Despite CIA pressure, Trump decides not to block the declassification of the JFK files

There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.
What we heard from Oswald was "I was a patsy". He was indeed one of the shooters.
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.
What we heard from Oswald was "I was a patsy". He was indeed one of the shooters.

except nobody has ever been able to prove that.

there are several videos out there you can do a google search on where the evidence cannot be refuted he was innocent.
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.
What we heard from Oswald was "I was a patsy". He was indeed one of the shooters.

except nobody has ever been able to prove that.

there are several videos out there you can do a google search on where the evidence cannot be refuted he was innocent.

The recoil from the type of bolt action weapon Oswald is alleged to have used had serious recoil and with a scope would require i having to refocus on the target and thus not enough time to get off the numerous shoots and "NO" (to the moron millions) there were not just three shots fired. The bullet whole through the windshield of the limo was repaired and the seats restored at a Ford plant three days after JFK was murdered that Lee Iacocca personally oversaw. There are a litany of inconsistencies like the taking of JFK's body to Bethesda, Maryland under gunpoint by the very Secret Service that "stood down" when Dallas County had jurisdiction to do the autopsy.
Warren Commission Mysteris, continued

Why has no one ever seen proof that de Mohrenschildt's doctor actually had a license to practice? Why did de Mohrenschildt's wife have to stay in the waiting room while he was being examined?

George de Mohrenschildt
George de Mohrenschildt - Wikipedia
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.

why now??? is that a serious question? it's the left who wants the more than anyone...try and find out "why now" before you respond with an excuse.

Releasing the JFK records is only one Tweet which he has used to change the conversation. Trump is childlike, he hopes to find a way to keep his name in the press on his terms, and keep the media chasing its tail. Clearly he has yet to find the tweet able to cover up his inadequacies.
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.


You seriously need to consider medications

Knights of Malta?????

I know infinitely more than you do....LA RAM FAN knows infinitely more than you. He, Mister Beale and a few others are among my peers when it comes to research based on due dilgence. You are an intellectual lightweight, short on facts and data but long on conjecture.
If they have not determined it yet in over a year, it's not happening!
Watergate took time

They have not released their findings yet. Trump may come out clean but his people won't.

Regardless ....the Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

what exactly did Russia do the changed the outcome of the NOvember 2016 election? You and Jilly are so sure it happened, you should have no trouble giving us the specifics. Come on, tell us.

oh kookie cookie.... what would you say if the Russians helped Hillary Clinton?

I know the answer... you'd be saying she should be hung for treason, idiota

the Russians didn't help either of them. wikileaks MAY have helped Trump by releasing the facts about the cheating and corruption of the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media. Funny how the truth affects voters, isn't it?

What did the Russians get in return for the 140 million they gave to the Clinton foundation and the 500K that they gave Bill Clinton for a speech in Moscow? Answer: title to 20% of US uranium reserves.

sorry, I don't deal with delusional liars.

our intelligence forces said ABSOLUTELY they worked on behalf of the orange idiot. even if the moron didn't collude with them, what better way for Russia to destroy the country than install this moron.

Shillian, you are the delusional one. You totally ignore the Russian ties to the Hildebeast and the Podesta brothers. You ignore all the foreign donations to the Clinton slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. You ignore the financial fiasco of Haiti where Bill "drop trou" was in charge of taking in money to help the Haitian people that they never got. The Hilebeast's brother, however, got the rights to mine gold in Haiti........Laura Silsby? Heard of her? You should.........

Let's face it, you bring absolutely nothing to this
Yahoo News: Dems Lawyer gets whacked for Russian dossier.

Drop the Clinton mafia.
My prediction? The release of JFK assassination documents will do nothing to settle the conspiracy theorists down. Nothing. They'll just expand the conspiracy.
There was way more to the Kennedy death than we would ever know.

To many people saw things that day at Dealy Plaza.

Hope the files have loads of info.
Your prediction performs fellatio on dead bears. There was already tons of info neither in books nor in the media, nor this thread.
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.
/----/ And tell us, Dear TrumpButtSore, what is your idea of class?
Huckabee scolds Obama for 'bad manners' during pope visit
View attachment 155679
This relates to the OP how?
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.
What we heard from Oswald was "I was a patsy". He was indeed one of the shooters.

except nobody has ever been able to prove that.

there are several videos out there you can do a google search on where the evidence cannot be refuted he was innocent.

The recoil from the type of bolt action weapon Oswald is alleged to have used had serious recoil and with a scope would require i having to refocus on the target and thus not enough time to get off the numerous shoots and "NO" (to the moron millions) there were not just three shots fired. The bullet whole through the windshield of the limo was repaired and the seats restored at a Ford plant three days after JFK was murdered that Lee Iacocca personally oversaw. There are a litany of inconsistencies like the taking of JFK's body to Bethesda, Maryland under gunpoint by the very Secret Service that "stood down" when Dallas County had jurisdiction to do the autopsy.

Recorded audio revealed three shots all appropriately spaced
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.
What we heard from Oswald was "I was a patsy". He was indeed one of the shooters.

except nobody has ever been able to prove that.

there are several videos out there you can do a google search on where the evidence cannot be refuted he was innocent.

The recoil from the type of bolt action weapon Oswald is alleged to have used had serious recoil and with a scope would require i having to refocus on the target and thus not enough time to get off the numerous shoots and "NO" (to the moron millions) there were not just three shots fired. The bullet whole through the windshield of the limo was repaired and the seats restored at a Ford plant three days after JFK was murdered that Lee Iacocca personally oversaw. There are a litany of inconsistencies like the taking of JFK's body to Bethesda, Maryland under gunpoint by the very Secret Service that "stood down" when Dallas County had jurisdiction to do the autopsy.

Recorded audio revealed three shots all appropriately spaced
Not true!
Q. Why now

A. Trump's desperate to change the conversation, and will do almost anything to do so - no matter who it hurts, as long as it's not him.
There was a deadline set years ago for this Tuesday by the national archives where a decision had to be made to release them or keep them dormant for another 25 years where everybody involved would be guaranteed dead. Trump had to act due to the deadline. Don't you want the rest of the files open and find out the truth?

If Trump had any class - which off course he does not - he would have contacted Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg before tweeting. Maybe he did, but that would be way out of character for it is always about him.
/----/ And tell us, Dear TrumpButtSore, what is your idea of class?
Huckabee scolds Obama for 'bad manners' during pope visit
View attachment 155679
This relates to the OP how?
/----/ Sorry t confuse you, I was responding to the poster who wrote: "If Trump had any class - which off course he does no" to get his rreaction to Obama's bad manners.
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.
What we heard from Oswald was "I was a patsy". He was indeed one of the shooters.

except nobody has ever been able to prove that.

there are several videos out there you can do a google search on where the evidence cannot be refuted he was innocent.

The recoil from the type of bolt action weapon Oswald is alleged to have used had serious recoil and with a scope would require i having to refocus on the target and thus not enough time to get off the numerous shoots and "NO" (to the moron millions) there were not just three shots fired. The bullet whole through the windshield of the limo was repaired and the seats restored at a Ford plant three days after JFK was murdered that Lee Iacocca personally oversaw. There are a litany of inconsistencies like the taking of JFK's body to Bethesda, Maryland under gunpoint by the very Secret Service that "stood down" when Dallas County had jurisdiction to do the autopsy.
Notice that everytime we take these stupid fuck magic bullets theorists to school that the only pathetic comebacks they have in defeat is posting a laughing smiley since they know they cant counter pesky facts and evidence like what you just posted?:up:
There is no fucking way that Oswald even fired a shot. This was a concerted effort by the deep state operatives of the shadow government mostly of which belonged to the Knights of Malta and Jesuit schooled. Cardinal Spellman was given the boot by JFK and was refused intelligence briefings, JFK tried to bypass the Vatican Federal Reserve central bank. He was going to pull out of Vietnam, he wanted to blow up the CIA (Catholics In Action) and scatter it to the four winds. Anyone that believes Oswald did this is beyond stupid.......hate to be so blunt but that is the case.


You seriously need to consider medications

Knights of Malta?????

I know infinitely more than you do....LA RAM FAN knows infinitely more than you. He, Mister Beale and a few others are among my peers when it comes to research based on due dilgence. You are an intellectual lightweight, short on facts and data but long on conjecture.
dont forget a troll same as DD,that when confronted with evidence that does not go along with their babble,that same as DD does when he is confronted with pesky facts he cant debate,he does this in defeat-:scared1:

a very common evasive tactic used by the magic bullet theorists as they have shown in this whole thread.:D

Shillian, you are the delusional one. You totally ignore the Russian ties to the Hildebeast and the Podesta brothers. You ignore all the foreign donations to the Clinton slush fund cleverly disguised as a charitable foundation. You ignore the financial fiasco of Haiti where Bill "drop trou" was in charge of taking in money to help the Haitian people that they never got. The Hilebeast's brother, however, got the rights to mine gold in Haiti........Laura Silsby? Heard of her? You should.........

Let's face it, you bring absolutely nothing to this

dont forget to mention as well that SHILLIAN "ALSO" same as wrongwinger,admiral rockwell and idiot kid digital drifter,also ignore what forensic,ballistic and medical experts as well as witnesses that were there that day in 1963 say or ignore what many credible architects,engineers and demolition experts as well as expert pilots say that prove that the explanation given by the government on 9/11 and who was behind it all is complete bullshit.

that she ignores all these credible experts in their fields SHILLIAN does.her,wrongwinger,and digital drifter should do a threesome together dont you think? :lmao::rofl:

these trolls cant stand toe to toe in a debate and eveytime they open up their mouths they do this EVERY SINGLE TIME.-:dig:

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There was way more to the Kennedy death than we would ever know.

To many people saw things that day at Dealy Plaza.

Hope the files have loads of info.


yeah these magic bullet theorists ignore pesky facts that too many people that day saw events that did not go along with the warren commissions findings and those people who gave their stories that did not go along with the warren commission,met very untimely convienet deaths disguised as suicide,car crashs,plane crashs,drug over dose,ect,ect

Till the clintons took office,there had never been a case like this where so many people who had so much damaging information,ended up dying in very bizarre mysterious deaths .

Nov 22nd 1963 wasnt just the about the murder of the president of the united states and the real perpetraters getting away with it,it was ALSO about the fact they killed so many innocent americans that day that were whistle blowers that had information that did not go along with governments version of events being murdered.that is how it STILL affects us today that they got away with murdering several innocent witnesses to the assassination as well.

thats how it still affects us today because if the government is never going to be held accountable for their actions,then how the freaking hell is this a democracy or a free country?:rolleyes:
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