Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.


You seriously need to consider medications

Knights of Malta?????

I know infinitely more than you do....LA RAM FAN knows infinitely more than you. He, Mister Beale and a few others are among my peers when it comes to research based on due dilgence. You are an intellectual lightweight, short on facts and data but long on conjecture.
You are both certifiably psycho
There was way more to the Kennedy death than we would ever know.

To many people saw things that day at Dealy Plaza.

Hope the files have loads of info.


yeah these magic bullet theorists ignore pesky facts that too many people that day saw events that did not go along with the warren commissions findings and those people who gave their stories that did not go along with the warren commission,met very untimely convienet deaths disguised as suicide,car crashs,plane crashs,drug over dose,ect,ect

Till the clintons took office,there had never been a case like this where so many people who had so much damaging information,ended up dying in very bizarre mysterious deaths .

Nov 22nd 1963 wasnt just the about the murder of the president of the united states and the real perpetraters getting away with it,it was ALSO about the fact they killed so many innocent americans that day that were whistle blowers that had information that did not go along with governments version of events being murdered.that is how it STILL affects us today that they got away with murdering several innocent witnesses to the assassination as well.

thats how it still affects us today because if the government is never going to be held accountable for their actions,then how the freaking hell is this a democracy or a free country?:rolleyes:
After more than 50 years.....The Warren Commission findings hold true

The release of these files will do nothing to change that
this is the pic of disinfo agent wrongwinger crying to his handler after his ass beatings on this thread.:rofl::haha:


Oswald heard that JFK would be driving by his place of work so he brought his gun, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out
Horse manure. The Warren Commission did not, for example, go into detail about Oswald's half-brother from a previous marriage. Ultimate Sacrifice does:

'His own father died two months before he was born....Half-brother John Edward Pic, was in the Coast Guard at New York....Pic wasn't just in the Coast Guard, he was in the Coast Guard Port Security Unit (PSU) described by researcher Craig Parker as working "hand in glove with the FBI and Naval Intelligence searching out subversives in the maritime industry" Oswald "idolized" Pic. Pic planned to eventually join the Air Force, which probably spurred Oswald's interest in the Civil Air Patrol....Agent Hosty was ordered to destroy Oswald's note....since Oswald was under tight surveillance by Naval Intelligence.'
(Ultimate Sacrifice)
But Hosty wasn't even there when Oswald dropped off the note at Hosty,'s office. His secretary took the note. Was this the very first time she had ever seen "Lee Harvey Oswald?"
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.


You seriously need to consider medications

Knights of Malta?????

I know infinitely more than you do....LA RAM FAN knows infinitely more than you. He, Mister Beale and a few others are among my peers when it comes to research based on due dilgence. You are an intellectual lightweight, short on facts and data but long on conjecture.
You are both certifiably psycho

LOL! You really don't see how stupid and ignorant you come across here and if you did? I doubt you would care.
Below is a link to a letter written by John McCone ( head of the CIA) to James J Rowley (head of the Secret Service and both Jesuits, btw). This was written in March of 1964. Please pay special attention to this part.....

Subject( Oswald) received additional indoctrination at our own Camp Peary site from September 8 to October 17, 1958, and participated in a few relatively minor assignments until arrangements were made for his entry into the Soviet Union in September 1959. While in the Soviet Union, he was on special assignment in the area of Minsk. It would not be advantageous at this time to divulge the specifics of that assignment; however, if you wish this information, it can be made available for your personal inspection within the confines of our own offices, or I can send it by courier on the condition that it not leave the custody of the courier. I am concerned that if this information were in any way disclosed to the wrong persons, it would lead the media to erroneously claim this agency, and perhaps others, were directly involved in the Dallas action. While the persons involved were in the employ of this agency, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it is virtually impossible for this or any agency to maintain full, 24-hours-a-day responsibility over its operatives.

I'm happy with this.


Yeah, it's fine. Some FBI/CIA guys might get egg on their faces, and the gaps in knowledge and the fanciful leads they followed (out of diligence) will fuel the conspiracy nutballs, but so what? They were already nutballs.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

Trump didn't have to act, rules never apply to him. But, one data point can not explain away the fact that Trump is constantly doing/tweeting/saying things to change the conversation.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

Trump didn't have to act, rules never apply to him. But, one data point can not explain away the fact that Trump is constantly doing/tweeting/saying things to change the conversation.

Change the conversation from what? I notice leftards are AWFULLY quiet about the Hildebeast, Russia and uranium.......Hildebeast, the DNC and the Russian Trump dossier and where the money come for to produce this ridiculous piss poor attempt to smear Trump.....crickets abound chirping up a storm.

Oswald heard that JFK would be driving by his place of work so he brought his gun, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out
His motive? The 1976 investigation concluded that it probably was a conspiracy.
United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia

Amazing to me as to how many of the suspected players in the murder of JFK died mysteriously before they were to testify before the senate committee hearing including those with mob ties. The jesuit controlled CIA always ties up those loose ends....better to be safe than sorry.
Oswald heard that JFK would be driving by his place of work so he brought his gun, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out
His motive? The 1976 investigation concluded that it probably was a conspiracy.
United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia

Amazing to me as to how many of the suspected players in the murder of JFK died mysteriously before they were to testify before the senate committee hearing including those with mob ties. The jesuit controlled CIA always ties up those loose ends....better to be safe than sorry.
Chief Justice Warren had very little to do with the Warren Commission. It was run by spymaster Allen Dulles, former head of the CIA who JFK canned.
Oswald heard that JFK would be driving by his place of work so he brought his gun, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out
His motive? The 1976 investigation concluded that it probably was a conspiracy.
United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia

Amazing to me as to how many of the suspected players in the murder of JFK died mysteriously before they were to testify before the senate committee hearing including those with mob ties. The jesuit controlled CIA always ties up those loose ends....better to be safe than sorry.
Chief Justice Warren had very little to do with the Warren Commission. It was run by spymaster Allen Dulles, former head of the CIA who JFK canned.

And somehow Dulles ended up on the Warren commision......un-fucking real.
Oswald heard that JFK would be driving by his place of work so he brought his gun, fired three shots and blew the Presidents brains out
His motive? The 1976 investigation concluded that it probably was a conspiracy.
United States House Select Committee on Assassinations - Wikipedia

His motive was very simple. He wanted the attention that a political assassination would bring
Same attention he sought by shooting Gen Walker
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.


You seriously need to consider medications

Knights of Malta?????

I know infinitely more than you do....LA RAM FAN knows infinitely more than you. He, Mister Beale and a few others are among my peers when it comes to research based on due dilgence. You are an intellectual lightweight, short on facts and data but long on conjecture.
You are both certifiably psycho

LOL! You really don't see how stupid and ignorant you come across here and if you did? I doubt you would care.
Below is a link to a letter written by John McCone ( head of the CIA) to James J Rowley (head of the Secret Service and both Jesuits, btw). This was written in March of 1964. Please pay special attention to this part.....

Subject( Oswald) received additional indoctrination at our own Camp Peary site from September 8 to October 17, 1958, and participated in a few relatively minor assignments until arrangements were made for his entry into the Soviet Union in September 1959. While in the Soviet Union, he was on special assignment in the area of Minsk. It would not be advantageous at this time to divulge the specifics of that assignment; however, if you wish this information, it can be made available for your personal inspection within the confines of our own offices, or I can send it by courier on the condition that it not leave the custody of the courier. I am concerned that if this information were in any way disclosed to the wrong persons, it would lead the media to erroneously claim this agency, and perhaps others, were directly involved in the Dallas action. While the persons involved were in the employ of this agency, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, it is virtually impossible for this or any agency to maintain full, 24-hours-a-day responsibility over its operatives.

As usual, your sources appear to be bogus (that means fake)

McCone-Rowley Document
It has been around since circa 1990, but in the early 2000s a document, supposedly written by CIA chief John McCone to Secret Service chief James J. Rowley contained some explosive revelations about Lee Oswald being an agent in the service of U.S. security agencies. However, the document turned out to be a forgery, and even the vast majority of conspiracy theorists now reject it.
Of course, most conspiracy theorists are honest, and would not forge documents to make their case. However, several have been fooled by these hoaxes, and it is ironic that all the proven forgeries connected with the case have come, not from the government, but from conspiracists.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.

Why didn't Mr. Transparency Award, Barak Obama, do it?

That is the better question.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.

Why didn't Mr. Transparency Award, Barak Obama, do it?

That is the better question.

Because the JFK Records disclosure act specified 25 years to release the remaining records
/----/ I don't know how old you are Gipper, but I was 12 when JFK was murdered. I've followed the story for decades, read the conspiracy theories, changed my mind several times on the Warren Commission, read how LBJ stopped the CIA from chasing down leads in Cuba because he wanted to wrap up the investigation as fast as possible. I read how Oswald's real target was Richard Nixon who left Dallas the morning of 11/22/63 and JFK was simply a target of convenience.
Nixon in Dallas
Now I believe Oswald most likely acted alone in the actual shooting but had some support or encouragement along the way. I also believe the USSS and CIA were complacent. It was a different time, we were still reveling in our victory in WWII, it was the era of the 1950s , prosperity and relative peace. And no one thought it could possibly happen and most including me didn't believe the news when we heard it.

The CIA documents will be interesting to see.
There can be no doubt there was a conspiracy in his death. That may not mean Oswald wasn’t involved, but there is no way he acted alone. The government’s actions before and after clearly indicates conspiracy.

The CIA docs will offer nothing new. It is likely they will continue to promote the government’s abdurd position that Oswald acted alone. Then dumb Americans will continue to believe the big lie.

If that's all there is, there was no reason to seal it for 50 years.
It is all about distortion.

I don't think so, I thought cover up at the time and I think cover up today. Maybe we will finally know. I hope so. If its about distortion, who is distorting and why?
If the government was involved, do you really think they would expose themselves?

These documents will merely support what the warren commission concluded.

those involved are no longer "the government". Many of them are dead. Will the truth come out? I doubt it, but it just might.

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