Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

JFK was MORE than Caroline's father. We all deserve to know what happened and there's no reason for him to have "run things by her".

You honestly believe you're going to find out some new earth shattering news about this?

I honestly believe there was no reason to get the blessings of Caroline Kennedy or her family to release the documents as prescribed by law.

Which is why you too are déclassé: "fallen or lowered in class, rank, or social position; of inferior status"..

Non sequitur elitist crap from a fool.

elitist and fool seem to be contradictory... seems you can't tell fact from reality even in that small regard.

Wow, your vocabulary so limited that you think elitist (a person who believes that society should be run by an "elite" group) and a fool (someone who behaves in a silly way) are mutually exclusive? You should ask for a refund for the money your parents invested in your poor education.
DD is incorrect in suggesting Posner or Bugliosi carries the only credibility, including the exclusive credibility of Warren. Much is left out. There will be a review.
If there are votes for Doc1, then for christ's sake, look back to 1953 as was pointed out. Badger2 was pointing to 1956 about the same time.
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.
Yes, Nixon's interpreter and secretary, Vernon Walters, was also Jesuit trained in the UK. As the reader can see, Walters' background is obscure, as was the Clinton mafia link to the CIA in Tennessee, which is the DNA pivot to British MI6 & MI5. Spellman's boot was that JFK understood the pathologies of the copulation of church and state.
Even if they did (which there is zero evidence) it is NOT illegal!
That has not been determined

If they have not determined it yet in over a year, it's not happening!
Watergate took time

They have not released their findings yet. Trump may come out clean but his people won't.

Regardless ....the Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

what exactly did Russia do the changed the outcome of the NOvember 2016 election? You and Jilly are so sure it happened, you should have no trouble giving us the specifics. Come on, tell us.


They provided illegally obtained information that Trump used in his campaign
They conducted a propaganda campaign on Trumps behalf

there is zero proof that the data released about the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media came from Russia. There is zero evidence that it was obtained illegally.

The Hillary campaign conducted a propaganda campaign against Trump. That's what political campaigns are all about. political propaganda is not illegal.

Your real issue here is that your wonderful Hillary got her fat ass beat when all of the media pukes promised you that she would win.

But since you keep bringing this up. Tell us why Russia would prefer someone like Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they owned and could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.

will the truth finally come out? I doubt it.
Even if they did (which there is zero evidence) it is NOT illegal!
That has not been determined

If they have not determined it yet in over a year, it's not happening!
Watergate took time

They have not released their findings yet. Trump may come out clean but his people won't.

Regardless ....the Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

what exactly did Russia do the changed the outcome of the NOvember 2016 election? You and Jilly are so sure it happened, you should have no trouble giving us the specifics. Come on, tell us.

oh kookie cookie.... what would you say if the Russians helped Hillary Clinton?

I know the answer... you'd be saying she should be hung for treason, idiota

the Russians didn't help either of them. wikileaks MAY have helped Trump by releasing the facts about the cheating and corruption of the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media. Funny how the truth affects voters, isn't it?

What did the Russians get in return for the 140 million they gave to the Clinton foundation and the 500K that they gave Bill Clinton for a speech in Moscow? Answer: title to 20% of US uranium reserves.
That has not been determined

If they have not determined it yet in over a year, it's not happening!
Watergate took time

They have not released their findings yet. Trump may come out clean but his people won't.

Regardless ....the Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

what exactly did Russia do the changed the outcome of the NOvember 2016 election? You and Jilly are so sure it happened, you should have no trouble giving us the specifics. Come on, tell us.


They provided illegally obtained information that Trump used in his campaign
They conducted a propaganda campaign on Trumps behalf

there is zero proof that the data released about the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media came from Russia. There is zero evidence that it was obtained illegally.

The Hillary campaign conducted a propaganda campaign against Trump. That's what political campaigns are all about. political propaganda is not illegal.

Your real issue here is that your wonderful Hillary got her fat ass beat when all of the media pukes promised you that she would win.

But since you keep bringing this up. Tell us why Russia would prefer someone like Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they owned and could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.
Again with your denial

YES Russia interfered with our election
It is no longer a question of IF, but of HOW MUCH?

Why would Russia prefer Trump?
Because his election would throw the US political system into disarray, Trump would upset the NATO alliance and UN and Trump would diminish the US global leadership.
Exactly what has happened and Russia has benefitted from a Trump Presidency
Redfish about the uranium, and all one has to do is align the chron for the Chappaqua Blue Racer's visit to Ethiopia. The Oromea Basin is also a location for Russian uranium speculation, because the Ethiopian government asked Russia to assist.
There is no dodgeball, DD is incorrect. Posner and Bugliosi may as well joins the minions worshipping Warren. Never heard of the dipshit, Edwin before today.
yeah as i said before badger,everytime you present videos to them here that debunk the lies of posner,bugliosi and the warren report,they do this-:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

EVERYTIME without fail since pesky facts dont go along with their warped opinions.:D

this is what he does everytime he refers you to posner and Bugliosi's two books.

he never gets tired of coming here having shit all over his face.:lmao::haha:

there is a dodgeball game,but it is only DD and the other magic bullet theorists playing the dodgeball game being cowards running off from videos I post since they have pesky facts in them that dont support his heros lies of Posner and Bugliosi.:lmao:
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DD is incorrect in suggesting Posner or Bugliosi carries the only credibility, including the exclusive credibility of Warren. Much is left out. There will be a review.

that is because he only looks at material that support the warren commission. He cant stand toe to toe in a debate against the likes of us the fact he cant counter any of the evidence i presented in my videos of facts that prove oswald innocent and multiple shooters were involved. many facts that are not addressed in posner or Bugliosi's books or the fictional warren commission.:lmao::haha:
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There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.

just look throughout this entire thread and you will notice the magic bullet theorists who have their head up Bugliosi and Posners asses,that if they are confronted with pesky facts and evidence that oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters with videos you present,that without fail,they do THIS-:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

everytime like clockwork:D.Unlike US,they only look at ONE SIDE OF THE COIN.they dont bother to look at both sides,they freaking cowards cant stand toe to toe in a debate.:D

they remind me of that one troll WRONGwinger,who cant admit to being wrong to me that he said three years ago the Rams would never come back to LA,that I did not know what i was talking about. they are the same as him.:lmao::haha: just be glad they are not your lawyer,they would lose every case for you in a courtroom the fact they never look at the evidence.:biggrin:
That has not been determined

If they have not determined it yet in over a year, it's not happening!
Watergate took time

They have not released their findings yet. Trump may come out clean but his people won't.

Regardless ....the Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

what exactly did Russia do the changed the outcome of the NOvember 2016 election? You and Jilly are so sure it happened, you should have no trouble giving us the specifics. Come on, tell us.


They provided illegally obtained information that Trump used in his campaign
They conducted a propaganda campaign on Trumps behalf

there is zero proof that the data released about the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media came from Russia. There is zero evidence that it was obtained illegally.

The Hillary campaign conducted a propaganda campaign against Trump. That's what political campaigns are all about. political propaganda is not illegal.

Your real issue here is that your wonderful Hillary got her fat ass beat when all of the media pukes promised you that she would win.

But since you keep bringing this up. Tell us why Russia would prefer someone like Trump who they could not control over Hillary who they owned and could blackmail into doing exactly what they wanted.

somehow i just KNEW this post had to be directed at USMB's resident troll

this troll has done NOTHING but whine and cry like a 3 year old baby for almost a whole year now over his hero Hellery not getting elected.:D:lmao:

That is EXACTLY what he has done for the past two years as well when I ask him the question of what was it you were saying about the Rams never coming back to LA?:haha::lmao: he has whined and cried like a three year old for over two years with me on THAT issue as well.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
I'm not worshipping anyone. I've looked at the evidence, and agree with most experts who point to Oswald being the lone gunman.
You want to believe something else, knock yourself out.[/QUOTE]

yeah and as we BOTH know as you have proved on this thread,you WONT look at the INDEPENDENT experts who prove oswald innocent and multiple shooters are involved because they are not corrupt as those government so called experts on the governments payroll you refer to.:uhoh3:

you have proven to us too many times to remember on this thread this is what you do when videos are shown that have cold hard facts and evidence oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters-:scared1:

since pesky facts dont go along with your babbles.:asshole:
After the release of the records, we will know what we always knew

Oswald acted alone
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.


You seriously need to consider medications

Knights of Malta?????
That has not been determined

If they have not determined it yet in over a year, it's not happening!
Watergate took time

They have not released their findings yet. Trump may come out clean but his people won't.

Regardless ....the Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

what exactly did Russia do the changed the outcome of the NOvember 2016 election? You and Jilly are so sure it happened, you should have no trouble giving us the specifics. Come on, tell us.

oh kookie cookie.... what would you say if the Russians helped Hillary Clinton?

I know the answer... you'd be saying she should be hung for treason, idiota

the Russians didn't help either of them. wikileaks MAY have helped Trump by releasing the facts about the cheating and corruption of the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media. Funny how the truth affects voters, isn't it?

What did the Russians get in return for the 140 million they gave to the Clinton foundation and the 500K that they gave Bill Clinton for a speech in Moscow? Answer: title to 20% of US uranium reserves.

sorry, I don't deal with delusional liars.

our intelligence forces said ABSOLUTELY they worked on behalf of the orange idiot. even if the moron didn't collude with them, what better way for Russia to destroy the country than install this moron.

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