no doubt that the head shot entered from the rear ?"
I've seen it where it looks like the head moves backwards, and I'v seen it explained.

But tell me, how do you explain the chief autopsy surgeon saying there is no doubt that the head shot entered from the rear"

You saw it with your own eyes and yet you've "seen" it explained. If you don't think it was planned down to the last detail I don't know what to tell you.

View attachment 155850

Is it normal to be standing beside the widow on Air Force 1 and have someone wink at you as you're taking over for a dead president?

How normal is it to be taking over from a dead president?

That's the point, why the wink?

conspiracy theories screw up your mind.

still waiting for someone to show me something that proves a) anyone besides Oswald killed JFK and anything, anything, anything that proves the CIA opposed release of the documents.

LOL ^^^ this coming from someone who believes that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election from crooked Hillary. you are a never ending source of amusement jilly.

SHILLIAN is a shill that has no

I guess to someone who believes in "magic bullets" and conspiracy theories and can't tell fact from reality or spell the name of a woman who doesn't subscribe to your idiocy... that might seem the case.

but then again, you're a loser so no one cares
If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".

You honestly believe you're going to find out some new earth shattering news about this?

I honestly believe there was no reason to get the blessings of Caroline Kennedy or her family to release the documents as prescribed by law.

Which is why you too are déclassé: "fallen or lowered in class, rank, or social position; of inferior status"..

Non sequitur elitist crap from a fool.

elitist and fool seem to be contradictory... seems you can't tell fact from reality even in that small regard.
you kind of have to be a moron to think that the campaign DIDN'T collude with Russia.

ohh right...

nice troll though. :thup:

but then again, that's all your good for

Even if they did (which there is zero evidence) it is NOT illegal!
That has not been determined

If they have not determined it yet in over a year, it's not happening!
Watergate took time

They have not released their findings yet. Trump may come out clean but his people won't.

Regardless ....the Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

what exactly did Russia do the changed the outcome of the NOvember 2016 election? You and Jilly are so sure it happened, you should have no trouble giving us the specifics. Come on, tell us.

oh kookie cookie.... what would you say if the Russians helped Hillary Clinton?

I know the answer... you'd be saying she should be hung for treason, idiota
I love how all the criminally insane trumptards are all in on the conspiracy idiocy.

Don't throw me in there. I've said over and over that I accept the findings, and agree that the evidence points consistently to Oswald being the sole responsibility for the JFK assasination.
I love how all the criminally insane trumptards are all in on the conspiracy idiocy.

Don't throw me in there. I've said over and over that I accept the findings, and agree that the evidence points consistently to Oswald being the sole responsibility for the JFK assasination.

Indeed, there is no need for a magic bullet, and no need for a shot from the front.
Oswald acted alone.
Get over it.

Stay asleep, it will allow you to keep piece of mind.

Yeah obviously he is in denial mode and only wants to look at the so called evidence that supports the warren commission.:rolleyes: No suprise when you know him as well as i do.anytime when he cant refute facts and he is cornered,he starts insulting you.:rolleyes:

For the record, for forty years I was as convinced it was a conspiracy as you still are. Of course, like you, I never read the actual Warren Report. I relied on conspiracy nuts because it seemed more intriguing. Sometimes the obvious just can't be rationalized away.

you were convinced it was a conspiracy? oh really? you could have fooled me the fact you do the same as your fellow trolls DD and Shiilian,only look at BS that supports the warren commission.

For instance,one of the videos i posted has many facts that were omitted in that propaganda video you posted that covers NONE of those facts.:rolleyes:. anytime when videos are posted that shoot down the bs lies of the warren commission,you cover your ears and close your eyes refusing to look at them since they dont support your warped opinion.

and its funny that you think you know all about me when making a statement as though you think its fact that i never read the warren report when like i said,thats what i did immediately back in the 80's when i saw that special on the history channel to see if they had anything in there that could refute what i saw,they could not. as any objective researcher knows,the warren commission ignored countless facts.,:rolleyes:

dont you EVER get tired of getting shit on your face here?:D
DD is incorrect. There is information in this thread that is not in Posner's nor Bugliosi's books.

read all the posts of the magic bullet theorists on this thread,you will find they cowardly run off from facts that shoot down the fairy tale that oswald was the lone assassin,that unlike us,they dont look at BOTH sides.Like you said so well.there are many facts that are not presented in those books by those two government disinformation trolls Posner and Bugliosi.:up::clap: they OMIT key facts since it does not support the warren commission yet these trolls worship those books as the god given truth and wont look at videos that shoot down the lies of people such as Posner and Bugliosi.:rolleyes:
No magic bullet. One bullet, straight shot. Look at the evidence.
You still haven't explained why the CIA went after Edwin Walker, too.

Nice game of dodgeball there.:up:you really showed me and countered all those facts i posted in those videos. there you go trolling again,you just changed the subject running off from those videos that refute the warren commission that oswald shot him and prove there were multiple shooters.Instead of addressing THOSE facts in those videos,you deflect it talking about Edwin walker which has NOTHING to do with those videos i posted that prove there were multiple shooters and oswald was innocent.

glad you are not my lawyer,you would lose every case for me the way you debate.:lmao:

you expect me to talk about your ramblings on edwin walker when YOU wont even watch the videos i posted that prove you are an idiot who believes in magic bullets since they prove oswald innocent and there were multiple shooters? :lmao:

till you grow up and watch those videos of mine,you cant expect to be taken seriously around here.:rolleyes:

oh and since you CLAIM you used to believe there was a conspiracy for over 40 years,funny how you developed alzheimers the fact you cant remember any of the evidence that proves oswald innocent and there were multiple shooters.:lmao: seeing how you are obviously biased and run off when you are cornered,you cant expect anyone here to take you serious that you ever believed there was a conspiracy ESPECIALLY after you made an untrue statement as fact on assumptions,that I never read the warren report when to the contrary,that was what I did after i saw that special to see if there was anything in there of evidence i was overlooking that he might have done the shooting but the report as i have said a million times,does not even address many facts or evidence presented in many conspiracy books or the videos i have posted here.:rolleyes:
Yes, La Ram Fan, we have learned to question published material. That is why the Admiral doesn't have the stones to discuss Navy things in this thread.

these cowardly trolls cant stand toe to toe in a debate and have proven throughout this thread they only read propaganda that supports the warren commission.:rolleyes: they list books that support the warren report garbage like the one written by posner and the other by Bugliosi,but anytime you refer THEM to videos or books that debunk the lies of posner and Bugliosi and the warren commission,like the chickenshit cowards they are,they run off with their tail between their legs.

The way these stupid fucks debate,they would be laughed out of a debating hall in a second the way they change the subject and evade the facts you present. I am done wasting my time with these stupid ass paid trolls.

since the only people you can have a reasonable discussion with on this is people like Gipper and Doc,I am just going to talk to those intelligent guys.I am only interested in discussing this with people who want to look at BOTH sides and these stupid fucks have proven throughout this entire thread,they clearly dont look at facts and evidence that dont support their ramblings and the propaganda of the governments.
There is no dodgeball, DD is incorrect. Posner and Bugliosi may as well joins the minions worshipping Warren. Never heard of the dipshit, Edwin before today.
There is no dodgeball, DD is incorrect. Posner and Bugliosi may as well joins the minions worshipping Warren. Never heard of the dipshit, Edwin before today.

I'm not worshipping anyone. I've looked at the evidence, and agree with most experts who point to Oswald being the lone gunman.
You want to believe something else, knock yourself out.

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